Clearly there is nothing that proves better how little brainpower is required to be a Democrat other than the fact that they now have as their presumptive nominee for president a woman who when last she ran for president garnered for herself a staggering two precent of support from voters. And yet Democrats want us to believe that she’s now leading in most recent polls against the greatest president since Reagan as he seeks re-reelection. We need to remind Democrats that not everyone is quite as stupid as they seem to think we are. But then, their criteria used when determining who to vote for, or not to vote for, is rather sketchy to say the least.
"A place where honest, serious and frank discussions on politics, current events, and social issues take place."

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Clearly there is nothing that proves better how little brainpower is required to be a Democrat other than the fact that they now have as their presumptive nominee for president a woman who when last she ran for president garnered for herself a staggering two precent of support from voters. And yet Democrats want us to believe that she’s now leading in most recent polls against the greatest president since Reagan as he seeks re-reelection. We need to remind Democrats that not everyone is quite as stupid as they seem to think we are. But then, their criteria used when determining who to vote for, or not to vote for, is rather sketchy to say the least.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
And so it is that if the Democrats aren’t referring to President Trump, and his choice of running mate J.D. Vance, as “weird,” they’re recommending that President Trump drop Mr. Vance from the ticket. So you have to ask yourself, just where to Democrats get off thinking they’re somehow able to dictate to Republicans who’s suitable to on our presidential ticket and who is not. You’d think they would be far more concerned with trying to get their own house in order. Perhaps if they had paid more attention to that they wouldn’t now find themselves in such a pickle and saddled with someone like Harris. But nope, I guess they’d rather dabble where they’re not wanted.
Costa: Vice President Harris, now the
presumptive nominee. Senator, are you encouraging Senate Democrats, including
those in battleground states, to invite her to campaign with them to have her
in their advertisements?
Schumer: Yeah, the Biden-Harris record
is just incredible, as I mentioned, all the specific things that has been- that
they have passed together working with us. So it’s an incredible record, and
our senators are already talking about it. They’re, you know, cutting ribbons
and new bridges, they’re bringing rural broadband, they’re bringing broadband
to rural areas, they’re opening up new factories from chip fabs. So it’s a
great, great record, and it’s helping our Senate candidates run on it. And let
me just say one thing, just compare that to the Republican record to the
Trump-Vance ticket. It’s extreme, this Project 2025 shows that would take the
rights away from women. It would take away rights of working people and help
only the very wealthy, it would even be a threat to our democracy. And one more
point about this, and that is the addition of JD Vance to this ticket. It’s-
it’s incredibly a bad choice. I think Donald Trump, I know him, and he’s
probably sitting and watching the TV, and every day, Vance, it comes out Vance
has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic. Vance seems to be
more erratic and more extreme than President Trump. And I’ll bet President
Trump is sitting there scratching his head and wondering, why did I pick this
guy? The choice may be one of the best things he ever did for Democrats.
Costa: What do you mean–
Schumer: –Now the President has about 10 days- 10 days before the Ohio ballot is locked in. And he has a choice: Does he keep Vance on the ticket, where he’s- he probably- he’s- he already has a whole lot of baggage, he’s probably going to be more baggage over the weeks because we’ll hear more things about him, or does he pick someone new? What’s his choice?
And so what we have here is yet another example of projection at its very finest. Old Chuckie is having the same hard time the rest of the Democrats are having when it comes to having to accept how they’ve managed to have stuck themselves with Harris as their candidate. So, instead of acknowledging that she is the worst person they could have thrown out there, he’s merely projecting that on Vance, who is one of the strongest choices in a long time from the Republicans. Look, no matter who President Trump would have picked, leftwing morons like Schumer would still be bitching. And frankly, if Democrats hate Vance, then you know he’s exactly the right pick.
Incredible that Schumer and Democrats have come to this level of drooling, head snapping crazy crap in their attempt to divert President Trump down tracks leading to some sort of a Democrat victory! Everything Schumer said in the interview must be understood as a politician lying his ass off. Nothing he said was factual, just as Joey’s tenure has been nothing more than an unmitigated disaster. Harris, the nominee, who has never had a single vote cast for her. I firmly believe that they’re far more worried about Vance then they are President Trump because he has the potential to extend MAGA another eight years and to completely destroy everything ‘BO’ has worked for.
