

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The left must not be allowed to once again capitalize on a tragic event using it to propel their efforts at both the limiting of free speech and to limit the right of every law abiding citizen to own a gun. But that is just what they are trying to do. Instead of attempting to have a rational discussion on what might have led this maniac to commit this horrific crime, they instead attempt to seize the moment and try to use the emotion it has stirred for their political advantage. How sick and twisted is that? What is going to result here is that the resolve as well as the intelligence of the American people is about to be tested once again. The left’s systematic ridicule of Sarah Palin and any other notable conservatives immediately following the Arizona shooting rampage reflects an outright and very deliberate campaign to “ultimately criminalize” conservative thought in America. The only philosophy that is to be accepted or tolerated is the one that has as its home, the leftist or "progressive" community in this country. Spewed by any number of those presently residing in academia, the Democrat Party as well as the state controlled media, all manner of tactic is to be considered as being acceptable if in the end it furthers the progressive cause. Manipulation of this most egregious incident is now very firmly underway and in the end may require yet another sanity check for the American people. The question is, how will they fare? You would think that anyone with even half a brain could very plainly see from where the most outrageous and profane vitriol comes from. And it isn't from anyone on the right, at least any one that can be considered as being responsible. The whole intent behind the actions of those on the left is to completely shut down any and all meaningful debate and to stifle any criticism whatsoever of leftist, or progressive, policies. They wish to keep the American people totally in the dark as they continue their trampling of our civil liberties.

The most recent round of epithets being very vigorously hurled at those who comprise the Right, began even before 22-year-old Jared Loughner appeared in Federal Court in Phoenix on Monday on charges of trying to assassinate U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. The shooting spree which took place on Saturday at a Safeway supermarket north of Tucson, left six dead and 13 wounded. The judge ordered that Mr. Loughner be held without bail. Since that time Rush Limbaugh has weighed in on the discussion on Monday, saying on his syndicated radio show that coverage of the Arizona shooting has been a “lame, purely political attempt by the left to do what they cannot convince the American people to do, and that is support them. It’s embarrassingly, depressingly sick.” Limbaugh added, “half the country have been indicted for the actions of a lone, deranged individual.” The ease with which those on the left can accuse the right of being the sole cause for the depressing level of political discourse present today, does nothing but reveal the blatant hypocrisy of the accusers. That these individuals can look into the eyes of the American people and lie with such impunity is what's really truly frightening. These people are nothing more than immoral caricatures who view everything as a tool to be used in order to allow them to move forward with their obviously anti-America and anti-freedom agenda. And if we, the American people, refuse to call them on it, then, in the end, we will be the ones solely responsible for our own demise as a free nation.

On CNN’s ridiculously titled, “Reliable Sources”, boy is that an oxymoron or what, host Howard Kurtz denounced the effort to link conservative political rhetoric to the shooting as a “sickening ritual of guilt by association,” adding that “the blame game is already underway.” But he seems to be the lone voice of reason on the left, since there are very few, if any, other having that opinion. Because as expected, those reactions, did not dissuade MSNBC resident raving lunatic and host Keith Olbermann, as well as the liberal's favorite economist, New York Times columnist Paul "Death Panel" Krugman and Democratic Rep. James "The Tea Party is Racist" Clyburn, D-S.C., from doubling down in the volume of their continuing baseless and scurrilous attacks being hurled at conservatives. “He saw a Second Amendment remedy and that's what occurred here and there is no way not to make that connection," this moron, Clyburn said Monday, according to The Charleston Post & Courier, making an imbecilic reference to Senate candidate Sharron Angle of Nevada reportedly speaking of a possible “Second Amendment remedy” people could use to address their grievances. Have you ever wondered why it is that jerkoffs like this clown Clyburn want so much to effectively dismantle the Second Amendment? Just what is it that they have in mind once they have finally removed that crucial speed-bump that serves as the last resort of the people, should it come to that, for defending ourselves against the tyranny they wish to impose? Imbeciles like Olbermann and this buffoon Cylburn are nothing more than major contributors to level of vitriol that has now been attained with their constant spewing of some of the most vile and hate filled rhetoric that you'll hear anywhere. And no where on the "Right.” Something that I found to be absolutely hilarious was the fact that this hapless bigot Clyburn had the guts to say that Sarah Palin is "intellectually incapable" of understanding the shootings that took place in Arizona. Look, here you have a guy who wasn't even considered as being bright enough by his fellow Democrats to be entrusted with any position that involved real leadership. They had to literally make one up for him. And he's criticizing Gov. Palin? If there is anyone who should be seen as being intellectually lacking or deficient, I would argue that it is this idiot Clyburn, not Sarah Palin.

