

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


While I am not sure about anyone else, I for one am very glad to see 2010 come to a close. Because that means, God willing, we are one year closer to the end of this "obamanation" of a presidency. However, if the Republicans in the Senate had only displayed a little backbone, I feel that the end of the year could have proven to be much more beneficial for Americans as a whole. Alas though, such was just not to be the case. While all we heard about for days on end was the "deal" that had been struck to extend the Bush tax cuts, in exchange our stellar Republicans agreed to extend, yet again unfunded unemployment benefits, along with a number of less publicized additional, as well as unfunded and wasteful, expenditures that were also included in this "deal." So it was then that because of a rabidly socialist Democrat Party, with help coming from willing members of the supposed "opposition party," America took yet another rather decisive hit in the final days of 2010. Over the course of the entire year, the Democrats, feeling very much emboldened because of they're being in possession of substantial majorities in both Houses of Congress, as well as of the White House, successfully rammed through all sorts of very costly legislation. Legislation that while, in the end will, no doubt, prove to be very damaging to America, is all part of the socialist agenda of one man, our community agitator president, and political thug, Barry “Almighty.” In a recent speech before departing on yet another one of his many vacations, to Hawaii this time, Barry stated that "A lot of folks in this town predicted that after the midterm elections, Washington would be headed for more partisanship and more gridlock. And instead this has been a season of progress for the American people." He failed to thank the gutless Republicans in the Senate for their most helpful assistance in allowing him to restore to himself a much needed dose of creditability, especially after the overwhelming repudiation that his socialist policies received in November. These elitists, these faux conservatives, these RINOs can no longer be permitted to betray the trust of the American people by their continuing to allow themselves to be bought off by a man who has, and in very short order, become public enemy number one of our country. That man being, of course, Barack Hussein Obama. This type of behavior is intolerable and should be considered as being at best simply negligent and at worst, outright criminal. And what is really terrifying, at least to me, is the fact that we are only now at the halfway point, hopefully, of this the most disastrous presidency in recent memory. In President Barry "Almighty" we have an individual who did more damage to our national security in his first 100 days in office than any president in American History. And in his 2 short years since assuming office, Barry has been more successful in his efforts to not only destroy our economy but to also severely weaken our national defense than Jimmy Carter managed to do in all of his 4 years. AMAZING!

What should be painfully obvious by now to all but the brain dead among us who remain so extremely devoted to our "Dear Leader," is Barry's belligerent determination to succeed in his endeavor to further weaken our country on as many fronts as possible. A fact that is pretty much routinely ignored by nearly all of those who comprise today's state run media conglomerate. The arrogance thus far exhibited by Barry and his party does not bode well for the future of America. Barry is an American president the likes of which we have never seen before, and God willing, we will never see again. Of course, at the present rate at which he is successfully destroying our country, one of him may well end up as being more than sufficient to get the job done. I think that up to this point it can safely be said that he is an anomaly, of sorts, someone who was ushered into power with the help of a corrupt propaganda machine disguised as our "news" media, complete with tingles up their legs, together with what can rightfully be summed up as a rather ignorant electorate. Sort of a perfect storm, you might say. He's a man whose actions are nothing short of insidious and he is an individual who possesses such a level of contempt, even hatred, for his own country that it would seem very reasonable to consider him as being the greatest threat that our nation now faces. This internal threat has succeeded in inflicting more damage upon this country than any external threat that we have ever faced. To those willing to look, our buddy Barry can be seen as being more than a little devious and quite deceptive in his practices, even stealthy as well as patently dishonest in how he goes about furthering his very corrosive objective of destroying the very nation which he now leads. All in his effort to "fundamentally transform" America. What we now have in our president is an individual who cares very little about what those who elected him actually think, he is of the opinion that it is he, and he alone, who knows better than they what is best for them. As he was frequently heard to say during his campaign, "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Geez, talk about an freakin ego! And apparently he has little difficulty whatsoever when it comes to a willingness to place every single American citizen firmly in the crosshairs of those on a growing list of potential adversaries. A list that is growing as a result of the specific actions, or because of inaction, by our anti-American president. He is seen as being weak and feckless, and as such, that is the way that our country is now viewed by a growing number vile despots and tin horn dictators anywhere on the planet. When watching Barry it would seem that defending America is much less important to him than is the going about and apologizing for all of its past sins, both real and imagined. To say that his priorities are more than a little skewed would be an understatement of the first magnitude. But he has had plenty of willing accomplices eager to assist him in every way imaginable.

