"A place where honest, serious and frank discussions on politics, current events, and social issues take place."

Friday, August 31, 2012
Ya know, it's just not all that often that I actually find myself in agreement with that dolt, 'Little Dick' Durbin. But I gotta tell ya, this is one instance where I most definitely do. Because, you see, Barry HAS done some pretty remarkable things. After all, he's been able to force 100 million of us onto some form of government assistance, put 23,000,000 out of work making sure unemployment has stayed above 8 percent for over 40 months, he came up with what he described as being a $800 Billion 'stimulus' bill that was really nothing more than a slush fund he used to pay off those who had supported him, he hasn't presented a serious budget since assuming office, the only budget he did present didn't even receive one Democrat vote, he now owns two car companies, he's made sure that over 40 million Americans now require food stamps, he seized from us the ability to manage our own healthcare, he has taken great pains to manufacture ways to ensure gas remains over twice as expensive as it was when he came into office and he was able to orchestrate a downgrading of our credit rating, the very first time in this nation's history that such a thing has happened, he was able to do all these things in a span of less than four years. Now that's REMARKABLE!! And he also seems to take a certain amount of sick pleasure in being able to divide us all by race, by income level, or by rich versus poor, and to do his best to get us all fighting amongst one another for no other reason than he sees that as being the best way to improve his odds of getting re-elected. Pretty pathetic, don’t' you think? So yes, I agree with 'Little Dick', Barry has done some remarkable things. Hence the reason he's not running on his record and is, instead, now engaged in what has been described by many as being the most toxic political campaign they've ever seen. A campaign that consists of nothing more than character assassination and the smearing in every way possible, of his opponent, Gov. Mitt Romney. How PRESIDENTIAL of him, don't you think?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
When dealing with such imbeciles as Ed Schultz and Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, the weapon of choice is commonsense. Against that, they don't stand a chance.
If there is one thing I've learned over the course of my 60 years on this planet, it's that just because you have a college education, it doesn't necessarily mean you're any smarter than someone who doesn't. And one of the best examples of that was very clearly demonstrated back in 2008 when so many college kids thought it would be a great idea to vote for Barry. They're now essentially reaping that which they so enthusiastically, sowed. Things haven't worked out to well for them, not to mention the rest of us. The vast majority of those same folks are now living back at home with mommy and daddy, and if they have managed to get a job, it is nowhere near related to the degree they 'earned.'
Now what brings me to the point of even asking such a question, is a recent comment made by our 'Dear Beloved Leader', Barry "Almighty" when on Wednesday, he said to a jobless law school grad during some online chat, "I understand how tough it is out there for recent grads," adding "long-term," things will get better he said, but he couldn't make any promises about "our immediate economic challenges." He went on to say, "So don't be discouraged -- we didn't get into this fix overnight, and we won't get out overnight, but we are making progress and with your help will make more." Don't be discouraged? And once again all he could do was to blame others, even though he has done nothing but make matters so very much worse.
In what was described as being an "interview" with users of some online news-and-comment website called Reddit, Barry took a question from some individual who had recently graduated from what was described as a "top law school" and now had some pretty hefty student loans to repay, and has as of yet been unable to find a job. Sounding ever the idealist, this person said, "While I'm sure my immediate prospects will improve in time, it's difficult to be optimistic about the future knowing that my ability to live a productive life -- to have a fulfilling career, to buy a house, to someday raise a family -- is hampered by my debt and the bleak economic outlook for young people."
The individual doing the asking said that he knows many people who are similarly demoralized, particularly young people who, like himself, campaigned for Barry in 2008: Why should they vote for Barry again? "What hope can you offer us for your second term?," the law school grad asked. What hope is Barry offering? Anyway that question prompted Barry to launch into his standard sales pitch as he mentioned his health care law, the student loan bill, "advanced manufacturing," his green energy policy, as well as those tax hikes on the evil wealthy: "You're right -- your long term prospects are great, but that doesn't help in the short term," Barry responded. I'm curious though, whose term prospects is it, exactly, that look great?
Of course, as always, Barry did what he does best in an effort to put lipstick on what has been a pig of a first term and proceeded to do his best to perhaps bribe those listening into voting for him this time around. He said "Obviously some of the steps we have taken already help young people at the start of their careers. Because of the health care bill, you can stay on your parent's plan until you're twenty six. Because of our student loan bill, we are lowering the debt burdens that young people have to carry." Now if these 'kids' are stupid enough to buy that line of BS, then I guess their also stupid enough to vote for Barry yet again. Which, I'm afraid, doesn't speak well for their level of intelligence.
Barry continued to preach his standard class warfare crap, spreading it on pretty thick saying, "But the key for your future, and all our futures, is an economy that is growing and creating solid middle class jobs -- and that's why the choice in this election is so important. The other party has two ideas for growth -- more tax cuts for the wealthy (paid for by raising tax burdens on the middle class and gutting investments like education) and getting rid of regulations we've put in place to control the excesses on wall street and help consumers. These ideas have been tried, they didn't work, and will make the economy worse." Like anyone could make the economy any worse than Barry has.
And on he went, "I want to keep promoting advanced manufacturing that will bring jobs back to America, promote all-American energy sources (including wind and solar), keep investing in education and make college more affordable, rebuild our infrastructure, invest in science, and reduce our deficit in a balanced way with prudent spending cuts and higher taxes on folks making more than $250,000/year." Ya know, but what he fails to mention here is the fact that it'll probably be one of those folks making over $250,000/year who will hire these students. That is unless, of course, they're forced into sending even more of their money off Washington, in which case, they probably won't be hiring anybody.
Since Barry is a guy who's always been excellent at having all manner of excuses at the ready, he droned on by saying, "I don't promise that this will solve all our immediate economic challenges, but my plans will lay the foundation for long term growth for your generation, and for generations to follow. So don't be discouraged - we didn't get into this fix overnight, and we won't get out overnight, but we are making progress and with your help will make more." So while he hasn't managed to do anything in the last four years but to make things worse, these younger folks are being asked to just stick with him. An who knows, they just might. I don’t have much confidence in this younger generation.
