

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


According to that stellar U.S. Senator, "Chuckie" Schumer, that pillar of honesty and integrity, right, the fact that the Republicans may now be threatening to deny an increase in the government’s debt ceiling is to be considered as being nothing short if irresponsible and seen as “playing with fire.” Ya know, in reality, doesn’t the extreme level of irresponsibility that is present here lie with guys like "Chuckie?" You know, it's guys like "Chuckie" who continue to spend vast sums of money, money that we do not have, that essentially allows them to continue on with their arcane notion that if we can just, somehow, spend enough money, we can magically bring about some semblance of an economic recovery. That little theory has been disproven more times than I care to talk about, to the point where I think it safe to describe anyone who chooses to still stubbornly defend it, as fitting the definition of being insane. Because they believe that no matter how many times such a train of thought is pursued, they will eventually hit upon their desired outcome, that, of course, being a thriving economy. And when someone finally does step up to make the claim that this whole cockamamie concept is based on a myth, it's always guys like "Chuckie" here, who come pretty much completely unhinged, using all types of accusatory rhetoric in an effort to deflect attention and who remain committed to an obviously indefensible position. “If we didn’t renew the debt ceiling, our soldiers and veterans wouldn’t be paid, social security checks wouldn’t go out,” the New York Democrat said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program. “Worst of all, we might permanently threaten confidence of the credit markets in the dollar, which would create a recession worse than the one we have now, or even a depression.” And just why is that, Chuck? Might it be because you and your corrupt little cadre of cohorts have been spending money in such a way that can only be described as being reckless? Borrowing like absolute fiends from our “friends” the Communist Chinese, while you go about mortgaging the futures of our kids? What do you think, there Chuck, old buddy? At this point in time what guys like "Chuckie" are trying to do is to present the image that yet another “crisis” is looming just over the horizon all in an effort to blackmail the rest of us so that we buy into their never-ending madness. It's guys like "Chuckie" who have worked feverishly to bring this calamity upon us, and I can only assume that they were thinking that when all this would come due, which they had to know, they'd still be in control. And being still in control they would just arbitrarily raise the debt ceiling, forcing it through like they did their bogus healthcare/insurance reform and number of other things. And that we the people would then find ourselves in the position of having no recourse but to accept whatever they chose to do. Thus is the standard methodology of the Democrat Party.

Republicans in Congress have now told Barry "Almighty" and Democrats that they won’t agree to raise the government’s debt limit unless specific spending cuts are identified and followed through on. To me, that sounds like a very reasonable rationale on which to base things made by very reasonable people. Responding in a letter to congressional leaders, Treasury Secretary Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner said the $14.29 trillion debt limit may be reached as soon as March 31 and “most likely” by May 16. Therefore once again working to create the perception and laying the groundwork that can then be used to justify their claim of yet another crisis situation in need of being urgently addressed. Everything that this current administration wishes to accomplish is always based on the premise that whatever action they deem as being necessary must be taken and taken now in order to avert some mythical crisis. And it's all nothing more than a bunch of crap. Chicago style politics in alive and well and emanating from an Oval Office that rivals that of Nixon in the way it chooses to utilize every manner of threat or innuendo. Most of these slimy Democrats would sell out their own mother if they thought that it would result in any sort of political. A more sick and twisted bunch I doubt you'll never see. And when you've got someone the caliber of Barry leading the pack, well then, there no guessing to how far things are liable to disintegrate or how quickly. The current wide range of attacks on our country currently underway from within poses a danger equal to or greater than anything we currently face from outside our borders. With each passing day we face the very real risk of being forced to face some pretty dire consequences in the very near term. All you have to do is look around you, or make one trip to your local grocery store or gas station. There is no rationale whatsoever to what the Democrats are busy trying to do unless, of course, you consider the fact that they truly are trying to bring about the collapse, financially, economically and internationally, of this country. You don't even have to be all that observant to see what they trying to do, just have more brains than your standard ice cube. That's where the real problem comes into play, the fact that far too many Americans don't have the brains of your common ice cube. Therefore, they will, more often that not, believe whatever it is that either the Democrats or the media tells them. Geez, how sad is that?

"Chuckie" Schumer has said, and quite emphatically, that both parties will “have to come together on spending,” going so far as to make the nonsensical statement that Democrats “agree there ought to be spending cuts.” Yeh right, if there are two things that do not go together, it’s Democrats and spending cuts. How this jerk's tune has suddenly changed. I'm constantly finding myself wondering exactly why it is that this clown is someone that anyone really needs to be listening to, anyway. Back when the Democrats had their super majority going for them, and were busy shoving through everything they could, "Chuckie" didn't give a squat about whether "both" parties were involved or not in working "together" on anything. "Chuckie" said he is “glad” that Republican House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor have said they won’t use the debt ceiling as a threat. AND WHY THE HELL NOT? You know darn well that if he was presented with the very same opportunity, good old "Chuckie" certainly would use it a threat. He's such a f**king hypocrite! There's nothing that pathetic old scumbag Democrats like "Chuckie" enjoy better than the making of threats! These bellicose buffoons live to make threats! They are used to pushing the substantial weight around and using their many media assets to intimidate, working as best they can in order to get those all those who oppose their efforts to back down. That's why we are where we are. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, when asked if his fellow Republicans in Congress should oppose raising the federal debt ceiling, said they “should have the guts to put up or shut up.” Republicans should “go out to the public and make your case,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.” Bravo to Governor Christie. The more I hear this, the more I like him!! The American people must be made to understand just how bad the mess is that we are in. Also they need to comprehend that it is guys like "Chucky" who are at fault for getting us here. This spot has got to be where we as Americans finally draw that last line in the sand and say very loudly and very clearly, this far and no further. It's time to CUT, CUT AND CUT SOME MORE. This spending binge that we are on is nothing but crazy and needs to reined in. We need to bring an end to this out of control entitlement mentality that has managed to spread assisted by greedy political hacks and begin the hard work of getting our fiscal house back in order. And our voices are going to need to be very loud and our players determined in their efforts because they are going to be outnumbered by the many voices coming from the Democrats, the state controlled media, the Unions, and God knows where else.