Under normal circumstances we would be able to count on our elected leaders, especially our president, to put partisan politics aside and take the appropriate measures to keep our economy strong and our country safe. However, we now find ourselves at a moment in time where normal circumstances seem not to apply. It is a time where it would seem that to our current batch of supposed leaders, neither of these issues appear to be much of a priority. In fact, it would appear that the agenda currently underway is one that works to accomplish just the opposite of what is needed. It's all about doing as much as possible to further weaken not only our economy but also any ability we have to defend ourselves as well. For evidence of this, one need look back no further than the recently concluded "lame duck" session of Congress, where what appeared to be the primary concern of all involved, was almost an eagerness to both hinder our ability to defend ourselves as well as to create additional ways in which to further weaken our already fragile economy. Empty rhetoric was plentiful, coming from both sides of the aisle regarding those policies supposedly designed to bolster our sagging economy as well as for those which were supposed to make Americans feel safer. It was all nothing but lies. One of the much heralded accomplishments of the "lame duck" session was represented by the occasion of our president, along with not only members of his party but also with 13 irresponsible Republicans, acting in concert in a sickening collective effort to further weaken our country's defenses by ratifying the very badly flawed START Treaty. This treaty is nothing more than a blatant attempt to rob from America of its most basic right, to defend itself against all who wish to do it harm. The sad fact of the matter is that we now have a president who is seen by every potential enemy of America as being nothing more than an appeasement oriented boot licker. America is no longer respected, or yes even feared, much to the detriment of a less than stable World. A weakened America will only make it all that much easier for rogue nations to take advantage of the situation, eager to fill any vacuum left behind by a withdrawing America. The end result of which can only serve to increase the speed with which tensions build causing what stability there is that remains in the World, to further deteriorate. Of course, maintaining our ability to defend ourselves is not, nor has it ever has been, a big priority of Barry's. He's made that point abundantly clear on any number of occasions. He is primarily concerned with savaging our economy, bankrupting our nation and leaving our nation open to attack by any of a growing number of enemies. There are times that I think that he actually wishes for another attack to take place against this country. At least that's what his actions would indicate.

A brief recap of the year would include but not be limited to:

1. Barry, in a major breach of decorum and protocol, began the year by slandering the Supreme Court, assailing a recent court decision that he happened to disagree with, regarding free speech, and while on national television no less, during his State of the Union address. As they say, there is a time and a place for everything and this most definitely was neither the time or place to bring up his grievance. It was not only quite pathetic behavior but very un-presidential. And to see the Democrats, who essentially had the Justices surrounded, so enthusiastically applaud such ludicrous remarks by our very defective president was most appalling.

2. Barry literally seized control from the private sector, of the student loan program giving the government much more leverage in one more area where it definitely has no business. The main reason for the escalating cost of an college education is because of the government's growing involvement in the process.

3. Barry seized control of our food supply by further expanding federal powers to regulate food producers. Government has successfully now assumed greater control over American's food supply. We now have bureaucrats not only now in control of our healthcare but now our food supply as well. Now doesn't that just give everybody a nice warm and fuzzy feelin!

4. In what was nothing more than a blatant abuse of the legislative process, Barry seized control of our healthcare system, putting it firmly on the path toward complete socialization. Evidence has very recently come to light that very clearly reveals the deceit behind Barry's efforts to get his healthcare plan, a plan that he promised would not "pull the plug on grandma," passed. Opponents of the plan, such as Sarah Palin, who dubbed such efforts as "death panels" that would encourage euthanasia, were accused of being alarmists and of misrepresenting the bill through the spreading falsehoods about the plan. Well it now seems that she may have been pretty close to the truth since on December 3 the Barry "Almighty" administration issued a new Medicare regulation detailing "voluntary advance care planning" that is to be included during patients' annual checkups. The regulation aimed at the aged "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment." The new provision, which goes into effect January 1, allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death. Critics say it is nothing more than another attempt to limit healthcare options for the elderly as they face serious illness. Can you spell rationing? Barry is such a liar.

5. Barry, who by the way is only the second president in the last 65 years with zero military experience, the first being "BJ" Clinton, has now, in what is really nothing more than a blatant example of political pandering, forced his rather twisted beliefs upon on our young men and women presently serving in the military. By placing those fighting for our country now into a position of having to deal with a specific type of individual who, to say the least, is apt to add yet one more discomfort to what is an already uncomfortable environment that very often calls for living in quarters that can be, more often that not, a little cramped or at least very close. With gays now being able to openly serve, behavior that would have otherwise, up until now, caused them to be discharged, will now be seen as acceptable behavior. And such behavior will now most likely be on the increase as there will be no longer be any stigma attached or fear of retribution for these people "exposing" themselves.

6. Barry has made the task of those serving in Afghanistan much more difficult by his willfully creating what is nothing short of rampant uncertainty amongst the Afghan people by insisting on stating a deadline on when American troops will leave. And all for purely political purposes, and with no desire whatsoever to achieve any level of a real victory. For Barry, victory, at least in the context of the military, is nothing but a dirty seven letter word.

7. Barry, with assistance coming from some Republicans, continues in his efforts to subsidize, through what appears to be never-ending unemployment benefits, lazy Americans who refuse to search out potential job opportunities because it seems they make more money sitting around on their rapidly expanding derrieres while watching Oprah, their favorite soaps or perhaps reruns of "The West Wing."

8. Barry has now, again via the assistance of 13 RINOs, enthusiastically placed the life of every single American the crosshairs of any number of countries all because of a seriously flawed treaty with a former Super Power which is now nothing more than a third rate dictatorship. He has effectively cut us off at the knees in our now being able to protect ourselves from such burgeoning nuclear threats as Iran and North Korea. There is now also troublesome talks taking place between Iran and Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. But Barry seems to be not the least bit concerned with such matters. After all, Hugo is one of Barry's buddies.

