

Friday, October 1, 2010


First of all, let me start by making it clear that the term, "ineffectual civil servant" is not mine but is one that I have borrowed from one of my favorite comedians and part time political pundits, Dennis Miller. When I say ineffectual I am referring to the way that Barry has failed to abide, even remotely, by the will of the people and his inability, or dare I say his unwillingness, to improve the economic outlook for literally millions of Americans. On the other hand he has been quite effective at expanding the size, scope and power of government and dragging this country very much further to the left than what is felt comfortable by a majority of the American people. So what I am about to embark upon here is not some defense of our present president, but to instead lay out some of the blatant hypocrisy routinely exhibited by those who contort themselves into pretzels in their effort to do so. For example, yesterday morning I was watching a re-run of "The O'Reilly Factor" which was broadcast on the previous night, and O'Reilly's guest was Bill "Pinhead" Maher. Now Maher may think he's a pretty bright guy, he certainly is cocky and he gets plenty of laughs from his very often cheap shots, but he's just another jerk who fancies himself some kind of a social critic and political commentator who has finagled his own cable TV show. When O'Reilly made the point, as I suppose he has on any number of other occasions, that Barry has now officially become the president who has literally spent more money than of any president before him, all this rocket scientist Maher could do was to say that no he is not, Bush was the highest spending president. These people, like Maher, literally have Bush on their brain. Blaming Bush is like a conditioned response to any accusation placed against Barry. And it goes on and on like this. Maher is only one example of literally millions of robotic, brain dead Barry supporters! Maher should be considered as being the poster boy for the politically insane. He is after all one of the more visible faces of those who have cheerfully drank the Barry Kool-Aid to the point where most have now simply lost their mind. He and his ilk have lost any sense of reality or sense of what is right or wrong, that they may have at one time possessed. And the reality of the situation is that he is doing no one any favors by his advocating of those policies being put forth by his idol, Barry. He may feel that he sleeps better at night believing in some warped way that he is helping bring about some bizarre form of social justice, but quite to the contrary, his is in truth acting only as an accomplice, of sorts, in the destruction of his own country. He assists in the encouraging of those that he sees as being the supposed down trodden, such as those members of the black community who would already sooner take a bullet to the brain than to falter in their unwavering support for Barry. Voices such as Maher's assist in the gaining of support for measures which virtually guarantee that these people will never got off the welfare rolls or out of poverty, but apparently that's ok with him, and them. I can only guess that that must be their preference in life. For not only themselves but for their children as well. It's quite sad, actually. Guys like Maher assist in the fostering of the low self-esteem of these people which allows a low life like Barry to then so easily manipulate them. Have you ever noticed that nothing positive is ever uttered by Barry? It all nothing more than platitudes and empty rhetoric filled with nothing more than doom and gloom all wrapped up in flowery words end empty rhetoric. But still he is seen as being deserving of being defended and they will so to the death!

The state run media is now running in full overdrive mode in an attempt to stem what now appear to be the rather substantial losses presently being predicted for the Democrats this November. You can almost hear the panic in their voices and there here been an obvious shift in the intensity regarding the rhetoric now being directed at the Tea Party and any candidate that is being supported by the Tea Party. Everything but the kitchen sink is now being thrown at candidates such as O'Donnell in Delaware and Miller in Alaska to name only a couple. And it would seem that the media may have actually acquired an ally, of sorts, in its effort to demonize Tea Party backed candidates. That ally comes to them in the form of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) which has done nothing more to help candidates supported by the Tea Party than to effectively throw them an anchor. By stubbornly remaining supportive of sore losers like Castle and Murkowski, and even Charlie Crist for a while, together with their obvious reluctance to get behind the actual primary winners, they expose themselves as being nothing more than political elitists who are strictly out for themselves. Members of the Republican Party leadership have vigorously denied such accusations but it's very plain to see what's going on here. And I'm not exactly sure what the motivations might be for such behavior, but it does cause me to wonder that if the Republicans are successful in their bid to gain some semblance of a majority in November, just how long might it last. If their concerns are not the concerns of the American people, which apparently they are not, then in two years we're likely to find ourselves right back to where we are now. With Barry being re-elected and once again having solid Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress. Which again is the main reason that the NRSC, as I have stated before, is not a recipient of any of my money. What money I am able to contribute goes either directly to specific candidates or to Jim DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund. But anyway, I've gotten myself off on a tangent here. Back to Barry's state run media cheering section. The defending of Barry and his policies by these supposed objective "journalists" continues to, as it always has, border on being nauseating. They possess absolute zero credibility and even less objectivity with respect to anything that they choose to "report" regarding the policies of Barry or of the man himself. Morons from Matthews to Olberman to anyone on CNN, MSNBC, any of the major networks as well as the New York Times, are constantly bending over backwards to convince the American people that yes, Barry does have their best interests at heart. They say that Barry just needs to be given more time to effect his "change", after all it's only been, TWO YEARS! Hell, it's all Bush's fault anyway. More time? Look, at the amount of damage that he has already done and in less that previously mentioned, two years. Barry has repeatedly shown whose side it is that he's on here and it is not the side of America or a majority of the American people. He has ignored what they have to say on any number of occasions and issues but somehow we’re always supposed to listen to what it is that he has to say because is the all knowing, all seeing, Barry "Almighty". Sorry, but someone needs to tell Barry that, as they say, communication is a two way street. Thus far he hasn't proven himself to be a very good listener.

