
So I have a question for all of you who so obviously got caught up in all of the hype that was present at the time. After now having elected our first black president roughly 26 months ago, what exactly do we now have to show for that effort? Well let's go over the list here of what has transpired; we have a man who as our president has quite literally declared war on small business owners, we have rampant unemployment, a housing market that isn't worth crap, government ownership of two automobile companies as well as a large portion of our financial sector, a government that has now assumed complete control of the entire student loan program, a government that has also now acquired control of our healthcare, an absolutely insane energy policy, gas prices that are very rapidly headed toward $4 a gallon, food prices soaring, a national debt of over $14 Trillion, the serious reducing of America's stature in the World, a military that has now been reduced to a cockamamie social experiment as well as having its funding about to severely cut, new and much needed weapons systems being summarily killed to simply save money, our "War on Terror" has been reduced to being called an "Overseas Contingency Operation," terrorist attacks are now generically referred to as being "man caused disasters, NASA has been converted into a Muslim outreach arm of the government and any number of additional things that are simply too numerous to list here. So, I guess what I'm getting at here is this, except for the blacks, of course, who is it that still thinks that it was really a good idea to have elected this guy? This is "Hope and Change?" Also I would also like to say, that this president who was supposed to be "post-racial," has proven himself to be anything but. Far from being a positive influence for the lessening of any racial tension in this country, I'm afraid he has had just the opposite effect, especially regarding a hostility, perceived or otherwise, that seems to be directed as whites. I would say there has been a rather dramatic increase in that area, witness the accusations against a white cop who was just doing his job, or blatant voter intimidation committed Black Panthers which was not deemed worthy of pursuing by Barry's Justice Department. I think another very big reason that there is a perception of racial bias toward whites on the part of Barry, stems from his scheme to attempt to force those who make up the largest portion of actual tax payers, that would be whites, to further subsidize the behavior of those who comprise the largest portion of those who pay absolutely no taxes and are usually, black. That's the sole premise behind "Obamacare," it's nothing more than another method of redistribution away from those who work in order to provide to their families and toward those who are absolutely nothing more than society's parasites.
Other than those who, of course, comprise the list of usual suspects, who is there among us who is of the opinion that any of what has been done thus far by the present Barry regime, has resulted in anything that has been for the good of the country in any way, shape, manner or form? Let's face it, the largest segment of those who still enthusiastically support Barry is made up in very large part by those who have become firmly attached to the government teat. So I would hazard to guess that many of these individuals who possess an ingrained entitlement mentality remain extremely proud of the fact that they voted for the first black president. I would also argue that at the time they voted for him, they knew full well that he was nothing more than an unabashed and devout socialist and could not have cared less. Plus they see him as now putting the shoe on the other foot, so to speak. Where for years they have been convinced to see themselves as being oppressed and put upon by what they have been told, repeatedly is an unfair society, it is they who now, because of Barry, get to kick sand into the collective face of those whom they view as being their oppressors. But these morons have allowed themselves to conned to where they miss the point entirely. It is the government and the Democrats very specifically, that they should view as being guilty of oppressing them. But, at least according to recent polls the blinders seem to still be firmly in place as they continue to remain loyal to this blatantly corrupt, Chicago thug politician. I assume they continue stand by their vote for this man who has repeatedly demonstrated some sort of sick vendetta going against his own country. And he is not above using those who so doggedly remain his biggest supporters. But you see, to these people it's not about what's best for the country, it never is, and for the last 45+ years it hasn't been. That's how long it's been since they effectively sold their soul to "the Party." So, not counting those who voted for him for no other reason than because of his skin color, for those who thought they really were voting for "Hope and Change," is the agenda presently being pursued the agenda they had in mind at the time? How many were simply so infatuated by his race or blinded by the charisma, that his philosophy regarding how he planned to govern, or to “transform America,” was simply swept by the wayside? Realistically speaking, it is because of this one man that our country is now literally hanging by a very thin thread with there being what has been described by some, as being a theft of liberty now having taken place in what was once the freest nation on Earth. These willing accomplices so eager to assist Barry in his efforts to transform America can only be viewed as being severely mentally deficient.
