

Friday, November 26, 2010


Can there be a dumber couple of bitches anywhere on the entire planet than either of these two old, dried up, tired and worn out, rode hard and put up wet lookin hags, Joy-less Behar and Cher? I mean really! I’ve always wondered what it is about Liberal women, of which these two are perfect examples, that causes them to be in a perpetual state of being pissed off? Does it come down to something as basic as they’re being in desperate need of being bent over and made to be put on the receiving end of a really good stiff one? Although, I must say in their defense, that in today's climate, the caliber of men being what it is when speaking of the more liberal crowd, such an opportunity would be quite rare to say the least. Because when you're a female and a member of a political party that considers itself the home for every male narcissist and self-absorbed mental midget in the country, as well as for the majority of gays in this country, the whole environment just doesn't seem to be all that conducive for getting laid on what could be considered as being anything near a regular basis. So with that being the case, I think it fairly safe to say, that both of these “ladies,” more than likely, are in the midst of a rather long dry spell when it comes to the partaking of any activity that could, in any way, even remotely be referred to as being "intimate." I would further venture to guess that the closest either of these two "ladies" have come to any activity that could be considered "intimate," would be any recent "enhanced" pat downs they may have experienced at the hands of their local TSA agents. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that either of these "ladies" would now consider going to the airport as being the equivalent of a "hot date."

And if we're being honest here, we should ask what self-respecting guy would want to go to bed with either of these two bowsers, let alone wake up next to either one of them the following morning. Put yourself in the position of rolling over and looking Behar dead in the face first thing in the morning and then wondering how it was that you could have ever thought that going to bed with her would be a good idea? YUCK! I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. Seriously though, I doubt if there's enough money in the world that you could pay a guy to have sex with either of these very angry and very pathetic, women. Personally, I'd sooner take a bullet to the brain. And all you ever hear from Behar is a constant screeching, and her spewing of some of the most hateful bile heard anywhere, normally consisting of nothing more than juvenile name calling as she goes about the launching into her very frequent sophomoric temper tantrums. She very rarely, if ever, actually makes any sense whatsoever. She fits the classic definition of what it is to be a moron. And that racist Whoopi Goldberg is another stellar example of the anger that's so prevalent amongst women on the left. Liberal women have got to be the unhappiest segment of our entire population. And did you have stop and ask yourself why it is that they are always so preoccupied with the topic of abortion. With most of them being either gay or having the last time they got laid as being some time in the 60s, it's not likely that any of them are ever going to find themselves being pregnant. And wouldn't you feel sorry for their kids. Yeh, like Chastity turned out so well. She about 200 pounds overweight and gay. Good job there Cher! Can anyone say, lousy self-esteem?

Anyway these two pathetic bitches are far from being the only two out there. Pick any liberal women you want. They're all the same. Pissed off and in bad need of a good stiff d*#k! All any of them would need to turn their entire lives around would be to find themselves on the receiving end of just one good old fashioned orgasm! It would change their whole perspective on things. And maybe, just maybe, they might even become fun to be around. But since the odds against that ever becoming a reality are pretty high, I guess we'll just continue to be exposed to the rantings of lunatics such as these two and others like them who feel so at home out there on the far left, kook, fringe of our society. I can only hope that they're happy in their misery.

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