And of course Barry is now busy attempting to defend himself as well as his policies by going out and about holding his little backyard town hall meetings and working to defend his rather half-baked economic policies. Along the way he has been facing some pretty tough questioning from some pretty skeptical Americans and with a little over four weeks to go before congressional elections that possibly threaten his fellow Democrats' grip on Congress, it's hard to determine how much, if any, progress he may be making. But Barry, never one to shy away from peddling his own special brand of BS, continues to stand up for his agenda, but did acknowledge that the country is faced with making some "hard decisions" as he claims to be working toward the shoring up of the struggling economy and to rein in huge budget deficits. "We're not going to be able to solve our big problems unless we honestly address them," he told about 70 people at one Iowa home. In one of the latest in this series of his backyard gatherings with middle-class voters, Barry heard one small businessman's fears that Barry’s tax plans could "strangle" job creation. This same fella expressed concern about Barry's proposal to extend Bush-era tax cuts only on families with personal income of less than $250,000, and bemoaned policies he said would discourage hiring. "As the government gets more and more involved in business and gets more involved in taxes to pay for an awful lot of programs, what you're finding is ... you're sort of strangling the engine that does create the jobs," the man said. Barry said his tax proposal will help middle-class earners and avoid what he sees as unneeded tax breaks for wealthier Americans. The issue has sparked heated debate between Democrats and Republicans. "I'd like to keep taxes low so that you can create more jobs. But I also have to make sure that we are paying our bills and that we're not ... putting off debt for the future generation," Barry told his questioner. Another questioner brought up the fact that her 24-year-old son, who has graduated from college and had campaigned for Barry in 2008 but has been unable to find a full-time job. "He and many of his friends are struggling. They are losing their hope, which is a message that you inspired them with," she said. Barry responded by citing a list of areas of optimism, ones she could tell her son about. He said his government is providing more students loans, trying to encourage private job growth, and making tough decisions now that will help the county reclaim its rightful stand as the top leader in innovation and entrepreneurship. Over the long term, Barry assured her, "their future will be fine." I'd say that's easy for him to say. Barry also fielded concerns about high unemployment and the impact of his healthcare overhaul. During these little cheerleading sessions for both himself and the Congressional Democrats there has been a rather stark contrast in the level of enthusiasm depending on the venue. During some of the more recent backyard get-togethers there has been a more serious tone when compared to the more enthusiastic university crowd that greeted Barry on Tuesday in Wisconsin when he sought to fire up his youthful base of support, and showed the obstacles that his Democratic Party faces on November 2. Look, it’s simple, folks that are actually out there in the real world trying to make a decent living and provide for their families, or perhaps even trying to start a small business and thus provide employment opportunities for others, are a far cry from college students who are still living off of Mommy and Daddy while they go out and party every night. So it's easy to see why Barry drew more than 26,000 people on Tuesday at the University of Wisconsin, where he appealed to young voters, who tend to favor Democrats but are less likely to go to the polls, to back his party. The mood was said to have been reminiscent of triumphant rallies late in his 2008 presidential campaign. But these "kids" may be in for a pretty rude awakened sooner than they think. They had better come to their senses pretty quick because not too long from now they’re going to be looking for employment in an economy that has been pretty much decimated by Barry and the Democrats. So, they can go ahead and support him now, but don’t come crying when that college degree ends up being good for nothing more than toilet paper.