9. Barry has also succeeded, again with Republican assistance, in passing what was essentially "Stimulus II", the tax cut deal. With what keeping the current tax rates in place will cost us, I would have much rather had the Republican shown just a little spine and waited until after the first of the year when their numbers will expand before choosing to pursue this particular issue. But nope, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it

10. Barry and the Democrats are responsible for having now created a deficit costing $30,543 per household in 2010. This country's debt has now reached an astonishing $14 Trillion. It's absolutely mind boggling. Barry has put us on the road to financial ruin and all with a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. And he stubbornly continues to blame it all on Bush. Behavior that is both quite pathetic and most definitely, un-presidential.

11. We now have Barry's hand picked Chairman of the FCC, an old college buddy if his, handing over to Barry control of the Internet. Slowly but surely dissent is being quashed in this country. How dare we the people even consider criticizing our extremely thin skinned "Fearless Leader?" We just don't realize how good we have it! Thank God for Barry.

Dare we even hope that 2011 will be better? Can we hope that there will appear a silver lining in the looming dark cloud? There is that small ray of hope in that with an influx of new conservative blood coming into Congress, things can, and will, change for the better. Having said that, Americans can no longer afford their continuing to accept the business as usual practices from such RINOs as those who supported the START Treaty or were so eager to assist Barry in passing some of the lame duck agenda items that were nothing but wasteful. More could have been done to stop him, but wasn't. Republicans had the mandate of the November election behind them, but instead chose to bend over and grab their ankles. "Yes sir, may I have another," seemed to be the chant heard echoing from the Republican side of the aisle in the closing days of the 111th Congress. Thus far the presidency of Barry “Almighty” has been one that has been allowed to bring about such a massive expansion of government that it has now managed to worm its way ever deeper into the very fabric of our society. And it may very well prove to be very difficult, if not impossible to reverse. All of which has been the dream of Barry and his fellow Democrats since day one. In fact I think it very safe to say that Barry has now very easily eclipsed the dangerous buffoonery of Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter and in so doing, can now rightfully lay claim to the title of being this nation's worst president, ever. Make no mistake, Barry is to be considered as being far more dangerous than Carter ever was. With Carter, his pitiful performance as president was more because of his own stupidity, ineptness and, to a degree, a certain naïveté regarding the world around him. With Barry it's none of those things, the behavior being exhibited by our current president is much more purposeful, even sinister. He is absolutely driven in his efforts to destroy this country by any and all means possible, with much of what he has done, I think, being easily equated to nothing short of a "scorched earth" sort of policy. He sees himself as being on a mission, a mission the purpose of which is deadly to our American set of values and beliefs as well as our stature in the World. He wishes to be seen as the individual solely responsible for bringing about the demise of American power and influence. Many may choose to scoff at that notion, but when looking back at all that he has done and in a relatively short period of time, while seeing all that he continues to do in the present, it is most difficult to come to any other conclusion. So the sad fact is, that by the time this long national nightmare known the Barry "Almighty" presidency, finally comes to an end, the face of America may very well be forever altered. His has taken, and continues to take, his desire to "fundamentally transform" America deadly serious, and I think it safe to say that, and much to the chagrin of most Americans, he has met a with great deal of success.

This, my friends, will be my final post for 2010. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you who stop by here, a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May God bless you and your loved ones and may God bless America. I have a feeling that we're all going to be in desperate need of as many blessings as he can afford to bestow upon us. Anyway let's all try to be positive, hopefully the cavalry is now on the way. In any case, I'll see you all next year and with any luck 2011 will prove to be a much better year.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Despite numerous, and at times very vocal, protests coming from those who really should know, it was with the assistance of a select few pathetic Republican turncoats, that a treaty which does much more harm to America than it does good, has now been ratified by the Senate. It was all made possible by a limp-wristed cadre of RINOs, faux conservatives, who apparently saw in themselves, individuals who are much more knowledgeable, even qualified, in such matters than are the many experts who came out in strong opposition of ratification. Hence, they therefore saw fit, and very enthusiastically so, to run to Barry's assistance in his effort to get this disaster for America enacted. It is evident now that a grand total of 13 gutless RINOs appear to have once again chosen to abandon conservative principles, as well as the American people, in deciding to vote in favor a seriously flawed START Treaty, complete with its many national security concerns. It was an act that is nothing short of egregious. The stellar little list of Republican enablers includes many of the usual suspects such as the bimbos from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee, Bob Bennett of Utah, Scott "Pinup" Brown of Massachusetts, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Dick Lugar of Indiana, Lisa "Sore Loser" Murkowski of Alaska, and George Voinovich of Ohio. The treaty was ratified by a vote of 71-26, so therefore would not have passed without RINO assistance. Do any of these RINOs in the Senate even remember that little seismic event that took place just a mere 7 weeks ago? I think not! Instead they chose to once more demonstrate a flagrant and reckless disregard for the will of the American people. It's as if we now have some form of chronic dementia that has infected a certain number of Republicans, at least in the Senate. I'm sure what was running through Brown's mind as he decided to vote for this abomination, was the fact that he will very shortly need to begin readying himself to run for re-election in very “Blue” Massachusetts and is likely to find himself running against “Teddy the Drunk’s” widow. So he has essentially become one more on a very long list of RINOs who seem to be much more concerned about their own political fortunes than the future of our country. Anyone who is still wondering why there was such a headlong rush to ratify this treaty that raises such ominous and potentially grave national-security issues for this country, should contact each and every one of these individuals and demand that they justify their pathetic behavior, even though, sadly, it is now after the fact. Conservatives should view this act by Republicans as being the throwing down of the gauntlet. It should now become our mission from this point on to ensure every single Republican who voted for ratification be tossed out of office at the very earliest opportunity. These elitists, these traitors, can no longer be permitted to betray the trust of the American people by their continuing to be bought off by a man who has, and in very short order, become the number one enemy of our country, Barack Hussein Obama. This type of behavior should be considered as being nothing short of criminal and borders on being treasonous.

