

Friday, August 31, 2012


Ya know, it's just not all that often that I actually find myself in agreement with that dolt, 'Little Dick' Durbin. But I gotta tell ya, this is one instance where I most definitely do. Because, you see, Barry HAS done some pretty remarkable things. After all, he's been able to force 100 million of us onto some form of government assistance, put 23,000,000 out of work making sure unemployment has stayed above 8 percent for over 40 months, he came up with what he described as being a $800 Billion 'stimulus' bill that was really nothing more than a slush fund he used to pay off those who had supported him, he hasn't presented a serious budget since assuming office, the only budget he did present didn't even receive one Democrat vote, he now owns two car companies, he's made sure that over 40 million Americans now require food stamps, he seized from us the ability to manage our own healthcare, he has taken great pains to manufacture ways to ensure gas remains over twice as expensive as it was when he came into office and he was able to orchestrate a downgrading of our credit rating, the very first time in this nation's history that such a thing has happened, he was able to do all these things in a span of less than four years. Now that's REMARKABLE!! And he also seems to take a certain amount of sick pleasure in being able to divide us all by race, by income level, or by rich versus poor, and to do his best to get us all fighting amongst one another for no other reason than he sees that as being the best way to improve his odds of getting re-elected. Pretty pathetic, don’t' you think? So yes, I agree with 'Little Dick', Barry has done some remarkable things. Hence the reason he's not running on his record and is, instead, now engaged in what has been described by many as being the most toxic political campaign they've ever seen. A campaign that consists of nothing more than character assassination and the smearing in every way possible, of his opponent, Gov. Mitt Romney. How PRESIDENTIAL of him, don't you think?

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