

Monday, January 10, 2011


Look at this particular point in time, we who wish to salvage what's left of our country, cannot, and must not, allow this single tragic occurrence to be used as some kind of diversionary tactic by those who would like nothing more than to alter the political conversation away from issues currently in urgent need of being addressed. The House Republican majority must press on with the most important task at hand, that being the vote to repeal the disaster that is Obamacare, first and foremost. Once that has been accomplished then they need to move forward with an agenda specifically designed to put this country onto a more stable fiscal footing and to strengthen our feeble economy. As stated by former House Majority Leader, Dick Armey, "Now, hopefully this will be done in a more civil way. But this incident is no basis by which anybody who sees their duty to America to stand down from that duty, but to redouble it, perhaps with a greater degree of caution, and hopefully with a greater degree of civility. We've always wanted that," he said. "But still, nevertheless, we must do our duty and defend our liberties in this great country." Why is it exactly that those of us on the right must always make sure that we remain civil, and those on the Left can pretty much use whatever language that they may see fit. They are free to accuse those of us on the right whose only fault is that we choose to disagree with their warped philosophy of being everything from racist and homophobes to Nazis, and our troops of being trained in the Gulags of Soviet Russia or by Pol Pot, and all that is just hunky-doree. You gotta love the double standard.

No one is saying, including myself, that the January 8 shootings in Arizona which seriously wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others by someone described as a "Left-wing pothead," were anything other than what they were. Horrible and despicable acts committed by a seriously deranged individual. And no one is downplaying what took place here. But I also think it worth mentioning that had there been another individual in the crowd who possessed a weapon, in all likelihood this shooter would have been taken down before there had been a loss of life to the degree that there was. Despite the 24/7 news coverage of this event, we must all remember that there are any number of important topics that are still in desperate need of discussion. The fact of the matter is, we still have extremely important critical issues of public policy that must be sorted out and acted on, the sooner the better. While coverage of this event may make for good ratings, it is nothing short of criminal on the part of the various "news organizations,” including Fox, to neglect other important issues simple to make a buck. It's all just another effort to drown out all other news of the day. It's no different that all of the endless gibberish which we have been subjected to in the past. Everything from the Anna Nicole Smith sideshow or the endless saga regarding what might have happened to Natalee Holloway. Don't get me wrong these were tragic events that happened, especially for those directly concerned, but were they deserving of the ad nauseum news coverage they generated. I would argue that no, they were not and that the same could be argued for this most recent event. Daily updates at a maximum would be acceptable, I suppose, but even that would be a little overkill.

Unfortunately, we have any number of morons such a some guy named Ross Baker, whose major claim to fame is that he is supposed to be a "congressional scholar" at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, who alleges that is incident is likely to hurt the image of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. His rationale doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but apparently it does to a few others. And what do you want to bet that this so-called "congressional scholar" is nothing more than a very liberal Democrat out to do his best to insert himself into the public debate so as to have some sort of effect on public opinion? Using rather his bizarre logic, he says that it's because of the fact that Gov. Palin posted on the Internet, a map of the U.S. with the cross-hair symbols for a rifle scope dotting the home states of lawmakers, including Giffords, whom she was targeting for defeat in the 2010 congressional election. He claims that it is this map than can somehow be parlayed into making this horrific event into being Gov. Palin's fault. The tragedy “will take some of the edge off of the polarization” and “will be used by lots of people as an exhortation for people to be kinder to each other,” said the esteemed Mr. Baker. At the same time, Palin’s brand of “female macho,” he said, “is not going to wear very well after this." How come I haven't heard a peep from anyone, including this "congressional scholar" about how it was that the "Daily Kos," that notable segment of the loony left wing fringe, who just so happened to target Gabrielle Giffords with a 'bulls eye' back in June of 2008?”