The bottom line is that our young college graduates of today have a big decision to make, and it's one may have some pretty long last effects since it will determine just what kind of future they will be able to enjoy for themselves. Their fate is essentially in their hands, but unfortunately, so, might be, the fate of the rest of us. They have to decide whether or not they wish to have the opportunity to take advantage of their potential to the fullest, or to earn only as much as Barry says that they may earn, and how much of it they will be required to give to the government. So, is that what these people want, to be told how much, or how little, they will be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their hard work?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I find the fact that a guy who's a more skillful liar than even ex-president "BJ" Clinton, has the balls to accuse somebody, anybody, else of telling fibs, completely laughable! This guy, Barry "Almighty", couldn't tell the truth if his pathetic life depended on it! In Fact his entire life is a lie, a lie that been kept entirely under wraps so that the American people will never find out the truth about it. As a president this guy is an embarrassment and a disaster!
For those of you who didn't take the time to tune in to the Convention on Tuesday night in time to watch former U.S. Rep. Artur Davis of Alabama, a black Democrat-turned-Republican, I'm hear to tell you, you really missed something. He started out by thanking Republicans "for welcoming me where I belong." And Mr. Davis had a message for people of all parties: "We have a country to turn around," he told al of those in attendance and those watching on their televisions. He described Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney as "the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years." Calling Romney a leader, Mr. Davis said, "He has no illusions about what makes America great, and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity, or loftiness with leadership." And he also alluded to his support for Obama back in the 2008 presidential race saying, "Now, America is a land of second chances, and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it." He went on to say, "Maybe we should have known that night in Denver that things that begin with plywood Greek columns and artificial smoke typically don't end well. Maybe the Hollywood stars and the glamour blinded us a little, you thought it was the glare, some of us thought it was a halo." Mr. Davis then asked, "But in all seriousness, do you know why so many of us believed?" He answered by saying," We led with our hearts and our dreams that we could be more inclusive than America had ever been, and no candidate had ever spoken so beautifully." Adding, "But dreams meet daybreak. The jobless know what I mean, so do the families who wonder how this administration could wreck a recovery for three years and counting. So many of those high-flown words have faded."
According to Mr. Davis, in 2012, it's time to face reality. He said, "So, this time, in the name of 23 million of our children and parents and brothers and sisters who are officially unemployed, underemployed, or who have stopped looking for work, let's put the poetry aside, let's suspend the hype, let's come down to earth and start creating jobs again. This time, instead of moving oceans and healing planets, let's get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future." Mr. Davis also addressed part of his speech to "those Democrats and Independents whose minds are open to argument," telling them that if they listen, they'll realize that Democrats don't speak for them. He said, "When they (Democrats) say we have a duty to grow government even when we can't afford it, does it sound like compassion to you, or recklessness?" He went on to ask, "When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work? And, "When they tell you America is this unequal place where the powerful trample on the powerless, does that sound like the country your children or your spouse risked their lives for in Iraq or Afghanistan?" And finally, "Do you even recognize the America they are talking about?" He said, "John F. Kennedy asked us what we could do for America. This Democratic Party asks what can government give you. Don't worry about paying the bill, it's on your kids and grandkids." Excellent points all, made by a man who you could tell loves his country. It is men like Mr. Davis to whom black Americans should be listening, not the typical hatemongers and racists that tends to have the ear of the black community. Men like Mr. Davis put country above race, and very proudly so!
So what, exactly, is it that this imbecile, Villaraigosa, is really trying to say here? That by providing minorities such a prominent forum the GOP is perpetrating some diabolical plan to con blacks and Hispanics into voting for Republicans? Gee, that's sounds like something the DNC would dream up. The good mayor must think that those with "brown faces", as he puts it, are pretty stupid not to be able to see through something like that on their own without it having to be pointed out by this moron. But I have to ask, whose been more demeaning toward minorities over the years, the Democrats or the Republicans. Villaraigosa is just another sellout, having sold out his people in the hope of being granted a place at the Democrat table.
Minorities have had a very prominent place thus far in the Republican Convention, far from being treated as the second class citizens that the Democrat Party has a nasty habit of treating them as. And why is it that when members of a minority community wish to become active members of the GOP, they are always referred to as having somehow betrayed their community? And it's portrayed as being nothing more than some devious attempt by the Republicans to trick blacks and Hispanics into voting for GOP candidates. It's always struck me as being odd how Democrats always insist upon portraying minorities as being too stupid to take care of themselves and how they need the Democrat Party in order to be able make it through life.
And blacks never seem to grasp, or they simply choose to ignore the fact, that the current state of the black community is a direct result of their sworn allegiance to the Party. And what we now have in the persons of Mr. Davis, Ms. Love and Mr. Cruz are individuals who possess the required courage to make the break. To come out, so to speak in a very big way. And they do so because they are driven by a genuine desire to improve the lives of all Americans, not just minorities. And they see the Republican Party as being the best avenue to accomplish that. They see that the decades of voting for Democrats as resulted only in their community lying in shambles and the black family in ruin.
Such an endeavor has raised the ire of those not used to such behavior. Minorities are supposed to know their place, and that place is permanently on the Democrat plantation. They will speak only when spoken to, and do what they're told. Those who dare to head for the fence are maligned and are made to be the recipients of the most vicious accusations. And the Republican Party, their natural refuge, is painted as being the responsible party, guilty of turning these otherwise good people against their own for purely political purposes. And those who have gone over to the enemy, are to be shunned, treated as outcasts and no longer to be trusted. And unfortunately, until more become brave enough to move forward, nothing will change.
Ya know one of the left's all time favorite slams on the Republican Party is that it is the party of old white people, devoid of diversity and, in all likelihood, full of racists. But oddly enough, if you happened to be watching coverage of the Republican Convention on Tuesday night, on a network other than MSNBC, you would have heard two of the most impassioned speeches of the night which were provided by two African-Americans and one Hispanic, who also happen to be very proud conservatives. I watched all three, and was very much impressed by all of these individuals. You could tell that their speeches came from the heart and that meant every word. And yet, they were missing on MSNBC.