What this whole exercise needs to be seen as is a just one more example by those on the left to hijack yet another tragedy and use it for the party's own unique purposes and as nothing more than as a tool to use for advancing some amount of political gain. Those on the left repeatedly demonstrate a sick kind of faux outrage or some form of contrived sorrow, but it's all nothing more than something to be taken advantage of as they work to further squelch any number of rights guaranteed to us by our Constitution. A Constitution that is viewed by those on the left as being nothing more than an impediment to where it is that wish to take our country. “This is a part of a campaign to delegitimize, and ultimately criminalize, conservative thought in this country,” said L. Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center. He added that, “Note how quickly The New York Times came out with an editorial calling for the Fairness Doctrine as a result of this. I mean, anything to pin to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or the Tea Party … anybody on the conservative side, to delegitimize them, that’s what they’re going to do. That’s the tactics of the far left.” The sheer desperation exhibited by those on the left, be they in the media, in politics or in academia, to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" should tell you all you need to know about just how scared they are that the American people may be finally made to realize exactly what it is that they're up to. Liberals are on a mission, and it is a very deadly mission, that does not bode well for our Constitution or for those who believe in it. If they are permitted any level of success, it will be nothing but one more nail in the coffin of our once free Republic.

Palin’s antagonists, which are large in number, continue to repeatedly focus on a Facebook post nine months ago, yes nine months, that listed a number of Democrats that the GOP hoped to defeat following the vote on the fraudulent and very bogus healthcare/insurance reform legislation. It used what some say appeared to be a crosshairs symbol to designate vulnerable districts, including Rep. Giffords' district. Giffords later cautioned in a cable TV appearance that heated political rhetoric such as that could have serious consequences. This example merely shows that Rep. Giffords was essentially your typical Democrat in that she was not above identifying genuine concern over the fact that the government was attempting to seize control of our healthcare as being "heated political rhetoric." But as always with Liberal Democrats, the truth is usually very different that what it is that is their perception. Because evidence that emerged on Monday indicated that Mr. Loughner’s fixation on Rep. Giffords most likely predated both the rise of both the tea parties and Sarah Palin’s emergence on the national political scene in 2008 as Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential running mate. In an FBI document filed with the court, the agency stated that a safe in Loughner’s residence contained a form letter written to the alleged killer from Giffords’ office, thanking him for attending a “Congress on Your Corner” event in 2007. Loughner reportedly has harbored negative feelings toward Giffords for several years. So I think we can safely put to bed the theory behind what might have caused this event and that it was all brought about because of what was in the mind of this one lone nut. It has since been established that this nut did not watch television, he disliked the news and he didn't listen to political talk radio. So I guess we're to believe that he was somehow effected by folks like Sarah Palin, Rush and others through some miraculous form of osmosis. Sound plausible? It does to those who comprise the loony left!

Loughner’s bizarre ravings prominently mention Barry's lifelong hero, Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto as well as Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but fail to mention anything about Sarah Palin, Fox News, the Tea Party, or any other high profile conservative such as radio and TV host Glenn Beck or even that very sinister fella, Senator Jim DeMint, R-S.C. Whoops! Apparently Mr. Loughner appears to be nothing more than a committed, no pun intended, anti-government anarchist, and it has been reported by a number of sources that his behavior had grown increasingly erratic in recent months. Apparently no one was paying any attention, even the stellar Sheriff Stupnik. So I would think it very safe to agree with Mr. Bozell when he says that from a journalistic perspective, the news media, as usual, should be graded “close to an F” for its rather pathetic 24/7 coverage of this very tragic event. “Because they have committed a mortal sin,” he said. “They have raised as fact, or at least [for] serious consideration, things that are simply not true. And [they] are in such a rush to implicate conservatives when evil things happen that they were doing that before they had even the basic facts of the story down. Before they had even knew the gender of the poor child who was killed, they were already suggesting that Sarah Palin might be to blame.” this whole bizarre situation lays bare the extent that those in both the Democrat Party and the state controlled media will go in their attempt to not only tarnish Sarah Palin, but to destroy her. What drives someone to do that, other than some deep-seated fear of what the person, in this case Gov. Palin, represents. And just what is it the Sarah Palin represents? You know all those racist things like the advocating reduced spending and a return to smaller, more effective government and the moving away from all those things advocated by Liberal Democrats such as ever higher taxes and an all powerful federal government.

