

Thursday, December 16, 2010


May wonders never cease. While there was another fairly recent poll that supposedly had a majority or Americans lamenting the inability of the two parties to work together amicably in they're going about the solving of the country's problems, here comes yet another poll saying that Congress is doing a pretty crappy job. DUH! The American people are going to need to come to some sort of realization regarding the fact that they are going to be unable to have it both ways. Now whether that going to call for them to have some sort of epiphany I really don't know. But I do know that they are going to be required to get their heads out of their butts long enough to see what is truly going on here before there can ever be any hope of ensuring those in government become responsive to the will of the people. That what we have here is a two party system with one party being unashamedly socialist and the other being, while claiming to be conservative, one could still argue is guilty of the same charge, albeit to a lesser degree. If people truly want Congress to end up doing a better job, then they're going to have to be willing to start siding with the guys who are honestly trying to do just that, a little more often. Which ain't gonna be the Democrats, and never will be! When someone finally demonstrates the courage to stand up and say no to all of the outrageousness that has been accelerated by the Democrats they should not be chastised and threatened with being run out of town on a rail. If that's the case, then where's the incentive for anyone to ever try to put a stop to any of the never-ending insanity. When the Republicans come in and take over the House next month, and hopefully start saying no more often, the American people or going to have to ask themselves a question. Do they, the American people, really want things to get better? It's pretty simple really, with it being a yes or no question.

Now I know that we really don't need all of these stupid polls, which more often than not can be notoriously inaccurate, to tell us something that most of us are already very much aware of, and have been for quite some time. The fact is that many Americans possess a relatively low regard when it come to where it is that they presently hold members of Congress. Let's face it, that's pretty much of a no brainer. After what happened this past November it should be painfully obvious that the American people were clamoring for a change. A chief indicator there, of course was the fact that this time around the Republicans were handed a pretty massive victory in the congressional mid-term elections. That alone provided a pretty good idea of the public’s low esteem for the present batch in Congress and the hope that new people would create a new environment much more conducive to abiding by the will of the people. So this new Gallup poll really does nothing more than to confirm something which we already knew. It shows that a record low 13 percent of the American public approve of the way that those in Congress are doing their job, while 83 percent disapprove. And yet, at the same time it's very likely these it's these same individual who are buying into all of the nonsensical rhetoric about how the Republican Party is the "Party of No." I swear, the evidence has become overwhelming that a significant portion of our population are nothing but pure unadulterated imbeciles.

What this latest poll on congressional performance represents is the lowest approval rating since the approval rating reflected in a previous Gallup survey that was taken back in July 2008. That poll reflected a 14 percent approval for Congress. Uh, wasn't that during the second year of "Botox" Nancy's tenure as Speaker? Now if I remember correctly, that was an election year and yet I don't remember any significant, or specific, changes taking place with the American people essentially making a conscious decision in choosing to send pretty much the same cadre of corrupt individuals responsible for the mess right back to Congress that very same year. What the hell did they expect to take place? Look, even among Democrats, only 16 percent currently approve of Congress, and that's down from 29 percent in November. Republicans are even less enthusiastic, which is understandable, with a mere 7 percent approving of the job Congress is doing. Gallup surveyed 1,019 adults Dec. 10-12. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points. The results of the 2010 midterms would seem to indicate that the American are in fact ready for some real change. But are they really? How soon after the Republicans start tightening government's belt, presuming they do in fact do that, can we expect that the American people will begin with their incessant whining?

Also a Washington Post/ABC News telephone poll, always a rather dubious team when taking about polls, which was conducted Dec. 9-12 with results published on Tuesday, suggests that Americans are unsure of the ability of the incoming Republican majority in the House of Representatives to tackle the country's biggest problems. Isn't that a bit like saying that you are unsure as to whether the new car you just bought is capable of making it home? Don't you need to drive it first? All any of us can do at the present time is to take at face value what we are being told by those freshly elected, that they will do what they are being sent to Washington to do. No more, no less. That there will be a new sheriff in town and that things will in fact be different, very different. In the poll, thirty-eight percent said they thought Republicans could do the best job handling the issues of the next few years, while 43 percent said that Barry "Almighty" could do the better job. Which has to make you wonder, where is it that that 43 percent have been living over the course of roughly the last 24 months. Under a freakin rock? How can anyone who has been witness to the unbridled arrogance that has been running amuck since January 20, 2009 make the idiotic claim that Barry is better able to handle anything?

