

Saturday, June 24, 2023


So why is it that whenever some politician ceases to be a politician, the usual fallback position is for him, or her, to land a gig on any one of our ‘fake news’ cable networks. And it’s no surprise that I have yet to see any politician who has made the transition successfully. Oh sure, they may get their own program and may even have a cadre of loyal followers, but they never become a bona fide success by anyone’s definition. And it matters not from which party they may spring forth from, they’re never worth listening to because they never have anything to say that is even remotely worth listening to. It all comes across as nothing more than blah, blah and more blah.

Take for instance MSDNC host Joe Scarborough. It was back in 1994 that Scarborough was elected to the U.S. House for Florida's 1st congressional district. Then, in May 2001, five months into his fourth term, Scarborough chose to resign because he said he wanted to spend more time with his children. And it was in April of 2003 that he embarked upon his television career with the launch of ‘Scarborough Country’ on MSDNC, and in May of 2007 he began hosting ‘Morning Joe.’ And odd choice of networks for someone who prided himself on being a conservative. But as time has passed he has continued to reveal himself as something far less than a conservative.

The most recent example of this came as recently as this past Friday when during his program he chose to make the rather idiotic claim that the far right had somehow “destroyed the credibility” of the Supreme Court. You see, it was then that Scarborough said, “Everybody from The Wall Street Journal editorial page to Ann Coulter have warned Republicans about, that they’ve got to get smart on abortion or they’ll keep losing elections. Well, they aren’t getting smart on abortion.” He continued, “The United States Supreme Court, in a political crisis unlike any political crisis it’s been in, at least in my lifetime, even after the 2000 recount."

He went on to say, “Their approval ratings recovered very quickly after that, and they were respected and trusted again. But you look at just how rigged the process has been. I don’t want to go through all the things that happened in the United States Senate with Merrick Garland and others. You look at the billions of dollars that people are pouring in now to influence this. You look at the will of the people, 65%, 70% of Americans being ignored and overturning a 50-year precedent. Unfortunately, they have destroyed the credibility of the court, the far right has.” And he added, “And my prediction is it’s coming. There is going to be reform in the Judicial Branch."

He said, “I don’t know what that reform looks like, but I think it’s going to start with the Supreme Court because their approval rating is going to just keep going down as it gets more and more politicized. Let’s face it, bought off by an element that has billions of dollars. They’re using billions of dollars to buy off these Supreme Court fights, and at the same time with the Supreme Court right now that’s just running roughshod over the ethics, just basic ethical considerations. So, again, they’re doing this to themselves, and when there is reform and when people talk about a new Supreme Court that’s going to be less political and more representative of the country, they can scream and yell all they want. It’s going to be their fault."

First and foremost, Scarborough is nothing more than an empty suit. Secondly, the court is supposed to be an unbiased arbiter of the Constitution, it is not responsible for advancing every twisted political theory proposed by the Democrats. I would love it if we had an unbiased media telling us the truth rather than spreading lies. Sadly, we’re now at a point in our history where when the Supreme Court arrives at a decision that runs counter to today’s far-left ideology, no matter how fair and logical that decision might have been, or even how precedented the finding, it is considered to be racist, nationalist or, as according to those like Mr. Scarborough, far-right.

But we shouldn’t be surprised, not really, because you see in the eyes of Mr. Scarborough and others of his kind, the Supreme Court was intended to serve as a secondary legislative body, one with the ability to push through those laws that would never make it through the normal legislative process in either the U.S. Congress or some state legislature. The irony of his statement is rather astounding, even comical. Joe, as another far-left commentator, has helped to destroy the credibility of today’s news media, and is one of the main reasons that it has come to be referred to as the ‘fake news’ media. He is a consummate spin doctor and a party propagandist.

And have you ever noticed how the Supreme Court becomes an existential threat to our ‘democracy’ whenever it makes rulings that the Democrats don’t agree with, and is an indispensable component of democracy whenever they make rulings that the Democrats agree with. One must stop taking the Democrat’s bait, they talk in useless circles only to whip up fear, confusion, and anger among their constituents. Of course, they want to rig all the institutions in this country to feed their desired outcomes. Alinsky taught them when you can’t win the game, simply change the rules, and if possible, the nature of the game entirely. And they only do it because we let them.

We do that by constantly electing spineless ‘conservatives’ who continually betray us, who flip sides without changing their party affiliation, and either directly lie to our faces or are utterly incompetent to get anything done in government. And we allow unelected appointees to sabotage our efforts at nearly every turn. So we can either keep electing these losers to the government, or we can finally say enough is enough and choose an alternate course. Of course, there will those who don’t like that alternate course but ‘We the People’ are going to have to grow a pair and be far more determined, and aggressive, if we’re going to put this country back on the right track.

I think most recognize Scarborough as the media prostitute that he is, one who will say anything in his quest for his big bucks. He is the definition of a sociopath. It was while he was in Congress he spoke like a true conservative Republican and now he consistently takes the same position on issues that do the most fringe progressive socialists. Scarborough seems to forget that the Supreme Court isn’t supposed to ‘reflect the will of the country’ nor ‘be representative of the country.’ Its job, its ONLY job, is to interpret the Constitution as it applies laws written by Congress. Those who want a ‘will of the country’ shit, that’s what the congressional elections are for.

People like Scarborough are political whores, literally. They compromise principles for personal gain! Scarborough is one of those very fond of claiming how it is that the Dobbs decision somehow overturned the so-called ‘right’ to an abortion. It most certainly did not. All the Supreme Court did was to return decisions about abortion back over to the states where it rightfully has always belonged. Apparently, Mr. Scarborough has a serious problem with the Constitution, as do most of those on the radical left.  Personally, anyone who sees having the ability to murder one’s baby as an issue that trumps all others is truly someone who is seriously mentally disturbed.

Finally, Scarborough is another those who clearly loves the sound of his own voice. He talks and talks but never really says anything. And how many people actually listen to him? And if he were to go off the air tomorrow, is anyone who would actually miss him, or his nutjob of a partner. This one brain cell, make believe reporter, is either blatantly corrupt and a liar deluxe, or very stupid and uninformed regarding what has been going on in our country for the past couple of years. What a clown, the entire left is a joke. Groomers, open borders, the party of chaos. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves at what these sick politicians have turned our country into.

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