In the lead up to this vote, if you're one of those who chose to listen to Richard Perle, a key architect of President Ronald Reagan’s strategy to end the Cold War, throughout the debate, it should now be painfully obvious what should have happened here regarding this very badly conceived "treaty." What was needed was a very serious and thorough examination right down to even the most minutest of details. But in the rush to ratify this horrendous document, no such thing, in fact, ever took place. The Senate is designed to be the Quality Control for issues such as this, and in that capacity it failed and failed miserably. I would like to ask all of those Republicans, who just could not wait until the next Congress to bring this thing up, what sense does it make for America to be making any kind of a deal with a third rate military power when there is a very good chance that it will, in the end, only serve to hamper our own ability to better protect ourselves against any number of new and emerging threats all across the globe? Commonsense, always in short supply in Washington, would say that what needed to have taken place, and what these Republicans should have demanded, at least from Mr. Perle's perspective, was a very in depth discussion regarding all of the pros and cons of this very lopsided pact. And instead of pressuring reluctant Republican Senators for rapid ratification of this Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, what Barry should have done for the good of the country, was to just drop it, or so suggests Mr. Richard Perle. And you would think that there would have had been a very loud conservative chorus echoing that very same sentiment. Instead, these several Republicans seemed to be happily oblivious in their effort to offer up whatever assistance that may be needed by Barry in his efforts to continue on in his mission, a mission to seriously weaken this country on as many fronts as possible. And Mr. Perle was far from being alone in his sounding of the alarm over this very bad treaty. There were more than 30 former defense or foreign policy government officials and related experts who, in an open letter to the Senate, expressed their “professional judgment” that Barry "Almighty's" proposed nuclear weapons reduction treaty with the Russians, called New START, “is not consistent with the national security interests of the United States,” and “should be rejected by the U.S. Senate.” Needless to say their warnings seem to have fallen on deaf ears. So I guess the morons such as those listed above, instead chose to disagree with all of those knowledgeable folks, since these bureaucrats somehow consider themselves to be just so much smarter than the experts.

“It’s a seriously flawed treaty,” warned Mr. Perle, who is now a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV. “It’s certainly not the kind of treaty Ronald Reagan fought for and accomplished.” Yes, but what we all need to remember is the very obvious fact that our current president is about as far removed from Ronald Reagan as is humanly possibly. In fact I think it very safe to say that Barry has now very easily eclipsed the dangerous buffoonery of Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter and in so doing, can now rightfully lay claim to the title of being this nation's worst president, ever. But Barry is to be considered as being far more dangerous than Carter ever was. With Carter it was because of his stupidity, ineptness and, to a degree, a certain naïveté. With Barry it's none of those things, the behavior being exhibited by our current president is much more purposeful, even sinister. He is absolutely driven in his efforts to destroy this country. He wishes to be seen as the individual solely responsible for bringing about the demise of America. In his argument against the treaty, Mr. Perle added that the pact is glaringly weak regarding treaty verification. “For example, our right to inspections is limited to sites the Russians declare . . . which makes a mockery of the whole idea of on-site inspections,” Mr. Perle explained. “Imagine when Iran asserts a similar right to limit inspections, or the North Koreans or others. For that reason alone, it’s a very doubtful agreement.” None of which seemed to be worth the slightest amount of concern to those supposed conservative Republicans who choose to vote for ratification. Mr. Perle went on to state that what was needed prior to any talk whatsoever of ratification, was plenty of time to examine the treaty in its entirety. “That won’t be done if they vote immediately,” he noted. “The Senate has never seen the full negotiating record on the treaty.” I, like Mr. Perle at the time, failed to grasp the need to expedite the ratification of this very obvious debacle. So the ratification of this treaty turns out to be yet one more incident where a piece of crap is passed without it ever being read by those voting on it. I also have a very hard time understanding why it is that any of these Republicans seemed to be so eager to assist Barry in his endeavor to further weaken our country, and force such a disastrous treaty upon it. Barry is an American president the likes of which we have never seen before. He is an anomaly really. He's a man whose actions are nothing short of insidious and is an individual who possesses such a level of contempt, even hatred, for his own country that it would seem very reasonable to consider him as being the greatest threat that our nation now faces. How scary is that? Scary or not, it is a fact. A fact which makes the recent actions of these scumbag Republicans all the more despicable.

