

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The blatant hypocrisy as well as the outright arrogance of Barry "Almighty" has never been on display more than it was this past weekend while on a campaign swing through Ohio. So, it now appears, according to Barry at least, that the empire is poised to strike back. Have you ever heard a more idiotic analogy come from a president of the United States regarding the opposition party or its supporters? Can this guy be anymore in denial? He seems to be utterly dumfounded that a majority of the American people do not want what it is that he is offering. He seems to be of the opinion that we're just not very bright in our not being able to seeing clear the benefits of that which he has wrought. It was just this past Sunday (October 17) that our buddy Barry capped a weekend of campaigning for some Democrat candidates with 2008 style rally in Columbus, Ohio that he seemed to take issue with the fact that the American people are declining, in substantial numbers, his attempts to have the government usurp evermore control of our lives. It was here that we found him desperately seeking to use every ounce of his perceived charm and smoothness all in an effort do nothing more than to try to will those watching and listening, toward the staunchly supporting of Democrats in what looks to be a drubbing simply waiting to happen for his party in midterm elections only two weeks from today.

Telling a crowd that was estimated by the local police to be somewhere around 35,000 there on the campus of Ohio State University that, “We need you fired up,” I was somewhat surprised that he didn't say, "I need you fired up." Because that's pretty much what it boils down to. He went on to tell those assembled, “You can defy the conventional wisdom.” Conventional wisdom? Gee, how does he come up with this stuff? And Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, who is currently trailing in the polls I might add, threw in his two cents proclaiming the crowd as being “the largest gathering of President Obama’s presidency.” And that's supposed to mean something to me there, Ted? Am I supposed to be intimidated by that, Ted? Sorry, but I'm just not feelin it! It was during this most recent appearance that Barry felt the need to resort to practically begging his supporters to please, pretty please, turn out next Tuesday, and vote in the same numbers they did when he was elected president two years ago. Isn't it sad when you see a president who thinks so highly of himself being forced to grovel like this, where the president is forced to literally beg his supposed supporters to show up at the polls? And to think, all this is self-inflicted. “In two weeks you’ve got the chance to say once again, ‘Yes we can,’” he said, citing his hoarse voice as a result of the campaigning that he will continue to do until the election. Yes we can? Yes we can do what exactly, Barry? Yes we can continue to drive the country even further into the economic ditch, yes we can, raise taxes on every single American, yes we can, prevent those who will try to turn back the government's attempt to steal control of our healthcare, yes we can the cost of heating our homes and driving our cars through the roof. Yes we can? Barry went on to say that the election on November 2 is “a contest between our deepest hopes and our deepest fears.” You know, in a way he's right about that. My deepest fears are that he will be able to continue unabated with his agenda designed to inflict wholesale destruction upon my country. My deepest hopes are that there will be enough Republicans elected in two weeks who possess the necessary spine to, if not stop, at least severely restrict Barry's progress until we are able to win back the White House in 2012.

He went to tell the crowd of whiny malcontents, “And the other side is playing on fear. That’s what they do.” You know, this guy lies so easily, it's really kinda scary. And the rhetoric that he insists upon using just drips of hypocrisy. He seemed to be saying, "We just can't elect those evil Republicans, they'll destroy everything I've worked so hard to accomplish!" Barry, turning once again to his baseless attacks on millions of dollars in campaign ads being run by independent groups that do not under law have to disclose their donors, referring to those special interests as being an “empire.” But, I guess as long as you're a Union or some corrupt community agitation group like ACORN, that consistently support Democrats you don't meet Barry's strict criteria for being labeled as an empire. “The empire is striking back,” he said. You know, it should appear to even the most casual of observers, that those who think America is some kind of Empire to be run roughshod over are the very ones presently in charge, including our buddy Barry himself. Look at the number of occurrences where we have witnessed blatant abuse of power behavior that have taken place in just the last 18 months by this administration. It's absolutely astounding. Far from being seen as some evil empire, those seeking to restore some semblance of prosperity should be seen as an alliance to restore freedom to this country. The ones who should be seen as being evil are the ones who, over the course of the last 18 months, have essentially stole not only vast sums of money from the American taxpayers, but any number of rights from the American people as well. These individuals are the true culprits that we must purge from their well entrenched positions in Congress. They can now deny their actions all they wish, the time has now come for as many as possible to pay the piper and be sent packing.