Clearly the Democrats are scared shitless of Vance. They have become the party of elitists, big business, bankers. and Wall Street. They are dictated to by the ruling globalist oligarchs of the world. They have sold their souls to these traitors who have turned their backs on working class Americans. And those in their propaganda arm, otherwise known as the ‘fake news’ media, are now hard at work attempting to project their fear of Vance onto the Republican Party. But, as they say, “That dog won’t hunt!” The rank and file are squarely behind our ticket. And the old Bush-Mitch-McCain-Ryan party is officially dead and rendered to the dustbin of history.
And for the life of me I don’t understand the Democrats continuing to rave about how great the team of Biden-Harris did in running the country. Are they even really running the country? This Biden administration has cut America off at the knees with their executive orders, lack of border control and their effort to bankrupt us. They have used petroleum reserves illicitly, buying petroleum from our enemies and have turned America into an ATM for foreigners. And now we have this corrupt fossil bragging about their record and elated at the moron that is now their candidate. Liberalism truly is a mental disease. Vote the left out and reclaim America for Americans.
Clearly the Democrats have become reliant on their ability to gaslight the public and in so doing will say anything that has worked for them in the past. But there is now a growing number of Americans less willing to listen, especially after a debate debacle that revealed Joey to be little more than a shell of man and the assassination attempt made on President Trump. Many Americans are now less willing to believe much that now comes from the mouth of most Democrats. The Democrats should drop Harris at their Convention. The Democrat base, and the delegates that represent them, have to decide whether they think leadership is acting in their best interests, or not.
Joey was going down in the polls and so therefore had to be forced from the contest. The big money doners stopped sending in their money and that was the deciding factor in the decision to force Joey out. Other elected democrats are still in a panic that the very low poll numbers that Harris now has will cause many down ballot defeats. Her numbers are ten to twenty points lower that Joes. If her numbers continue to fall, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see the Democrats pull yet another switcheroo with her getting switched out at the convention by the DNC for some other candidate. Maybe even Hitlery. Now wouldn’t that be fun?
Schumer has grown so accustomed to having sellout RINOs to rely on in advancing the Democrat agenda, so much so that he doesn’t know how quite to handle it when he’s up against two Republicans with backbones. Chuckie, the career politician who enabled the most egregious fraud ever perpetrated against the American people for the last three and half years by aiding and abetting the cognitively challenged Joey. And the need for overt lies and the blatant reinterpretation of history to cover Harris’s abysmal job as vice president is more than a bit telling. The Democrat’s convention should be interesting. I might actually tune in to watch the circus.
Yes, the Biden/Harris record is an incredible one: High inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, the Afghanistan disaster, the invasion at the southern border, rampant crime in Democrat run cities, defund the police movement, dependent on foreign oil, spending billions of dollars on housing and feeding illegals pouring into our country and the list goes on and on. Democrats, I think, are terrified and rightly so. Look at the absolute mess that have made of things, and all very much on purpose. By all rights President Trump should win in an electoral landslide. Schumer claiming that President Trump made wrong choice means he made exactly the right choice!
Americans deserve far better than what they’ve continually been handed by the Democrats. Such things as our enormous debt that our children will be left to pay off, higher taxes, all manner of wasteful spending, record high inflation, the endless feeding of the war machine to create false employment, leaders willing to sell our American way of life down the drain, creating health issues for our citizens, open wide borders, skyrocketing violent crime and drug use, the abandoning of those Americans genuinely in need of help, allowing legal immigration and ignoring those laws already on the books and just never seems to end with these Democrats.
We will have choices available to us come this November and therefore there will be an opportunity to right the many wrongs that Joey has inflicted upon our country. And if the Democrats somehow claw out a victory, this could be the very last opportunity we may ever have. With all the nonsense about President Trump out to make himself a dictator, about how he will bring about an end to ‘democracy’ and that he will end elections, it is all the purest form of absolute drivel. Make no mistake here, it’s the Democrats who seek to accomplish all of these things. And they’re confident in their ability to put it off because they view Americans as just a bunch of simpletons.