The whole basis for literally ramming this thing through a lame duck Congress, and the main reason you would have thought that every single Republican would have stood very firmly in opposition to it, is that Barry did not want anything that would have even remotely resembled a serious examination of the ongoing dispute between the United States and Russia over ballistic missile defense taking place, at least according to Mr. Perle. “Russia claims that, if we build future ballistic missile defenses that impinge on what they believe to be their national security, then all bets are off, and the treaty no longer applies,” he says. “That would inhibit our ballistic missile defense program, even though it’s not aimed at Russia — it’s aimed at Iran, North Korea, and others.” Their national security? Who gives a rats behind about Russia's national security? What should be of primary concern for all involved here is our national security! Shouldn't that be the primary interest of our commander in chief? Guess not! I say why not show a little spine here and simply tell the Ruskies all bets are to now be considered as being officially off! Something else that should really come as no big surprise to anyone whose been watching this jerk for the last two years, is the fact that what Barry has now succeeded in happily handing over to Russia what is essentially veto power over our being able to put into place a missile defense program, at least that is how Mr. Perle chooses to describe this whole agreement. And I would tend to agree with that statement. “At any point they can say we don’t like what you’re doing, you’re putting us in a position where we’ll walk away from this treaty. I think this president would back down under those circumstances.” Truer words were never spoken. What we now have in our president is an individual who is far too willing to place the life of every single American citizen firmly in the crosshairs of our growing list of enemies. A list that is growing because of the specific actions, or the inaction, taken by our anti-American president. He is seen as being weak and feckless, and as such, that is the way that our country is now viewed by a growing number vile despots and tin horn dictators anywhere on the planet.

A closer examination regarding the basics of this treaty was absolutely vital, and yet was never done. Not done because it became increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for those wishing to do so because of the specific actions taken by a very corrupt and devious White House which refused to turn over the negotiating records involved here. Which, I guess should come a no big surprise, since it is just more example of what has become seen as the standard operating procedure by, what was supposed to be, the most transparent administration in history. So why did the Republicans simply roll over? Mr. Perle nearly pleaded, “This treaty doesn’t need to be signed now, and I don’t believe it needs to be signed at all. There is no reason after the Cold War why we can’t build what we think is necessary and let the Russians build what they want. We don’t need a treaty to regulate relations between us.” And yet it was ratified, with the help of these pathetic turncoat Republicans, and will be signed by Barry. As I stated earlier, what was the urgency, the rationale, or even the necessity of having this treaty ratified now. A treaty which essentially attempts to base that which we choose to do to defend ourselves on what a third rate military such as Russia's does or does not do. It makes no sense, from a national security point of view. It came as no real surprise to see the pacifist, appeasement oriented Democrats come out in fully supporting this thing. But what was not expected was the fact that anyone who calls themselves a Republican, would come anywhere near supporting such a blatant attempt to rob from America its basic right to defend itself. Of course, maintaining our ability to defend ourselves is not, and never has been, a big priority of Barry's. He's made that point abundantly clear on any number of occasions. He's much more concerned with savaging our economy, bankrupting our nation and leaving our nation open to attack by any of a growing number of enemies. There are times that I think that he actually wishes for another attack to take place against this country. At least that's what his actions would indicate.

Along with his effort to prevent the ratification of this agreement, Mr. Perle also offered up a very serious critique of what is seen as being Barry's rather lackluster, and somewhat nonsensical, foreign policy that is also proving to be very dangerous to America's interests as well as to our national security. Regarding the war in Afghanistan, “it’s very hard to judge progress in a war of this kind,” Mr. Perle tells Newsmax.TV. “Attacks are up. The key to fighting an insurgency like this is persuading the population we are the winning side.” But with Barry's idiotic imposition of a deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan it makes the effort that much more difficult, Perle says. “In effect, he’s saying to any Afghan who’s trying to decide whether to cooperate with an insurgent, the U.S. is going to be out of here. The clear implication is that a smart Afghan will work with the people who will be there after we’re gone.” But Barry being even worse than your typical Democrat, has no interest in achieving any level of victory nor in creating a stable government in that country. Regarding the contentious issue of a nuclear Iran, Mr. Perle states that Israel will, at some point, be forced into the position of having to attack Iran in order to prevent it from developing such weapons. “Time is running out on halting Iran’s nuclear program, though I believe they’ve been dealt a severe setback by the clever insertion of a worm (computer virus) in their control systems,” Mr. Perle says. My concern here is that Barry will take whatever measures he thinks are necessary to somehow thwart any action that might be taken by Israel. Because of his level of hatred for Israel, I would not put it past Barry to provide to the Iranians key intelligence information that would then provide to them sufficient advance warning regarding any pending attack and thus enable them to limit the level of success that any such mission might achieve. And in the Asian theater, North Korea will continue to cause problems for the United States because Barry's administration isn’t the least bit willing to put enough pressure on China to moderate the rogue nation’s behavior, Perle said. The United States has tolerated North Korea’s outrageous behavior for too long, Perle says. “Our task is to make our views so emphatic that China will respond,” he said. “I believe we could do that, but we haven’t. The Obama administration has been unwilling to deliver the necessary ultimatum to China.” Of course a big reason for that is most likely the massive amount of American debt now held by the Red Chinese communists.

