

Friday, August 24, 2012


I'm sure we've all heard any number of times, how those honest, true blue and upstanding individuals over there at the Barry "Almighty" campaign have all, oh so solemnly, pledged that they do not intend to make Mitt Romney's religion part of the campaign. Sorry if I'm just not in too much of a hurry to actually believe any of them. After all we've already seen, and heard, all manner of insidious, and baseless, accusation being hurled by this cast of sleazy characters, so how can we actually take them at their word? We can't! And I think for us to do so, is simply foolish. The one reason I say that is because there is a suggested talking point on a campaign-linked website that shows some of Barry's supporters may not be getting the message, or so a site called BuzzFeed.com has reported. It's either that or they understand that, wink, wink, nod, nod, the 'message' was never really intended to be taken seriously anyway.

Some dipstick by the name of Laurence De Palma is a campaign supporter of Barry's who, according to his posting lives in East Nashville, has come out and told volunteers that they should make sure to use talking points to discuss Romney’s religion in an effort to convince Southern Christian voters that they shouldn't vote for a Mormon, and as I said, that's according to Buzzfeed.com. "I'm thinking that even though we don't LIKE campaigns to get nasty, we in the south (TN) come to EXPECT it. What we also know is that we have a very 'rigid' view of Christianity, and apparently, Mormonism isn't anywhere in our views. This could easily win TN/SC/AL/GA, etc.," De Palma wrote on a campaign platform that links online activism with what's described as grassroots campaigning. So excuse me if I have this nagging little voice in the back of my head that's telling me that this guy, De Palma, was just doing what was expected of him.

This same post went on to discuss Mormonism beliefs and how to cast them as clashing with Christianity. “The Bible tells us that Jesus—the Jesus of Mormonism—is definitely not the same Jesus of the Bible. Therefore, faith in the Mormon Jesus is faith misplaced because the Mormon Jesus doesn’t exist,” the post read. Strangely enough the Barry campaign removed the post soon after BuzzFeed inquired about it. But be that as it may, I find it more than a little odd that anyone who professes to support Barry would have even the slightest knowledge of Jesus. And I'm sure that most of us realize that should push come to shove, this weird assortment of political hooligans that comprise Barry's re-election team will view nothing as being either out of bounds or as crossing the line of what is deemed to be civil discourse. Everything is seen as being fair game as they set about to win this next election. Their end always justifies their means.

So, if this most recent campaign has demonstrated anything to those of us who continue to be on the receiving end if it, it's that the mentality of those taking part in the effort to re-elect Barry can, I think it fair to say, be very safely described as being more than a bit unbalanced or even unhinged. It's as if because they view their cause as being the only one worthy of even being discussed, they are entitled to use whatever tactic they choose to advance it. Any semblance of rational thought or acceptable behavior is completely lacking as these malcontents feel totally justified in smearing and/or slandering the opposition. The truth very quickly becomes the first casualty here as they persist in spreading all manner of lies and make vile accusations that have no basis, whatsoever, in actual fact. So make no mistake here, if this scum get a sense that making an issue of Romney's religion would prove to be beneficial, they will not hesitate to pounce on it.

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