Monday, July 29, 2024
I must admit that I always have to chuckle whenever I hear some Democrat claiming how it’s only Democrats who are capable of bringing our country together. And oddly enough, more often than not, it’s in the very same breath they’re saying something that seems to make clear what they really think, which is that actually bringing people together is the very last thing they want to do. Because if that were ever to actually happen the Democrats would never again win another election. It’s these people, with the help of those in the ‘fake news’ media, who spend the vast majority of their time dreaming up all manner of new ways to ensure America remains divided.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
What I find to be more than a little worrisome about modern day Democrats is the fact that they are either being totally dishonest about, or are totally obvious to, what their policies have inflicted upon our country. Policies that have resulted in doing much damage on a number of levels, while at the same time creating all manner of collateral damage. Yet those at both ends of the socioeconomic scale seem to mind very little about the amount of damage that has been done, and continues to be done, to the country by these same Democrat crafted policies. The only ones left to essentially fend for themselves are the everyday folks in the middle.
And I think it fair to say that Democrat politicians, right down to the very last one, care very little about those who have been made to bear the brunt of the resulting consequences of these policies. The same ones who have been, and continue to be, forced to essentially finance their own destruction. And yet, Democrats continue to insist upon trying to convince those in the middle that they really are on their side and seek only to make their lives better. And that was again the case this past Friday when James Clyburn appeared on NBC’s “MTP Now,” and stated he hopes Republicans will continue to tie Kamala Harris to *president Joey’s rather abysmal record.
Host Garrett Haake asked, “Do the last three years of that resume, her time as Vice President, work for her or against her? I know you’re very proud of the Biden administration record, but Republicans are absolutely going to try to hang elements of it around her neck going forward.” Clyburn responded, “Well, I hope they will. Because I think the American people are going to look at the record of the Biden-Harris administration and compare that to the proposals coming forth from the other side in their Project 2025.” Again we have another Democrat spewing nothing more than drivel about the “Project 2025” as if it was authored by President Trump himself.
And Clyburn went on to say, “I’ve been saying to people all over, whatever your interest is, Social Security, Medicare, education, civic service, whatever it is, look up Project 2025 and then go to that section of those 900 pages and see what they’re proposing for your interest. What do you mean doing away with the department — or civil service employment in this country, turning that over to one person so you’ll do their bidding, rather than the bidding of the American people? Sounds a little bit like Woodrow Wilson to me, and that is not what we want to have in our government.” Rarely, if ever, does this guy any longer even make a lick of sense.
Clyburn is another of those Democrats who are quite proud of their record of nonaccomplishment, and quite a record it is too!!! Soaring inflation and a sputtering economy, raging violent crime, a wide-open non-existent border, millions of illegal immigrant invaders, destroyed personal savings, increased threat of global war, a weaponized FBI/DOJ wielded as the Democrats’ secret police force, targeted political opponents with “lawfare”, perverts running amuck, government censorship of opposing viewpoints, a corrupt, dysfunctional first family stuffing its pockets with shady foreign loot. And lastly, attempting to assassinate their political opponent.
And let’s talk about all the people whose communities and families have been destroyed because Joey’s administration decided that recognizing our borders was “racist” and that every drug-dealing, murdering, drunk-driving psychopath from the ‘third world’ should be allowed to plunder the inheritance of our ancestors. Harris obviously supports it. And if President Trump wants to win, he should talk about all the real human beings who have had to watch the lives, and families, that they worked hard to create, get erased because the leftist loons in power decided that the western ideals this country was founded on were a threat to their hegemony.
Let’s be honest, shall we? Importing the ‘third world’ is like randomly planting land mines all over the town you live in. You can never be at ease, because any minute, something horrific could occur, and you have no way to predict it, or to prevent it. It’s psychological warfare being waged against our country. And if you object you are classified as a ‘racist,’ stray from the antiwhite narrative and you will quickly find yourself ostracized, unemployed and unemployable. Only Democrats believe the past three and a half years, of one failed policy after another, to be successful as they march toward the destruction of America. Democrat policies are toxic for Americans.
Clyburn is just an old extremely stupid racist with a worn-out race card. It’s funny that he’s Harris’ biggest cheerleader. If the nominee was white, he’d be screaming about the injustice. Race is, and has been, his entire modus operandi for decades. Clyburn is engaging in conflation, distortion, and false equivalence in his lies. Project 2025 is not the Republican platform and President Trump has said, on numerous occasions that he does not support it. Clyburn lives in some alternate reality. The greatest determinate of who Americans vote for, is their wallet. Joey has increased poverty, decreased the middle class and Harris will certainly continue that trend.
