

Saturday, October 30, 2010


It's a sad commentary that American politics today seems to be completely devoid of civility with it now being driven by, primarily because of one political party, a very bitter and confrontational form of partisanship. We seem to have far too many of those presently involved in this the world's second oldest profession, failing to make even the slightest attempt to put sufficient emphasis on such qualities as tone and manner regarding how it is that they choose to practice this, the fine art of politics. Unfortunately, these are rather undervalued commodities today, qualities that are seen as having no real purpose, and especially so at the presidential level. As much as any of the present day culprits would love to deny such a reality exists, the public does still look for leaders who are large-minded rather than petty and peevish. And they look for those who choose to engage in public arguments rather than in personal attacks and who want to solve problems rather than settle scores. Tone and approach are important not simply for the aesthetics of politics but also because of what they reveal about a person's predisposition and attitude, temperament and spirit. Obviously, our current president is not a big supporter of such a premise. I'm sure that with very little effort we can all remember back to how it was when it was being touted by any number of Barry’s supporters that, yes, he was "special.” Barry was the "ONE" we'd all been waiting for, he was the guy who promised that under his watch there would be no red states, no blue states only the United States. This is the man who vowed to rid Washington of all the old style politics. This is the man who positioned himself as someone who would become the great uniter. He would be, insisted the state-run media, America's first post-racial President. What a f-ing crock! Of course, Barry's campaign posture was, and still is in most respects, based pretty much on that of your basic community agitator's cynical strategy lifted straight from Rules for Radicals, the Saul Alinsky playbook. But in point of fact, Barry has become the most divisive President in modern times. His politics can best be characterized as being the equivalent of what is nothing more than common Chicago-style thuggery. And as a race hustler, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright can’t hold a candle to Barry's blatant as well as utter shameless, and shameful, pimping of the Latino vote. And finally, and what’s more than a little frightening, is the fact that Barry does not recognize political opponents as being decent Americans who simply disagree with him as he attempts to transform America into a European style socialist "democracy." No, they are instead seen as being an enemy who must be destroyed no matter what the cost. It is quite the political philosophy that is now being implemented to by our "unifier" of a president. This is the same president that has been quoted as saying, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." And is a man who loves to egg on his supporters brandishing about such sophomoric rhetoric as, "If you get hit, we'll push back twice as hard" as he sent his supports out to “get in the faces” of those folks on the street who would disagree with his goals.

This is but one reason why Barry's on again, off again war on Fox News, as well as Talk Radio, currently being carried out by him and his top aides, is maybe not the wisest thing that he could be doing with his time. This type of ongoing nonsense only serves to create a rather unflattering perception of him and one that even he should be able to recognize as being one that really does him no favors. And with an approval rating now down into the upper 30s, might this be a contributing factor. But it's almost as if such consequences that directly result from such actions are much less important to him than is his attempt to successfully destroy his opponents by whatever means necessary. He seems to be willing to take measures to exterminate, to the greatest degree possible, any individual or organization that isn't afraid to offer up a critique of his performance as president. I'm sure many can remember that one of the main attractions of Barry, practically from day one of the then campaign, at least for those willing to buy into his mystique, was his tone and countenance. It was his "apparent" interest in serious engagement on the important issues, and his “professed” allergy to politics practiced by those who engage in the bitter and brittle side of politics that attracted many to him. We should, he said and many people bought, "resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long." He went on to say, "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree." All very impressive and high-minded sentiments that sounded very good at the time, but that in the end obviously proved to be nothing more than a well crafted, ruse. It was nothing more than a tool that could be discarded after he was safely elected. So how can we now take this guy seriously, a guy who consistently spews such drivel whenever needed? He's a joke, a sick joke. And if what he is currently doing to our country wasn't so disastrous, he'd be funny. We should all know by now that Barry is never the least bit shy or in any way hesitant, about operating from right down there in the gutter with the best of them and to drag anyone he can down there with him. He seems to take great pleasure in describing his political opponents in the most vicious and unsavory of terms or by slandering through the most inflammatory or incendiary rhetoric imaginable. Barry is quite easily the most un-presidential president in my lifetime, always eager to disavow doing any of the actions which they readily accuses his opposition of committing.

