

Friday, January 14, 2011


The level of hypocrisy that currently exists on the left in this country has made itself all the more obvious since the terrible shooting in Arizona, where six people lost their lives and Rep. Giffords was very seriously injured. Two of the individuals of questionable motives in this continuing onslaught arising from those on the left, is that not so well known dynamic duo from MSNBC, those retarded twins who were separated at birth, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews. Of course though, let us not forget that other loudmouthed buffoon of very questionable intellect, that absolute moron Rep. James "I'm too stupid for a "real" leadership position" Clyburn. Still, try as they might, it would seem, at least for now, that more than half of Americans remain just a little too smart to take the bait. Most reject the whole idea that inflammatory political language from conservatives is what was even partly to blame for the Arizona shooting rampage that took place on Saturday. That according to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll. The poll showed that just 35 percent believe inflammatory rhetoric was responsible for the tragedy, most likely all Democrats, while 53 percent said that it wasn't. When asked whether stricter gun-control laws in Arizona would have prevented the shooting, only 20 percent said it would, again most likely all Democrats, while 72 percent said tighter controls would not have prevented it. A similar CBS News Poll showed a slightly larger majority of Americans (57 percent) believe politics had nothing to do with the shooting by the alleged gunman responsible for the attack, including 49 percent who said they were Democrats. Only 42 percent of Democrats surveyed believe the shootings were a political act, while 33 percent of independents said it may have contributed to the shooting. The Gallup poll also showed 42 percent of Americans believe the attacker acted on political beliefs, while 22 percent cited politics as a minor factor. Only 20 percent said the heated language used in politics today was a major factor in the shootings.

But as we have seen on any number of previous occasions over the course of the last 24 months, Democrats and their media accomplices don't really care one way or the other what the American people may think about anything. So polls or no polls, even before the applause for Barry's little magical mystery charade regarding a need for an increased level of civility had faded in Tucson, any number of leading figures on the left appeared to be enthusiastically dusting off plans for their next attempt to "use" this most recent tragedy as a way to make yet another push for reinstatement of the "Fairness Doctrine" in their continuing efforts to muzzle talk radio. “Free speech is as free speech does,” Rep. Jim "The Tea Party is Racist" Clyburn, D-S.C., declared the day after the shooting. “You cannot yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater and call it free speech. And some of what I hear, and is being called free speech, is worse than that.” Ya know, if brains were dynamite this guy wouldn't even be able to blow his nose. It's no wonder he's thought of by many his colleagues as being too stupid to hold any position of "real" leadership in the Democrat caucus. I guess in this case being black isn't an automatic qualifier. And then there is this other clown, Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., who doesn't seem to be much brighter than her buddy Clyburn. She expressed similar sentiments, complaining that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) simply is “not working anymore. What I’d like to see is if we could all get together on both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans, and really talk about what we can do to cool down the country,” Slaughter told TheHill.com. “Part of that has to be what they’re hearing over the airwaves.” And then we have yet another Democrat lawmaker, Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pa., who said after the killings in Tucson that he would introduce legislation to make it a crime to threaten or encourage violence against any federal official. Doing so, some may argue, would effectively create a political class that would enjoy special protections from the First Amendment liberties of others. This corrupt class of individuals already sees themselves as being above criticism from we the people. They view themselves as being our society's elites and thus as being much smarter than we who comprise the stupid and unwashed masses. It is only they who know what is best for us because we simply don't know what's good for us, so we need then to tell us. What is it that has these Democrats so determined in their efforts to keep the American people as much in the dark as possible regarding the sinister plans they have in mind for our country. These are truly frightening times, my friends, when you have so many individuals who reside in the same political party so determined to squelch free speech along with all manner of dissent.

