

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Have you ever stopped and taken the time to consider what this aversion is that the Democrat Party seems to have for the First Amendment? Actually though , I think, it’s more of a hatred of our Constitution in its entirety. Anyway, for those who may not have been paying attention, there has occurred yet another recent example of the outright disdain for our freedom of speech that has been spewed by yet another powerful "Democrat" Senator. This time it came to us in the person of Jay Rockefeller. This pompous, old gasbag of an elitist, is but one more on a rather long list of many Democrats, who continue to demonstrate just how out of control this political party has now become and how much damage they would yet like to do. And all while under the cover of darkness. Because you see, that's exactly the real goal here, what the Democrats are trying to bring about here is a scenario that keeps the American people completely in the dark regarding what it is that they are trying so desperately to accomplish, as they go about their "work" in Congress. While the Senator from West Virginia may disagree with that assessment, that is the very simple reason why people no longer have any faith in their government. And it certainly isn't because of Fox News, or those on Talk Radio, which is another favorite whipping boy of guys like Rockefeller, just not this time around. It's because of the nearly, and not so nearly, criminal behavior of those whom we elect and for some reason, continue to re-elect. But according to Jay, it's all because of FOX News, not because of any of the inherent corruption that is currently so prevalent throughout our "Democrat Party" lead government. Sunlight, it is said, is the best disinfectant, and in this case, the information provided by Fox News, and to a much lesser degree, I suppose, MSNBC, serves as being that necessary sunlight. What Rockefeller is suggesting here, with his thoroughly bizarre statement, is that the views presented on FOX and MSNBC have no place in the news consumers' world, and because they are not "quality news" organizations, as deemed by whom exactly, the government should then intervene. Simply put, that's nothing short of censorship in its purest and deadliest form and serves only to undermine having a diverse flow of vital information into the marketplace. It also destroys market-based competition among the networks. This is still America, right?

The good senator was seen pointing his boney finger from his perch on high, accusing two cable news outlets, Fox News and MSNBC specifically, as being responsible for creating the current politically toxic climate in Washington. He then proceeded to unleash a rather inexplicable tirade in which he expressed his desire to see the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shut down both of these cable News and information outlets. Now I'll be honest here, I don't think I've ever watched anything on MSNBC, and as their ratings would indicate, not many others have either. So I suppose if it were to be shut down, I doubt very much that it would even be missed. But that's not the point! I really don’t watch all that much on Fox either, or at least not as much as I used to. But to advocate that either of these information sources should be taken off the air goes beyond being absolutely absurd. So I guess what the Senator would like to see happen here, is for less information to be available to the public, rather than more. Which from the Democrat perspective, I suppose, does kinda make sense, when you stop and think about it. The decision regarding where one wishes to get their information is something that should be a personal choice made by the consumers of that information. It most certainly should not be for some egotistical, blowhard of a corrupt politician to decide for them. For someone, especially a high ranking government official, to make such a idiotic comment about limiting sources of information, especially with one being the most watched cable news network, makes very clear, the very ominous threat that these Democrats now pose to our ability to remain a free nation. "I'm tired of the right and the left," West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller said Wednesday during a Senate hearing on retransmission consent. "There's a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to Fox and to MSNBC, 'Out. Off. End. Goodbye.' " This bonehead went on to say, "It would be a big favor to political discourse; to our ability to do our work here in Congress; and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and, more importantly, in their future," said the chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Frankly, I don’t give a flying f$#k what he’s tired of. Maybe the good Senator should see someone about that "bug" infestation from which he is currently suffering.

Once again, this imbecile puts on display what is the typical level of intelligence possessed by a majority of those that we continue to choose to govern us. Seeming to go out of his way to make sure that we are all aware of just how stupid and ill informed he really is, Rockefeller failed to point out the fact that the FCC does not have the authority to regulate either FOX or MSNBC. It makes you want to scream, "Hey you moron, these channels are on cable, not on the broadcast airwaves." I swear, if brains were dynamite, this clown couldn’t blow his own nose! It's more than just a little frightening that we would have a sitting Senator who would even THINK that it would be a good idea to have the government step in because he disagrees with the content of a specific “news” network. Not it goes without saying that Rockefeller's office chose not respond to any requests for an interview. And of course the Democrat lead FCC declined to comment as well. Of course when one is essentially recommending censorship I can understand his unwilling to go before the camera. Instead he chooses to take the easy way out taking his pot shots then going into hiding which only serves undermine the point he’s trying to make. So I guess at least according to Jay, healthy political discourse requires no diversity of opinion whatsoever. We’re all just supposed to be mind-numbed little robots who automatically believe what it is any of these Democrats tell us, not really needing any other information. We just need to all be singing off of the same sheet of music written by the Democrats, and, by God, we need to shut up and be happy about it. What are these people so afraid of? Rhetorical question. You would think that if their ideas were so freakin great, they'd be willing to defend them through the use of every outlet available to them. Instead they feverishly work to keep everything they're doing, or trying to do, as far below the radar of the American people as possible. That's why we don't trust them! They're devious, insidious, callous, unethical and dishonest, and yet they do nothing but to perpetuate that image through any number of examples of corrupt behavior.

