

Saturday, August 25, 2012


 In remarks made during a campaign stop at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, Illinois, a couple of weeks ago, Barry “Almighty” praised his adopted city, where he lived before moving on to his new role of ‘Destroyer of America.’ "Chicago is an example of what makes this country great," Barry said. For which he received much applause from those in attendance. And Barry’s proof for making such an assertion? The donors in the room, who had given to his reelection campaign. "Witness this room," Barry said. And he elaborated: "[W]e've got everything we need to make things work here in America. We still have the best workers in the world. (Applause.) We've still got the best entrepreneurs in the world. We've got the best colleges, the best universities, the best scientists, the best researchers. We're a young nation, and we've got the greatest diversity of talent and ingenuity from every corner of the globe."

But what Barry kinda left out of his little address is the fact that Chicago's homicide rate is one of the highest in the nation. More Chicago residents -- 228 -- have been killed so far this year in the city than the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan - 144 -- over the same period. The war zone-like statistics are not new. As WBEZ reports, while some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data. Chicago's murder rate is also currently quadruple that of New York and double Los Angeles' rate. So I gotta tell ya, at least from where I’m sitting, Chicago is far from being an example of anything that, one would normally say, makes this country great. Because like most big cities run by Democrats, it’s an example of what following socialism will bring about.

If people want to see what results from following the economic and political system so enthusiastically advocated by our president, they need look no further than any big city, but especially Chicago. Chicago has essentially become the primary acronym for political corruption. I’m sure you’ve all heard about “Chicago style politics.” There’s a reason it called that. But while Chicago is the most prominent, it’s far from the only example. You can look at Detroit, Cleveland or even the ‘Big Apple’ and witness the same sort of goings on. And those are the examples that the American voters to look at before going off to the polls this November. Because what those cities are, are the perfect examples of what Barry wants to make the rest of the country look like. Because what those cities look like today is the natural outcome of adhering to the socialism of which Barry is such a devout follower.

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