

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


When it comes to all of those useless fucks in the ‘fake news’ media I think it’s high time to give credit where credit is due. Because while it’s every one of them that sucks at providing us with bona fide ‘news’ and useful information, it’s also every one of them that seems to excel when it comes to spewing all manner of Democrat propaganda. Which should cause us all to question whether they are being paid to do so, or do they actually believe the drivel that they apparently expect all of us to believe as well. And it matters not whether we’re talking about the network ‘news,’ the cable ‘news,’ or the print ‘news,’ because it’s all bullshit, every bit of it!!!

And these days it’s on cable ‘news’ that there is little, if any, difference between the main players, CNN, MSDNC and Fox News. The ‘big three’ have now become nearly interchangeable. To the point where there is no longer any reason to spend time watching any of them. But the funny thing is, there’s not one of them that’s half as smart as they think they are. They continue to be of the opinion that there are still people who actually pay attention to them. Apparently, they don’t realize, or simply don’t care, that fewer and fewer people do. Their delusional detachment from reality and propagating narratives meant to inflame and divide have gotten quite tiresome.

But I must admit that I get a kick out of these opinionated, propaganda media hosts who spew their tough talk. Take for instance, MSDNC anchor Nicolle Wallace. You see, it was Ms. Wallace, just this past Monday, who said on her show “Deadline” that the Republican Party was a “threat to domestic security.” Wallace said, “It is surreal to have this conversation in private having worked in the government. It is indescribable to have it on live TV and to have been a part of the party that is now part of the rot and threat to domestic security in the United States. I remember, and I think based on his early messages as a candidate, he won’t mind if I disclose this for the first time."

And she went on to say, “I remember talking to Chris Christie after Trump said, ‘Stand back and stand by,’ to the Proud Boys. He said, ‘All of us were trying to get him to take it back.’ I said, ‘What’s wrong with him? It was clearly a gaff.’ And as I was thinking of him explaining why Trump wouldn’t do it. I understood not just Trump’s enthusiasm for the support of anyone and everyone, including David Duke, but Trump’s insatiable appetite for violence carried out in his name. And what it has wrought, that was the fall of 2016, what it has brought is the entire Republican Party to its hands and knees. They impotent, they can’t do anything about it anymore."

And she added, “If they decided today, this is not how they want the country to be, it’s too late. It’s too late. If this is something I could find before I came on the air, do you know what the radicalized extremists found? They’re awash in violent tactical instructions on exactly how to carry out retribution for their leader, Donald Trump.” Actually, a threat to domestic security would be a president who takes bribes from foreign countries, who lets the Communist Chinese surveil our military installations, and who leaves our border unsecure, allowing millions of unknown intruders to come in. It’s Democrats who are an existential threat to our republic and our way of life!!!

Funny, we all saw cities burning around the country, thousands of innocent civilians having their livelihoods ruined, historical statues being pulled down, law enforcement being attacked, and I can’t recall a single Republican involved. It’s the Democrats who are doing their best to burn America to the ground. In just two years under Joey B. the Democrats have decimated our country on nearly every level and in so doing Joey enriched himself, and his family, with his treasonous ties to China. It’s the Democrats who are always for sale on policy decisions for our adversaries. Both the Clinton’s and Biden’s have a long history of peddling influence. With Biden it is straight up bribery!!!

And another thing, I don’t see Republican voters attacking innocent people on the street, in the subways, or in the markets. I don’t see them rioting at school board meetings when their stupid trans agenda gets turned down by the lawful board. I don’t see Republicans opening our borders to all comers, including terrorists, murderers, rapists and pedophiles. I don’t see Republicans murdering the unborn or shop lifting without remorse. But I do see Democrat voters doing all those things as well as the Democrat leadership in the White House and Congress urging them on. No, the real threat to this nation are the domestic terrorists of the Democrat Party!!!

There is only one way to fight Democrats, and that is to beat them over the head with their own tactics. For far too long conservatives have played nice in the sandbox. I say it’s time for change, and it’s past time to get the party started. Our beloved America is on a slippery path to oblivion and if we are unable take back the White House and the Senate in 2024 all may very well be lost. Imagine an America that is made to resemble Democrat run shitholes like Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, Detroit, New York City or any other big city in this country. Because that it exactly what America will come to look like unless we can force these scumbags from office.

Wallace would have us all believe that it’s the Republican Party that is a threat to our national security. Meanwhile Democrat hate groups like Antifa, BLM and any number of radical fringe groups exist only to improve everyone’s lives. Give me a freaking break! Democrats have rather long history of accusing others of doing what they themselves are guilty of. Once you understand this principle you can easily identify the agenda, the ambitions, the plans, the intentions, and the criminal activity that the Democrats, as well as their many advocates who are spread all across the ‘fake news’ media, are: 1) aware of, 2) complicit in and 3) covering up.

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