

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


According to a new NBC/WSJ poll, a whopping 0 percent of black voters say they support Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. While it isn’t surprising that Barry "Almighty" leads Romney among black and other minority voters, the assertion that the GOP candidate has no support whatsoever in the black community is a bit hard to swallow. However, if this is in fact true, I think it says much more about blacks in this country than it does Romney. What it tells me is that the majority of all those stupid little stereotypes that we've heard for years, regarding blacks, just might all be true. Because when presented with a choice between a man who would increase prosperity for them and a man who tells them that they don’t need to go out and work, that the government will ‘give’ them everything they need, they cheerfully choose the latter. After all, why work when the bro in the White House will pay you not to? What a deal!

This even though, under Barry, the black community has really been made to suffer. Black unemployment is twice that of non-blacks, more black businesses have gone under and with high gas and food prices, blacks now find themselves in a situation that is really self-inflicted. One thing you very rarely if ever hear about is that under George Bush black unemployment was down, black home ownership was up and successful black small-businesses where plentiful. And yet, blacks insist upon voting for sleazy Democrats who want nothing more than to increase the hardships placed on blacks because Democrat need black to be struggling. And, it would seem, blacks are only to happy to play along with their Democrat masters. And what makes matters even worse is that they have a black man in the White House who is looking them all dead in the eye, and lying to them. But I guess because he's black, they insist upon believing him.

Anyway, NBC News breaks down the numbers from the poll this way: Barry "Almighty" continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent). In other words amongst those folks who could care less whether they work or not and most of whom don’t pay any income taxes either, both of which they're perfectly happy not to do. For the most part they are perfectly content to live off those of us who do work. Romney on the other hand is ahead with whites (53 percent to 40 percent), rural voters (47 percent to 38 percent) and seniors (49 percent to 41 percent). Or essentially all of those who actually do want to work and most of who actually pay taxes. They're also the ones who are tired of supporting all of those who support Barry.

And the two presidential candidates are essentially even when it comes to the swing groups of suburban voters, Midwest residents and political independents. Further, Barry held a three-point lead in 12 swing states, “a narrower edge in these battlegrounds than the eight-point lead the president enjoyed in the June and July NBC/WSJ polls.” So, what’s wrong with Romney? Well, the premise is that voters may find Barry much more “likable” and easier to relate to. NBC News explain things this way: What’s more, Barry bests Romney by 35 points (58 percent to 23 percent) on the question of which candidate is more likeable, and by 22 points (52 percent to 30 percent) on caring about average people. I still cannot understand how anyone with any intelligence at all can look at Barry and see a man who actually cares about average people. I look at him and see an arrogant opportunist who could not care less about average Americans.

In addition, again according to this poll, a majority of voters (51 percent) view the former Massachusetts governor’s approach to issues as being “out of step” with most Americans’ thinking. By comparison, 54 percent say Barry’s positions are “in the mainstream.” So let me see if I have this right. Americans now view that age old American tradition of going out and making something of yourself and becoming a success as now being something that's considered “out of step?” And now somehow doing nothing more than living off the government, or those who work and pay taxes, and essentially being nothing more than a parasite, is now considered as being “in the American mainstream”. Is that not the saddest thing you’ve ever heard? Is this what we have allowed ourselves to become? So like I said, the results of this poll, if accurate, say a lot about those who support Barry, and why they do so. They're simply lazy!

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