

Friday, January 7, 2011


I, along with what I think is most likely a majority of my fellow Americans, will now have some very specific expectations for the new Republican controlled House as well as for those new members coming into the Senate. Expectations that we see as being nothing short of vital to the survival of our country. Expectations that must be met, or else. The "or else" being, that if they can't manage to get the job done, keeping promises made, then we'll go out and hire someone who can in 2 years. Besides doing everything humanly possible in their efforts to “KILL” Obamacare, they will also need to work to stymie anything and everything having to do with this very dangerous notion of “Net Neutrality” and to permanently lay to rest the whole concept of the “Fairness Doctrine.” In that same vein, there is a desperate need to reel in an obviously out of control FCC, which by the way is currently headed up by none other than an old college buddy, and fellow traveler, of Barry's. And another area that will need to be urgently addressed is the price of gas which is once again averaging over three dollars a gallon. Republicans must work toward forcing Barry and his environmental wacko administration into the direction of a creating a much more responsible energy program. What is needed in this country is a much less restrictive drilling policy which is far from being a priority of Barry's. He wants to limit as much as possible any drilling, anywhere. We can't drill off shore, we can't drill on government land, we can't drill in the frozen wasteland that is the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR), we can't, we can't, we can't. "Drill, baby drill," now needs to be the mantra of the Republican Party. This is not rocket science, it's quite simple really. What's needed, is for us to drill here and drill now! DUH! What sense does it make to anyone that we have countries like Communist China, Russia and even India drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and yet we do not allow American companies to be drilling there? I'll tell you how much sense it makes, NONE! And how may jobs in the state of Louisiana been lost because of Barry "Almighty?" The basis for the whole concept of Barry's anti-oil agenda is nothing more than a blatant attempt to convince the American of the evil of oil and to buy into his idiotic pipedream regarding the need for more "green" technology.

But scarier still is the fervor with which Barry insists upon pursuing, and with nearly a maniacal enthusiasm, the radical perpetuation of the repeatedly proven falsehood that is manmade global warming/climate change. This whole theory has been proven to be nothing more than a myth, which most rational individuals view as being a unique form of insanity. What it is in reality is the "New Left's" method of choice for destroying Capitalism. Because we should all be very aware that as Barry "Almighty's" administration enters 2011, it will be pressing full speed ahead with a renewed vigor regarding the enacting new and more stringent regulations all under the banner of fighting climate change. On the positive side, the hopes of those environmentalists' who support such nonsense were dashed, at least to some degree, here at home, where the proposal to create a first nationwide "cap-and-trade" plan thankfully died in the Senate. However, our buddy Barry, never one to be deterred in his efforts to further savage our economy and his team of malcontents and miscreants will nonetheless be seeking ever more creative ways to take action on their own. Starting January 2, began with their considering greenhouse gases when approving emission levels for large new industrial plants. The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on December 23 that it would go a step further starting in 2012 by setting greenhouse gas standards for power plants and petroleum refineries. It is these facilities which together account for nearly 40 percent of the emissions blamed for climate change. Hopefully, the Republicans will rise to the occasion to where Barry can expect a growing hostility to his climate agenda now that the 112th Congress has officially gotten underway. Hopefully we will now have what amounts to a true opposition party as a result of the November election. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, who, I must admit, I am not a big fan of, the Republican who will head the new House Energy and Commerce Committee, said the United States should be "working to bring more power online, not shutting plants down" to protect jobs. "We will not allow the administration to regulate what they have been unable to legislate," Upton said. Referencing the December 23 EPA announcement, "This Christmas surprise is nothing short of a back-door attempt to implement their failed job-killing cap-and-trade scheme.”

Barry's administration disagrees with current criticism, as it continues to insist that what it is doing is nothing more than to set standards, such as favoring green technology, and not imposing numeric caps on emissions as envisioned under most cap-and-trade proposals. The Barry "O" team and their wacko environmentalist allies continue to make the idiotic argument that a shift to green energy would create, not reduce, jobs by opening up a whole new area of growth in the troubled economy. Their whole plan is based on nothing but smoke and mirrors and, as with the passage his healthcare reform, when it comes to Barry working to advance his agenda, what's a few lies if, in the end, it's for our own good. They insist on sticking to their blatant lies, stubbornly making the claim that the world's temperature has been steadily rising and many scientists point to rising disasters — including devastating floods in Pakistan and, counter intuitively, intense blizzards — as evidence of climate change. Blah, Blah, Blah. I mean here we are just beginning the coldest January on record, and we're supposed to believe these crazies when the tell us it's caused by global warming? Look these clowns, including Barry, who are advocating such nonsense have absolutely zero credibility on any issue of substance, so why should we believe their cockamamie theories based on bad science? They have an ulterior motive that is so easy to see through. But the fact remains that the Democrats narrowly retained control of the Senate and our old buddy Barry, unfortunately, remains president, meaning he can fight any legislative efforts to weaken regulation on climate change. But several Republicans have vowed to fight a key U.S. promise in international negotiations — to contribute to poor countries seen as suffering the worst effects of climate change. The questions that remains is, will the Republicans go squishy?

