

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


And so it is, the American people have spoken! And as such, we have now officially taken that first big step toward the taking of our country, BACK. Although there is much to cheer about, we should be keeping the patting of ourselves on the back to a minimum. Nor is now the time to be resting on our laurels because there is still much work to do. Because the next step, may prove to be even more difficult and possibly even more crucial. Now will come the time for us to closely monitor, not only those recently elected, but also of those who were re-elected, to ensure that they do in fact begin the process of taking those necessary measures which are vital to reducing the ability of our current president in his continuing efforts to "fundamentally transform" America. And what must not be forgotten here, at least from our point of view, is the fact that this is only the first skirmish in what will most likely be a very long and hard fought battle to restore some semblance of sanity to our wildly out of control government. We must be ever watchful of our newly minted Senators and Congressmen, and mindful not to allow this, our most recent success, to be stymied. And it's not just the new folks that will require watching. The old-timers returning will need to be constantly reminded that we'll be looking over their shoulders as well. Because permanence is what we’re looking for here, it’s the long term goal. What was accomplished on Election Day must be made into something that we can build upon as we prepare for 2012. Our ability to achieve any level of success in our present endeavor, now rests squarely upon the shoulders of our newly elected leaders. But even with the votes, for the most part, having now been counted, and Republicans shown to be the primary recipients of those votes, I am still not yet convinced that the message received by those in the Republican Party hierarchy, was, in fact, the message sent by the voters. To put it in terms that should be simple enough for even a politician to understand, that even after having now accomplished some pretty substantial Congressional gains, there still remains much that absolutely needs to be done. First thing right out of the gate is that specific actions must be immediately taken which will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that promises to derail some or all of what our current president is doing to our country, that were made throughout the various campaigns, will most certainly be kept. And kept no matter what the level of retribution that will most assuredly be generated by the Democrats, their many surrogates in the media as well as any number of leftist organizations and of course by that ever-present enemy of freedom, and Democrat surgardaddy, George Soros. If this does not become "the" top priority, and the behavior by these new kids coming in to town demonstrates that they too are interested only in the maintaining of the status quo, and thus seeming to forget why it was that they were elected, well then, I'm afraid such actions will come to effectively seal the fate of the Republican Party. Because any hint of such hypocrisy coming from those newly elected, and that provides even the slightest evidence that they ran for office under false pretenses, will, for all intents and purposes, cause the party to virtually cease to exist as an entity perceived as being one that can be trusted. And therefore, its ability to remain a viable political party in American politics will simply come to a rather unceremonious end. If this whole exercise turns out to be viewed as nothing more than just one more "opportunity" for certain individuals to regain or to possibly expand their personal political power, and not as the serious rescue mission to save our country, as well as our Constitution, that it needs to be, then it will all have been for naught. And to be perfectly blunt here, if this is the Republican game-plan, then their tenure as the majority party in the House will be very, very short in duration with us in just two short years being right back in the position where we now find ourselves. That is something that the country simply cannot afford. Those in the Republican Party must be made to understand that there will be no more chances given, we simply can't afford it. They should rightly consider this election, at this particular time as being the occasion where that final line in the sand has now been drawn. There is simply too much at stake here to waste time on the juvenile antics of greedy politicians. Either these folks truly do recognize the severity of our present situation and possess the commitment necessary to at least attempt to set things right, or they don't. And if they don't, what useful purpose do they really serve to those who elected them. The honest answer to that question is that they serve no purpose and hence would not be deserving of support. If the perception becomes one where, especially regarding those newly elected, individuals are seen as being unwilling to deliver, then the Republican Party, in its entirety, could very will be sent into exile for what would most certainly be a very long time. And unfortunately, as the Republican Party goes, so goes the country, because there will be no one capable of stopping the Democrats. And as we have seen over the course of the last two years, that produces nothing but catastrophic results. And thus our nation would be made to plunge head long into what would be 1000 years of darkness. And ya know, I still worry that not enough of these guys, new and old, actually get that message, even now. The priorities of this new majority in the House had better be made very clear right from the outset, with an agenda that is focused like a freakin laser on what's best for America and not on necessarily what's best for the Republican Party. All eyes will be on those recently elected, make no mistake about that. The stakes have become entirely too high for "we the people" to be wasting our time on those more concerned with their own political fortunes or on the obtaining of highly coveted leadership positions than about the country. All must be made to understand that if the choice is made to betray "We, the People," retribution will be both swift and sure. We must be willing to hold all of those sent to represent us, to account for their actions. What must be understood is that it will not be "we the people" who are to be the ones forced to go quietly into the night. If the choice is made to ignore us, we will be left with no alternative but to vote them out at the very first opportunity. All must be made to realize that this is not about them, it is not even really about us, it is about something much, much bigger. It is about our country and the making sure that its future is not filled with the darkness of oppression but is instead filled with the very bright light of freedom.