I say watching somewhere other than MSNBC because missing from that network's coverage of Tuesday night's Convention festivities was any coverage of nearly every ethnic minority who spoke during the entire evening. In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC, instead, opted to show commentary which was anchored by Rachel "The Moron" Maddow and participated in by such political geniuses as Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, Ed "Butt Lick" Schultz, Chris "Mr. Tingles" Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt.
Now such behavior should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with out this network operates. After all throughout this convention, an obvious dementia suffering Matthews has repeatedly accused the Republicans of playing dog-whistle racist politics while on scene in Tampa. It isn’t clear, however, whether senile old Chris will hurl accusations of racism at Davis, Love or Cruz for the speeches that his silly little network failed to even broadcast. Look, these pinheads who appear on this joke of a network really have no credibility on any topic. They spew nothing but pure Democrat propaganda, they have no substance, and they are the perfect definition of what it means to be a fraud.
Williams, who professes himself to be a "real journalist", is actually anything but. He's nothing but another cheerleader for Barry "Almighty" and someone who puts his race above all else. He's a fraud who would rather see a man who is determined to destroy this country elected rather than someone who desires to return us to possessing some semblance of fiscal responsibility and who is actually willing to do what's necessary to defend this country against its enemies instead of simply bowing down to them. I fail to understand why this imbecile is still seen anywhere on television.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Since Boehner took over as Speaker I kinda feel like I've been getting 'boned' by Speaker Boehner. And I feel even more so after hearing him speaking with reporters at a restaurant in Tampa, Fla., on Monday. It was then that Boehner said he feels he can find "common ground" with Barry "Almighty". He even went so far as to recall how it was that he and the late Ted "The Pervert" Kennedy "did an awful lot of good things together." The remarks came during a press lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, a reporter asked the Ohio Republican, “I’m wondering what your thoughts are if worse comes to worse and President Obama does win another term - what sort of mandate you see he would have and how you see his relations with Congress and what he could actually accomplish.” Boehner added, “I have no doubts that if required, I can find common ground with the president.”
“We found an awful lot of common ground last year in attempting to solve our debt crisis. Unfortunately, the president lost his courage, but for those that know me and those who listened to me over the course of the last 30 days, I never give up, and I’d never given up on the president regardless of whose occupying that office,” he said. Barry is going to have “some big decisions” in his second term, Boehner said. Well let's just hope he doesn't get that second term, there, Mr. Speaker. “There’s nobody more open to solving the problems facing our country than me. There’s nobody more transparent about what needs to be done, but it’s gonna be the president,” he said. Adding, “I’m gonna do everything I can to solve the major challenges facing our country, and I’ll sit down with anyone on any side of the aisle,” Boehner said. Now that's the kind of drivel that I want to be hearing from those on my side.
Boehner said he had a “long track record of working across the aisle with people like Ted Kennedy for God's sakes.” Adding, “We did an awful lot of good things together. Why? Because while he had strong opinions, and I may have had strong opinions, we understood our job was to find some common ground, and it was common ground that we found.” What I guess the Speaker fails to grasp is that it's simply no longer possible to 'work with' those who call themselves Democrats. There is no interest on the part of those people to compromise. To them compromise means a Republican surrender, which since acquiring his current position as speaker, Boehner has been only too eager to do. We quite simply can no longer afford to keep someone of Boehner's rather lackluster desire to take the fight to the Democrats on the keys issues that must be resolved, if we are to get past this Barry created economic disaster.
Also in speaking with reporters Boehner made it a point to say, “Ninety-nine percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people trying to do the right thing for the country.” A reporter asked him, “Please share with us, Mr. Speaker, in a broad sense your ideas on how to make the American people have a more favorable view of Congress.” Boehner replied that while “on any given day some of them are out there doing things they probably shouldn’t be doing,” 99 percent of his colleagues "are decent, honest people trying to do the right thing for the country.” Adding, “Congress has been America’s favorite whipping boy for 200 years, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.” Boehner droned on saying, “And secondly, 435 members, and on any given day some of them are out there doing things they probably shouldn’t be doing. It’s just a fact, but I am going to say this.
And Boehner announced, and quite proudly so that, “I know my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and while there may be differences between some Democrats and Republicans, I can tell you that 99 percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people trying to do the right thing for the country, but we work in a setting that makes it very difficult for people to see that.” Boehner said that he blamed the media for only covering issues that Congress has “big disagreement” on. “You know, people think all we do is fight with each other. They don’t realize that 80 percent of the time, we’re working in a bi-partisan manner, getting the people’s work done, because the only thing they tend to see are those issues where we have a big disagreement, because that’s what gets covered,” he said. “When we’re all holding hands and passing bills in a bipartisan way, it’s just not news,” Boehner added.
“But I’m proud of all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for the service they do for their constituents and the service they do for our country,” he said. Come on, Mr. Speaker, what a load of crap! Gee, let's all have a big group hug! I don't think that RINO's like Boehner fully grasp the severity of the situation that our country is in. He also seems to be oblivious to the ideological shift that has taken place in the Democratic Party. The era of being able to reach across the aisle and working for what's best for America is pretty much dead and buried. The primary concern of today's Democrat Party is to fight to win and then to retain political power, no matter what or who they have to destroy in the process. The Democrat Party has now moved so far to the left that they can't be bipartisan because of their ideology. They need to be stood up to not cowered in front of.
Look, no matter how hard those on Barry's team try to spin the numbers, the bottom line here is that the U.S. economy is simply not on the right track for far too many Americans. Consider this little factoid, for example. Despite all of the wild claims being made, it's a fact that U.S. household median annual incomes have dropped, and very substantially so, from $53,508 to $50,964 just since June 2009, and that's not me saying that, it's according to new report from Sentier Research. Folks, that’s a decline of 4.8 percent over what was just a three-year period. And that’s not all! Business Insider's Jill Krasny notes, “several types of households fared much worse than that.” Sentier Research’s Gordon Green adds that, “[A]lmost every group is worse off now than it was three years ago, with the exception of households with householders 65-years-old and over.” So how did those folks get so lucky?