The more Clyburn talks, the more I think he’s obviously brain dead and completely ignorant when it comes to the reality of what’s been made to take place in this country of the last three and a half years. This country simply cannot survive another four years of the same. Our country has lost a huge amount of respect on the world stage and Joey’s feckless leadership has created an atmosphere of opportunity for war and aggression. There is no one with the power, or will, to keep the world in check. Russia was emboldened and Iran’s increased oil income caused by our oil decline has given them the funds to create all manner of havoc across the region.
And finally, is it possible that anyone can be more stupid than Clyburn? If Harris is tied to Joey’s record, she will go down in a burning fireball with a spectacular crash upon impact. That’s why Joey was polling so badly, because of his policies and his record. Clyburn is “whistling past the graveyard” knowing full well Joey’s entire record is a dumpster fire and nearly impossible for Harris to try to defend. But she doesn’t intend to run on their record; she intends to run on unlimited access to baby killing “services” and ‘Orange Man’ bad. That’s their entire campaign strategy. They have nothing accomplished by Joey’s administration to point to with pride.
So why is it, do you suppose, that some of the loudest voices, supposedly coming from the right and against President Trump, tend to be the voices of those who have some sort of grievance against the man? Case in point would be Anthony Scaramucci, aka ‘The Mooch, a man deemed to be so incompetent that he served as White House Communications Director for a whole 10 days. How does one get fired after just 10 days? This irrelevant little loser again demonstrates just how truly desperate he is for attention. It really is pathetic. And all this after he couldn’t even last two weeks working in the Trump White House because of his own stupid mouth. Pretty sad.
Friday, July 26, 2024
It would seem that over time Democrats, along with just about everyone else who calls the loony left home, have created for themselves a rather unique definition regarding exactly what it means to be “mainstream.” Because it’s now according to these same folks that being “mainstream” has come to mean something very different than it does to the rest of us. I mean for most of us if something is considered as being “mainstream” it’s usually something, be it ideas, attitudes, or activities, that is at least generally accepted as being within the normal confines of being normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.
Now I don’t know about anyone else but I for one am getting more than a little bored with the growing number of Hollyweird kooks threatening to leave the country if President Trump succeeds in getting re-elected. I mean, seriously, do they actually expect us to beg them not to go? Talk about your basic narcissistic behavior. I mean do any of these goofs, with the overinflated sense of importance, really think that we wouldn’t be able to get along without them? These stupid entertainment types are a dime a dozen. They provide no service that any of us could not get along without and care about no one but themselves. Yet they see themselves as indispensable.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
And so it would at least appear that there is now and effort fully underway, the clear intent of which is to both make Kamala Harris into something that she most definitely is not, an individual qualified in any meaningful way to be president, and to intimidate anyone and everyone who might actually dare to cast doubt on that claim or to resist the argument that the only reason she finds herself in her present position is because she is eminently qualified to be president despite the fact that she has not a single accomplishment to her name. And anyone who chooses to point out that fact is to be accused of having done so only because they are racists.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Ok, so the Democrats select for themselves the most incompetent, least accomplished, individual they could possibly find, first in 2020 as the running mate of the most corrupt, least intelligent man to ever run for president, and second, now that said man proved himself to be more than a bit of a political handicap, picked that same individual as their choice to replace him roughly four month before the next presidential election. And we all know why, and it most certainly is not because of her keen intellect, her command of the English language or her in-depth knowledge of both domestic and/or foreign policy. She was picked solely because of her skin color.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Question…Could those who comprise our ‘fake news’ media today be any more of a joke, be any more of a less serious source of serious ‘news’ or be any more obvious as the blatant propagandists that we all know them to be? These people, and apparently willingly so, have now reduced themselves to being, rather than serious ‘journalists,’ little more than a band of enthusiastic cheerleaders for the Democrat Party. And as such they represent a very real threat to our country. And it’s not only those on cable news, but also those on ABC, CBS and NBC as well as most, if not all, of available print media. Together they are responsible for what is an epidemic of lies.
Monday, July 22, 2024
There’s an old saying about how there’s no honor among thieves. But it would seem to me that we could stretch that to include how there’s also no honor among Democrats, especially anytime there’s an election nearby. I only say that because it was pretty clear back in 2020, to anyone with a brain, that Joey was far from playing with a full deck. Now if we fast-forward three and a half years, to where neither the party or the ‘fake news’ media can any longer hide his diminished mental state, and Joey has now seemed to have outlived his usefulness, especially if the Democrats are to have any hope of ‘winning’ the presidential election come this November.