

Thursday, June 22, 2023


So word has come down that Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, will be departing ‘Fox News’ as a member of the network’s, ‘The Five,’ but he will apparently remain on as a ‘Correspondent at Large,’ whatever the Hell that is. Now I will admit that there was once a time when there is nothing that would have made me happier than this moron’s departure from what was once upon a time my favorite news network. But since I haven’t watched a minute of Fox News in over two and half years now, it’s all rather anti-climactic to hear news of Jerry’s demotion. Because it’s not like it’s going to cause me to start watching the network again. Because it most certainly isn’t.

It was this past Wednesday that the 79-year-old Jerry took to Twitter to share the news of his departure with those who might actually care, saying, “Morning, it’s official, I’m off @TheFive. My last scheduled show appearances are Thursday and Friday June 29th and 30th. It’s been a great run and I appreciate having had the opportunity. Being odd man out isn’t always easy. For the time being, I’m still Correspondent at Large.” The most entertaining aspect of this show were the frequent clashes that place between Jerry and his fellow host Greg Gutfeld. I suppose in that regard Jerry may actually be missed by those who were regular viewers.

Jerry is the template now in use for the direction of programming at Fox News. However, more than likely, they want a younger face with a bit less baggage than Jerry. But make no mistake, that new face will most certainly do nothing to alter the network’s continuing journey to the far left, and will likely bring with a very enthusiastic, boldness to the effort. Jerry has always been a legend in his own mind, but few agreed with his high opinion of himself. Often, he would be given airtime during which he would only babble nonsense cliches attempting to sound smart. He never made a lick of sense, he’s always been more of a carnival barker than a journalist.

And Jerry had the peculiar habit of constantly insulting and threatening those of his fellow Fox contributors who dared point out what a pathetic fraud he was. He likes to play the tough guy when he is fact nothing more than a smug jerk who someday is going to get in the face of the wrong person and end up getting his raggedy old 79-year-old ass flattened. His ego is ten times bigger than his IQ. I’ve never understood why it is that he was held in such high regard by those in the ‘news’ media. More often than not he always sounded like he was simply making things up as he went along and yet those to whom he was speaking would all just nod in agreement.

I never could stand Jerry, but the same can be said about every other Democrat. What’s interesting, though, is that now that Fox is under the control of Democrats that they are doing this. It makes you wonder what their motive might be. Fox’s new leadership has shown that they are so arrogant as to think that they can manipulate their viewers. Maybe firing Jerry was just a childish attempt to make it look like they haven’t gone full leftwing. A small handful of conservatives do remain, most likely due to contract stipulations, but the number is dwindling. But that matters not to me because, as I’ve said, I haven’t watched in over two and a half years and will never watch again.

Frankly, I’m rather surprised that there is much of anyone who watches. Although I believe I read somewhere that Fox recently came in in second place to MSDNC, which is quite an accomplishment in itself. But with O’Reilly gone, Dobbs gone and Tucker gone and left with a cast of sleazy characters like Cavuto, Baier and Roberts, to name just a few, is it any wonder? Now on the odd chance that this was an attempt on the part of Fox, after letting go of their most popular and informative on-air talent, to recover alienated viewers by using Jerry, perhaps, as a sacrificial lamb? Someone needs to tell them that that just ain’t going to work. It’s all too little, too late.

Let’s face it, Jerry has never been capable of being anything more than an annoyance. His not being seen, nor heard, going forward won’t be noticed by anyone. Jerry never quite managed to achieve the level of competence required to be a bona fide journalist. Jerry, like every other delicate leftist, believes that if he can’t somehow control the narrative then he’s somehow a victim. Jerry is anti-gun, pro LGBTQ, pro liberal, pro-open border and anti-America. He’s a creep and a good example of why today’s ‘news’ is not really ‘news’ at all. It’s all phony propaganda from start to finish, the purpose of which is to mislead or to sway public opinion.

And so, Juan Williams’ replacement didn’t fail to live up to the standard set by his predecessor. Just as dumb, and instead of being only a person who spews nothing more than Democrat Party talking point, as Williams constantly did, Rivera would throw in some self-promotion of his less that illustrious history. He is a legend in his own small mind. His tough guy act, is a joke, as was most of his “career.” May he succeed when he decides to be more than second degree, self-absorbed progressive in sheep’s clothing. His career high point was the pushing of the unopened Al Capone vault as some sort of an epic event. It’s been all downhill ever since. Big surprise.

Personally, I stopped caring about what goes on at Fox News some time ago. At this point in time there’s nothing that can be done that would entice me back as a regular viewer. It’s all theater anyway. You have a bunch of trained monkeys, disguised as journalists, reading off a teleprompter. And I can’t help but wonder how those involved in network news can be so oblivious to their viewers. Steadily, their ratings keep dropping, month after month, year after year. And not a single one of them does anything about it. It has to be intentional. There is no way they could care about viewers and revenue. They have to be getting compensated some other way.

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