Upon closer inspection of the above mentioned report, Business Insider put together a little list of who exactly is “falling behind”: Non-family households: This group saw its real median annual income decline by 7.5 percent, from $33,002 to $30,512. Family households declined a little less than that by 4.7 percent. Single households: Men living alone saw their real median income drop by 9.4 percent, while women’s dropped by 4.5 percent. Black households: Compared to white and Hispanic households, Black householders’ income declined the most by 11.1 percent, from $35,567 to $32,498. Householders without a college degree: People with some education but no degree saw their real median annual income slide by 9.3 percent, from $50,948 to $46,200. Associates degree holders saw theirs taper off by 8.6 percent, from $60,602 to $55,374. Self-employed households: This group’s annual income fell 9.4 percent, from $73,695 to $66,752. Private sector workers fared only a little bit better, with a decline of 4.5 percent. Households in the West: In contrast to households in the Midwest region which barely saw a decline, households in the West felt their yearly incomes decrease by 8.5 percent, from $59,065 to $54,071. Households with householders between 55 and 66: Compared to millennials who saw their real median household income drop 8.9 percent, boomers’ declined by 9.7 percent, from $61,716 to $55,748.
Just a final thought here and then I'll let you all go. Per the Sentier Research report, the decline in household income began in 2009. Now what else supposedly began back in 2009? Other than, of course, the start of the most disastrous presidency in this nation's history. Here’s a little hint: the so-called “recovery.” Okay, okay, so I'm not so good at giving a hint. In the effort to save a little time I thought I'd just cut to the chase and give you all the answer. You do know what this means, right? What it means is that household income has fallen more during the Barry's supposed “recovery”, or 4.8 percent, than it did during the recession, or 2.6 percent. Now I'm not an economist, and I didn't stay in a Holiday Express last night. But that just doesn't compute, even for me. And another thing, how is it, exactly, that the guy who's been the mastermind behind such an abysmal occurrence, remains tied in some polls and leading in others?
Upon closer inspection of the above mentioned report, Business Insider put together a little list of who exactly is “falling behind”: Non-family households: This group saw its real median annual income decline by 7.5 percent, from $33,002 to $30,512. Family households declined a little less than that by 4.7 percent. Single households: Men living alone saw their real median income drop by 9.4 percent, while women’s dropped by 4.5 percent. Black households: Compared to white and Hispanic households, Black householders’ income declined the most by 11.1 percent, from $35,567 to $32,498. Householders without a college degree: People with some education but no degree saw their real median annual income slide by 9.3 percent, from $50,948 to $46,200. Associates degree holders saw theirs taper off by 8.6 percent, from $60,602 to $55,374. Self-employed households: This group’s annual income fell 9.4 percent, from $73,695 to $66,752. Private sector workers fared only a little bit better, with a decline of 4.5 percent. Households in the West: In contrast to households in the Midwest region which barely saw a decline, households in the West felt their yearly incomes decrease by 8.5 percent, from $59,065 to $54,071. Households with householders between 55 and 66: Compared to millennials who saw their real median household income drop 8.9 percent, boomers’ declined by 9.7 percent, from $61,716 to $55,748.
Just a final thought here and then I'll let you all go. Per the Sentier Research report, the decline in household income began in 2009. Now what else supposedly began back in 2009? Other than, of course, the start of the most disastrous presidency in this nation's history. Here’s a little hint: the so-called “recovery.” Okay, okay, so I'm not so good at giving a hint. In the effort to save a little time I thought I'd just cut to the chase and give you all the answer. You do know what this means, right? What it means is that household income has fallen more during the Barry's supposed “recovery”, or 4.8 percent, than it did during the recession, or 2.6 percent. Now I'm not an economist, and I didn't stay in a Holiday Express last night. But that just doesn't compute, even for me. And another thing, how is it, exactly, that the guy who's been the mastermind behind such an abysmal occurrence, remains tied in some polls and leading in others?
While sometimes it doesn’t seem like it, with nearly 100 million of us now on some sort of government assistance, the actual fact of the matter is that today more Americans actually rely on themselves or their families for assistance rather than on the government. Now obviously that's something that I'm sure doesn't sit very well with Barry "Almighty". So to remedy that little situation, federal officials have now undertaken an effort to help 'convince' people into seeing the advantage of applying for federal assistance. Because that's really what makes up the core of Barry’s cockamamie philosophy of “Hope and Change”, get as many people as possible permanently addicted to some form of government assistance.
So how to 'convince' more people into viewing the government as being the place to go for 'help'? Well, apparently our buddy Barry thinks he has a remedy to this problem of not enough folks turning to government. For starters, on the web known as USA.gov, 'Government Made Easy', there was this little announcement, “Given that only 15 percent of you turn to government assistance in tough times, we want to make sure you know about benefits that could help you.” Yes the ”government made easy’ website has created what it refers to as a “help for difficult financial times” page for people to learn more about the programs. In other words, it's where you can go to learn how to best take advantage of your neighbors.
The government bases this sales pitch on results from a poll that asked Americans what helps them the most during tough times. And what must have come as a great disappointment to sleazy Democrats was that most do not automatically turn to government. Here are the results:
Savings 44%
Family 21%
Credit cards/loans 20%
Government assistance 15%
“Government assistance comes in different forms—from unemployment checks and food assistance to credit counseling and medical treatment,” so says the clever little USA.gov announcement. This leg of the financial assistance push has ended. “Although our campaign to highlight Help for Difficult Financial Times has ended, we know that your struggles may continue,” said USA.gov goes on to say. “We will keep updating the tools and information we provide to help you get back on your feet." Well Hell's Bells, that's might white of 'em, don't ya think? What actually being perpetrated here should be pretty obvious. It's that you're not smart enough to take care of yourself, so let the government do it for you.
