

Sunday, June 4, 2023


Let me start off by saying that I am not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of Taylor Swift. Frankly, I’ve just never gotten the draw. But then why should I be, I’m a 70-year-old, straight, white guy. What drives me nuts is how every one of her songs that seems to sound exactly like the last one of her songs, that and the fact that the sound of her voice reminds me of fingernails being scraped across a chalkboard. Not-so-Swift is another of those on what has become a long list of entertainers who, while not known for being particularly bright, are never shy about letting their inner moron shine through by talking about things that they know absolutely nothing about.

And it was just this past Friday that Ms. Not-so-Swift marked the start of Pride Month by blasting what she called “harmful pieces of legislation,” a reference to the growing number of state laws protecting children from irreversible body modification, sexually explicit drag shows, and other forms of radical freakish indoctrination. Not-so-Swift was performing Friday at Chicago’s Soldier Field as part of her Eras Tour when she paused to launch into her Pride speech. She began her idiotic rant by saying, “I’m looking out tonight, and I’m seeing so many incredible, just individuals who are living authentically and beautifully, and this is a safe space for you."

She said, “We can’t talk about pride without talking about pain.” And she added, “Right now and in recent years, there have been so many harmful pieces of legislation that have put people in the LGBTQ[QIAAP2s+] and queer community at risk. It’s painful for everyone. Every ally, every loved one, every person in these communities.” Swift, whose fan base contains a large number of gay men, has urged her fans to vote accordingly. Swift has embraced left-wing politics and woke activism in recent years. And in 2020, she officially endorsed Joey’s bid for the White House, placing her supposed star power and influencer status in service of the Democrat ticket.

And it was then that Ms. Not-so-Swift said abortion and gay rights were among her top issues when it comes to choosing who it is that she chooses to vote for. During the 2020 presidential race, Not-so-Swift also chose to lash out at President Trump on social media. It was in one of less intelligent rants that she accused him of “stoking the fires of white supremacy,” warning “we will vote you out in November.” So here we have another undereducated imbecilic entertainer who thinks that she is somehow qualified to recommend how people should vote. And is usually the case those like Ms. Not-so-Swift are the last people should be listening to when it comes to voting!

But harm and pain to whom, exactly? What a buffoon! How many people have had their lives and careers ruined due to an accusation made by someone from the queer community? How many people have found themselves next to a casket because of someone in the queer community going completely off the rails and murdering someone? It seems odd that the ones who actually have been the recipients of the bullying are not members of the queer community. The queer community that Swift so enthusiastically endorses is putting traditional family values, the foundation of a functioning society, at risk. And all for a buck. She’s such a pathetic human being.

It’s those in the queer community who are putting themselves at risk by continuing to shove this crap down the throats of normal people. Most will never accept this lifestyle, and that’s their choice. The queer community wasn’t at risk until they started messing with our kids. I couldn’t care less about the queer community, what they choose to do behind closed is none of my business. But involve a child and you make it my business. But then this is how it always is with those on the left, it’s just never enough. They have to push and push until people have had enough. And then it’s the fault of those who resist that are blamed when things go wrong.

The queer community has now gotten out way over their skis and wants to normalize their degenerate behavior. It’s not normal. Nobody cares about their bizarre lifestyle, seriously, just don’t try to force it onto the rest of us. Putting this in the public square, insisting that children need to be involved and going after people who don't want to be part of all this will end up with a backlash which the activists won’t see coming. Stopping mentally ill people from recruiting children into their degenerate ideology doesn’t put kids at risk, it just exposes one’s fake virtue that one uses to grift off of the unlimited self-serving ‘compassion’ of low IQ robots and lost souls.

And have you noticed that it’s the more money these airheads make, the more they like telling everyone how to live. How is keeping children away from dangerous experimental treatments harming them? How is keeping freaks away from children harming them? How is keeping children, who are not legally allowed to smoke or drink in most states, from embarking on a lifelong journey of medicalization and medical complications harming those children? It’s not the freaks who are “at risk” these days. It’s the non-freaks, or the straight people, who are. Straight pride! Instill it in your children before they are groomed to be perverts by their teachers!

And what about the vastly larger ‘community’ that doesn’t want their children exposed to these values? What about OUR risk? “Equity and inclusion” don't seem to apply to the majority of Americans. The actions/activities of the queer community is what’s putting them at “risk.” Queers belong back in the closet, not on the front page. Abnormal has become “normal” as defined by those who are not normal. Confusing isn’t it? Pregnant men, men competing and winning in women’s sports, men displacing women as women’s product spokespersons, and men staging minstrel shows viciously mocking womanhood and femininity. Stick a fork in it. Feminism is dead.

And the laws that Not-so-Swift mentions are not, as she claims, “putting the queer community at risk.” The laws are prohibiting adults from pushing sexual content onto children and from imposing mutilating surgeries and powerful drugs on children. The laws are also allowing biological women to compete against biological women instead of men who claim to be women and who have enormous genetic advantages in muscle mass, bone density, stature, lung capacity, and other characteristics that are all independent of current levels of male or female hormones in their bodies. The laws also protect the privacy spaces of biological men and women.

So if I have this correct, Ms. Not-so-Swift regards state laws protecting children from irreversible body modification, sexually explicit drag shows, and other forms of radically freakish indoctrination as being “harmful pieces of legislation.” I never realized until now just how much of a mentally unhinged sicko she is! And like all the rest of the radical mob, facts do not matter! Towing the line, regurgitating the left/woke orders is all that counts! Amazing that so many people fall in line with the idiots and lemmings. Their woke brains are stuck on stupid and they relish their power. Swift is the living embodiment of the "dumb blonde joke" without a doubt.

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