

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


In what should be seen as an obvious act of political chicanery, the remaining days of this Congress will continue to be fraught with yet even more examples of why it is that the Democrats lost their majority in the House and saw their numbers reduced in the Senate. They continue to remain completely tone deaf when it comes to the listening to what the American people are saying that they want, or don't want from their government. Instead, these Democrats seem to be much more interested in their attempt to enhance their political fortunes by creating a vast new pool of likely Democrat voters. So the motivation here is highly suspect to say the least, and it is imperative that the American people see this for what it is before it's too late. This whole concept of amnesty, albeit under another name, has got to be stopped by the American people. In this new era where the Democrats now see themselves as having to shore up the political base it should come as no great surprise that Congress has now reconvened and are behaving as if the election had never happened. They seem to be as determined as ever to pass more laws exactly like those which brought about their defeat. And so it is that in the waning days of this the lamest of lame-duck sessions, Reid and Pelosi continue to fantasize about cramming through as much of their agenda and down the throats of very unwilling population. The defeated Democrats are a wounded and cornered bunch, to be sure, remaining convinced of the fact that the voters were fooled into shooting the wrong party. And these hypocritical hacks are determined to wield their lame-duck majority right up to that day the new voter-approved majority is finally sworn into office in January. Nowhere is this "voters are too stupid to understand" mentality more pronounced than in the Barry/Reid/Pelosi fantasy drive for illegal-alien amnesty, aka, the Dream Act.

Because what we seem to have here is our buddy Senate Majority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid wishing to make good on his campaign promise of vowing to bring the DREAM Act to the Senate floor for a vote during the lame-duck session. For those who may still be unfamiliar with this yet one more piece stellar Democrat piece of legislation, the bill would create that highly coveted "pathway to citizenship" for children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants who enlist in the military or enroll in college. Proponents say the DREAM Act provides a "path to citizenship" for hard-working college students or members of the U.S. military who were brought to the U.S. illegally as young children and should not be punished for the law breaking of their parents or be victimized by a "broken" immigration system. This propaganda has been blaring for weeks from every available outlet of the Barry state controlled media. These blatant lies can only be believed if you do not actually take the time to read the DREAM Act. And you can believe me when I say that Barry, Reid and Pelosi do not want you anywhere near this thing where there is the slightest chance of you actually reading this nightmare, any more than they wanted you to read their health-care "reform." Opponents of the legislation charge that the language is far too broad and would encourage the flow of labor across the border. "Dingy" Harry promised to bring the DREAM Act, an important piece of legislation for the Latino community, to a vote in the Senate after the November elections, whether or not Democrats retained their majority. With "comprehensive immigration reform" already having been brought to a standstill because of a successful effort to make voters aware of its consequences, the new code speak for yet another attempt at blanket amnesty for "undocumented Democrats," is being called the DREAM Act. The critics of this Dream Act, short for Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors, know that it is nothing more than an amnesty program for illegal aliens. And once again, just like clockwork, accusations of racism are flying around with anyone who doesn't want to spend the money on college subsidies for illegal aliens being called a "racist." But many say plans to address the landmark change not only are being pushed now by Reid, who failed to get it through the U.S. Senate earlier, and outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but they are planning to march it through the process without hearings. Sound familiar?

Let's briefly summarize some of what is actually in the bill. First of all, under the terms of the proposed DREAM Act, any person under the age of 35 illegally present in the U.S., yes that's "illegally present," can apply for lawful permanent residence, or LPR, if they have graduated from high school or have a GED and have been admitted to an "institution of higher education." The illegal need only finish two years of "higher education" (including community college and trade schools) within eight years, and, even if no degree is earned, can then apply for citizenship. For illegal-alien students unable, for whatever reason, to complete the two years work within eight years, the "broken" immigration system can waive the requirement and the "student" can still be granted citizenship. If an application for LPR is denied, the "broken" immigration system cannot use the information provided by the applicant in any deportation process in the future. Ok, what am I missing here. If you are here illegally how is it that you should even be allowed entrance into any institution of higher living. Where they should be admitted to … is prison. But there's more, but then you know that! This DREAM Act "specifically" allows criminal aliens to apply for the "student" amnesty. Illegal's who have engaged in voter fraud, have ignored deportation orders, have falsely claimed U.S. citizenship, have committed marriage fraud, have overstayed their student visas, even those who are a public health risk, yes my friends, they all are eligible for the "student" amnesty under the DREAM Act. WHAT A DEAL!!! The mere act of applying for the LPR gives the illegal immediate amnesty. Applicants cannot be deported, no matter how frivolous the application is. Criminal aliens will learn soon enough that the DREAM Act is yet another way to stall deportation. DREAM Act advocates also tout provisions which allow illegal's, as an alternative to the "student" amnesty, to earn citizenship by serving in the U.S. military. Not quite. The DREAM Act does not require military service. It says the "uniformed service" which also means the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and again for only two years.

