

Monday, August 20, 2012


Something I would think that would not come as much of a surprise to anyone is that it has apparently been verified that there is now a majority of folks who consider themselves to be very much worse off than they were before all of this "Hope and Change" crap came about. And in a recent poll in those all important swing states, it seems that voters in a recent poll, by a margin of 56 to 40 percent, said they are not better off than they were four years ago. That data comes to us by way of a poll released on Monday. And in what, at least to me, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, they remain divided on whether they would be better off under a Barry "Almighty" or Mitt Romney administration. You gotta be kiddin me!

These results come to us from a USA Today/Gallup Swing states poll of 970 registered voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin that was conducted August 6-13. The question stems from then-candidate Ronald Reagan’s comment in a 1980 presidential debate with President Jimmy "Bone Head" Carter. It was then that Reagan asked if Americans were better off than they were four years ago. And so with Barry essentially performing as a Jimmy Carter on steroids, it seems only fitting that we again be asking this same question, even though most of us already know the answer.

“The question is relevant again in 2012 as Barack Obama seeks a second term as president with the economy still struggling to recover from the 2008-2009 recession,” Gallup wrote in its analysis of the data. Adding, “The fact that the majority of voters in the crucial states that will decide the election believe they are not better off is a challenge for the Obama campaign. That includes 50 percent of independent voters in the swing states, in addition to 36 percent of Democrats and 84 percent of Republicans saying they are not better off.” Let's be honest here, shall we, the problems that we are still being made to suffer through are related much more to the idiotic policies put in place by Barry than the actual recession.

However, when asked if their situation would be better in four years if Barry is re-elected or if Romney is elected, 44 percent of voters actually chose Barry while 44 percent also chose Romney. Question here: After living through the most horrendous four year period since the above mention Carter presidency, how could anyone in their right mind what to endure four more years of the same. What makes one imagine that four more years of Barry would be any better than the last four? And a point that very clearly shows that they are not paying attention, only 20 percent of voters place the blame for our economic misery on Barry. So 80 percent of the voters either haven't been paying attention, or they're not all that bright.

“It is quite possible that voters may cut Obama some slack on the economy, given that he took office during one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history,” Gallup wrote. “And the poll finds that is the case for just under half of voters in the swing states, with 46 percent saying Obama has done as well as could be expected in dealing with the economy given its condition when he took office, while 52 percent say he has not. The majority of those who are better off say Obama has done as well as could be expected, while most of those who say they are not better off disagree.” Ok, and we should cut Barry some slack why, exactly?

I gotta tell ya, we must have a pretty substantial population of morons in this country. Because how else can you explain how anyone with an ounce of brain power look at anything Barry has done, regarding the economy, and say that he has "done well." That opinion very clearly demonstrates that very few people have even a rudimentary understanding of our economy works. Because I doubt you could find a bona fide economist anywhere in the country, short of Paul Krugman, who would say that anything that Barry has done was specifically designed to strengthen our economy and improve the job market. Barry could not have done a better job at wrecking our economy if he was trying to do one purpose. Whoops!

Let's be honest here, can we. I think it's been pretty apparent that Barry and the Democrats have been on a mission since Barry first came into the Oval Office. And if they had truly possessed an interest in improving our economic situation, they could have done so, and right out of the box. With control of both houses of Congress and the White House they could have done anything they wished. And what did they wish to do? Well, what they wished to do was to waste two full years, while using every political trick in the book, to finally acquire that which they had been seeking since the days of FDR. Complete control of our healthcare! Not the economy, not jobs, but expanded control over us!

Now wasn't that just an excellent use of their time on our dime? So in the meantime unemployment has remained above 8 percent for 42 months, Barry hasn't met with his jobs council yet this year, Democrats haven't managed to pass a budget for 4 years, gas prices are twice as high as they were when Barry first strutted his cool self into the Oval Office and grocery prices seem to be higher every time I go to the store. And people can still think that Barry has "done well?" Like I've said before, I think it pretty obvious that the destruction that has taken place in this country over the course of the last four years has been very purposeful in nature. The option of four more years of the same, should be totally out of the question.

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