The entire presidency of Barry "Almighty" is rapidly becoming one that is proving to be most hazardous to our very survival as well as being the most disastrous in our history. This START Treaty is only the most recent example of this president's recklessness. Republicans, ALL REPUBLICANS, needed to stand united against it but instead chose to take a position that run counter to the American people. Essentially they failed us yet again. In short, they caved. While it was imperative that it not pass until the new Congress is sworn in, the Republicans, showed a serious lack of backbone, and chose instead to shove it through the lame duck session. The Republicans who supported this measure made a conscious decision to stand against the American people and with a man who feels nothing but contempt for both his country and its people.

Just a few of the obvious shortcomings the treaty raises include:

1. Like any treaty, New START is only as solid as the inspection regime that backs it up. Critics say the verification measures in the treaty are far weaker than previous arms reduction deals.

2. Russia already is widely believed to be in violation of other international accords. It failed to abide by international agreements to withdraw all of its forces from South Ossetia following the war in Georgia, and the Strategic Posture Commission has declared that Russia “is no longer in compliance” with agreements to limit deployment of tactical nuclear weapons.

3. Russia has been loath to cooperate with international sanctions against Iran and has provided anti-aircraft missiles to Venezuela, a close ally of Iran.

4. Also, Russia continues to engage in Soviet-style espionage against the United States. The latest example was the discovery of a massive Russian “sleeper cell” network in the United States.

5. Washington Times columnist Bill Gertz recently revealed that a State Department memo extensively documents secret talks between the Russians and the administration on missile defense — despite assurances that no such deal was being discussed. McCarthy writes: “Obama not only is philosophically opposed to robust missile defense, but has actually reneged on missile-defense commitments the nation made to Poland and the Czech Republic.”

6. Because the new treaty would limit launchers, it encourages the Cold War-era practice of MIRVing, that is, placing multiple warheads on a single missile. The SS-18 of that period was called a “city-buster” because each launcher contained 10 missiles that could be independently targeted to rain death on U.S. cities.

7. The treaty does not constrain the quality of offensive missiles. Russia is embarking on an extensive modernization program. The administration has promised to do the same for U.S. missiles, but so far the funds have not been requested.

Obviously the passing of this damaging treaty clearly shows that Senate Republicans learned nothing from the November 2 election. Absolutely NOTHING! It is a sad commentary that those whom we willing elect to make decisions for us can then be so cavalier when it comes to supporting such a patently deceptive and potentially lethal document as is this treaty and the man who brought it into being.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which Democrats will go all in an effort to either gain or to solidify their political power. That these pansy-ass liberal Democrats, very few of which have served day 1 in the military service of their country, insist upon forcing upon those who do serve, such potentially destructive issues as that of gays openly serving in the military is nothing more than arrogance in its purest form. There is never have even the slightest hesitation from these gutless wonders when it comes to using the military for their own personal petri dish regarding any bizarre issues of social experimentation. None of these pathetic clowns have ever experienced what it is like to reside in the very cramped living quarters on board ship where there is no such thing as privacy. They have never enjoyed barracks life where 3 or 4 roommates are sharing a room or enjoyed the "exposure" of a community shower that one must endure. And yet, they can, with great confidence and comfortable in they're being somewhat indignant, literally force those who have no choice in the matter, into this very uncomfortable, and somewhat awkward, circumstance. Look, I have absolutely no problem with gays being able to serve in the military as long as they keep this very private aspect of their lives just that, private. I fail to see why it is exactly, that everyone needs to know who is, as well as who is not, gay. What exactly is the driving motive behind this whole notion anyway? I spent 24 years in the Navy and during that time I have no doubt that I served with any number of sailors and airmen who were gay. But there was never simply any need for me to ever know that, just as there was no need for them to know I was not gay. What's the urgency that we must now all be made very much aware of the sexual orientation of those serving in our nation's armed forces? I would prefer not to know what sexual behavior(s) those I work with are partial to. Call me crazy, but I don't see where I have a need to know.

This is nothing but one more liberal cause or issue that, when you get right down the nitty-gritty of things, has less to do with gay rights and much more to do with politics. Once more we see plain as day where the priorities of the Democrat Party truly lie. They don't care about our country in any way, shape , manner or form, or what it is that's best for those who volunteer to defend it. They're sycophants, pure and simple. This whole slew of imbecilic Democrats are doing nothing more than pandering to one of their core constituencies having now arrived at a screwy decision the consequences of which no one knows. Personally, I see two things potentially happening here. The first, and what I view as being the most serious, is the fact that it now becomes very likely that a good many of our very best and brightest people will now simply choose to leave military service rather than to become subjected to what is sure to become any number of the unwanted advances that many of these openly gay individuals very often commit. Also, many of those who are considering or that once thought of making the military their career will now be having second thoughts and choose not to enlist in the first place. After all, who among us enjoys being gawked at while in those previously mentioned community showers or be subjected to questionable situations in close quarters. It is a fact that these individuals are highly promiscuous as well as possessing questionable exhibitionist tendencies. The second thing that could potentially take place is that those who choose to openly serve could find themselves on the receiving end of a good butt whoppin. And not the kind that they would otherwise be more familiar with.

