

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


While there is really never anything wrong with wishful thinking, or with trying to plan ahead, it is, however, necessary to make sure you always keep things in their proper perspective. And so it is with much of the polling data that we are now being exposed to on any given day, week, or month. So having said all that, my only point is that it is still a very long time, politically speaking, until 2012 so it would be more than a just little foolish to take any of the presidential polling numbers presently flying about very seriously. As well, it is also way to early for anyone to being counting "Our Dear Leader," Barry, as being down and out. To say that he is, or even might be, considered as being too damaged to get himself reelected is a very risky thing and is at this point not something that should be counted on, by any stretch. Such a notion would at best be extremely premature and at worst, dangerously naive. Because as we have all seen, and on any number of occasions, political fortunes can turn rather sharply and overnight. But the facts do appear to indicate that even some Democrats do seem to now be turning away from Mr. "Hope and Change," and it may be that fact that has now contributed to his approval rating plunging to 39 percent. Which is a new low for his 22-month presidency. A presidency that I'm sure we all remember as one that began with so much hype, euphoria and "promise," as well as with poll numbers upwards of 70 percent. This 39 percent would be his lowest ever, according to a recent Zogby Poll, and it is something that prompted even the left leaning John Zogby to describe the result as Barry being in a “perilous position.” It was just two months ago that our buddy Zogby had pegged the president’s approval at 49 percent, but where now, at least at the present time, 60 percent of Americans now give Barry "Almighty" a flunking grade. The approval of independents, that very same noncommittal group who view themselves as being above the fray and who were instrumental in propelling Barry's coalition election, seems to have now fallen like a rock as well. But the question I have is this, does Barry really even care how many people do or do not approve of the way that he is conducting the people business? I mean, it's not like he's still not going to be president for another 2 years. Or, that the Democrats don't still control the Senate. There is tons more damage that this guy will be capable of doing before he's through, the American people be damned. I doubt very much if he'd care if his approval was down in single digits the same as Nancy's. I mean her single digit approval certainly hasn't dampened her spirits.

Zogby puts forth his rather ominous observation, ominous for Barry that is, because it would appear that Barry is now losing support among even many of those in his own party. Mr. Zogby noted that Barry "is failing to please more than one-fourth of his own party’s voters. Conventional wisdom calls for him to reach for the center and assume that Democrats will stay with him in 2012." His approval dropped precipitously by nearly 10 percent in just one week, from 78 percent down to 72 percent in Zogby's latest read of Democrats. And I think it very safe to say that given the comments he has made, even since receiving his "shellacking," as well as the size of his ego, that Barry has no intention of moving toward the "center" of anything. And while I haven't seen any recent numbers regarding the strength of his support coming from the black community, I can only assume that it most likely remains fairly strong since, in reality, the only qualification needed to garner such strong support from this particular segment of the population, is to be black. And just a word of caution here when looking at the numbers as presented by Zogby. I think it's pretty common knowledge that most of Zogby's polling data needs to be taken with a little more than a grain of salt. I think it safe to say that most people realize it as a fact, that Zogby always, or nearly always, skews his numbers just a bit, giving them a bit of a slant so that they at least appear to favor those on the left. My only reason for even mentioning this is that in this instance there may be a ulterior motive regarding the announcing these depressing numbers for Barry. Because the rationale for him to portray an image of Barry as loosing the left, could be seen as an attempt to either create a distraction or as something to be used in an effort to cause a stir in the left all in an attempt to rally support for Barry. Fear can be a very useful and productive motivator, and if fear can be created in a sufficient number of those who have supported Barry in the past, they may come to support him yet again. So I may have to wait to see of there are other numbers out there from other sources that come to reflect the same trend. There are going to be many peaks and valleys over the course of the next 2 years, both for the president as well as for all those who desire to be his opponent in 2012. And I'm sure that at some point a front runner most certainly will emerge from those who comprise the opposition. But that has yet to happen with all potential Republican candidates running pretty much all in a bunch at the present time.