The bottom line here is that we simply cannot allow and out of control, even rabid, Democrat Party to sacrifice free speech at their alter of political correctness. And make no mistake, that is absolutely what is underway here. It is the sole intent of Barry and his many minions to "use" this tragedy and any others like it for no other reason that to work toward an outright gutting of the Second Amendment. The only thing that the Democrats view this tragic event as being, is nothing more than another opportunity to be seized upon and used to the fullest in advancing their political agenda. There is no sorrow for the families of those who have lost loved ones. Hell, if we're being honest, for the Democrats I doubt very much if there is all that much genuine sorrow for Rep. Giffords. If for any reason she was to not fully recover, she would then be considered by her fellow Democrats as being nothing more than a casualty that could then be used for the advancement of the "progressive" cause. This is viewed by the Democrats as being nothing more than just another "crisis" not to be allowed to go to waste, and at the same time, as being a golden opportunity for them to further their blind ambition by once more attempting to silence any and all dissent. And now adding to the growing concern that many in Washington want to use this shooting rampage to do just that, to elevate civility and political correctness above freedom of speech, we have Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chaffee's announcement that he will boycott talk-radio appearances. Not only that, but he ha also initially banned all state employees from commenting to talk-radio hosts, Chaffee, apparently a Democrat wanna be, castigated talk radio as “more entertainment than journalism” and blamed it for the nation’s caustic partisan squabbles over politics. What an idiotic judgment to make, and so obviously baseless. With all the hate filled vitriol that literally pours 24/7 from the left through any number of venues, to make the claim that it is the right that must be made to bare the responsibility for this event having been allowed to occur goes beyond being imbecilic. To show just how stupid this guy Chaffee is, apparently he was forced to lighten up just a bit on his rhetoric regarding his directive on Tuesday, after it was pointed out to this dimwit that his order would prevent emergency-response officials and police from advising the public what they should do during weather situations, traffic blockages, and other circumstances. Stupid is as stupid does, as they say.

The reaction from those on the right to efforts made to establish some linkage between an act committed by an obviously mentally unstable 22-year-old, and an individual who apparently had a longstanding grudge against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords since 2007, as well as the ongoing efforts by the left to return political dialogue to the pre-Ronald Reagan days of network communications hegemony, triggered a predictable and immediate reaction. “What are we seeing again after this week in the shooting?” Fox News host Glenn Beck said Wednesday evening on his program. “We’re seeing them solve problems? No they’re not. They’re offering solutions to things that aren’t a problem. You know, we had the Fairness Doctrine on talk radio. We had the Fairness Doctrine. It was in the 1950s and '60s and '70s. And while we had the Fairness Doctrine, we lost JFK, MLK, RFK. We had Reagan shot. We had Ford shot at twice. The Fairness Doctrine did not seem to reduce violence. Why, I wonder? That’s not going to work.” It's not going to work because the purpose behind this drive by the Democrats to have the discussion regarding important issues to be completely one sided. They cannot openly justify or advocate any of the things that they wish to impose upon the rest of us. Top radio talker Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, reported on his show that activist Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton visited with FCC officials in the aftermath of the incident to pressure the agency to rein in free expression on the airwaves. “What I see is the Democrat Party, its representatives and its supporters on the American left, attempting to take a genuine human tragedy, and their first instinct is to politicize it, and that desire, their political desire, is to silence, to quiet people who they consider their opposition,” Limbaugh told listeners. "If that is not attempting to profit off murder, I don't know what it is.” This is want the Democrat Party is all about, the end always justifies the means. No matter what! It's a very strange mindset that is held by those who comprise Democrats. They are a large, albeit unique, clique, and there's really no one else quite like them.

Most analysts believe there is little chance the FCC, currently headed up by a Barry college chum, which recently voted to impose a modified version of the Net Neutrality regulation against the wishes of its Republican minority, could actually succeed in restoring the Fairness Doctrine. Conservatives maintain that the doctrine historically stifled free speech by requiring constant rebuttals from those with differing views — any attempt to reinstate it would draw an immediate legal challenge in the courts. But with the liberal makeup of our present judiciary, is the fear that such an attempt would be upheld, not warranted. Boston University Communications professor Tobe Berkovitz told Newsmax there is “absolutely not” any reason to link the Tucson rampage to a reconsideration of the merits of the Fairness Doctrine. The effort to impose “fairness” on broadcast media, he points out, was based on the scarcity of frequency options available in the age of pre-digital media. Moreover, media content regulation traditionally has relied on the impact on “the average” viewer or listener, which clearly would not apply to the Tucson suspect, he says. “All regulation was based on this concept of spectrum scarcity and limited resources,” Berkovitz explains. “In today’s communications marketplace, in fact there’s more scarcity in print than there is over the electronic spectrum, whether it’s the number of cable television channels we have, the almost limited number of web sites and blogs, the FM spectrum, streaming audio. So the whole reason for the Fairness Doctrine has evaporated, regardless of your politics and whether you think the content is good or bad.” But as we all know, or should now, the rationale laid out by Prof. Berkovitz, is not the rationale of the Democrats who wish to revive the Fairness Doctrine. Today it's purely political.