It goes without saying that the many proponents of this policy to end the military's ban on gays serving openly in uniform and who are now loudly cheering the Senate vote Saturday in favor of repealing the policy, known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" view it as but a first step toward positive recognition by the general public of their rather unconventional or deviant behavior. But the policy remains in force, and implementation promises to bring even more political fights. For gay-rights advocates who mobilized in support of passage, the Senate vote represented a clear victory. To say that gays were ever banned from serving in the military is really a clear misnomer to say the least. Gays have never been banned from serving, it was just that no one really wants to know what others do in the privacy of his or her bedroom. I consider it, and always have, as being none of my business. So why is it then that the esteemed members of Congress have now deemed it as being just that, my business. I don't want to know. And of course it goes without saying that The American Civil Liberties Union, that well known communist front group, also applauded the vote. "For nearly two decades, gay and lesbian service members have been forced to hide who they are in order to serve their country," said Laura Murphy, Director of the ACLU Washington legislative office. "That will soon end. The significance of this vote should not be underestimated and should serve as confirmation that we should not and cannot codify discrimination into our laws." What a cockamamie bunch of crap. This is one organization that has dedicated itself to the annihilation of all those things that form the very foundations of our Republic. As such, these people work tirelessly to remove any vestige of religion from society while working toward the acceptance, by that same society, of every deviant behavior imaginable. Such are the goals of the ACLU.

Joe Solmonese, the president of Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights?, said passage of the bill marked the end of a "failed and discriminatory" policy. Gays and lesbians, he said, "will soon be able to serve with the full honor and integrity the uniform demands." Personally, I'm still not understanding the basis on which the whole discrimination argument is made regarding this very troublesome issue. Gays serve today and will continue to serve into the future just as they have done for years, most likely ever since the inception of our military forces. Why I must I now be forced to know anything about anyone's sexual preference? What, or whose, cause is really being advanced here? How does it make the military run any better? Sexual matters should be considered as being something that is held in the strictest of confidence by the individuals involved. These are matters that are to be treated as being intensely private, so what's with all of this insistence by Congress to accomplish just the opposite? Robin McGhee, co-founder of gay-rights group GetEqual, said, "We are thrilled today that the Senate has taken one more step toward full legal equality for all Americans." Pop star Lady Gaga delivered a message on Twitter. "Can't hold back the tears+pride," she wrote. "We did it." Did what exactly, open up a new avenue for these perverts to take advantage of? The Senate repeals the ban against gays serving openly in the U.S. military, sending the measure to Barry "Almighty" for his signature. This is all nothing more than another successful attempt by the left to destroy the one aspect of the government that works, the military.

Some conservatives, however, registered strong disappointment. Senator Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the current policy "has proven to work providing good order and discipline to our nation's military" since it was introduced in 1993. "As the old adage goes, why fix something that isn't broken?" he said. Key Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee urged that the Pentagon carefully weigh the impact that the implementation of doing away with this policy would have on those currently serving overseas. Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon (R., Calif.), the current ranking member of the committee, said the department should "stand firm to ensure the implementation process does not create any distractions for our troops fighting on the frontlines in Afghanistan and Iraq." Rep. Joe Wilson (R., S.C.), the top Republican on the committee's military personnel panel, said, "There is much more information to examine and many more conversations to have with military leaders in order to ensure there is no impact on military readiness, recruitment, and morale going forward." This action is nothing short of disgusting. Not the act itself of overturning the policy, but how it was gone about. It is reckless and purely political with little or no thought put into any potentially adverse impact or consequences that it may have on our troop who already have enough issues to deal with. This whole basis for this entire scheme is to accomplish nothing more than the creating of a new and inventive way for allowing gays to "feel good" about themselves while sacrificing good order and discipline in the military at the same time.

For some observers, implementation will be the real test of the policy change. Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, the senior adviser for the left-leaning think tank National Security Network, said the military could enforce the new policy without losing focus on their core mission. "Our armed forces have the discipline many times over to conform to repeal and integration without becoming distracted, and I have absolute confidence in our Secretary of Defense and our service chiefs to prepare the force for implementation," he said. Sure thing there, general. By the way, when was the last time you were gawked at while standing naked in the shower? I'm guessing it's been quite some time, if ever. Many on the liberal end of the political spectrum are busy hoping that the passage of this measure will now be looked upon as a way to further a broader debate about issues like gay marriage rights. Kate Kendell, the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said debate over the military policy "ignited a national conversation not just about the ability of lesbians and gay men to be good soldiers, but about the underpinnings of all sorts of government-sanctioned discrimination," she said. This is just so twisted, and in so many different ways. I retired from the military almost 9 years ago, I very much enjoyed my years of service. Toward the end political correctness got to the point where it was getting silly and had became the rule of the day. More and more of the various types of "sensitivity" training became required, with it getting to a point where actual readiness training began to suffer. I am very glad that I was in when I was in. I would not care to be in today's military, things have just deteriorated much too far. And I would not recommend to any young person to chose the military for a career in today's environment that demands blind adherence to what has become a toxic level of this very corrosive type of political correctness.

