

Sunday, August 26, 2012


 As any of you who have been paying attention may already know, Rep. Allen West has a reputation as being someone not known to mince words. Speaking with Neil Cavuto Saturday, the congressman slammed Barry’s economic policies, eventually concluding that Americans are being served a “crap sandwich” with a smile. Beginning with a dissection of American tax policy and how proposed tax increases are counterproductive, Rep. West explained: “When you look at what you will get if you just increase the taxes on those top two brackets, it’s only about $85 billion per year. And with the spending frenzy that you well know [we] have in Washington, D.C.– that only funds the government for about ten days.”

The congressman continued, discussing Obama’s high “likability” ratings: “Let’s be very honest, and let’s put it in some military vernacular. If you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich, and that’s what you see coming from President Obama.”  Adding, “He’s fed America just a load of you-know-what, and it has not done anything for this country but increasing our unemployment, increasing Americans in poverty, increasing the food stamp rolls, and we’re heading in the wrong direction.” Rep. West added: “When you look at the budget that he produces that talks about a ‘balanced approach,’ raising $1.9 trillion in new taxes, [it] never balances.

As a matter of fact, all it goes to is a 53% growth of the federal government, so I think it is very important that we win the ‘image war,‘ there’s no doubt about that.” “The personality, the persona, you have to define yourself, but you also have to stay on message,” Rep. West cautioned, “because the American people are suffering under these failed economic policies.” ThinkProgress commenters are predictably furious, the congressman as a “sell-out“ and an ”imbecile,” while commenters on more conservative sites seemed to take the interview with a dash of humor. One woman said she “burst out laughing” at the unexpected comparison, while others simply praised his calm, matter-of-fact explanations.

Just how is Rep. West a sellout, and who exactly has he sold out? Is he described as such because he is a black man who dares to speak the truth? I think it’s fair to say that if more blacks spoke out like he does, the black community as whole would be far better off today. But nope, that’s just not the case. Most are more interested in the hate-speech that comes from the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Wright and Farrakhan, to name just a few, and all supposed men of GOD. But because Rep. West refuses to join that little club, he’s the one that’s singled out, called names and is the “sell-out.” It’s sad, really, that blacks don’t have enough commonsense to listen to men like Rep. West, they would be doing themselves a tremendous favor by doing so!

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