

Monday, August 27, 2012


At a time when we have some new poll shoved in front of our face nearly every single day, yet another one has now come along that states several key voting blocs that Barry "Almighty" desperately needs to pull off his re-election bid this year, may be expressing alarm over his lack of leadership and the direction he’s taking the nation. Analysts say the blocs include young voters, blacks, Hispanics and women. However, the poll shows none of those groups is expressing confidence in Barry. The poll was conducted for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company, Wenzel Strategies, and was done August 18-21. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.44 percentage points. Overall, only 37 percent of respondents believe America is headed in the right direction. Meanwhile, 72 percent of independents and 91 percent of Republicans – even 15 percent of the Democrats – say the nation is going in the wrong direction.

Among those key constituencies for Barry, only 34 percent of women believe the nation is going in the right direction, along with only 42 percent of blacks and only 2 percent of Hispanics. Among young voters, only 33 percent of those 20 or younger think Obama is leading the nation in the right direction, and only 29 percent of those in their 30s agree. The results aligned closely with the job rating that voters give Barry. Only 18 percent think he is doing an excellent job and another 28 percent a good job. A dominant 45 percent of respondents put his performance at “poor” and another 9 percent say his performance was “only fair.” Having said that, I thinks it's pretty safe to say that no matter how bad things may get, blacks will still be voting for Barry in rather overwhelming numbers, and I hazard to guess that the same will be true for Hispanics. Their priorities just are not those possessed by your average 'working class' Americans.

Among women, 19 percent actually say his performance has been excellent, but 39 percent call his work poor. For blacks, the figures are 32 percent and 45 percent, for Hispanics 2 percent and 78 percent and among under-20 voters, 27 percent say his job performance is excellent and 59 percent say it is poor. I can only assume that the 19 percent who rate Barry's performance as excellent must be those of the Sandra Fluke crowd who deem birth-control as being the most important issue today. Yup, they must be able to screw their brains out without having to worry about being punished with a baby. Right? Anyway, earlier this year the same poll showed that only 40 percent believed Barry’s job performance was poor, a figure that has now risen to 45 percent. At that time, only 33 percent said the nation was going in the right direction. How anyone can look at things and say we're headed in the right direction is beyond me!

In this most recent poll, the key question about the candidates reflected the doubt evidenced in the other questions. While 44 percent of all respondents say they would pick the incumbent Barry "Almighty" in November, 48 percent say they would pick Romney. Five percent would pick Libertarian Gary Johnson, only 1 percent said they would pick another candidate while 2 percent were unsure. Unsure? Critically, the youth vote is going for Romney, with his 45 percent to 43 percent edge among voters in their 30s, and a huge 66 percent to 29 percent advantage among voters 20 or under. The current poll shows Barry remains likeable, God only knows why, even if voters don’t like where he’s taking the country. Forty percent of respondents say they have a very favorable opinion of Barry, with another 12 percent “somewhat favorable.” Nearly 48 percent give him an unfavorable rating.

It's been reported by several different sources that the youth vote, on which Barry’s campaign was based in 2008, is falling away from the incumbent rather swiftly. Maybe it's because none of them can find a job. A Generation Opportunity poll indicated 84 percent of voters aged 18 to 29 are planning a major life change because of the economy, including delaying marriage and a home purchase. Twenty-six percent said they changed their living situation by taking in roommates or moving back with mom and dad, 40 percent skipped a vacation and more than half have had to adjust their entertainment budget, the GO report said. The poll also showed that while 51 percent of that age group voted in 2008, 76 percent plan to vote this fall. At the same time, the College Republican National Committee was announcing the largest youth mobilization effort in the group’s 120-year history, a plan dubbed “Operation Red November.”

The grassroots movement of college Republicans nationwide aims to “recruit and mobilize college students to take back our future by voting and volunteering for Republican candidates in local and state level elections in 2012.” The group is aiming for more than 6 million live voter contacts, 100,000 volunteer hours and 50,000 new College Republicans. The Communist News Network (CNN) noted over the winter that there already was evidence the “youth vote” had moved beyond Barry. “In 2012, the youth vote is moving on and throwing those omnipresent ‘Hope’ bumper stickers and T-shirts in garbage bins,” CNN said. “Not because of apathy. Not because another candidate generates more enthusiasm. Not because of his character. Not because they think voting is pointless,” CNN said. “The 18-29 vote is up for grabs in 2012 because youth can’t afford cars to put bumper stickers on and those T-shirts are worn out from too many days sitting on the couch unemployed.”

CNN’s report noted that without the youth vote four years ago, our 'Dear Beloved Leader', Barry, would have lost at least two states, Indiana and North Carolina. That would have cost him 26 electoral votes – a margin that in 2012 could be decisive. “It’s time the president did some soul searching on his feelings toward the youth vote,” wrote CNN’s Brad Chase. And in doing his best to cheer Barry on, he added, “And he better do it soon, because the GOP candidate … won’t hesitate to take the youth vote.” Nearly a year ago, when another Wenzel poll revealed similar concern about Obama’s leadership and the direction he was pushing the nation, Wenzel noted that the longer the numbers stayed low for the incumbent, the harder it would be to change them. “Poll numbers for political figures tend to be like cement – the longer they sit at low levels without significant rebounds, the harder it becomes to make them move much at all,” Wenzel said at the time.

As we all know the only poll that means a damn is the one that will be held on November 6. Notwithstanding the fact that our stellar First Lady was telling everyone to go to the polls on November 2. Maybe she doesn't want to take any chances and was intending for folks to vote for her husband on both days. Who knows? The bottom line here is that we're not going to know in what direction the people want our country to go until the dust finally settles, hopefully by at least November 7. I'm a firm believer in that no matter how blacks may choose to respond to any poll, they will vote for the brother in the race no matter what. Hispanics will have an opportunity to demonstrate whether they are more interested in the truly important problems that we're facing as a country or in allowing cousin Jose, who's here illegally, to stay here. Will they vote for the candidate who is more interested in solving our problems, or in letting Jose stay?

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