

Monday, October 4, 2010


Survey says……Could be! In fact, if I didn't know any better I'd swear he's starting to sound just like a member of the Barry administration or almost any Democrat member of Congress. Apparently he may now see the joining in with the chorus of voices of those who support mythical climate change as being advantageous to his mission. Supportive to the point where he is beginning to sound more like Al Gore, or even Barry “Almighty” himself, then as the leader of a world-wide Islamic terrorist organization. Because there may be a new theme emerging here in these periodic rants of Osama bin Laden. With his having now on at least a couple of occasions, set about the blaming of the United States as well as other developed countries for not working hard enough to thwart the effects brought about by non-existent climate change. So, here we have a terrorist mastermind who lives in a freakin cave who feels qualified to critique the United Sates regarding its stand on the theory of climate change that has already been proven to be nothing more than a hoax. Can you believe it? And going even further in his sounding like one of Barry’s political allies, he's even advocated much the same policies as Barry’s very own Treasury Secretary, little Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner, in that members of the global economy should, and at the earliest possible time, immediately abandon their reliance on the American dollar. I guess it was back in January of this year that Bin Laden was first reported as having said that, “Talk about climate change is not an ideological luxury but a reality.” This came in a report on Al Jazeera’s English-language website and was the first time he mentioned the supposed threat posed by "climate change." It came in the form of an audio tape obtained by Al Jazeera at the time, a tape in which the al-Qaida leader dedicated virtually an entire speech to the subject where he, again sounding like Barry "Almighty", laid particular blame on former President George W. Bush for failing to curb greenhouse gas emissions. “All the industrial states” are to blame for climate change, he said. Adding that, “Yet the majority of those states have signed the Kyoto Protocol and agreed to curb the emission of harmful gases. However, George Bush junior, preceded by Congress, dismissed the agreement to placate giant corporations. All of the industrialized countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis.” I mean does this guy not sound like a Democrat? It was on the occasion of Al Jazeera's broadcasting of the tape in which bin Laden hailed the December 25, 2009 attempt to bring down a plane bound for Detroit that he warned of further attacks against the United States before then going on to declare his serious concerns regarding repercussions climate change and what, as well as who, he sees as being the primary offender. Bin Laden, who is still believed to be holed up somewhere in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border has issued several taped anti-West diatribes, but had been on a sort of hiatus with him not having put one out in the four months before the one about the attempted airline bombing. Again it was back in January when bin Laden first veered away from his traditional vows to inflict death and destruction upon the United States, choosing instead to discuss such lofty matters as one normally finds being discussed in Democrat circles in the form of climate change, globalization and monetary policy, in a message that he said was being directed to the peoples of “the whole world.” It was also at that time that he called for a worldwide boycott of all American goods as well as the U.S. dollar. And he even went so far as to offer a word of praise for crackpot Noam Chomsky, that well-known and rather loony left wing political activist who enjoys nothing more than to go out in search of that receptive audience willing to pay to hear him stand in front of them and spew his anti-America drivel ending with their usual standing ovation. So it should come as no big surprise that Mr. Chomsky has now acquired yet another big fan having now come to him in the form of Osama bin Laden. Anyway, of Mr. Chomsky he says, “Noam Chomsky was correct when he compared the U.S. policies to those of the Mafia,” Al Jazeera quoted Mr. bin Laden as saying. “They are the true terrorists, and therefore we should refrain from dealing in the U.S. dollar and should try to get rid of this currency as early as possible.” Already bank and government officials in China, Russia and even here among those within certain liberal enclaves have previously floated the idea of abandoning the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, replacing it with a basket of other currencies and commodities like gold. But bin Laden’s sole purpose in advocating a turning away from the dollar appears to be more directed at the inflicting of as much harm as possible on the American economy than anything else. “I am certain that such actions will have grave repercussions and huge impact,” he was quoted as saying.

