

Monday, June 26, 2023


So how much more are the American people going accept when it comes to the increasingly outlandish and, dare I say, perverted behavior of supposed adults that suddenly something we all need to be constantly exposed to. Behavior that is no way considered as being normal by anyone’s definition, even the ones taking part in it. For instance, apparently, there was a viral video released this past Sunday that showed a group of fully nude cyclists performing in front of children at the LGBTQ pride parade in Seattle, Washington. Now that it took place in a city like Seattle really should come as a surprise to absolutely no one.

Personally, when it comes to such events as this, I’m not sure which group of people I find sicker and more twisted. Is it the folks on the bicycles letting all their shit hang out in front of children or is the parents of the children who find such behavior in front of their children acceptable and who actually thought that it would be a great idea to take them to watch this bizarre parade of perverted freaks. Frankly, I think that both groups who belong in jail. Similar to a video from the Seattle Pride Parade in 2022, Sunday’s video showed men waving their exposed genitals in front of child spectators, some of whom appeared to be younger than five.

Despite the idiotic claims coming from so many on the left, this no longer has absolutely with a person’s sexual preference, if it ever was. This is about lewd behavior and wanting no social restrictions on perversion. The sole purpose of spectacles such as this is to shock and to appall for the purpose of calling more and more attention to it, and to somehow shame an ever-increasingly apathetic society into viewing such behavior as acceptable. These narcissists psychotically crave attention like an addict craves his next fix, and because they have no visible skills to legitimately impress people they simply resort to cheap shock and spectacle.

And were there no audience there would be no spectacle. The parents who expose their children to this decadent behavior are the ones primarily responsible for it taking place. No responsible parent should expose their children to such perversion. Without exception the parents of transgenders are themselves perverts. I cannot imagine a heterosexual father allowing his son to put on a dress and behave like a little freak. Normal people have as much right to express our faith as these freaks do to parade their perversion! We do not have to yield the public square to these depraved clowns! We can show our faith to the same extent they show their filth.

The fact that those naked, hairy-assed perverts are allowed to dangle their privates in front of children says a lot about the politicians who are responsible for allowing them to do so and who spend a great deal of time trying to convince us that we should to. If you show up naked in a park, or public square, you would be handcuffed and marched off to serve some jail time. These freaks are forcing their beliefs upon us, and our children, and forcing us into experiencing their perversion as they try to normalize child sexual abuse. And the crazy thing is, they think every shocking thing they do will somehow win over our hearts and minds. Not the smartest approach.

Granted, nudity in and of itself is not inherently sexual, there are places for nudity, they’re called nudist camps or resorts. And for all of those who think it’s somehow prudish to lecture those who wish to spend time au naturel, this isn’t about naturalist nudity. This is public exhibitionism for a political and social change purpose. What we’re seeing with all of these ‘pride’ parades is a display of political dominance of one special interest group over all other special interest groups and the rest of society. A parade, at its essence, is a statement of dominance and we get a whole month of ‘pride’ parades. Nudity, here, both partial and full, is the pride uniform.

All of these pride parades are about sexuality pure and simple, and about expressing that sexuality. In fact, the whole movement is sex obsessed, with vulgar jokes and vulgar behavior at drag performances and in parades. It’s not uncommon for public parks to have to get undercover cops to get rid of gay men having sex in a public place, near families with children. Behavior can be lewd, but still legal because leftists are in charge of the government. Just because the government gives its stamp of approval doesn’t mean that it’s morally right. And what did the parents think their children were going to see there? If you go to a freak show, you see freaks.

All of this freakish behavior is just another example of what Joey’s America has become. But this is an example of what Joey is. There are plenty of stories from Secret Service agents floating around about how Joey was rather fond of regularly swimming in the nude with agents waiting for him. Yes, female agents as well who didn’t appreciate it one bit. But sociopaths like Joey don’t care about other people’s feelings, only their own feelings. A society needs boundaries, adults should not be allowed to run around naked in front of children. There is nothing acceptable about that. Can we all agree that children should have the chance to be children?

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