And of course, as always, we have the New York Times rushing to the rescue, out there trying to provide cover for this blowhard, reporting that the comments about FOX News and MSNBC were not actually part of Mr. Rockefeller’s prepared remarks. But in those prepared remarks, he did say, "When it comes to developing content, our entertainment machine is too often in a race to the bottom. Even worse, our news media has all but surrendered to the forces of entertainment. Instead of a watchdog that is a check on the excesses of government and business, we have the endless barking of a 24-hour news cycle. We have journalism that is always ravenous for the next rumor, but insufficiently hungry for the facts that can nourish our democracy. As citizens, we are paying a price." I think what the Senator may be objecting to is the fact that sleazy Democrats, of which he is so obviously one, no longer are able to control the release of information as they were once so easily capable of. But that was in another time and another place, before the advent of the "new media" of Fox News, Talk Radio and the internet. Also rushing in to explain to us what it was that the Senator "really meant" by his idiotic statement, was some liberal bimbo that Hannity had on his show the same night. I think we all know pretty well what he meant, and we don’t need some Democrat to interpret it for us. It provides just one more piece of evidence for the rationale for ridding Congress of every single Democrat or at the very least working to keep them in a permanent minority status so they can be prevented from doing any more damage than they have already done. We know how determined they are to disguise their efforts to supplant the will of the people and to inflict upon our country that which they deem as being necessary and appropriate regardless of what the people may think. Can anyone say “healthcare/insurance reform?” We have already witnessed on any number of occasions, especially over the course of the last two years, that they care very little about public opinion. And apparently the results of the most recent election have failed to dissuade them from altering their way of doing business. It's almost as if the election never took place, at least in terms of the behavior still exhibited by the Democrats in the Senate.

Sadly though, these nutty comments that we hear coming from old Jay are just the very small tip of a very large and scary iceberg. But they do provide a window, so to speak, into what is it that these people are up to. For instance, there is an attempt by the current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Julius Genachowski, who is presently putting together a net neutrality proposal, and is planning to take action on the controversial issue as early as next month. He’s working to do so before the Republicans take control of the House to increase his odds of success. The long-running net neutrality debate centers around rules that would require Internet service providers to treat all web traffic equally. Internet companies like Google and Skype want net neutrality rules applied to both wireline and wireless networks, but network operators including AT&T, Verizon and Comcast say they need flexibility to manage web traffic on their lines. Barry "Almighty" campaigned on a promise to implement just such a policy of net neutrality. Genachowski’s earlier plans to carry out that promise were initially hampered when a federal court ruled the FCC did not have legal authority to adopt the regulations. But never ones to be side tracked by any pesky court decisions, speaking in San Francisco on Wednesday, Genachowski hinted that he had not let net neutrality fall from his priority list. "That'll happen," Genachowski said of developing net-neutrality rules. If the last two years have shown us anything, it is that liberals, no matter what position we may find them in, simply cannot be trusted.

But wait there's more in this ongoing Democrat effort to stomp on our First Amendment!

Because it would seem that on Thursday of this week, the illustrious Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give Attorney General Eric “the racist” Holder, the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed “central to the activity” of the site, regardless if the website has actually committed a crime. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is among the most draconian laws ever considered to combat digital piracy, and contains what some have called the “nuclear option,” which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites “off.” Many people opposed to the bill agree in principle with its aims: Illegal music piracy is, well, illegal, and should be stopped. Musicians, artists and content creators should be compensated for their work. But the law’s critics do not believe that giving the federal government the right to shut down websites at will based upon a vague and arbitrary standard of evidence, even if no law-breaking has been proved, is a particularly good idea. COICA must still be approved by the full House and Senate before becoming law. A vote is unlikely before next year. In short, COICA would allow the federal government to censor the internet without due process.

These are dangerous times my friends. We must be very vigilant, because these slimy characters will stop at absolutely nothing as they work to keep more and more of what they're doing from ever seeing the light of day. Knowledge is power, so we are now seeing that that's where they are focusing their energy, that being, the keeping of as much information as possible where we in the public have no access to it. Deception is the rule of the day. Their actions cannot withstand scrutiny from the public. The blatant dishonesty with which they approach their task poses a very grave threat to our being able to know what it is that they may be up to until it is simply too late to stop them. And their main focus seems to be on those resources where many Americans use to get the necessary information from, Fox News and the internet. If they can succeed in keeping the people blind to what they are so determined to bring about, their chances for success increase greatly. Dissent has become something not to be tolerated by those who comprise the liberal ruling class. It is the Democrats who continue to perceive themselves as knowing what's best for the rest of us.

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