We have repeatedly seen from this president, some of the darker, and more sinister, Nixonian tendencies and, or so it would appear, a burning anger as well as a seething resentment toward absolutely anyone viewed as being one if its critics. Whether it's Fox News, the Chamber of Commerce, Karl Rove or any number of companies who sponsor reports that take exception to the administration's assessments on the economy, the Overseas Contingency Operation or any other important topic, there seems to be a rather twisted mindset that has our president viewing his critics as hated enemies in desperate need of being destroyed. Any and all individuals as well as any organizations or groups that dare cross our president by taking any position in opposition to what Barry feels is needed are to be made to feel the full force of retribution. Retribution coming from the White House that singles out adversaries who are then to be ridiculed, de-legitimized in any way, or outright ruined all in an effort to either silence or discredit them. Given the administration's brazen public statements, one can only imagine the level of sordid tactics being advocated privately, behind closed doors, and the potential strategies being plotted should they ever need to be put into action against any perceived enemy. This is disquieting to say the least for any number of reasons. Chief among them is that the presidency is the most powerful office in the world and the temptation for a chief executive and/or his top aides to misuse that power is considerable. Look, we're all very well aware that there is a certain daily give-and-take in politics and there is always going to be some pretty rough stuff said and done. We also are very well aware that we’re only human, and here may be a time when our good nature can, and will, get pushed aside. Especially with the pressure of governing this nation being what it is, and the nature of partisan crossfire that is a permanent feature of politics everywhere. And in even the most even-tempered White House, although this is not one of those, it's very easy to feel that you're constantly being put on the receiving end of some pretty unfair treatment and therefore finding yourself wanting to strike back at those doing the criticizing. But the fact is, that there remains a line that ought not to be crossed, temptations that need to be resisted, and people in the White House who need to say "no" to tactics that begin to drag an administration, and our country, down into the gutter. There needs to be, in short, people who care about character. However, character is something that seems to be in rather short supply in the Barry administration.

Since before it even got off the ground, the Barry "Almighty" White House is showed a rather unique fondness for intimidation tactics that might work very well in the wards of Chicago but that really don't have a place in the most important and revered political institution in America. To see these impulses manifest themselves so often in Barry's presidency, especially given all that he has said to the contrary, is not only quite remarkable, but also rather startling. The danger is that as the pressures mount and the battles accrue, the political heat intensifies, and these impulses will not only grow stronger, but the constraints on them will grow weaker, and the voices of caution and reason will soon come to be ignored entirely. If that should come to pass, the likely result is that the Barry administration, and this nation, will come to pay a very high price. And as his term progresses, apparently our rather paranoid egomaniac of a president sees potential enemies as being pretty much everywhere. And it appears that all anyone has to do to earn a spot on his rapidly growing list of enemies, is to simply disagree with what it is that he sees as being best for America. The type of language that he insists upon using is not only un-Presidential, it's the rhetoric of a bitter and desperate demagogue. The level of anger possessed by this man who has essentially gotten everything he has wanted, is nothing if not completely unexpected. There are more than a few critics who have long maintained that Barry is the most self-absorbed, petulant and thin-skinned individual to ever hold his present office. And he very easily fits the clinical diagnosis of being a narcissist to a tee. Even the New York Times characterized our buddy Barry as being someone who automatically assumes that he's the smartest man in any room he walks into. Which makes him the man in the room who suffers a profound lack of wisdom. A fatal flaw in those who wield great power. You have to ask yourself how could the American people have screwed this up so badly. I can understand the blacks in this country getting and staying on the Barry bandwagon. After all, when your sole criteria for supporting a candidate is based on nothing other than his skin color, it's pretty easy to get duped by a fraud, even one that is as blatantly obvious as is Barry. Which is further proof that the folks that make up the black community really should work on broadening their horizons, if you get my drift. Because anyone who can look into the eyes of Barry “Almighty” and not see the white hot flame of hatred burning brightly behind them, is suffering from a most serious case of denial.

At the end of the day there should be very little doubt left in anyone's mind regarding the only possible destination that can await this country if the Democrats are permitted to maintain their grip on power and remain able to dictate the course we will take as a nation. Barry cannot be permitted to continue unabated in his efforts to fundamentally alter this country. The only remedy to this crisis situation is the complete the thorough house cleaning that is now being called for. So the American people have an important decision to make, and very soon. If this country is going to have any chance to survive very much further into the future, at least as it was originally conceived, things must change, and change quickly, in order to get us turned around and headed back in the right direction. We cannot afford to descend further into an abyss of sleaze that the present administration would have us do. This gutter style of politics cannot result in anything positive. We must return some semblance of civility to the process, and get back to a place where those of opposing opinions do not view each other as being mortal enemies to be vanquished in any manner possible.

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