The fact that Obama trails in just about every hypothetical 2012 matchup against some of the more prominent Republicans should really come as no big surprise here. If in fact he really does. If we are to believe what we're being told by all of this recent data, we see that former governor Romney fares the best against Obama (44-38%), then comes Gingrich (43%-39%), then another former governor, Jeb Bush (40%-38%), who, by the way, says he is not even running. Even Sarah Palin ties Barry "Almighty" (40%-41%). You've got to ask yourself, how embarrassing must that be for Barry, after all, there have been any number of polls which have shown that a majority of Americans believe she isn't qualified to be president. So it might also appear that many have also now concluded that on second thought, Barry kind of looks that way too. Obama began losing the support of independents over the course summer of 2009, as he responded to polls showing voter concerns focused on the economy and by the staging of town hall meetings on healthcare. His empty promised regarding result that would be forthcoming from his bogus economic "stimulus" bill and the outright lies that were told regarding his healthcare/insurance "reform" bill, combined to take a toll on that support. Independents, who made up a crucial part of his coalition win in 2008, have now dwindled to 39% regarding their support for Barry. Only 6% of Republicans, no surprise there, approve of Obama's job performance. The only surprise is that there is any Republican support for Barry. I think we could, very much do without that 6 percent of Republicans, because they're obviously more that just a little insane. It would also appear that even those supposed enthusiastic younger voters, also a crucial source of votes in the ex-state Senator/community agitator's convincing defeat of John McCain, now provide a job approval rating of only 42%. Nearly 7 in 10 likely voters say the country is on the wrong track, rarely a good sign for a incumbent president. But even with lopsided numbers such as these, will they provide any significant impact on the direction in which we will continue to be lead by Barry and a Democrat controlled Senate? And ya know, there have been some who have commented on the fact that Barry may not even de interested in serving second term, especially if he can wreak a significant amount of damage in his first. Some see him as preferring to go for the big bucks on the lecture tour as the featured speaker. After all he will be the man who supervised the demise of America. What better billing is there than that?

So with our illustrious president Barry "Almighty" having now gone beyond the Big 4-0, albeit in the wrong direction, with his approval rating having now plummeted to yet another all new low, what can we safely say that it all means. Just what might all of this new polling information foretell regarding the next two years? Does it bode well for the Republicans who are seeking to replace Barry? Is it even to be considered as being significant at this point in time, or instead as nothing more than a interesting topic of conversation. Such hypothetical's make for interesting conversations, but rarely for much of anything else. I for one am of the opinion that it might be a bit too early to attach any amount of importance to how it is that voters may be feeling about things one way or the other at this particular point in time. I do think, however, that it is fair to say that perhaps the voters are exhibiting some rather obvious discontent regarding the fact that over the course of the last 22 months they feel they have been completely ignored by not only the president but the congressional Democrats as well. And it is quite possible that they have not been simply satisfied in they're handing to the president, and his party, in the November 2 midterm elections, not only historic losses in the House, an some rather surprising losses in the Senate, but huge losses reaching far out into the states, that have also been described as being historic. Because even more polling data would now indicate that nearly as many Americans now want Tea Party-backed members of Congress to take the lead in setting policy during the next year as those who choose Barry, so says a recent USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. In the survey taken Friday through Sunday, 28% say Barry should have the most influence on government policy next year while 27% say the Tea Party standard-bearers should. Republican congressional leaders come in at 23%, with the Democrat congressional leaders assuming their natural position by bringing up the rear with 16%. The Republicans have been presented with a prime opportunity here to create an environment that could bring about even greater gains in 2012 and that could even in assist a Republican to move into the Oval Office. However, only time will tell if they will choose to make the most of it. or if instead, they will as they have done so many times in the past, simply choose to squander yet another occasion to finally bury liberalism and the dangers it represents to this country.

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