So let's be honest here, what we're witnessing being done here is nothing more than a very obvious attempt by our very dysfunctional government bureaucracy, at the specific direction of our 'Dear Beloved Leader', to actually 'convince' anyone who will listen, of the advantage to be gained from becoming nothing more than wards of the state. That that rather uniquely American quality of being able to proudly stand on your own two feet is now to be viewed, at least if you listen to Barry, as being something that, while is still rather quaint and all, is simply a trait that has become old fashioned, rather childish and definitely out of date. These days the mooching off of your fellow citizens is something that is now considered to be much more fashionable.
But then I suppose, if anything, this poll does, in a way, offer those of us who are atill proud to be an American, a glimmer of hope, in that there, at least appears to be, still a substantial number of people who would rather not mooch off of their fellow citizens but remain, instead, responsible enough to manage their situation through another means that does not involve government interference. Now if only we could make sure that they would get out and vote for Romney so that we can, hopefully, then get working on doing what's necessary to begin what is sure to be the very long and painful process of getting things turned around in this country. Because four more years of Barry is just unacceptable.
In the aftermath of the Family Research Council shooting, the more prominent voices of the 'Loony Left' have not bothered in the least to tone down their vitriolic and toxic rhetoric against those who have the nerve to disagree with them. A few of our rather idiotic celebrities have, in typical juvenile fashion, once again taken to Twitter and actually spewed their hope that pro-life, pro-family individuals and U.S. Congressman Todd Akin suffer a drowning or a same-sex rape, respectively. Wow, they sure showed him, by golly!
On Sunday, it was that personification of any of your average barnyard animals, Ellen Barkin, who expressed her hope that Tropical Storm Isaac would smash up the Republican National Convention in Tampa and drown all its delegates. She retweeted the message of one of her imbecilic followers that read as follows: “C’mon #Isaac! Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean! #RNC ” Barkin did not express any disagreement in her retweet.
Ya know, for these pathetically disgusting and empty-headed 'celebrities' to view as being acceptable behavior the spewing of such vile language for no other reason than because of a differing opinion, demonstrates, and very clearly so, that they are very much at home living in the sewer. Just because we refuse to accept their rather perverted view of what's normal, they feel completely justified in resorting to all manner of disgusting language in their attempt to paint us as being the ones who are so out of touch.
And I guess I still don't understand how those like Ms. Barkin see it as being anywhere near responsible, to malign those on whom she depends to go see what few movies she happens to be in these days. After all, besides perhaps the chance to play someone's aging mother, I seriously doubt many roles come her way anymore. So wouldn't you think that she would be a little more respectful. But then again, maybe this is her way of getting her name out there in front of people, and to show that she's still alive. Who knows?
Monday, August 27, 2012
Debbie Wizzerman Schultz takes great pleasure is saying that Mitt Romney is an "extreme candidate." Which is a rather odd opinion coming from the leader of the political party whose own candidate is arguably the most ‘radical’ individual to ever be elected to any public office. This community agitator who had never held, before his current position, any sort of leadership position, a fact that has been painfully obvious to even the most casual of observers for the last four years. He is a devout socialist who believes that the government should be the sole arbiter of any and all rights to be enjoyed by the citizenry. If that does not define ‘extreme’ then I don’t know what does. Barack Hussein Obama is the true ‘extreme’ candidate in this race. His dream is to be the man who will go down in history as he who presided over the diminishing of American power, prestige and influence throughout the world. It was he who cut America ‘down to size.’ His time in office will be seen as a black spot, no pun intended, on the history of our nation. A spot that we will never be able to expunge.
And now more idiocy from that foul mouthed moron, Samuel L. Jackson who on Monday tweeted that it was "unfair" that Tropical Storm Isaac had spared the GOP convention in Tampa and appeared to be heading for New Orleans. In what typical fashion, Jackson said in a profanity-filled tweet that he was "not understanding God's plan" given the fact that the storm was not disrupting the Republican gathering. My question is, what does this stupid butt-lick know about God?
"Unfair s---," the Oscar-nominated actor known for his colorful language said on Twitter.
"GOP spared by Isaac! NOLA prolly f----- again!"
Less than a half-hour later, douche bag Jackson apologized for the earlier tweet, writing that it had stirred up a hornet's nest. "Apologies to God, Tampa, da GOP & Isaac(sp)! Who played the Race card?!," he said on Twitter.
I guess this is the kind of crap one resorts to when no one’s knocking on your door to star in their movie. Maybe he’s trying to demonstrate that somehow he’s still relevant in a weird sort of way. Speaking for myself it’ll be cold day in Hell before I fork over the required amount to see one his movies again. And, you know, that may not bother him, but that’s fine, because for me it’s the principle of the thing. And it’s very obvious that this shit bag, like so many others in Hollywood, has no principles. He just shoots his mouth off.
Look, I'm a big fan of Sarah Palin's, I really am, but I simply don't see how talk of a third party, serves any useful purpose. I only mention this because Fox New has reported that Gov. Palin has said that history could repeat itself in that a third party could be created if Republicans don’t adhere to their principles. Apparently when she was asked on Fox News if she would consider creating a third party, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee said, "If history is an indication it is a possibility. If the Republicans don't remember what the planks in the platform represent . . . That is opportunity to prosper and thrive in the most exceptional nation in the world.” She added that “we do that through a free market. If the Republicans become like the liberal left and Democrats, I wouldn't be surprised if history didn't repeat itself." Well, I think that would be more than a little counter-productive regarding the long-term goals of conservatives.
Gov. Palin drew a comparison to the Whig Party, saying, "Look what happened in the mid 1800’s. The Whig party went away and the Republican Party surfaced,” she explained. “Because the electorate got sick and tired of the party fighting for power and not doing the will of the people." She described the Tea Party movement as a “grassroot of independent Americans. They know that they are taxed enough already. They want to shrink government and make it smarter and make it as less relevant to us in our lives as possible.” And that is very true. The primary objective should then be one that has us being able to force the Republican Party, as a whole, to move to the right. Those who now list themselves as members of the Republican Party but who are essentially nothing more than Republicans in name only must be weeded out. The best way for us to do that is to ensure, at the time of their re-election, that they are made to face a challenge from a true conservative in a primary election.