It is most important that those newly elected, be careful in not allowing themselves to become corrupted by the "old pros" that they’ll surely be running into in the halls of the Capital. As well, those "old pros" of the Congress, would do very well to alter some of their more questionable priorities and practices. This election was intended to do one thing. And that was to send a very loud and very clear message that was meant to be a shot across the bow of those who wish to expand government into areas in which it has no business. And, it was meant to issue a warning, of sorts, to Republicans, a warning that says, “Tread lightly boys and girls, we're gonna be watching and listening very, very closely.” From day one, it should be considered as being safe to assume that there will no longer be any room for error regarding our supposed conservative leaders. "I'm sorry," just ain't gonna cut it from here on out. All those who claim to be conservatives should consider themselves as being on "double secret probation" for the duration of their time in Congress. They will be viewed as being either with us or against us. All must be made to understand that there will be no middle ground that will be seen as being acceptable. Mistakes of the past cannot be allowed nor will they be tolerated should they be repeated. What I fear is that too many of those in this new Republican majority still fail to grasp the urgency of our present situation. Many still refuse to accept the fact that what caused the Republicans to be sent packing in 2006, was the fact that they seriously lost their way. They willingly forfeited their conservative principles for nothing more than a pathetic effort to gain votes in an attempt to maintain their power. And what a great many of them still refuse to admit, is the fact that were it not for the blatant socialism of Barry and the Democrats, they would still be wondering around aimlessly in the wilderness with no hope of ever recovering any degree of political power whatsoever. It is a mistake that "We the people" simply cannot afford to have repeated. So we will be ever watchful for those individuals who may get just a bit too comfortable in their lofty positions. Rest assured that we will be keeping all on a very, very short leash, working to keep any and all egos in check. The country simply cannot afford to allow conservatives to lose their way in the same manner as was so obviously done the last time they were entrusted with control of either House of Congress. Especially at this most pivotal, even crucial, time in our history. And should a conscious decision be made to do so again, any chance at redemption will not come until some time in the very distant future, if ever. If another such blunder is made, and they are tossed out yet again, then whatever happens to this country, that could have been prevented had we a bonafide opposition party in place, will rest squarely on the heads of those we had trusted to prevent just such a occurrence from taking place. Because the alternative is so frightening, "we the people" must take whatever measures we deem as being necessary and appropriate to strike the fear of God into those whom we choose to elect. And we must never be afraid to remind any of them, and in no uncertain terms, exactly who it is that they work for. They must realize, that they will be warned once and only once, with that being on Election Day, that to go against the will of the people will be to do so at their own peril. And that they can count on the fact that we will say what we mean and we will mean what we say. There is much too much at stake to go about repeating the idiotic errors of the past, there is simply no time for that, so if the point must be forcefully made that that will not be tolerated, consider it done. It's just that simple. We will stress the priority of being fiscally conservative as well as for the need to approach, from a more conservative perspective, the remedying of any number of social ills that have lead to a serious decline in the quality of our society. Those who refuse to be part of the solution will be considered as being part of the problem. If they prove to be unwilling to follow the dictates of those of us who have put them into office, then it should come as no surprise to them that come election time, they will find themselves on the receiving end of a primary challenge from a candidate more willing to abide by the will of the voters.

So my friends, the time has now come for us to make sure that we do not blow this our first opportunity to put a stop to this apocalyptic agenda of Barry "Almighty." The name of the game now is for "We the people" to take charge and work as hard as possible toward ensuring that all those conservative candidates recently elected, and being seen as the cavalry riding to the rescue of our country, not forget why it was they were elected in the first place. But at the same time we need to be very wary, because the Democrats, including Barry “Almighty”, have now been reduced to cornered animal status and as such, pose a very serious threat. They still possess some very potent weapons in their arsenal and some very strong allies coming in the form of unions and the state run media. But there will be many instances when the Democrats will not be our only adversaries. There are also far too many "inside the beltway," pseudo-conservatives who seem to possess what can only be described as being an over-inflated sense of importance. Instead of focusing all efforts toward actually bringing about a much needed power shift, which should be seen as being the primary goal here, far too many seem much more concerned with seeking out in ways that will further inflate their own personal stature. I have come to question the motives of many who I, at least up to now, had actually come to respect for their conservative stands. I feel quite foolish for being so trusting and have come to be quite disappointed in many supposed conservatives who decided over the course of the previous campaign, to offer aid and comfort, of a sort, to the enemy. The voices of many of these faux conservatives could be heard joining the chorus of voices that came out against some of our more conservative candidates. These folks, who like to refer to themselves as being staunch conservatives and as being the voices of the conservative movement, apparently have some strings attached for they're being willing to back those candidates who were truly conservative. Well, the time has now come for them to either put up or shut up, either they are conservative and wish to offer constructive leadership or they are not. And if they are not, they should go work for the other team because they are most certainly neither wanted nor welcome here. In the end these people may run the risk of losing whatever credibility they may still have. The current level of arrogance, even hypocrisy, currently seen as spewing from those who make up the national Republican political establishment, should be seen by conservatives as a whole, as being nothing more than insulting as well as dangerous. At the present time I can only surmise that the "rhetoric" which we've been hearing for years from these people concerning their strong supporting of conservative principles has all been nothing more than a sham. Since we now have some truly conservative candidates having now been elected to office but who apparently seem to be deserving of nothing more than varying degrees of disdain, even condemnation, from those who deem themselves as being the conservative power brokers. And they should now be told, and in no uncertain terms, that if they are unwilling to lead or unable to follow, then they must simply get out of our way, because we see ourselves as being on a mission. A mission to rescue our country. Either they are conservatives first and foremost and wish to be active participants in this fight, or they are not. And if they do claim to be conservatives, then they had better start getting with the program and stop what is essentially nothing more than the slandering of those who wish to advance the conservative agenda and cease what appears to be their efforts at sabotage. Right now I have two main heroes, Senator Jim DeMint and Governor Sarah Palin. The Mitch McConnells, Lamar Alexanders, John McCains, Lindsey Grahams, the girls from Maine, the whole lot of them are nothing but frauds, pure and simple. They seem to have their collective nose out of joint because the people have grown tired of their moderate, middle of the road kind of crap that we've been forced to swallow for far too long. Change is in the wind, my friends, and some of these faux conservatives would like nothing more than to maintain the status quo. So as I say, a message has now been sent, a very loud and very clear message. The question that remains to be answered, however, is the one that asks how many out there actually listening? So keeping that in mind….ON TO 2012!

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