"We are in a dark place in this country right now; the atmospheric condition is toxic,” Representative Emanuel Cleaver, a Missouri Democrat, said yesterday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program. “Much of it originates here in Washington D.C., and we export it around the country.” Yes, but what Rep. Cleaver to artfully neglected to mention was that a very significant percentage of this toxic condition has as its source one political party, his political party, the Democrat Party. “My colleagues are very concerned about the environment in which they are operating,” House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Hoyer, who is nothing more than a cartoon character, termed the political climate in recent years an “angrier, confrontational environment,” and cautioned that “what we say can, in fact, have consequences.” Duh, gee Steny, ya think? Let's see what was old Steny calling anyone who opposed "Obamacare?" This faux outrange and concern coming from these hypocritical frauds should be seen as being nothing more than what it is. An attempt to distract. Even more so when you consider that fact that Rep. Giffords is a Democrat. This real tragic event here is that this whole incident is seen by her fellow Democrats as being nothing more than as something to be taken advantage of in their attempt to divert attention away from those things requiring attention.

Sadly, too many spineless individuals on our side have also have said it’s time for members of both parties to come together. Look, all that needs to be done here is to condemn what this one person did, and move on with the task at hand, the rescuing of our country. “We ought to cool it, tone it down, treat each other with great respect,” said RINO Lamar Alexander said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” What a bunch of drivel. Never one to be shy about looking for opportunities to talk about anything other than what needs to be talked about, Alexander would be doing us all one huge favor if he would simply shut the Hell up. And then we have our new House Speaker John Boehner who has ordered that flags on the House side of the U.S. Capitol be flown at half-staff to commemorate those killed, who included U.S. District Judge John Roll. “An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve,” Boehner said at a press conference yesterday in West Chester, Ohio. “Such acts of violence have no place in our society." No s**t there John. That's a real no brainer. Senator Mike Lee, a newly elected Republican from Utah interviewed again on CNN, said “any time you have political rhetoric that rises to the level of personal, you have a problem.” Ya know, enough already! Who is it that are the ones who always insist on making things personal? Who are the most notable practitioners of the tactic based on attacking those of opposing viewpoints, personally? That would be anyone in the Democrat Party. No offense intended here, but this is NOT the most important issue of the day! What needs to be paramount in the mind of every single person is the survival of our entire country! First things, first!

And what can only be described as a knee jerk over-reaction, is the postponing of any planned legislative business in the House for the coming week. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican, said in a statement yesterday that things would be temporarily place on hold. The House had planned to vote January 12 on a repeal of Barry's health-care overhaul. The House instead will consider on that day at least one resolution honoring Giffords and other victims in the attack, according to Cantor’s office. Yep, now that's a real big priority. It no wonder that this country is in the mess that it's in. If our guys can be this easily distracted, the Democrats will try to have someone picked off once a month until the next election. So, we essentially have the working toward the survival and wellbeing of over 330 million people, now placed on hold because one Democrat Representative got shot by some loony leftwing pothead. Does this make sense to anyone? This country should not be permitted to grind to a halt because of the actions of some lone nut. We should not be put into the position of being forced into the position of being subjected to a 24/7 news cycle made up solely of who this guy is, what might have drove him to this, and the numerous warning signs that no one took seriously. I don't care who he is or why he did what he did. And it's no one fault but his own. Why must we continually hear from any number of shrinks clamoring for their 15 minutes of fame where they get their chance to attempt to rationalize this nut's behavior using their own rather unique cockamamie theories?