The efforts of most Democrats and many members of the state controlled media to do their best to manipulate the heartbreaking events in Tucson, at least appear on the surface to be in direct opposition to the tenor of Barry’s disgustingly transparent remarks Tuesday, which though while emotionally lacking, still won widespread approval from both sides of the aisle. “If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let’s make sure it’s worthy of those we have lost,” Barry said. “Let’s make sure it’s not on the usual plane of politics and point scoring and pettiness that drifts away with the next news cycle.” Such a statement is more than a little ironic, since here we have a guy in the person of Barry, who has, quite literally, made a career out of doing exactly what's on the usual plane of rather dirty Chicago thug-style politics. This is nothing more than another very clear example of Barry's usual practice of deception. What he's saying is for us to all watch his right hand so we won't see what his left hand is doing. Ya know, this whole exercise by Barry comes across as being completely devoid of any sincerity. His little speech was nothing more than the reading of empty words from his teleprompter by a soulless man all in an effort creating a false impression of a sorrow that simply does not exist. In fact, I would not be at all surprised to hear that he actually cheered upon hearing the news of this tragedy, seeing as a way to strip the right to own a gun from a Constitution that he sees as being a hindrance to his "progressive" agenda. He comes out to supposedly call for civility, while behind the scenes his underlings in concert, with a cadre of likeminded fellow travelers, work feverishly to move this country ever closer to Barry desired state of complete tyranny. Conservatives are right to worry that while the Barry works to present his party’s more genteel face to the public, others in his party and administration are busily seeking ways to shackle the GOP agenda of neutralizing the progress that has been made in the big-government agenda that has taken place over the course of the past two years.

In an action that clearly demonstrates the hypocrisy that is present here, in the run-up to the president’s address, the Democrats had already dispatched any number of unidentified sources, or conspirators, out into the media whose purpose it was to launch not one but two new avenues of political attack against conservatives. First these determined zealots rather strenuously objected to Sarah Palin’s use of the phrase “blood libel,” traditionally a term connected with persecution of Jews, as being culturally insensitive and anti-Semitic. However, countering that "opinion'" is no less an authority on the matter than Harvard law professor and author Alan "OJ was innocent" Dershowitz who has said that there was nothing wrong with Palin’s remark. As well, no less a cultural icon than Rev. Franklin Graham has termed the blatant attempt to pin the blame for the shooting on Palin “outrageous.” Then a second round of anonymous leaks were intended to imply that House Speaker John Boehner had displayed a rather coldhearted indifference to the Tucson tragedy by declining the Barry’s kind invitation to ride along on Air Force One and attend the event. As Boehner’s allies were quick to explain, the invitation made by the White House was far from one that was intended to display any level of political unity regarding this terrible tragedy, and was given merely for the sake of decorum. White House officials knew well before hand that Boehner had prior commitments that made leaving Washington difficult if not impossible. On the House floor Tuesday Boehner delivered a teary-eyed memorial for the victims and their families. Later that evening he hosted a reception for the members of the Republican National Committee, which is preparing to select a chairman.

So despite the high hopes of those on the left that the continuing barrage of lies being generated and the overwhelming amount "news" coverage, adverse, otherwise, and ad nauseum of the tragedy in Arizona, would somehow translate into they're being able convince enough Americans that it is those evil conservatives who are to blame for this atrocity, such is not the case. But make no mistake, they will not be relenting in there efforts any time soon. The motives behind the Democrats creating this whole circus like atmosphere were based on two very specific as well as very dark purposes. First to distract and delay changes that the Republicans have in mind for the Barry agenda. Second to foment as much hate and discontent toward those who wish nothing more than to keep the American people informed regarding what it is that a corrupt and out of control Democrat Party is working so hard to perpetrate against them. This whole scenario has served to only end up doing far more harm than good on any number of levels. Problems, most of which that have been created by the current out of control, and patently anti-American administration. We cannot afford to lose sight of the important fact that there is a vast array of issues that are in desperate need of urgent attention. And the more we allow ourselves to be distracted by the perpetrators of deceit, the farther we get behind in our ability to go about creating possible solutions for the problems that are now very slowly killing us. There is much undoing that now needs to be done and only a very finite amount of time left in which to do so. That's why the attempts at implementing stalling tactics have now been escalated. First and foremost should be ridding ourselves of the albatross that has been placed tightly around our collective neck in the form of Obamacare. As House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has attempted to make clear, supposed estimates of cost savings Congressional Budget Office should be considered as being highly suspect as well as seen as being “their opinion.” Meanwhile, Rep. Anthony "Oscar Mayer" Weiner, D-N.Y., who I'd be willing to bet that he got beat up for his lunch money, asserted that repealing the measure would cost the government $1.2 trillion. This problem is going to need to be rectified, and quickly.

The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger summed thing up rather nicely, I think, on Thursday regarding whether Barry’s call for a less vitriolic rhetoric will bear fruit. “The divide between this strain of the American left and its conservative opponents is about more than politics and policy,” he wrote. “It goes back a long way, it is deep, and it will never be bridged.”

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