The Cancun conference set up a Green Climate Fund, to which the European Union, Japan, and the United States have led pledges of $100 Billion dollars a year starting in 2020. Yes, that's billion with a "B." And just where is all of this additional money supposed to come from to pay for this crisis that doesn't even exist in the first place. Bracing for concerns about accountability, Barry's administration fought successfully in Cancun to put the World Bank in charge of the Green Climate Fund. Todd Stern, the chief U.S. climate negotiator, said the financial pledges were "extremely important" and "a core part of the deal." "Obviously, the fiscal situation is exceedingly tough in the U.S. It's tough in Europe and other places as well. And we are going to have to do the best we possibly can to carry out" the promises, Stern said. Exceedingly tough? Now isn't that quite the understatement? And just what the Hell is a "climate negotiator?" If anyone knows, can you please clue me in, because I have no freakin idea. Ya know, it just seems that with each passing day of this f**ked up administration this country goes just a little further down the proverbial tubes. As part of some future climate deal, the United States has pressed for fast-growing emerging nations such as China to agree to binding and verifiable action on climate change. India surprised many other countries in Cancun when it said it would consider a future binding deal. China has reiterated its opposition but promised to show flexibility. Despite the shift in Washington, California approved its own version of a cap-and-trade system after voters rightfully rejected a referendum to suspend air pollution control laws. By contrast, oil-producing Texas, has refused to abide by federal guidelines on emissions, leading the Barry "Almighty" administration to take over its permit system. That'll show them by God! The absolute arrogance of our current president is nothing short of amazing.

In spite of the wishful thinking of many on the Republican side of the aisle, that being that they expect Barry to begin to move toward the center, many conservatives outside of the party, especially those outside the beltway, continue to say louder and much more often, that that whole notion is nothing if not foolhardy and is something that is just not going to happen. No way, Jose. They're saying that the making of such a move is simply not Barry's DNA and every indicator would say that they are correct in their assumption. For him to do so would be tantamount to declaring that his policies not only have not worked, but will not work. And will never be something that he is willing to admit. He is determined to implement his ideas no matter what level of damage is inflected upon our country. Barry is not seen to be willing to take a cue from "BJ" Clinton and begin moving toward the center even after suffering a resounding Congressional defeat centered around an obvious repudiation of the very policies he is to determined to enact. Even after what were seen by many as being huge Republican gains in the midterm elections. And anyone with an ounce of brain power can also see that "Dingy Harry," who remains the Senate Majority Leader, “has blinders on” when it come to respecting the wishes of a majority of Americans. So is calling the Tea Party movement the “conscience” of congressional Republicans. When asked what Republicans’ priorities should be in the next session of Congress now that they have assumed control in the House and seen their numbers grow in the Senate, I would expect their priorities should be the exact same as those of the American people. That would seem to me to be the best rule of thumb to follow. Because I'll tell ya what, if the people get back to where they feel that they are being ignored, or that their opinion doesn't matter, what we'll see in November 2012 is a replay of what we just saw in November 2010.

Number one among the most urgent priorities, as stated earlier, is, REPEAL! REPEAL!! REPEAL!!! of the very bogus healthcare/insurance reform so affectionately referred to as, "Obamacare." It calls for the Republicans to at least make the attempt at passing a bill to repeal the healthcare law. Now I know, and you do too, that our buddy Barry will veto it and in all likelihood, the Senate probably won't even pass it, so it ends up as being largely a symbolic gesture. But still, it's an action that the Republicans "need" to take. In addition they are going to have to be willing to go after the healthcare bill by trying to take away the appropriations and by changing regulations. That is priority number one. Or, as they used to say at Ford, it needs to be considered as being Job 1 of the 112th Congress. As much as Barry and his cadre of leftists like to proclaim the benefits of this blatant seizure of our entire healthcare system, it was something that was literally forced down the throats of the American people. The entire premise of how much it was to cost and the benefits it was supposed to provide was based on nothing more than any number of outright lies by Barry himself. The people have spoken and continue to speak out very loudly and very clearly against this blatant seizing control, by the government, of something that is inherently personal. Every opportunity must now be seized to stop this so-called reform dead in its tracks, and as soon as possible. There is nothing about this supposed reform that accomplishes its stated goal of reducing costs. The only thing that is accomplished is the allowing of some governmental bureaucrat authority to dictate what kind of healthcare Americans are entitled to based on nothing more than is it worth the cost to provide it to them. And as we recently were made aware of, the death panels are very much alive and well. So watch out Seniors, Barry is coming for you! That is unless of course this monstrosity can be derailed.

