

Monday, June 5, 2023


I really hate to keep harping on this creep, James Comey, but when he attempts to use his former position, combined with his twisted political beliefs, in an effort to convince people to oppose Republicans and to support a guy like Joey, I feel I need to speak up. And I find it rather disgusting that he somehow feels justified in trying to talk people into voting for a guy that has no business being voted for. Someone like Comey is the very last person that anybody should be taking political advice from. And while you make think that someone would have to be a complete wacko to trust a guy like Comey, trust me when I say we have no shortage of wackos here in the U.S. of A.

You see, it was just this past Sunday during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Inside with Jen Psake,’ hosted by Ms. ‘Circle Back’ herself, that Comey said that he would not vote for the Republican nominee in 2024, even if it is someone other than President Trump. Psaki said, “You said that Trump poses a near existential threat to the rule of law.” She asked, “Tell me a little bit about the specifics of what he could try to do, what do you mean by that?” Comey said, “I think about what four years of a retribution presidency might look like. He could order the investigation and prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies. I’m sure I’m on the enemies list."

Comey went on to say, “Because the president constitutionally does oversee the Executive Branch entirely which includes the Department of Justice, prosecutors and investigators.” If there was true justice in America, Comey would be making such statements from a prison cell. Comey isn't concerned about retribution. He's concerned about accountability. He knows that he is unlikely to escape accountability if it’s any competent Republican that ends up in office. And I would describe President Trump as being highly competent. So I think we can count on Comey to be pulling out all the stops in what is nothing more than an effort to save his own skin.

Big Jim Comey is so terrified of being on President Trump’s “enemies list” that he wants people to vote for Joey B, a puppet *president who can’t manage to read simple English, forgets where he is half the time and what he’s trying to say the other half, seems to have a high degree of difficulty when it comes to navigating a simple flight of stairs, and has a rather bizarre tendency to refer to Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris as “President Harris.” Yes, Comey is so terrified of President Trump that he couldn’t care less if Joey B, our village idiot, is selected as our *president for another four years. At least he’d be confident that he wouldn’t go to prison.

Anyway, Psaki said, “You are Republican most of your life, and you may still consider yourself one, but voted for Biden in 2020. Do you intend to vote for him again or is there anyone on the Republican side you might consider, if it’s not Trump?” Comey replied, “It has to be Joe Biden. And I’m glad he’s willing to serve.” He added, “It has to be somebody committed to the rule of law, committed to the values of this country. And I’m not talking about policy. People can disagree about policy. There are things above those disagreements that all of us should think about the same way. The president must be someone who abides the law and our Constitution."

Comey went on to say, “And there’s no one else but Joe Biden.” Comey lost what little credibility he had left when he let Hitlery off ‘the hook for her hidden server and emails!! Comey was the most corrupt FBI director ever. Most likely the only reason he claims to be a supporter of old Joey is because old Joey is his stay outta jail free card. Comey continues with his obstruction and his criminal behavior. He’s just trying to stay out of prison. And we all know his heart lies within the Democrat Party. That’s really the only reason he wouldn’t vote for a Republican. Comey is merely afraid that President Trump will come after him, and he should be. And Trump should!

I find it all rather odd that Comey speaks of needing someone committed to the rule of law when Comey himself has demonstrated, on numerous occasions, that he is NOT committed to the rule of law. And what the Hell does he know about the values of this country? Those values that made this country what it is, the values that makes this country unique among all others? He knows absolutely nothing. Comey is scum!!! No true American supports the banana republic style lawsuits against political opponents. They investigated President Trump the entire time he was in office and couldn’t even get him on tax charges. President Trump is the cleanest politician in American history.

And the audacity of this guy is astounding. The Presidency, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, ATF, IRS, and even the Department of Education have all been weaponized by Democrats to go after Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. Comey chose to be a traitor to the Constitution he swore to uphold. Nobody forced him, and now he’s terrified he will be called to task. This guy should be in prison, and he knows it. He approved FISA warrants applications based on what he knew was fabricated evidence. He committed fraud on the FISA courts. Almost unbelievable except for the old saying, “There’s no inspiration, like desperation.” And Comey is sounding very desperate.

This man lied and broke law’s because he was opposed to President Trump’s policies. Yet he walks free among us telling us we need to follow the laws. And he is not the only one, this entire administration is filled with liars. Yet nothing is done. Never ever any consequences for violating the law and lying. We now know Comey and friends lied about Trump to prevent him from being elected. I’m sure there are still many like-minded people in the FBI and DOJ willing to use their power to promote their politics. Think about how inconceivable it would have been, just a few years ago, for a former FBI director to openly express a party preference in a presidential election.

Comey has essentially confirmed what so many people already suspected, that he is clearly in the pocket of the Democrat Party, and likely has been now for some time. Comey, along with many others at the top levels of the FBI should all be wearing orange for the part they played in the coup attempt of a duly elected president. That is exactly why Comey will not be supporting any Republican. He knows that if an AG with any integrity comes to power, before the clock runs out, he may be in some very serious trouble. He also knows that the Democrats would never nominate one, so that’s where his best self-interests will be found, with the corrupt Democrats.

So let me see if I have this right. Comey fears President Trump getting re-re-elected because President Trump might do what Comey and his agency did to destroy the Trump presidency. You just can’t make up this kind of self-serving hypocrisy. It sounds like Comey might actually understand the personal gravity of the 2024 election, like perhaps his very life may hang in the balance, just as it should. Treason wouldn’t be difficult to prove. The biggest hurdle is finding an incorruptible judiciary. Accomplish that feat, and Comey’s neck likely gets stretched. And who does this lying coward think he is? And who might it be that will listen to him and care what he thinks?

And finally, how is it that this man can be so blatantly corrupt and still manage to get on television where he is then allowed to tell lie after lie, and with a straight face no less. And it’s everyone who knows he’s lying. And never once does he get challenged on any of his lies by the esteemed Ms. ‘Circle Back,’ or by any other supposed ‘journalist.’ You see, a real journalist would ask him about his seditious activity and about the corruption of Joey & Son as well. But as we all know, it was long ago that those considered to be real journalists are known to have gone extinct. What we have today are nothing more than monkeys trained to read from a teleprompter.

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