And ya know, one thing that Barry always neglects to mention whenever he’s out doing a little self-promoting, and is what most people I would think realize by now. And that is the fact that this massive debt that we're being told that we need to deal with, has as its origin, Barry himself. "When you look at the choice we face in this election coming up," Barry likes to say, "the other side, what it's really offering is the same policies that from 2001 to 2009 put off hard problems and didn't really speak honestly to the American people about how we're gonna get this country on track over the long term." So once again it’s all Bush’s fault. Barack Hussein Obama is nothing if not the consummate liar and a gutless coward. And yet he is deemed as being worthy of defending by so many. Representative Eric Cantor, a Republican whose Virginia district has also been visited by Barry "Almighty", sought to pre-empt the president's arrival with a call for him to support a bill that "will stave off tax hikes for every American." While still in Virginia, Barry again blasted Republicans, referring to Cantor, although not by name, for, what he said was failing to offer concrete ideas and making a political calculation to refuse to work with him to address the country's problems. "It's been a pretty successful strategy," Barry said. "Because right now, people are frustrated. All the good feeling we had coming in... has dissipated. That means a lot of the people who were supporting me are talking about maybe just staying home in the election. And meanwhile the other side's all ginned up: 'We can take power back,'" he told supporters crowding a community center to avoid a rainstorm. Ah, what good feeling coming in is Barry talking about exactly and just why might it have dissipated. He has done nothing more than to make a bad economic situation much, much worse. However, William Galston of the Brookings Institution still calls Barry the "best card that Democrats can play" to energize voters to stave off potentially steep losses in November. Polls show an enthusiasm gap, with Democrats less likely than Republicans to vote in the mid-term elections. "If you see the enthusiasm gap ... cut significantly between now and Election Day, I think the president can claim some victory," said Galston, who is, of course, a veteran of the “BJ” Clinton White House. Ya know, I'm thinking that's nothing more than just grasping at straws. There's this old adage that, "Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey." And so far, all we've really gotten from Barry is a whole lot of talk and insane amounts of money being spent with absolutely nothing to show for any of it. And if recent polling data that shows that only 38 percent of Americans think Barry should be re-elected is accurate, then I think it safe to say that a good many people are getting tired of his worn out bumper sticker clichés.

And then of course you always have those pathetic pieces of dog squeeze such as the ugliest man in Congress, Henry Waxman, who I believe had a bit part in "Star Wars," being easily spotted in the bar scene. Guys like this dope Waxman habitually go in front of the nearest television camera shooting their mouths off saying all kinds of idiotic things such as, “It appears that the Republican Party leadership in the Congress has made a decision that they want to deny President Obama success, which means, in my mind, they are rooting against the country, as well.” Poor old Henry has it all backwards. And speaking of Henry's mind, me thinks it's gone round the proverbial bend. He is such an imbecile. Because at this point in time anyone seen as working toward the denying of Barry any further successes than he has already achieved, should be viewed as working toward the stemming of a very rapidly rising tide of progressivism and for an increasing of the odds favoring the survival of our country. The shrillness of those now rushing to Barry's defense has now attained nearly a fevered pitch. With the decibel level increasing steadily with each passing day. Lies are being mass produced at break neck speed and being repeated by the media at a rapid fire rate, all the while being portrayed as being fact by an ever increasingly compliant group of supporters. Nothing is to now be considered as being off limits by these people. Whatever is necessary must be done in order to salvage what Barry has thus far been able to "accomplish." Those now on the right must not waiver, we need to be more determined than our adversary in this battle for control of our country. And we on the Right must be fully cognizant of the fact that a good many in the Republican Party hierarchy, at least in the Senate, simply do not posses the same level of commitment as do we. They seem to be far more hung up on the maintaining, or expanding, of their own personal status and not focused on the critical issues at hand. Therefore, if they are not part of the solution they must be viewed the same as Barry and considered as being part of the ongoing problem regarding the fact that our government is now spinning wildly out of control. And if they cannot bring themselves to change, then change must be forced upon them. And if necessary, they too must be defeated.

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