

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


With results from a recent Gallup Poll showing that 91 percent of Blacks and 36 percent of Whites still support Barry “Almighty,” as he continues in his efforts to move our country farther and farther to the left, I do have a question. Just who might the real racists be presently walking the streets of America? Is it the Whites who oppose him based on the policies that he has chosen to pursue as part of his obviously progressive agenda that is literally destroying our economy as well as our country? Or, is it the Blacks who continue to support him in substantial numbers for no other reason than because he’s……Black? Now while it is true that Democrats (79%) and liberals (75%) still swoon over Barry, once you look past them and at specific groups of people, his approval percentage more or less goes into the tank. For example, support among young people is down: 57%. Hispanics: 55%. Moderates: 54%. Unmarrieds: 53%. Easterners: 52%. Women: 47%. Midwesterners and Westerners: 45%. Men: 43%. Southerners: 41%. Independents: 40%. Marrieds: 39%. Seniors: 38%. Whites: 36%. Conservatives: 23%. And amazingly, and for the life of me I can't figure this one out, but among Republicans Barry still manages to hold the support of 12%. I must say though, those must be some pretty screwed up Republicans.

So what could it possibly be that accounts for such steadfast and unyielding support for Barry that we see coming from Blacks? Could it really all boil down to being something that is truly so insignificant as race? Do these people really attach something as important as an individual's character as being totally dependent upon, as well as something that varies wildly in regards to, a person's skin color? Is that what this group of people has now finally been reduced to, a collective of mind-numbed robots who know nothing more than that they should vote only for fellow Blacks? And am I, because I am not one of those in the 36 percent of Whites who are presently in favor of what Barry is busy inflicting upon my country, now to be considered as the one who is racist? Why is it exactly, that it is never Blacks who are to be considered as being racist even though the sole reason behind their continuing support of Barry, and of any black candidate or official for that matter, is based on something as shallow as that individual's skin color? These people are nothing if not pathetic, bigoted hypocrites. I think it goes very much without saying that if any white person were to make it known that they supported some candidate or public official for no other reason than because he or she is white, that mere act in and of itself, would undoubtedly unleash a maelstrom of invectiveness the magnitude of which would be nothing short of galactic, and would result in the black community in its entirety going out of its way to rain down upon the culprit every racial epithet imaginable. I just love this little double-standard thing that these people have going on here for themselves. These people simply have no interest in what’s best for the country only about what’s best for them with the end always justifying the means. Their primary interest is, and has been now for a very long time, just how much it is that they can gain for themselves in exchange for their vote. Meaning, that the rest of us can all go to Hell! They are the most selfish and self-centered group of individuals that you’ll find anywhere on the entire planet. Their holier than though attitude started to wear a little thin a very long time ago and has only gotten worse over time, with it reaching its crescendo in 2008. They feel they have the absolute right to call everybody else racist while remaining completely immune to being labeled as such themselves. Sorry there “Buckwheat,” but that’s not exactly how the game is to be played. The rules apply equally to all, Blacks and Whites alike, and the definition of "racism" does not vary depending on the skin color of the accuser. Racism is racism, pure and feakin simple. This recent polling information shows very little difference from the numbers we saw in 2008 when fully 96 percent of black voters supported Barry which also equated to 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. And as in past years, for obvious reasons I think, black women, many of whom are simply baby factories, turned out at a higher rate than black men. Since Barry was sworn in as president the gap between the way Blacks and Whites view Barry "Almighty" has continued to widen, according to the results of that Gallup poll released on Tuesday. Barry’s approval rating among black Americans hovered around 88 percent in July, while the rate for whites was 38 percent. According to the study, 54 percent of Hispanics then approved of the way Barry was doing his job. His approval ratings across the board are at the lowest levels ever, but an overwhelming majority of Blacks still heartily approve of the job Barry is doing. “Whites’ approval of Barry is down 24 points from the high of 62% in January 2009. Hispanics’ approval has dropped 28 points from its 82% peak in May 2009. Blacks’ approval has been much more stable, falling seven points from the high of 95% in June 2009,” officials said. Barry’s overall approval rate now stands at about 46 percent. Critically important independent voters continue to drift away from Barry, and disapprove of him by 52-38 percent. A year ago, independents backed Obama 52-37. Barry gets just 39 percent approval of his handling of the economy and 43 percent approval on handling of foreign policy. So, are all those who find themselves no longer being able to support Barry, doing so because of their inherent racism?

