

Sunday, June 11, 2023


And so it is that once again we have been provided with yet another example of how the nut never falls very far from the tree. Look, most intelligent, and well-informed people, know about, he who is the evil benefactor of the radical left, George Soros. And I have no doubt that most of those same folks are also very aware that it has been for several decades that Soros has busied himself supporting those whose only goal is to bring about the demise of America. He has literally spent billions in that endeavor. But, as we all know, even evil assholes don’t live forever. And there may now be some reason to believe that Soros’ personal reign of terror may be about to end.

But even if that is in fact the case, we shouldn’t expect an end to the insanity that Soros has worked so hard to both create and then to perpetuate when the time finally comes that he leaves this earthly plain. Because it was recently that Soros the elder has now placed his number three son, Alex, in charge of the operation the purpose of which is to finance advancing the radical leftwing agenda. So it is son Alex who will be stepping in to fill daddy’s shoes. And so might this mean that perhaps the old man may only have a few months left? And so the spawn of evil now takes the reins and so, with luck, maybe old George may be finally be getting ready to check out.

The radical left-wing Democrat sugar daddy is handing control of his $25 billion financial empire to younger son Alex who has vowed to pursue even more ultra-liberal causes. Just what we need, another generation of evil funding those out to destroy our country. I do hope this means the old man is knocking on death’s door and that his exit from this world will be courtesy of the most excruciatingly painful means possible. The newly crowned 37-year-old heir recently told the Wall Street Journal that he will work to broaden his father’s famously woke interests to include issues like voting and abortion rights as well as “gender equality."

This punk also feels bound to inject himself into the day-to-day political affairs of the nation ahead of the 2024 election. And in comparing himself to his Hungarian-born, Nazi-collaborator of an old man, this piece of shit said, “I’m more political.” He has already visited the White House 17 times in just over a year and met with several big-name Democrats. He also recently tweeted out a picture of himself with Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris. Open Society Foundations, the Soros family non-profit, currently directs about $1.5 billion a year to various leftist causes all around the planet. And it’s none of these causes that have as their purpose the benefit of mankind.

The younger Soros also told the ‘Journal’ that he’s worried about the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House, suggesting that the family will likely contribute rather heavily to the Democrats in the 2024 presidential election. He said, “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too.” During the interview, Soros urged Democrats to be clearer on delivering their messages while being “more patriotic and inclusive” to win the trust of voters. But he doesn’t really want Democrats to be “more patriotic and inclusive,” he only wants them to pretend to be, in order to fool people.

As has been chronicled previously by numerous reliable sources, Soros-backed organizations have funneled millions of dollars to organizations dedicated to advocating for mass immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants, organizations helping illegal aliens evade deportation from the United States, and organizations that work to normalize and legalize prostitution. The Soros family is like a malignant cancer on the entire world. They are taking the U.S. down little by little and we’re standing around watching it because people are either misinformed or just plain stupid. The son, like the father before him, wants to destroy the United States.

It is now every night that I say a prayer, a prayer that the silent majority will again make me proud in 2024 just as they made me proud back in 2016 by bringing an end to what was the eight-year assault by a man who seemed determined to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” They did so by preventing the woman whose job would be the continuing of that destruction while at the same time keeping hidden the sins of ‘BO’s presidency. Hitlery was supposed to be the chosen one, the heir apparent, she was to take the baton from ‘BO’ and complete what it was that ‘BO’ had started. Thankfully, things didn’t quite go according to plan.

Personally, I find it rather unconscionable that a family whose financial wealth originated from Nazi payoffs for betraying the identities and locations of fellow Hungarian Jews, remains in the position that it does. Jews who, because of Soros, were rounded up and summarily executed in death camps. And the dividends of that despicable and filthy money is now used to fund Democrat politicians. It’s simply unbelievable. Not one dime of the Soros money has made life better for anyone. It has only created misery and suffering. But this is the goal. His daddy made BILLONS shorting currencies. In other words, he made money destroying other people’s wealth.

And so it seems that one Soros is worth 50 million votes. We, the neutered population, are losing our country right before our eyes. We ‘assume’ that it can’t happen here. It’s odd how Democrats complain about white privilege and yet here’s an example of that very thing what with hypocritical money hungry and power-hungry people destroying the country. There was a time when the Democrats were the party of the ‘working man,’ now it is the billionaire’s party. The elected government has been totally corrupted by the 1 percent, and it is only getting worse. If the Democrats were any more blatant about, it they would be sending announcements to your home.

It's sickening that we have a Soros speaking about how Democrats need to speak about being “more patriotic and inclusive.” Just another evil left wing, self-loathing, Bolshevik Jew. Soros and his son couldn’t care less if Israel is nuked by Iran, and Israel ceases to exist. Always remember, the greatest friends Israel has is, always has been, and continues to be, the Republican party and Christians, especially in America. The two most anti-Israel administrations since the state of Israel was created, was the ‘BO’s, and now the Joey administrations. As well, very many of today’s Democrats in the U.S. Congress are vehemently anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic. It’s disgusting!!!

And finally, have you ever noticed how it is that when people get rich they suddenly go through some sort of startling metamorphosis and become Socialists/Marxists? Just why the Hell is that? And it matters not whether we’re talking about Hollyweird ‘stars,’ just about every Big Tech mogul, or scum like Soros, they’re all Marxists. They seem to want us to suffer now that they have their millions or billions. They somehow seem determined in their effort to prevent the rest of us from achieving some level of financial freedom, preferring that we, instead, are forced to remain dependent on government therefore making us easier to control. As always, it’s about control.

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