Now we fast forward now to October 1, 2010 with Bin Laden once again raising the specter of bogus climate change and using the devastating floods in Pakistan as his rationale for both criticizing ongoing relief efforts in Pakistan and to once again call for action against climate change. This latest display of concern regarding the effects of climate change came in what appeared to be the latest audio tape from the al-Qaida leader issued on Friday in an Islamist forum. In this new message Bin Laden once again touches on global warming, thus making it the second time he has chosen to make climate change a prominent theme of one of his periodic ravings. "The huge climate change is affecting our (Islamic) nation and is causing great catastrophes throughout the Islamic world," he says in the tape. "It is not sufficient anymore to maintain the same relief efforts as previously, as it has become crucial to deliver tents, food and medicine.” Pakistani and U.S. officials have expressed on several occasions concern regarding the Taliban and other militant Islamic groups possibly being able to exploit the disarray in the implementing of relief efforts in their attempt to gain additional recruits. Bin Laden seems to have departed from his usual topics which usually center around the calling for more armed attacks on the West, especially the U.S., to now center around a more global theme focusing around the making of natural disasters or economic crisis the centerpiece of his latest messages. This most recent screed follows a statement in mid-September by al-Qaida number two Ayman al-Zawahri who also accused the Pakistani government of reacting far too slowly to the floods and a later statement by an al-Qaida spokesman, Adam Gadahn, sounding pretty much the same theme. Again like Democrats, everyone getting the same talking points. The most recent Bin Laden message, about 11 minutes long, was broadcast with a video accompanied by still images of Bin Laden as well as images of natural disasters, on the Islamist website used by al-Qaida. The authenticity of the tape and its precise release date could not be immediately confirmed and I'm not sure if that has yet been accomplished. However, Bin Laden does congratulate Muslims on the holy month of Ramadan, which started on August 11 and ended September 9. He describes the fate of the Pakistani people following catastrophic floods, saying: "Millions of children are out in the open air, lacking basic elements of living, including drinking water, resulting in their bodies shedding liquids and subsequently their death." Al-Qaida has never really pursued any attempts at systematic humanitarian work during natural disasters of the kind carried out by various aid organizations and Islamic relief charities, analysts say. With this latest tape circulating on the Internet, it shows that apparently Bin Laden now feels that weighing in on climate change and linking the catastrophic floods in Pakistan to man-made warming may be something he sees as being useful. “The number of victims caused by climate change is very big, bigger than the victims of wars,” says a voice that the watchdog group SITE has identified as being that of Bin Laden. It says the challenge “calls for generous souls and brave men to take serious and prompt action to provide relief for their Muslim brothers in Pakistan.” Australian counter-terrorism expert Leah Farrall described the statement as nothing short of "hypocritical," noting that a number of internal al-Qaida documents found in Afghanistan and dated about 2000 commanded members not to be "distracted by relief and aid operations." Bin Laden urged a big transformation in how relief work is executed in this message that was bin Laden's first since March 25, when he threatened to execute any Americans captured by al-Qaida if accused September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was executed.

Now I don’t think it's realistic to expect Bin Laden to be making an appearance at any future international climate summit. After all, there would really no need for that, after all, he has any number of cohorts that could very easily appear in his stead, such as the previously mentioned Al Gore or anyone from the Barry administration, or even any Democrat for that matter. However, the State Department did respond rather sarcastically to Bin Laden’s January message saying, “So we’ve gone from being the ‘Great Satan’ to the ‘Great Emitter,’ ” a spokesman, Philip Crowley said. “He’s working hard to stay relevant — that’s all I can say.” I'm sure what kind of response if any was made regarding the most recent tape on the same topic. It would seem very reasonable to assume that should Bin Laden ever want to run for office, with his list of grievances against the United States he would very likely be welcomed in with open arms to the Democrat Party. He may be asked to lose the beard and his typical headgear before having his image placed on a Democrat campaign commercial somewhere, but his general philosophy is one that fits in rather nicely with what is seen as being the typical Democrat platform. But then again, there are several places around the country, such as California, Michigan or Massachusetts where he might not even be called upon to lose the beard or the headgear and still be considered as being a viable Democrat candidate. I mean really, just how different are his positions on any number of issues from those of guys like "Dingy" Harry, Bawny "The Banking Queen" Fwank, or Russ Feingold just to name only three. Is it really that much of a stretch of the imagination to envision Bin Laden as being a Democrat candidate for either the House of the Senate? I don't really think so.

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