

Friday, July 6, 2012


After the economy added 310,000 jobs in May 2004 and the unemployment rate was sitting 5.6%, then-candidate Barry “Almighty” used the Democrat weekly radio address to attack the Bush administration for citing good economic numbers. Fast forward 8 short years to a time when Barry seems to be quite content with a unemployment rate that, while it is said to be 8.2 percent, we all know is much higher, remaining very much in double-digits. And yet he only works to create more obstacles, actually preventing the creation of more private sector jobs.

Here’s what our present ‘job creating president’ said back then, “For the past few weeks, President Bush and members of his administration have traveled the nation to celebrate recent improved economic statistics. Well, I’ve been traveling too, all over this large and diverse state. In cities and suburbs, downstate and upstate, I’ve heard from people who say it’s way too early to claim victory when it comes to our economy.” He went on to say, “After three dismal years of job-loss, we all welcome encouraging statistics.”

“But for most Americans, the health of our economy is measured in a different and more personal way: If I lose my job, where will I find one that pays as well and offers real benefits? Can I afford health-care coverage on my own, or the cost of sending my children to college? Will I ever be able to save and retire with dignity and security? These are the questions I hear hardworking people asking. For them, the basic rewards of a middle-class life, rewards that we once took for granted, have become an elusive dream.”

Thus was the way our pathetic loser chose to look at thing when he was on the outside looking in. Now that he’s the one on the inside things are to be considered as being very much different. He was perfectly fine when he was the one throwing all the stones, but somehow he views himself as someone who should be immune to all that. This is but one more example of the double standard we are forced to content with every time we have a sleazy Democrat running for re-election. We need to being a halt to this ‘hope and change.’

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