In yet another recent example of Barry’s gamesmanship in regarding his attempt to try to pass himself off as being what we all should know by now that he is not, he chose to author a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. In it Barry works very hard to create the impression that he is suddenly becoming more pro-business and actually an advocate for small businesses. Try as he might, this whole notion that he has somehow seen the light flies in the face of everything he has said and done in this regard since officially taking officer 2 years ago. We cannot allow ourselves to be fooled by this most recent attempt of Barry's to reinvent himself. As that old saying goes, a leopard cannot change its spots. In that very op-ed Barry promised to sign an executive order that is designed to root out “dumb” and “outdated” regulations that “stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive.” However, there is much more to this little charade than meets the eye. Look, liberal Democrats live for one thing and that is to create any number of dumb and outdated regulations in order to permit the government to acquire ever more control of an increasingly substantial portion of both our society and economy. They work to stifle job growth and place constraints on the economy that only serves to slow any future economic growth. Because, you see, an improving economy is not conducive to allowing the Democrats to advance their long term goal, which is to force an ever increasing number of people onto the government dole. Now regarding this new executive order, what many people may not know, is that this order now allows agencies, when weighing costs and benefits for example, to consider “equity, human dignity, fairness and distributive impacts,” and each agency must “select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, those approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other advantages; distributive impacts; and equity).” Ok now in English, the purpose here is to reexamine regulations and choose replacements that adhere to, as much as possible, social justice principles such as “distribution” and “equity.”
As always when we're dealing with Democrats, and Barry specifically, you must always work to read between the lines. You must always look very closely at the language used, as well as the substance of whatever it is that is being proposed. As such, in this case, this executive order as a whole, raises some serious doubts about what the order is really intended to do. Wall Street Journal writer David Wessel asks some important questions after reading it: "So did the president actually change anything? Did he swipe a talking point from Republicans to show that he really does care about the economy? Or was this an admission that his appointees have spent the past two years making up for lost time, pushing so many rules that they may have hurt the economy?" The answer, according to Jacob Lew, the head of the White House Office of Management and Budget, is that the order isn’t really groundbreaking, it mostly reaffirms what the agencies already do. “This order requires that federal agencies ensure that regulations protect our safety, health and environment while promoting economic growth,” Barry writes. “And it orders a government-wide review of the rules already on the books to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive. It’s a review that will help bring order to regulations that have become a patchwork of overlapping rules, the result of tinkering by administrations and legislators of both parties and the influence of special interests in Washington over decades.” Look, if there I one thing that guys like Barry never do, it's to admit in any way that there was any error committed on their part, and that it is never actually their fault if their policies should fail. Barry is never going to admit that anything he has done has actually hurt the economy. Now, he can continue to make that claim until the cows come home, but anyone with any brains knows that it is specifically because of policies that he has put in place that the economy is now further into the ditch that it was when he started. That has been his intent all along.
Still, our buddy Barry has gone to great lengths to make sure we understand that this order doesn’t erase the need for any future additional regulations. According to Barry, as with all Democrats, it is a major role of government to flex its regulatory muscle whenever and wherever it may be needed, to make sure that the greedy tendencies of those evil business folks a kept fully in check. “Where necessary, we won’t shy away from addressing obvious gaps: new safety rules for infant formula; procedures to stop preventable infections in hospitals; efforts to target chronic violators of workplace safety laws,” he says, and then adds: “But we are also making it our mission to root out regulations that conflict, that are not worth the cost, or that are just plain dumb.” The president gives saccharin, an artificial sweetener, as an example. While many Americans use it in their coffee, the EPA requires companies to treat it as hazardous waste. Not any more. He concludes his op-ed with a final decree: “We’re also getting rid of absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirements that waste time and money.” “We’re looking at the system as a whole to make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulation,” he writes in sum. “And finally, today I am directing federal agencies to do more to account for—and reduce—the burdens regulations may place on small businesses. Small firms drive growth and create most new jobs in this country. We need to make sure nothing stands in their way.” Essentially all Barry has managed to do is to not remove any of the speed bumps or impediments that presently stand in way of enhancing the chances of an economic recovery, he's merely rearranged them. I doubt there will be any positive net result that will stem from any of what he is supposedly proposing. It all nothing more than smoke and mirrors, and an attempt to make us all think that he is genuinely concerned about the current state of our economy.
I am not trying to say that all that he has managed to do, or even tried to do, in his desire to destroy this country was done because he is black. All I'm trying to say here, is that because of the rush by so many to vote for the first black president, they pretty much had a momentary loss of reason resulting in they're throwing caution to the wind. And in short, all that they have now essentially received in return for their efforts is nothing short of an ongoing, wholesale attack on the very foundations of our Republic. These people failed to heed the rhetoric of the individual and instead chose to believe the image portrayed of this man by the state controlled media. And look where that has gotten us. If the election of 2008 taught us anything, it is that we can no longer afford to trust those who have a tingling going up their leg when listening to any candidate, regardless of party affiliation. While they may personally support one candidate over another, they must remain impartial when reporting on the news of the day. Their function is not one where they are called upon to persuade, their function is to inform. But far too many, in this specific instance, were infatuated with a specific candidate and made no attempt to keep their feelings to themselves. Hence, we are, where we are, right between a rock and a hard place because of the inability of our state-controlled media to properly do their job and because the people allowed themselves to fall prey to the opinions of those in the media. Had they chose to do a little investigative work on their own, they have discovered some of what Barry and the media very successfully kept well hidden. There is plenty of blame to go around here.
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