Personally speaking, and this comes from a guy who's pretty far removed from being any kind of a political expert, I just think that it would be far better for conservatives to work toward the seizing of control of the GOP, much like the rabid progressives have now seized control of the Democrat Party, rather than to attempt to start up some new party. This is not the 1800's, and the trying to bring about a third party at this time would accomplish nothing more than to cement a Democrat Party majority in Congress for decades. And that would make it all but impossible to take the necessary measures required to get this country back onto the right track. What on the right we need to remain focused on is putting forth the most conservative candidates we can whenever the opportunity presents itself. Trying to bring about a third party on line and in time enough that would allow us to salvage what's left of our country would only be a complete waste of time! So why bother?
However, after having said all that, I have to admit that if those residing out on the far left were ever to be of the opinion that it would be a swell idea for themselves to throw together a third party of some sort, they should certainly not be dissuaded from doing so. In fact I would go so far as to say that by all means, they should be actively encouraged to do so. And, actually, those of us on the right should spare no effort in our attempt to convince them of the wisdom of such an endeavor. After all, they certainly have more than enough folks on the far left kook fringe to man up such an enterprise. And there are plenty of Hollywood progressive types whom I'm sure would be more than willing, even eager, to lend their names to the supporting of such an organization, especially to those of somewhat lesser intelligence. And I'm equally sure they could come up with some nifty name for their party, you know, one that wouldn't betray it's true motives. They're really good at that sorta stuff.
Ya know, I'm getting more than just a little tired of hearing how it is that the Republican Party must simply do more to welcome in blacks. Because from where I'm sitting, we've already done enough, and if blacks insist upon being too damn stupid to see which party has their best interests at heart and which one seeks only to screw 'em, then I give up. As someone one said, "You can't fix stupid." And that's where we're at now. Blacks don't want to be able to improve their lives, they're apparently quite satisfied to remain on the Democrat plantation and to be the recipients of whatever scraps the Democrat Party thinks they deserve..
So at this time, it might be prudent to review Civil Rights legislation that Republicans were responsible for, and which Democrats opposed.
1. The Emancipation Proclamation
2. The 13th Amendment
3. The 14th Amendment
4. The 15th Amendment
5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867
6. The Civil Rights of Act 1866
7. The Enforcement Act of 1870
8. The Forced Act of 1871
9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875
11. The Freeman Bureau
12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)
13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960
14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
Further, Republicans gave strong bi-partisan support and sponsorship for the following legislation:
15. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
16. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
17. The 1968 Civil Rights Acts
18. The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972
19. Goals and Timetables for Affirmative Action Programs
20. Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973
21. Voting Rights Amendment of 1982
22. Civil Rights Act of 1983
23. Federal Contract Compliance and Workforce Development Act of 1988.
Now wouldn't you think that in going through the above list that at about the half way point the little light bulb would go off in the head of even your basic black person of average intelligence? I mean for crying out loud! And yet, it never seems to. Instead we're constantly referred to as the party of racists by such stellar individuals as Al 'Bull Horn' Sharpton, Jessie 'The Extortionist' Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and 'Calypso Louis' Farrakhan. All, strangely enough, supposed men of God, and all racists of the highest order. So if blacks can't manage to bring themselves to see things as they really are, then, like I said, I'm done with them.
At a time when we have some new poll shoved in front of our face nearly every single day, yet another one has now come along that states several key voting blocs that Barry "Almighty" desperately needs to pull off his re-election bid this year, may be expressing alarm over his lack of leadership and the direction he’s taking the nation. Analysts say the blocs include young voters, blacks, Hispanics and women. However, the poll shows none of those groups is expressing confidence in Barry. The poll was conducted for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company, Wenzel Strategies, and was done August 18-21. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.44 percentage points. Overall, only 37 percent of respondents believe America is headed in the right direction. Meanwhile, 72 percent of independents and 91 percent of Republicans – even 15 percent of the Democrats – say the nation is going in the wrong direction.
Among those key constituencies for Barry, only 34 percent of women believe the nation is going in the right direction, along with only 42 percent of blacks and only 2 percent of Hispanics. Among young voters, only 33 percent of those 20 or younger think Obama is leading the nation in the right direction, and only 29 percent of those in their 30s agree. The results aligned closely with the job rating that voters give Barry. Only 18 percent think he is doing an excellent job and another 28 percent a good job. A dominant 45 percent of respondents put his performance at “poor” and another 9 percent say his performance was “only fair.” Having said that, I thinks it's pretty safe to say that no matter how bad things may get, blacks will still be voting for Barry in rather overwhelming numbers, and I hazard to guess that the same will be true for Hispanics. Their priorities just are not those possessed by your average 'working class' Americans.
Among women, 19 percent actually say his performance has been excellent, but 39 percent call his work poor. For blacks, the figures are 32 percent and 45 percent, for Hispanics 2 percent and 78 percent and among under-20 voters, 27 percent say his job performance is excellent and 59 percent say it is poor. I can only assume that the 19 percent who rate Barry's performance as excellent must be those of the Sandra Fluke crowd who deem birth-control as being the most important issue today. Yup, they must be able to screw their brains out without having to worry about being punished with a baby. Right? Anyway, earlier this year the same poll showed that only 40 percent believed Barry’s job performance was poor, a figure that has now risen to 45 percent. At that time, only 33 percent said the nation was going in the right direction. How anyone can look at things and say we're headed in the right direction is beyond me!