Or, is this continuing lopsided support for Barry that we find coming from Blacks, perhaps being driven by other factors? Does it, perhaps, all stem from some outrageous sense of entitlement that does seem to permeate, and rather deeply, throughout the entire collective that is the black community? Is the black community as a whole something to now be considered as being made up of nothing more than several generations of nothing more than spoiled brats? Individuals who have never been told that the time has finally come for them to stop all of their whining as well as being well passed the time for them to finally grow up and become contributing members of society? It seems that far too many of these folks have become far too addicted after years of their being allowed, even encouraged, to mooch off of their fellow man. They have essentially been conditioned by the Democrats in such a manner as to make them totally dependent on the programs conceived by and implemented by, Democrats. And as a result they have come to be much more focused on being able to acquire things through methods that are seen as requiring the least amount of effort, rather than actually going out and working for them. And should they ever be unable to afford any of those things that someone else, say someone who has decided to actually work for a living, can afford, why then, they simply set about complaining about how our society is just so unfair. However, they still don't choose to find a job, they just complain that their inability to acquire certain things is all because they are black. And at the same time they're being told by the elites of their community, as well as those in the Democrat Party, not to worry, that there really is no reason for them to become self-sufficient or to exhibit the least little bit of personal responsibility, they'll be taken care of. All they need to do is to just vote for Democrats. And what these people fail to realize is that they continue to be laughed at all the way to the voting booth by the very ones for whom they keep voting. And yet, apparently they're simply too stupid to see that. These self-righteous, sanctimonious and yes, even, ignorant individuals continue to use as an excuse for their behavior, perceived injustices which they claim are continuing to be committed against them because of something that ended over 140 years ago. But honestly, to make such idiotic claims accomplishes nothing more than to reveal one's own laziness, and really nothing more. These nonsensical claims are seen for what they are, transparent attempts at having others subsidize their existence. I would love to ask any of these people which political party it is that has worked, and continues to work, toward the taking of specific actions that would make it easier for them to remove themselves from the government teat while at the same time increasing the odds favoring their ability to attain some level of personal success? I can pretty much guarantee them that it wasn’t, and isn't, the racist Democrat Party to which they have sworn their undying allegiance. Perhaps if they made themselves a bit less ignorant regarding history or spent less time listening to all of the drivel coming from their various community "spokesmen," who we know are beholden to the Democrats, they might finally get a clue as to who it is that is truly on their side. And again, it sure ain't the Democrats, or the many black politicians who call that party, home! What’s really pathetic is the fact that these people have a personality complex of a most bizarre and extreme nature. The "only" ones who see them as being supposedly inferior and who are determined to convince them that they have no hope of ever bettering themselves, are the very ones who are supposed to be offering up the most encouragement. Come on folks, for crying out loud, GET A GRIP! Life's tough, nobody is entitled to a free ride. We all have choices to make in our life, sometimes we make good ones, sometimes we don't. But no matter who you are, the making of bad ones is no ones fault but your own. It's time to claim a little ownership here.

When it comes to race, it would seem that Blacks have a one-track mind. They're myopic when it comes to all issues related to race and are insecure while at the same time being paranoid to the extreme. They have allowed themselves to be convinced by those with some rather questionable ulterior motives, that White is bad and Black is good. And it allows them to fall prey to some pretty nutty ideas as well as being a contributing factor to they're being so easily manipulated and maneuvered into believing things that are so patently untrue. These people seem to be willing to believe just about anything they're being told, especially if the person doing the telling is black. They are constantly being told that their inability to succeed at making something of themselves is to considered as being someone else’s fault because, after all, the deck continues to be stacked against them for no other reason than because they're black. No, the sole reason that they're being prevented from succeeding is because the Democrats constantly in need of victims, and what better way to ensure a current as well as a future supply of victims, than to manufacture them and to then blame their plight on the opposition party. Too many Blacks fail to realize that it is nothing more than the luck of the draw that anyone, regardless of race, possesses some innate or natural ability, talent or skill, but that the commitment to succeed at some endeavor comes from within and is totally unaffected by outside forces. We each have our own unique abilities and skill sets but without the necessary drive to take advantage of the opportunities that may come our way, they are worthless and simply wither and die on the vine. And that my friends, is where the Democrats come in. They work ever so diligently to stifle that drive, to brainwash individuals into thinking that it's nothing short futile for them to even make any attempt to succeed. They do this through any number of ways but for one main reason. Because of that need for victims. It is what's paramount to the Democrats, because it empowers them in their effort to move forward with their highly toxic progressive agenda. But if they were to simply stand aside, one would very easily be provided with any number of opportunities to try, and to actually achieve some degree of success. But if the Democrats were to do that, well then these people would no longer be victims in "need" of Democrat entitlements, and therefore no longer in need of the Democrats. They would come to rely on themselves rather than government. They would dedicate themselves to themselves and through their own hard work would undoubtedly achieve some measurable amount of success, and that goes for everyone no matter their race. But too many continually choose to listen to, and give far too much credence to, those who tell them that they can't. They are told that if only they were White, then all their problems would be solved. BUNK!! Unfortunately, far too many people have allowed their race to cloud what, I feel deep down, they know is right. And at the end of the day, they have only succeeded in doing nothing more than to make their race into a yoke around their neck. Through their own actions they soon find themselves stuck in a form of servitude that is eerily reminiscent of and not that much different from the slavery experienced by and suffered through, by their ancestors. Only today far too many seem to have become rather comfortable, even content in their bondage. They have allowed themselves to be convinced that their race is a weakness not a strength. It is a mindset that has prevented them from progressing naturally. And they have allowed themselves to be molded into today's racists by a political party consisting of nothing but users. These people continue to be their own worst enemy. They insist on voting for the one political party which has been the sole source of their misfortune, which should strike anyone looking in from the outside as being more than just a little odd. What exactly have they gotten in return for their blind devotion and their continuing affiliation with the Democrat Party? Well, let’s see, we have a prison population that still has as its largest percentage of inmates, members of the minority community, the family unit within the minority community that is essentially laying in absolute shambles, a 70 percent out of wedlock birth rate, if we’re being honest, the stigma of affirmative action and their continuing to remain essentially trapped in self-destructing neighborhoods located in fiscally imploding cities, and being run by none other than….Democrats. And yet, these people allow themselves to be convinced that they are so much more better off than if they were to ever cast a vote for those evil, racist, church burning, lynch mob crazy Republicans. These people are constantly encouraged, very often by their fellow Blacks, to believe that the best they can ever hope for will result only from their continuing to remain willingly dependent upon the Democrat Party. How tragic is that? And the sooner they realize that the ones whom they continue to trust and to look upon as being their trusted leaders are nothing more than well paid accomplices, essentially shills, of the Democrat Party, the better off they are going to be. Which begs the question, why do they tolerate it?


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