The "U.S. military" amnesty argument is bogus for another reason as well. Illegal's are already allowed to enlist in the military and earn citizenship through honorable service to the United States. Which as a veteran of 24 years spent in the Navy, is something I don't understand nor do I agree with. These criminals don't need the DREAM Act. And there's still more. Current immigration law allows legal migrants to bring in their family members as well. It's called "family reunification." Under the DREAM Act, those who receive the amnesty could then legalize their illegal family members setting off a chain-reaction amnesty. It was reported on WorldNetDaily just last week that the cost to taxpayers for this "student amnesty" could reach $44 billion. That's because the estimated 2.1 million new "students" (and it will be many more than this administration estimate) qualify for student assistance under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Want to know how the lame ducks in Congress plan to "cut" federal spending, which seemed to be a dominating theme of the 2010 elections? They're proposing a plan to take upwards of $44 billion a year from taxpayers and hand it over to illegal aliens who are in the United States so they can go to college. According to the Department of Education, the maximum amount one can borrow per year for undergraduate education from the federal government is $21,000. And the Dream Act would incorporate some 2.1 million new "students" into programs under which they would qualify for those loans. Illegal immigrant should be provided with one choice and one choice only, deportation or prison. No enlisting in the military and no enrolling in college. Only to get the Hell out of dodge as expeditiously as possible. Do not pass go and do not collect $21,000, go directly to JAIL.

Some of the more stunning provisions of the plan are:

1. Section 3 of the bill repeals Section 505 of the "Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996" (8 U.S. Code 1623) which currently prohibits the government from giving educational benefits to any "unlawfully present individual," thus ensuring that illegal aliens will qualify for "in-state tuition," at the state college of their choice, even if they live in another state.

2. Section 10 of the act enables illegal aliens who receive amnesty under the bill's general provisions to apply for federally guaranteed student loans under Title IV of the "Higher Education Act of 1965" (20 U.S. Code, et seq.), including Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, Federal Direct Stafford/Ford loans, federal work-study programs and federally sponsored tutoring and counseling.

3. Another section of the bill ensures that illegal aliens can continue to receive these federal student loans, which are often used to cover living expenses, as well as tuition, over the course of eight years, even if they do not complete a college degree.

The pro-illegal immigration folks comprised of the same usual suspects are once again out in full force and loudly making the claim that the attempt to derail this so-called Dream Act is purely racist in nature and does nothing more than stir up a hatred for Hispanics. Give me a break! They usually go on to claim that our country has hundreds of years of history in allowing people to immigrate. Now that the economy is weak we are turning our anger towards the easiest target which is the people least able to defend themselves. What a crock! It should quite obvious to anyone with half a brain why it is that the Democrats are attempting to put passage of this thing on the fast track. They just suffered a resounding defeat, a shellacking, in the most recent election with the outlook for 2012 not looking all that good either, and they're scared. When they look at 2012, they see their prospects for success are dismal, because Americans aren't coming on board with their big government agenda. Democrats are desperate to gather up millions of new registered voters who will support them. What better way to do this than to open up a wealth of entitlements for millions of people here illegally, making them beholden to Democrats and their socialist agenda. But once again this has nothing to do with race or racism, it has everything to do with be able to come up with way to pay for it. Which at the present time are nonexistent. Just on the off chance no one has noticed, WE'RE BROKE!!! Because Dream Act recipients will immediately become eligible for federal student loans, work study programs and other forms of financial aid.

"Dingy" sounded quite determined during a September interview with host Jorge Ramos, Mexican news anchor for Noticiero Univision, during his re-election campaign. On Twitter, Ramos would later write that, "Harry Reid told me that, win or lose, he will present again the Dream Act in the Senate after the elections." This one more cockamamie piece of legislation is in reality the Nightmare Act. "I will move the DREAM Act as a standalone bill in the lame duck. It's good for the economy & Pentagon says good for national security," "Dingy" tweeted as recently as November 17. A Reid spokesman said that no date had been set for a vote, but that Reid had been speaking to his Democratic colleagues throughout the week about holding the vote. And during a recent meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus President Obama, according to Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), promised to put his weight behind the bill and work "hand in glove" to see that it gets passed. Democrats will still need to peel off two Republican votes to beat back a filibuster, but that may not be a very difficult task in the present political environment. You see, Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) who has previously stated that he would vote for the bill as a standalone and since having lost his GOP primary, can now vote freely on the measure without fear of any consequence. Just one more instance of his putting himself above doing the right thing for the country. Just the reason he lost his primary battle. And Senator George Voinovich (R-Ohio) is also retiring in a few weeks time. There are a number of Republicans who previously supported the measure in 2007, though that was several lifetimes ago in political terms. Gutierrez said that House Speaker, soon to be former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has also promised a vote during the lame duck session. Any vote would be unlikely to come until after the Thanksgiving recess. Ah, that would be NOW!

Republican lawmakers tempted to follow the liberal ethnic group playbook and vote for the DREAM Act in some vain attempt to placate Latino radical groups may want to rethink that little notion as they need can ill afford to look the other way regarding the recent election results. New Republican Hispanic officeholders were elected campaigning on enforcing the border and against illegal-alien amnesty. Newly minted Senator Marco Rubio, my guy from here in Florida, the new Republican governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez; and Rep.-elect Republican Francisco Canseco, R-Texas, are among a bumper crop of Hispanic Republicans elected on a pro-legal/anti-illegal immigration platform. Policy experts are warning the act is truly transformative and in the end, among other things, would authorize federal loans to literally millions of newly qualified applicants and provide a preference for the children of illegal aliens over legal residents when it comes to in state college admissions. This whole concept is totally upside down, typical for Liberal Democrat proposals. Republicans would be doing themselves a big favor if they were to choose this particular time to listen to the voters. There was a reason for the way the November 2 election turned out.

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