In this most recent poll, the key question about the candidates reflected the doubt evidenced in the other questions. While 44 percent of all respondents say they would pick the incumbent Barry "Almighty" in November, 48 percent say they would pick Romney. Five percent would pick Libertarian Gary Johnson, only 1 percent said they would pick another candidate while 2 percent were unsure. Unsure? Critically, the youth vote is going for Romney, with his 45 percent to 43 percent edge among voters in their 30s, and a huge 66 percent to 29 percent advantage among voters 20 or under. The current poll shows Barry remains likeable, God only knows why, even if voters don’t like where he’s taking the country. Forty percent of respondents say they have a very favorable opinion of Barry, with another 12 percent “somewhat favorable.” Nearly 48 percent give him an unfavorable rating.
It's been reported by several different sources that the youth vote, on which Barry’s campaign was based in 2008, is falling away from the incumbent rather swiftly. Maybe it's because none of them can find a job. A Generation Opportunity poll indicated 84 percent of voters aged 18 to 29 are planning a major life change because of the economy, including delaying marriage and a home purchase. Twenty-six percent said they changed their living situation by taking in roommates or moving back with mom and dad, 40 percent skipped a vacation and more than half have had to adjust their entertainment budget, the GO report said. The poll also showed that while 51 percent of that age group voted in 2008, 76 percent plan to vote this fall. At the same time, the College Republican National Committee was announcing the largest youth mobilization effort in the group’s 120-year history, a plan dubbed “Operation Red November.”
The grassroots movement of college Republicans nationwide aims to “recruit and mobilize college students to take back our future by voting and volunteering for Republican candidates in local and state level elections in 2012.” The group is aiming for more than 6 million live voter contacts, 100,000 volunteer hours and 50,000 new College Republicans. The Communist News Network (CNN) noted over the winter that there already was evidence the “youth vote” had moved beyond Barry. “In 2012, the youth vote is moving on and throwing those omnipresent ‘Hope’ bumper stickers and T-shirts in garbage bins,” CNN said. “Not because of apathy. Not because another candidate generates more enthusiasm. Not because of his character. Not because they think voting is pointless,” CNN said. “The 18-29 vote is up for grabs in 2012 because youth can’t afford cars to put bumper stickers on and those T-shirts are worn out from too many days sitting on the couch unemployed.”
CNN’s report noted that without the youth vote four years ago, our 'Dear Beloved Leader', Barry, would have lost at least two states, Indiana and North Carolina. That would have cost him 26 electoral votes – a margin that in 2012 could be decisive. “It’s time the president did some soul searching on his feelings toward the youth vote,” wrote CNN’s Brad Chase. And in doing his best to cheer Barry on, he added, “And he better do it soon, because the GOP candidate … won’t hesitate to take the youth vote.” Nearly a year ago, when another Wenzel poll revealed similar concern about Obama’s leadership and the direction he was pushing the nation, Wenzel noted that the longer the numbers stayed low for the incumbent, the harder it would be to change them. “Poll numbers for political figures tend to be like cement – the longer they sit at low levels without significant rebounds, the harder it becomes to make them move much at all,” Wenzel said at the time.
As we all know the only poll that means a damn is the one that will be held on November 6. Notwithstanding the fact that our stellar First Lady was telling everyone to go to the polls on November 2. Maybe she doesn't want to take any chances and was intending for folks to vote for her husband on both days. Who knows? The bottom line here is that we're not going to know in what direction the people want our country to go until the dust finally settles, hopefully by at least November 7. I'm a firm believer in that no matter how blacks may choose to respond to any poll, they will vote for the brother in the race no matter what. Hispanics will have an opportunity to demonstrate whether they are more interested in the truly important problems that we're facing as a country or in allowing cousin Jose, who's here illegally, to stay here. Will they vote for the candidate who is more interested in solving our problems, or in letting Jose stay?
Jeb was on Meet the Press and Obama enthusiast David Gregory asked him how much it gets his back up when Barry "Almighty" blames George W.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
For those who may still possess reservations about Marco Rubio going off to the Senate instead of Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, I'd say that with Crist's recent announcement that he's backing Barry "Almighty" in the 2012 presidential race should have erased them. The former Republican made his announcement in an op-ed piece published in Sunday's Tampa Bay Times. The endorsement came as Republicans are gathering in the Tampa Bay area for the GOP convention. It also came amid preparations statewide for Tropical Storm Isaac. So I’m sure that all had a role in Charlie’s decision regarding the timing of his little announcement.
I'm sure we all remember how it was that crybaby Crist left the Republican Party during his unsuccessful bid for a U.S. Senate seat in 2010. His mission changed from being one of going off to Washington to one of doing his best to ensure the seat would go to the Democrat. Crist is currently registered as having no party affiliation. In the Tampa Bay Times article, Crist wrote he's "confident that President Barack Obama is the right leader for our state and the nation." Republicans wasted no time in slamming Crist for his choice -- and his timing. And rightly so! He’s nothing but a political opportunist who must see this as a way to advance.
Florida GOP Chairman Lenny Curry in an e-mail to Florida Republicans called Crist's endorsement on what would have been the eve of the GOP convention a "repugnant display from a self-centered, career politician." Adding, “Make no mistake about it: This is Charlie Crist trying to shed his skin for a political comeback.” Curry wrote, “Calling him a liberal will only play into his hand,” He went on to say, “He hopes it will divert attention away from his record and his years of calling himself a conservative. You should take every opportunity with the media to remind Floridians that Crist has made a career out of bashing the Democrat Party and everything President Obama stands for.”
“I’ve said it time and again,” former GOP spokesman Brian Hughes told the Miami Herald of Crist in an email, “he is the silly putty of Florida politics, he’ll bend whatever direction you want and if you smash him against the newspaper he’ll offer you a poll-tested, mirror version.” A most fitting and perfect description of Crist. It's always about what's best for Charlie, which is what people saw in him, and which was their reason for not voting for him. He's a brown-nosing kiss-ass, and we have enough of those in Congress already, so Floridians saw no purpose in sending off yet another one. Crist would not have served his state or his county, Charlie would have served himself. This recent episode only serves to make that all the more obvious.