Mr. Bozell also said that remarks by Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, or is it Stupnik, implicating talk radio and political rhetoric for the shooting are “completely out of line,” adding “There’s not one shred of evidence” linking the two. A fact this moron was later forced to admit. My question is, why isn't this clown out doing his freakin job instead of busying himself going on every television and radio show that'll have him, doing nothing more than contributing to the very same environment which he claims is the root cause of this heinous crime. Last time I checked it wasn't the job of law enforcement to go out and throw around baseless accusations in an attempt to try to make something stick. Maybe what this incompetent boob is really trying to do is nothing more than exhibiting what can more accurately be described as a little good old fashioned "Cover You’re A**" type of behavior. In an attempt to back up that theory, I would submit as evidence that it has been reported that "Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County." Well now, that's certainly one of those things that makes you wanna go, HMMMMMMMMM. Don't you think? Sounds to me like this jerk has been more than a little derelict in his duties as High Sheriff. He must be shooting for his own reality television show.

Mr. Bozell also made note of the fact that the media always dismisses any and all incendiary rhetoric when it is used by and number of left wing Web sites, i.e., The Daily Kos or Moveon.org and even by Barry "Almighty" himself. It was Barry, who if I remember correctly, remarked in the run-up to the November elections that, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” and who actively encouraged his devoted followers to forcefully exert themselves, saying, "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors, I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Such was the typical language used by our current president, Barry "Almighty." And how about this little tidbit uttered by former Rep. Paul Kanjorski, a Democrat Pennsylvania congressman for more than 25 years, when he told the Scranton Times Tribune's editorial board less than two weeks before Election Day that Rick Scott should be shot. He said, and I quote, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." And then we have Chris "Odd Ball" Matthews who is always trying to make himself at least appear to be relevant, but never quite seems to get there. This dim bulb is nothing more than just one more willing puppet of left who now sees some advantage in throwing around baseless accusations by mentioning guys like Mark Levin, Michael Savage as being major contributors to what has become a very negative political environment. And I'm everyone is aware of the insidious ravings of Bill Maher. So, tell me again how it is that it's the conservatives who are the sole source of all of the incendiary rhetoric. Sorry, but it's painfully obvious who the real culprits are in this continuing saga as we are once again witness to any number of instances where the truth has become much stranger than fiction. It is the Democrats who insist on spewing some of the most vile and outright dangerous rhetoric imaginable. And it is the Democrats, nearly as whole, who represent the greatest danger to anything that even remotely resembles any degree of civility being able to take place. They are what needs to be seen as the threat, as they are now so completely out of control!

“When it’s on the left, it’s just politics,” Mr. Bozell said in the same interview. “But when it’s on the right, someone needs to be indicted for this.” The Media Research Center chief said he’s tired of the media double standard when it comes to tolerance for strident political speech, adding “conservatives are grownups about this. But somehow this becomes part of the de-legitimization of the conservative movement,” he said. “You’re not allowed to express a thought that is contrary to the leftist mantra.” While the media watchdog did say that he is quite concerned with the breakdown of civility in political discourse, the criticism that has as its source those on the left is, of course, is being pointed in the wrong direction. And I would argue very much on purpose. “It is happening on the left. It is happening in some quarters on the right,” Bozell said. “But that’s a breakdown of civility, and I wish we would address that. But just because I want to address the breakdown of civility, doesn’t mean I’m suggesting someone is evil and wants to harm someone else. I’m all in favor of hard-hitting debate, so long as there is a legitimacy to it.” He went on to say, “You can have civility to it. A rule of thumb that I follow on my staff: Anything we write about someone, ‘Would you say it to their face? Could you have a drink with them afterwards?’ If the answer’s yes, then it’s appropriate. If the answers no, then it’s inappropriate.” Sounds like a pretty good rule of thumb to me. To bad it isn't practiced by more folks in the state controlled media conglomerate.

In what is nothing more than a typically transparent swipe at free speech by a liberal, we have Pennsylvania Rep. Bob Brady, yet another Democrat, who told CNN on Sunday that he intends to introduce legislation that would make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening to members of Congress. Now that's the answer, let's outlaw freedom of speech. Which along with healthcare is yet one more thing that the left has long sought stricter control of. "You can't put bull's-eyes or crosshairs on a United States congressman or a federal official," Brady said in an obvious reference to the map on Palin’s Facebook page. This guy is not putting forth any potential solution to what is so obviously a growing problem. All that he is attempting to do is to create a method by which Democrats can utilize to silence any and all opposition while allowing the slugs that comprise a majority of those on the left to run roughshod over the public debate of nearly any topic in need of discussion. What gives these people the right to dictate to the rest of us how we can and cannot choose to discuss any of the important issues of the day. That’s easy, they don’t have the right, and we should allow ourselves to be intimidated into willingly forfeiting control of the debate to them. These people are nothing more than your typical schoolyard bullies, the more you give in to them only emboldens them to try to take more. It has to stop.

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