Number two on our little hit parade is that the Republicans going to need to be coming up with ways to reduce spending and to make sure that previously mentioned "Cap and Trade" legislation never becomes a reality. They’ll need to be coming up with proposals every week, and other measures to try to create more jobs, including getting rid of regulations, creating more certainty. That would be the beginning of the new Congress.” They should be very well aware up front of the media onslaught that is inevitable once cuts begin to be made. They must be armed and ready to refute any and all accusations that will be headed their way. I think that it goes very much without say that the current well entrenched GOP leadership will be more than a little apprehensive about the new freshman class on arriving in Congress, including Senators Marco Rubio and Rand Paul. It has been said of our stellar leadership team that, “They certainly are looking over their shoulders at those more conservative new members, as well as tea party members.” And so it should be. I am far from being any kind of a fan of Mitch McConnell. But hey, who knows, maybe old Mitch will, in the end, surprise us all and choose to start making it a bit more difficult for "Dingy Harry" to advance his blatantly leftist agenda. But it will not be an easy task as both "Dingy Harry" and "Botox Nancy" have no regard for the wishes of the American people overall. We can only hope that these two will go the way of the dinosaurs. It has been said by someone who should know, “I think he’s so out of touch with the American people, as we saw with him expressing support for Michael Vick, whose major claim to fame is that he derived pleasure from the killing of innocent animals. That is the real Obama, and you’re going to see that continue for the rest of his term.”

Number three on our proverbial "To Do" list has to do with slamming the brakes on the damage that is being done to our National Defense and what rightfully needs to be called the "War On Terror" not some "Oversea Contingency Operation." This clown Robert Gates, who Bush chose to replace Donald Rumsfeld with, is nothing more than just another incompetent and dysfunctional bureaucrat who has spent entirely too much time in government service and a Barry yes man. He seems to be far too willing of an accomplice is assisting Barry to meet his objective of gutting our military and to weaken our National Defense. Barry seems to have a rather distasteful knack of showing much more sympathy toward the terrorists that he does for their victims. While on one hand I suppose it can be said that Barry is doing an adequate job in killing terrorists with predators, but in his equivocating about Gitmo, his letting war detainees out — and 25 percent of them return to terrorism — his policy of prosecuting former CIA people who were just doing interrogations that were approved by the Justice Department, all this undercuts morale and creates the perception that Obama is not really serious about pursuing the war on terror. Following the obvious blunder that allowed the acquittal of Guantanamo Bay detainee Ahmed Ghailani on most charges in a civilian court, Barry will, we can only hope, likely give up on trying terror suspects in civilian courts and instead will either detain them indefinitely at Gitmo, or eventually try them in military courts. And as much as he would like to, and as much as he has promised to do so it is not very likely that Barry will ever close Gitmo because there’s simply no way to do it. But who knows, I've been wrong before regarding what I thought Barry would and would not do in any given situation.

I have a feeling that we'll know in pretty short order in which direction the new 112th Congress will be going. We'll begin to see if the actions of those newly elected reflect the rhetoric we've been hearing and the promises made throughout the most recent campaign, or if it was all nothing more than empty talk used just to get elected. Will it be more business as usual or will they actually set about making the tough decisions that are truly needed? There is too much hanging in the balance for them to not now carry through with the many promises made. The agenda will not be an easy one to fulfill, and those trying to turn back the fiscal clock will be on the receiving end of and endless and savage onslaught by Democrats and their many allies in the state run media conglomerate. Courage, strength of will and a high level of resolve are going to be what's needed from here on out of we are to meet with any level of success. We will very shortly see who has the necessary character and is willing to put the country above themselves. And I am not saying that everything needs to be done in the next two years. Having said that, what needs to be seen is that those recently elected have been listening to the American people and are working to do what it is that the people want done. So, I guess at the end of the day, we shall see what we shall see.

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