As mentioned earlier by our "congressional scholar," whatever the Hell that is, supposedly the shooting has put some sort of a spotlight on Sarah Palin. Last year, Giffords was one of 20 Democrats who supported health-care legislation who were targeted on a crosshairs map for defeat by Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, in last November’s elections. An aide to Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, said the images were never meant to evoke violence. “We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights,” Rebecca Mansour told the talk radio host Tammy Bruce in an interview transcribed by the Alaska Dispatch. And then we have "Little Dickie" Durbin of Illinois, the chamber’s No. 2 Democrat, said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that such images aren’t helpful. “These sorts of things, I think, invite the kind of toxic rhetoric that can lead unstable people to believe this is an acceptable response.” Boy oh boy, here we have Mr. "America's soldiers are like Nazis" talking about toxic and inflammatory rhetoric. Is that a laugher or what? To have Gov. Palin now having to defend such a stupid notion clearly reflects just how far the Democrats have been permitted to bastardize the whole notion of public debate. Together with their many allies in the state controlled media conglomeration they have become essentially the gate keepers of the information that is to disseminated and what language should be used, thus making them better able to steer the conversation either towards or away from what they wish the topic of conversation to be.

Conservative public relations executive Keith Appell issued a statement saying “some in the media have implicated conservatives, the Tea Party, talk radio, Republicans, etc., by extension” in the shooting and that those efforts are “insidious, dishonest and divorced from reality.” He cited a posting on the Website redstate.com saying the media is trying to blame conservatives for the shootings. Can anyone tell me how this act can in any way even be remotely associated with conservatives, or with being conservative. The shooter has been described by those who evidently knew him as being a "left wing pot head." So why isn't this horrific event being tied to the vile and rabid rhetoric spewed on nearly a daily basis by any number of left wing blogs, those on MSNBC, CNN or the very few that remain on liberal radio shows? You will never hear more hateful dialogue than from those on the left. These people are literally consumed by a level of hatred that borders on complete insanity. And it’s a hatred not only for their country but also a level of hatred reserved for anyone who dares to choose to disagree with them. It a very corrosive hatred that is perpetrated to the level that it essentially ends up having the same effect on this country as does an aggressive and malignant tumor on the human body. Has anyone ever taken the time to watch that lunatic Keith Olbermann or listened to that bimbo Rachel Maddow? Or how about some the banshees currently employed over at CNN? Is any additional proof needed regarding the very questionable sanity of those on the left?

Apparently, Rep. Giffords' father told the New York Post that “the whole Tea Party” was her enemy, referring to the national group pressing for nothing more than smaller government and less taxes. Sounds to me like the shooter wasn't the only nut on the loose. Giffords, first elected to her seat in 2006, narrowly won a third term in November over a Tea-Party backed Republican. Representative Raul Labrador, a newly elected Republican from Idaho elected with Tea Party support, said on “Meet the Press” that a level of vitriol exists on both sides of the ideological divide. What is about Republicans who have this overwhelming lack of intestinal fortitude when is comes to blaming the true culprits that contribute the most to the current corrosive political environment. “We have to be careful not to blame one side or the other,” Labrador said. “You have crazy people on both sides.” That has got to be one of the stupidist statement I have ever heard and more than somewhat of a gutless statement to make. Fingers need to be pointed directly at those individuals you consistently do nothing more than to ramp up the vitriol. That would be pretty much anyone with a (D) after their name and especially Barry "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" Almighty." Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, whose jurisdiction includes Tucson, said yesterday that while officials don’t know the gunman’s motives, he was concerned about extreme rhetoric in the U.S. “The anger, the hatred, the bigotry has gotten out of control,” Dupnik said. “Unfortunately, Arizona has become sort of the capital. This has become the Mecca for bigotry and prejudice.” That's right sheriff, and who is it that has been the main culprit in the furthering of that little endeavor? Can you say Barack Hussein Obama? No? Well I sure as Hell can!

Look this was a terrible tragedy, but it is not something that reaches the level of justifying the delaying of the many things that presently need to be addressed. So are we supposed to dump our free society because of one nut? Our country is now hanging by a very thin thread and it is all because of one man and his corrupt political party. Time is of the essence, we cannot afford to waste even a second. Democrats must not be permitted to seize control of the conversation because one of there own managed to get shot by one of their party faithful. We cannot allow ourselves to get sidetracked as we work to get our country back on the right track.

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