

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Does anyone remember that freaking little loudmouth Tony Scaramucci? Anybody? Probably not, which most likely has much to do with his recent, and rather bizarre, appearance on CNN where he did nothing more than to talk trash about President Trump. Something that he seems to excel at. Leave it to CNN to go trolling for every Trump hating scumbag who might be out there. This asshole was bound to show up somewhere sooner or later. And it’s CNN, and the other ‘fake news’ networks, that has uttered nary a word about the accusations of bribery against Joey, or the issues regarding his crackhead son, Hunter. Instead, it’s been nothing but Trump 24/7/365.

Scaramucci is another ex-employee of President Trumps who is now seems to be going out of his way to stab him in the back. Tony was, for a very short time, President Trump’s White House communications director. And it was during an appearance this past Friday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that Tony said former White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly saved the country several times from President Trump’s “recklessness” and “lack of intellectual curiosity.” Tony is nothing more than a pathetic little man who drunk-dialed himself out of a job in just 10 days. His opinion regarding the events that occurred really shouldn’t matter to anyone.

But be that as it may, his opinion apparently did matter to CNN, at least enough to invite him onto this program. And it was in discussing Tony’s claims again President Trump that guest anchor John Berman said, “So, in this post, we’re talking about today, you saw the former president attack Bill Barr, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney. In a separate one, he went after someone you worked with briefly in the White House, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, calling Kelly weak, ineffective, born with a very small brain. Of course, Trump hired Kelly and praised him up and down and everywhere. What do these attacks tell you about where Trump’s head is?"

Scaramucci said, “The first thing I would say is General Kelly’s first act in the White House was to fire me. Him and I went on to become very close friends. If you ever get General Kelly sitting in a chair like this, he probably saved the country over the 18-month tenure no less than five or ten times from near catastrophe based on decisions, recklessness, lack of intellectual curiosity from the president, lack of executive management skills. So, General Kelly is an American hero.” Wait, so all of President Trump’s impressive foreign policy triumphs were really the work of Kelly? Who knew? A real ‘journalist’ would have asked Tony to name those five or ten times.

Scaramucci is nothing if not your very average leftist liar. He says a lot but you’ll notice that he never offers even a shred of evidence to backup what he’s saying. Nor is he ever asked to provide any. It’s all nothing more than a personal attack because President Trump fired him for incompetence and nothing more. Scaramucci, Cohen, Christie, Romney and Napolitano all have the same thing in common. They all supported Donald Trump and expected payback in the form of becoming a member of the Trump Administration. They didn’t get those jobs so they did what scumbags like them always do. To do whatever they need to do to exact a little revenge.

And so the man they call ‘The Mooch’ is simply another of those dumped by President Trump and is now doing nothing more than to dish out a little payback. He said Kelly canned him when I think we all know it was President Trump. President Trump did not care for the F-bombs ‘The Mooch’ was dropping everywhere on television and on the internet. And is it me or does this guy always look like he just came out of the restroom...after doing a hit of cocaine. All of these worthless backstabbers keep showing us who they really are. And some of them are now even running for president. And it’s every one of them who spews nothing but hate and lies.

And I’d like to ask Tony who is it that’s now saving the country from Joey? We had a far more peaceful world during President Trump’s tenure. Now look at where we are just 29 months later, sitting on the brink of World War III. And you have to wonder, if President Trump was as reckless, as Tony says, then why is it that he never got us into any wars? And if President Trump was so reckless why is it that he got historic peace deals signed between Middle Eastern countries and Israel, when it was no one else that could? Why? Because President Trump WAS NOT reckless! Clearly all of these backstabbers are suffering from Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)!

And what a bunch of pathetic losers we have here, and the list just keeps growing! ‘The Mooch,’ Kelly and Barr just to name a few. They all need to just shut the fuck up. Not one of them could have walked in President Trump’s shoes for five minutes or done the job that he did. Kelly was, and is, nothing but a big-mouthed loser. The man has no military ethics. And ‘The Mooch,’ who was in the White House for all of 10 days before he resigned or was fired, would somehow have knowledge of any of these “five or ten times” how exactly? Why does CNN, or anyone else for that matter, think this idiot is still relevant and has pertinent information to offer on anything???

And have you ever noticed how there is never any evidence offered to substantiate any of the derogatory statements made against President Trump? As far as I’m concerned ‘The Mooch’ differed little from ‘Creepy Porn Lawyer,’ Michael Avenatti. So why it is that anyone with even half a brain, other than those on CNN, would waste a second of their life listening to a word this pompous moron has to say? It’s now that all of these backstabbers seem to be lining up to appear on all of the fake news channels, CNN, MSDNC and even Fox News. I can only assume the President Trump must scare the shit out of them, which convinces me he’s the right guy for the job!

And on the subject of Kelly, he was deaf, dumb and blind to the soft coup against President Trump. A total establishment tool who “saved” absolutely nothing. Under President Trump there were no new wars, we had a credible plan in place to get out of Afghanistan, a military that was second to none and so much more. Plus, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, even though he was never going to win. Yup, sure sounds pretty reckless to me. Kelly, as you may recall, was not elected by the American people, Donald Trump was. Overriding and countermanding the President of the United State, no doubt to save the Deep State/DC Swamp, is treason.

I watch President Trump whenever he speaks about his vision for this country, and I am gratified. Now this piece of shit comes along and says I should be dismayed by the real President Trump. Sorry, but no! I choose to go with my lyin’ eyes and President Trump’s track record. It will be a relief to have a true patriot in charge again. Guilty or not, convicted or not, despite whatever evidence it is that might be presented, despite the claims and regardless of the outcome, I would walk through fire, or broken glass, to vote for President Trump in 2024. And it’s not one of his RINO competitors who are worthy of the job they seek. I will vote for none of them!

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