

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Perpetual racist gasbag Reverend Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton is busy telling just about anyone who will listen that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should take Rush Limbaugh off the airwaves because of "perceived" offenses toward racial minorities and other groups. This pompous hypocrite, and ardent lover of the limelight, is really quite pathetic. Here we are in a day an age where Liberals control 90 percent of all media, and continually spew some of the most vile, hate-filled garbage you will hear or read anywhere, and yet it's talk radio and Fox News that are being accused of crippling political discourse in America. Old "Bull Horn" has even gone so far as to suggest that the FCC should establish "guidelines" or "standards" to regulate speech. I guess our buddy "Bull Horn" hasn't heard of that little thing called the First Amendment. "You've got to remember that those stations that Rush Limbaugh is on and others are regulated by FCC, granted by FCC; they go back to them to get waivers," Sharpton said on his own radio show on November 19th "They go back to them to get consolidation," Sharpton continued. "They have the right to set standards. That does not impair your right to speak what you believe, but it does say that you are not going to do that to offend groups of Americans based on their race, their gender, their sexual status - none of that." Maybe old Al is just jealous because his ratings suck!

Whatever the reason, Sharpton's broadside comes on the heels of a similar attack last week by blowhard Senator Jay Rockefeller. The West Virginia Democrat went after both right-leaning Fox News and left-leaning MSNBC. I'm sure we all remember hearing the good Senator babble on about that "little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to Fox and to MSNBC, 'Out. Off. End. Goodbye.' It would be a big favor to political discourse; to our ability to do our work here in Congress; and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and, more importantly, in their future." And it was earlier this year that Barry "Almighty" himself lamented what he described as the sad state of political discourse hampered by iPods and cable TV shows. Saying, "And with iPods and iPads; and Xboxes and PlayStations - none of which I know how to work - information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Barry said during a commencement address at Hampton University in Virginia. "So all of this is not only putting pressure on you; it's putting new pressure on our country and on our democracy." I guess, at least according to Barry, empowerment is meant only for those who agree with the Democrats.

You know, all this type of activity does is to show that the party of tolerance is most intolerant of anything it sees as being an opposing viewpoint or opinion. And in this age of Barry it would seem that these liberals feel somewhat emboldened in their efforts to attempt to regulate and even censor the airwaves, especially as outlets like Fox News and shows like Limbaugh's grow ever more popular. Dissent and the freedom of speech and of expression is what this nation is built on. An in times such as these an informed public is all the more crucial. Americans are starved for information because they get so little of it from that 90 percent of the media that is essentially controlled by the state. Which is a big reason why Limbaugh is the most listened to radio host in the nation with more than 15 million weekly visitors and that Fox News continues to trounce its cable news rivals CNN and MSNBC in ratings. "This is scary stuff," lamented an editorial in Investors Business Daily. "Strong speech has always been quintessentially American." And it is free speech that dangerous characters like "Bull Horn" and Barry, are trying so desperately to shut down, or at the very least to control. They "need" the American people to be kept fully in the dark, their actions require it, regarding what it is that they wish to inflict upon the rest of us.

In today's world it's the airwaves and cyberspace that have replaced the soapboxes of the past, making it more vital than ever to protect it against corrupt politicians favoring the creation of a new, more threatening 'fairness doctrine' that would keep voters from being armed with the information and analysis that can be used to unseat them." We, the American people, need to be remain ever vigilant and to stand united against what many are now attempting to perpetrate against us.

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