However, Governor Christie did stop short of saying that he is in favor or blocking an increase in the debt limit. He said in New Jersey he stood firm and yet avoided a state government shutdown “because I was clear” about bringing spending under control. That is exactly what is going to be required of the Republicans in Congress if they are to have any hope of yanking control of the argument from the Democrats and their many enablers in the state controlled media. Former Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, a possible Republican presidential candidate next year, said on “Fox News Sunday” that he opposes raising the debt ceiling and Republicans should “be willing to stand up and say ‘we’re not doing that anymore.’” He proposed to “sequence the spending” by the federal government to avoid a U.S. debt default. Senator Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, said on “Meet the Press” that failing to increase the debt ceiling would be “nothing compared with what’s going to happen to us if we don’t address the real issues facing our country” and work on spending cuts. The making of these arguments is a good starting point, but they are going to need to be made louder, more forcefully, as well as more often, until the American people, or at least enough of them, actually get it. The fact is that the Democrats have been playing fast and loose with taxpayer money for sometime, and it is passed time to bring some sort of accountability to this very broken system. Democrats are a unique breed. They are morally deficient, they have no positive character traits whatsoever, and they are of the opinion that they should never be held accountable for any of their highly destructive actions. Which are never anything short of reckless and irresponsible. The feel that they should be judged solely on the intent of their actions not on any of the adverse consequences their actions may bring about. No matter how dire the unintended consequences may be, they can never be judged as actually being the fault of Democrat policies. They live for one purpose and one purpose only, to advance their own power and agenda through the ever expanding size of government. They have an ulterior motive as they work drag our country further and further into what equates to an economic abyss. Their specific goal here is to get as many people as possible totally dependent upon the government.

With the House, now with a Republican majority, set to consider legislation to repeal the disastrous and bogus health-care overhaul enacted by a Democratic-controlled Congress, Senator Coburn said, “We’re not through the debate on health care in this country.” As we all very painfully remember, the Democrats, through what was nothing short of an act of pure legislative malpractice, shoved through the health-care law in March using all manner of sleazy tactic for no other reason than it is the centerpiece of Barry’s domestic agenda. The $940 billion plan, which passed with no Republican support, was claimed to result in providing coverage for 32 million uninsured Americans. Which it has now been shown to just one in a long list of false claims made about the supposed "reform.". Seventy percent of the American people now want this horrific piece of legislation altered or done away with in its entirety. The lies that were perpetrated by the Democrats in the effort to bamboozle the American people were on the same scale as those now being told by same group of crooks regarding our present debt problem. House Republicans, very unwisely I would argue, delayed a planned vote on health care last week after the Arizona shooting rampage that killed six people and critically injured Democratic U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. The last time I checked the vote is now scheduled to take place tomorrow, January 19. While House Republicans have enough votes to pass a repeal, the Democrats, who remain in control of the Senate, have stated that they will block any attempt at repeal there. "Chuckie" said there are changes to the bill that both parties can work on together, such as the repeal of a provision requiring businesses to report annual expenses to individual vendors in excess of $600. That mandate, known as the 1099 rule after an Internal Revenue Service form used by businesses, “puts too big a burden on small business,” he said. But what honestly needs to take place here and what a vast majority of Americans want to see, is a complete repeal of this blatant attempt by the government to seize control of our ability to obtain healthcare. It does nothing of what was promised by its supporters while costing far more than they claimed. It is based on nothing but lies on top of even more lies.

The level of shameless hypocrisy that is constantly on display by frauds like our buddy "Chuckie" would be very loudly trumpeted in all manner available by our pathetic state controlled media if it were exhibited by anyone other than a Democrat politician. Say, any Republican or advocate of the conservative philosophy. The level of deception and outright dishonestly now being practiced by those of the Democrat Party has, I think it very safe to say, now reached epidemic proportions and a point where it now threatens the very survival of this country. These rabid ideologues and their many supporters have no difficulty whatsoever with looking the American people dead in the eye and lying to them. There is no real sense any longer that our government is one that abides by the will of the people, instead it is viewed as something that has morphed over time having now become a tool to be used, and to be driven by, the political elite in this country. The will of the people has come to matter very little, if at all, to any of those now in power. Especially, our president. And the responsibility for that having occurred, my friends, can be laid directly at the feet of the people! The more power we entrust to slugs like Schumer, the farther, and the faster, we will move away from what was intended for us by the Founders. We have already willingly ceded far too many of our freedoms to "the government," and what is it that we have gotten in return. Many would call it "soft oppression." But soft or otherwise, oppression is oppression no matter how you choose to slice it and it is not what was envisioned for us on that fateful day in September, 1787.

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