And from that highly esteemed member of the state controlled media, Reuters, comes a report stating that it appears now that the Senate may be headed for a last-minute showdown over spending, as Republicans vowed on Wednesday to block a bill laden with numerous pet projects, a bill the specific purpose of which is to fund the entire U.S. government. Ok, now we already know from the Gallup poll that the approval numbers for Congress are in the toilet. Here we have the Republicans trying to put a stop to at least some of the insanity. How will our population of very limited intelligence perceive this attempt? Will they be willing to allow a reasonable amount of time to those who wish to work on fixing that which has been forced upon us with by the corrupt Democrats? It would seem that the jury may still be out regarding that fact, since a majority seems to have already made up their minds with them showing very little confidence in the Republicans being able to attain any level of success. They apparently have some difficulty in detecting any level of seriousness in promises be made by Republicans regarding any potential attempts to stop any of the madness. So I ask again will the people give the Republicans a chance or will they immediately buy into the typical Democrat drivel, propagated through the state run media, that we know is definitely coming, that the Republicans are just being mean. We can't have it both ways, people. Unfortunately what we are finding ourselves forced to contend with is a substantial portion of our population whose IQ very rarely exceeds their shoe size.

Look to bottom line of what we're talking about here is yet another Trillion Dollar, last minute spending boondoggle, pork laden with 6700 earmarks, which lawmakers are planning to vote on come this Saturday. In taking it right down to the wire just hours before funding expires for everything from nuclear submarines to national parks, "Dingy" Harry is up to his usual tricks. To pressure the opposition to support something that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Someone is going to have to be the adult in the room and just say, "NO!" Senate Republicans have continued to blast the bill as being nothing more than one more crude Democratic attempt to push through funding for pet projects known as earmarks before the new year, when Republicans will wield greater clout in Washington as greater control of the budget. This whole spending bill should be seen exactly for what it is, just one more scam being imposed upon the American people! Republicans are objecting to the $8.3 billion worth of pet spending projects tucked into the bill, even though they personally requested many of the earmarks in it. Many voters view earmarks as a prime example of wasteful government spending, and Republicans vowed to renounce them after winning big in the November 2 congressional elections. "We will reject any earmarks requested by us or anyone else because that's what the American people have said they want," said Republican Senator John Cornyn. But me thinks the good Senator Cornyn does maybe protest just a little too much.

It would seem that old buddy John is being more that just a bit disingenuous here, as well as a little dishonest, because you see, it would appear that he has personally sponsored 51 earmarks that are tucked neatly into the bill worth a total of $93.5 million. This according to the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. Ya know, Guys like Cornyn really tick me off. Because it's guys like him, Graham and McCAin who give Republicans a bad name and who do much more harm than good to the reputation of the Republican Party. And that is a very big reason why the party is not taken as seriously as maybe it should be when it comes to claims made of being fiscally responsible. Too many people simply don't see that big of a difference between the two parties. These guys are just some of the more prominent on a very long list of many Republicans in the Senate who still do not seem to get it, either by choice or for some other pathetic reason, and are choosing instead to risk everything on such idiotic and rather juvenile behavior. Guys like these continue to put themselves above the country. Meanwhile, Republican Senator Jim DeMint, one of the chamber's most uncompromising conservatives, has threatened to require clerks to read the entire 1,924-page bill out loud, a process which could take days.

It is unclear whether Cornyn will be able to muster enough votes to block the bill. Republican Senator Bob "I'm a Loser" Bennett told Reuters he will back the measure, and four others, our beloved RINOs no doubt, said they remain undecided. But you have to ask yourself the question, just how hard is a guy with $93.5 million in pork riding on this thing, going to work in trying to garner enough votes to stop it. The House of Representatives has already passed a substantially different funding bill last week. So now the two measures would have to be reconciled before current spending expires on Saturday at midnight EST. A Senate Democratic aide said he was "cautiously optimistic" that they will have the support they need to pass the bill. Anyone one who states that they are optimistic, cautiously or otherwise about seeing such a piece of wasteful legislation actually passed by a patently dishonest Congress should be ashamed of themselves as well as embarrassed. It's no wonder our country is in the shape that it is. God help us.

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