Now while Barry didn't specifically mention the prospect of foreign money being used by certain outside groups as has been the constant accusation for weeks, he did however, resort to a rather curious new tact of casting the anonymous donors as being "cowardly." “They don’t have the courage, they don’t have the gumption to stand up and disclose their identity,” Obama said. Someone should have taken the opportunity to ask our "Dear Leader" Barry if that same theory would also apply to those many "anonymous" donors who contributed literally millions of dollars to his presidential campaign, and they were numerous. This is just one more sick example of how Barry thinks his above the common man, that the rules simply do not apply to him and his union thug buddies, just to everyone else. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Barry's whipping boy of late, has said on any number of occasions that many of their donors do not want to be identified because they are worried about, and rightly so, retaliation that would most likely come at the hand of certain unsavory allies of the president. And privately, numerous political experts say that businesses are concerned that the White House may try to use the levers of power to penalize those who they know are opposing them. Also a concern that is more than a little justified. Because when Barry talks about fear, he knows of what he speaks, because he uses it as a weapon. Oh, and by the way, just a little side note here. It's the Democrats who have raised more than $1 million from political action committees affiliated with foreign companies during this election cycle. House and Senate Democrats have banked about $1.02 million during this cycle from such committees, reports the Center for Responsive Politics, according to “The Hill.” Meanwhile, House and Senate GOP leaders have taken in roughly half that amount, $510,000, from PACs on the same list. Just one of those things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmm. And that in itself shows the very clear hypocrisy of the man who is our president.

And then there's our First "Not so much a Lady" Michelle Obama. In her first campaign appearance with her hubby since the 2008 election, se introduced the president, referring to herself as “mom-in-chief.” Doesn't that just make you get all misty? “This is a serious moment for our country,” she said. “I’m gonna ask you something: can we do this?” Again, I could not agree with her more! This IS a most serious moment for our country. Her “statist” husband is working overtime to wreak as much damage has as is humanly possibly, economically, culturally, fiscally and internationally on our country. So yes, this IS a very serious time for our country and this election stands to be one of the most pivotal ones in our entire history as a free and independent nation. The crowd roared back: “Yes we can!” Yes we can? Ya, this just goes to show that given the right attraction it really is not all that difficult to gather together a sufficient crowd of morons in one location all at same time. Nicholas Tuell, a student as well as a true dweeb that I'm sure his parents are very proud of, spoke before the first couple, and promised that students will vote just as enthusiastically as they did when Obama was running for president. “The young people are energized,” Tuell said. “We can prove that 2008 was not a fluke.” Boy, now doesn’t that just give you that warm and fuzzy feelin. Ya know, young people are so idealistic. But then it's easy to be idealistic when you're still living off mommy and daddy and don't have a freakin clue about it's like out in the real world. But hey, they're energized. Whoopee! But the crowd’s supposed enthusiasm does not change the fact that the outlook for the president’s party regarding the looming election is pretty grim and it continues to worsen. A fact that could not please me more and brings a rather broad smile to my face! This past weekend brought a steady stream of continuing bad news for Barry and the Democrats, from predictions being made by handicappers to the Republicans’ growing advantage in money for campaign ads as we head down the stretch. And the president’s campaign appearances, because of his rather low approval rating in many battleground state and districts, have been limited to friendly states or to places where there are "pockets" of support within purple or red states, where Democrats hope to keep races from slipping away.

So here we are with just 14 days left. It's been a long journey, but the end is in sight. And if all that is being said is anywhere near being accurate, what a glorious sight it will be. We can ill afford to let up in the level of pressure that is currently being applied. Nor can we afford to begin any premature celebrating until we are confident that victory has been achieved. There will be plenty of time for that later. Also will come the time to recuperate and get some much deserved rest. Rest that will be much more enjoyable after we have succeeded in sending the very clear message that "We the people" have had quite enough of this unscrupulous and scurrilous type of behavior from those in Congress. In the meantime, we must keep our eye on the ball and see this thing through to it proper outcome. We must be careful not to allow our forces to peak too soon, to ensure all stay well energized and focused on the prize. Barry needs to be stopped and the first step in that process is for us reclaim the Congress. And then will come the time for us to hold the feet of the Republicans to the fire. First and foremost the repeal of this Obamanation of supposed healthcare reform should be the very first priority of the new Congress. And if they appear squeamish in attempting to do so, then we must be there to properly encourage them in that direction by any means available. But one step at a time. First we regain control of Congress then we ensure that it's the will of the people that is strictly adhered to.


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