Now does this sound like a conversation between two grown adults, or between two sophomoric juveniles who, because they have nothing intelligent to say on the topic, resort to adolescent ridicule? I mean come on, here. First we have Bill Maher opening the silly little dialogue by asking the question of how it is that the Republicans can get away with picking the Dennis Kucinich of their party as the vice presidential candidate. To which that political genius, Arianna Huffington, responds by saying that Romney’s choosing Paul Ryan was actually closer to being the equivalent of picking George ‘Looney’ Clooney. She then goes on to say that Ryan has now morphing into what is essentially nothing more Romney’s doormat. I’m not really getting the doormat analogy, but that’s Arianna for ya.
So this is what now passes as intelligent conversation between those on the left? We can never talk about the specifics of the certain issues, we must always malign, smear, or slander those with whom we disagree? Look, Barry is a socialist, I don’t see how anyone can look at what he has done since assuming office, or listen to any of his speeches and come away with any other opinion. And we also know, especially after the healthcare ‘debate’, that Barry is a very skilled liar, because nothing of what he said about ‘Obamacare’ or claimed that it would do or what it would cost, was true. And in the ongoing campaign since Barry cannot run on his record, what does he do instead? Simple, he works to spread all manner of lies about his opponent, that’s what!
And Barry has many minions willing to assist him in his endeavor to distract attention away from the destruction that he has wrought, and to paint the Romney/Ryan team as somehow actually being worse than the Barry/’Slow Joe’ team. And they may yet succeed in that effort. The American people, being the products of our miserable public education system that they are, are none too bright when it comes to electing officials to run this country. But they need to come to grips with what’s being done to their country, and soon. Because should Barry have another four years to complete that which he has started, the future will be a very, very dark place. So we all need to look into the eyes of our children, and do what’s necessary to provide them with a future. We must defeat Barry.
As any of you who have been paying attention may already know, Rep. Allen West has a reputation as being someone not known to mince words. Speaking with Neil Cavuto Saturday, the congressman slammed Barry’s economic policies, eventually concluding that Americans are being served a “crap sandwich” with a smile. Beginning with a dissection of American tax policy and how proposed tax increases are counterproductive, Rep. West explained: “When you look at what you will get if you just increase the taxes on those top two brackets, it’s only about $85 billion per year. And with the spending frenzy that you well know [we] have in Washington, D.C.– that only funds the government for about ten days.”
The congressman continued, discussing Obama’s high “likability” ratings: “Let’s be very honest, and let’s put it in some military vernacular. If you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich, and that’s what you see coming from President Obama.” Adding, “He’s fed America just a load of you-know-what, and it has not done anything for this country but increasing our unemployment, increasing Americans in poverty, increasing the food stamp rolls, and we’re heading in the wrong direction.” Rep. West added: “When you look at the budget that he produces that talks about a ‘balanced approach,’ raising $1.9 trillion in new taxes, [it] never balances.
As a matter of fact, all it goes to is a 53% growth of the federal government, so I think it is very important that we win the ‘image war,‘ there’s no doubt about that.” “The personality, the persona, you have to define yourself, but you also have to stay on message,” Rep. West cautioned, “because the American people are suffering under these failed economic policies.” ThinkProgress commenters are predictably furious, the congressman as a “sell-out“ and an ”imbecile,” while commenters on more conservative sites seemed to take the interview with a dash of humor. One woman said she “burst out laughing” at the unexpected comparison, while others simply praised his calm, matter-of-fact explanations.
Just how is Rep. West a sellout, and who exactly has he sold out? Is he described as such because he is a black man who dares to speak the truth? I think it’s fair to say that if more blacks spoke out like he does, the black community as whole would be far better off today. But nope, that’s just not the case. Most are more interested in the hate-speech that comes from the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Wright and Farrakhan, to name just a few, and all supposed men of GOD. But because Rep. West refuses to join that little club, he’s the one that’s singled out, called names and is the “sell-out.” It’s sad, really, that blacks don’t have enough commonsense to listen to men like Rep. West, they would be doing themselves a tremendous favor by doing so!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Barry “Almighty” once against bandied around a favorite accusation of his by charging his Republican rival, Mitt Romney, with holding the “extreme positions” of the House GOP that he would push through if elected, regardless of whether he believes them or not. In an interview with the Associated Press, another proud member of his fan club, Barry cited economic and social issues, and also suggested Romney wasn’t ready to “own up” to the responsibilities of what it takes to be president by refusing to release additional tax returns. “[Romney] has signed up for positions, extreme positions, that are very consistent with positions that a number of House Republicans have taken,” Barry told the AP. “And whether he actually believes in those or not, I have no doubt that he would carry forward some of the things that he’s talked about.” Ok, and that’s what Barry did, which is why we are where we are, economically.
Among those positions, he said, are Romney’s call for tax cuts across the board, a plan Barry claims would only help the rich at the expense of everyone else, something he’s repeated often on the campaign trail. Barry also hinted at the issue of abortion, something that was pushed to the forefront this week following Republican Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin’s comment that victims of “legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant. According to the AP, Barry predicted Romney would not “stand in the way” of a congressional bill to take away women’s control over their reproductive health care. Barry’s campaign has previously sought, to the point of appearing a little desperate, to tie Romney to the “war on women” theme, including with an ad that declared that “it’s a scary time to be a woman.” Romney has stated unequivocally he supports a woman’s right to have an abortion in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother’s life.
Barry also harped on Romney’s refusal to release additional years of tax returns, calling it a “lack of willingness to take responsibility for what this job entails.” I call it another distraction being perpetrated by a crook who would rather talk about anything but his record. With the economy the No. 1 issue of the 2012 election, Barry acknowledged, “We aren’t where we need to be.” “Everybody agrees with that,” he told the AP. “But Governor Romney’s policies would make things worse for middle-class families and offer no prospect for long-term opportunity for those striving to get into the middle class.” Barry can talk about Romney being extreme until the cows come home, but when it comes to being extreme Romney can’t hold a candle to Barry. In terms of being extreme and/or radical, Barry is the champ. And I’ll tell ya, I’m in the middle class and Barry is absolutely killing me. We need Romney, and we need him NOW!
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