

Friday, August 24, 2012


Here's a rather sobering little thought for those considering voting for Barry "Almighty" come this November, especially those with children. As difficult as this may be to comprehend, by the end of this year, the federal debt is expected to be a staggering $16.2 Trillion, which, my friends, is $6.2 Trillion more than when Barry first strutted his cool self into office four years ago. Moreover, new analysis by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee finds that, over the next 4 years, if, God forbid, Barry remains president and his budget is enacted, another $4.4 Trillion will be added to the federal debt.

As the chart at the top notes, staying on the present path that Barry and the Democrats currently have us on will mean that our debt is expected to hit $17.5 trillion in 2013, $18.5 trillion in 2014, $19.4 trillion in 2015, and $20.3 trillion in 2016. The last full year of Barry's presidency, if he is reelected, will be 2016. "Federal debt will increase to $25.4 trillion by the end of 2022, an increase of $10.6 trillion, or 72 percent, under the Barry’s budget policies," the Senate Budget Committee notes. And just so you know, it's been 1,212 days since Senate Democrats brought a budget to the Senate floor.

It's difficult to even begin to fathom such astronomical dollar amounts. And continuing in the way we are going is simply not sustainable. And yet, Barry, the man behind this fiscal nightmare, actually leads in many presidential polls. Tough decisions are going to be required, and the toughest decision for some may be to not vote for Barry. Now look, I know all you black folks are quite enamored with Barry, but lets face it, the basis for your support is essentially pretty shallow, since it based almost entirely on race. We all need to look at the bigger picture here. And that's making sure that our country survives.

A point that seems to be missed by a great many people is that if the country implodes, financially, it will effect every single citizen, no matter what their income level. And as much as Barry and the Democrat would like us all to believe, it's not the fault of the evil rich that we are now dangling over the fiscal cliff. And the sooner we all come to grips with that fact the better off we're all gonna be. We're being lied to here, on a daily basis, and apparently we're too stupid to recognize that fact. We're actually being convinced into become willing accomplices in the destruction of our own country. Does that make sense to anyone?

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