Friday, December 17, 2010


"Dingy" Harry Reid

First of all I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank all of those wonderfully brain dead folks who reside in Nevada for once more saddling us with this poster boy for the politically corrupt, coming to us in the person of "Dingy" Harry Reid. Thank you for putting the rest of us in the position of having to endure this crook for yet another 6 long years. I can only assume that all of those folks out there in Nevada either aren't all that bright or that for some reason that I fail to understand, they are just so thrilled with their current 14.3 percent unemployment rate, that they wish to put this moron in the position of being able to bring about the same benefits upon the rest of the country. And it must be that those 137,000 citizens of Las Vegas who presently find themselves without a job are equally thrilled with the performance of good old "Dingy." That's the only reason I can possibly think of regarding why anyone would choose to vote for a such a pathetic piece of dog squeeze as Reid. Personally, under those circumstances, I'd be more than a little embarrassed to say that this man is one of my Senators and even more so to proclaim that I voted for his dumb ass. But hey, as they say, it is what it is. And so it was that we recently saw old "Dingy" doing what his constituents, apparently, sent him to Washington to do, as he recent came out and to wage a vigorous, albeit rather nonsensical, defense of earmarks, taking swipes at both Barry "Almighty" as well as the Senate Republicans on the issue.

"Dingy" has continued to demonstrate no hesitation in repeatedly showing his true colors over the course of the last two years, just as he initially showed himself to be in no mood to back off from his supporting the $1.1 Trillion omnibus spending bill that was until very recently before Congress, complete with its 6700 earmarks at a cost of over $8 Billion to the taxpayer. "I can't accept the fact that people are saying, 'Why should we vote for this?' It's got congressionally directed spending in it," Reid said at a press conference. "That's our job. That's what we're supposed to do." So let me see if I've got this right, according to "Dingy" the ripping off American taxpayers is what "Dingy" sees as being his job and is what the imbeciles who voted for him expect him to do. I dunno, is it me or is maybe this country a little further into the toilet that even I thought. I am slowly losing confidence that we're ever going to be to recover from this thing know as the "Obama Presidency." The energy being put forth by "Dingy" in his blatant attempts to assist Barry wherever and whenever possible to destroy our country would be reason enough for me not to vote for no matter what my political affiliation. My country will always come before the political fortunes of any crooked politician. By obviously, everyone doesn't think like me, at least not that many from Nevada. This guy continues to be such a fraud, it never ceases to amaze me how such a low life as this could garner enough votes for dog catcher, let alone Senator.

It was just earlier this week that "Dingy" said, in the best blustery and pompous manner he could muster up, that he wasn't about to let the White House "steal power that we've been granted in the Constitution." Ok now "Dingy," let's get a grip here and try to reel in the rhetoric here. I've read the Constitution a time or two, and I can't for the life of me recall where I might have read the part that states that the role of those in Congress is to rob the people blind for not other reason than for their own political benefit or gain. "Dingy" went on to say that, "I am convinced that I do not want to give up more power to the White House, whether it's George Bush or Barack Obama." Ya know, this would be funny if it weren't so sad. And more than just a little scary. Experiencing again, one of his very frequent bouts of incoherency, "Dingy" lashed out at Republicans who haven't requested that their earmarks be stripped from the omnibus. "As was learned yesterday, some of the people who speak out against congressionally directed spending, or 'earmarks,' are people who have more earmarks than others," he said. Hold on there "Dingy," instead of trying to cloud the issue here with your normal attempt at BS, let's be honest here for a change. "Dingy" is desperate in his attempt to portray an image where after months of self-righteous rhetoric about fiscal discipline, Republicans and Democrats remain equal-opportunity earmarkers.” However, much to the chagrin of the Democrats, such is not quite the case. There are any number of federal spending watchdogs, Taxpayers for Common Sense, WashingtonWatch.com and Taxpayers Against Earmarks to name only three, have taken the time to count the total number of requests in the 2011 budget. Care to guess what they found out? Well according to these groups the House Democrats requested 18,189 earmarks cost the taxpayers and grand total of $51.7 Billion. Meanwhile, the House Republicans requested 241 earmarks at a cost of $1 Billion to the taxpayers. And just a note here about those Republican earmarks. They were generated by only four Republicans. Out of that four, one did not run for re-election, one lost his bid for re-election, another who considers himself somewhat of a maverick and the last one is one of the most liberal Republicans in the House. The other 174 Republican members of the House requested a grand total of …… zero earmarks. In the Senate Democrats requested 15,133 earmarks costing $54.9 Billion with Republicans requesting 5,352 costing $22 Billion. “Dingy” can’t argue with facts.

So after wrestling with, and now finally abandoning, this 1,900-page behemoth of a catch-all spending bill, complete with its more than $8 billion in pork, Senate leaders will now need to come up with a more rational measure to keep the almighty federal government running into early next year. McConnell did propose a single page measure on Thursday that would keep the government running at current funding levels through February 18, but that apparently didn't go over all that well. It's by that time that the Republicans will have taken over the House and bolstered their numbers in the Senate, which conceivably give them greater leverage in their attempt to force spending cuts. Republican leader McConnell had thrown his weight against the bill in recent days, saying it was "unbelievable" that Democrats would try to muscle through in the final days of this Congress, legislation that usually takes months to debate before arriving at a vote. "Just a few weeks after the voters told us they don't want us rushing major pieces of complicated, costly, far-reaching legislation through Congress, we get this," McConnell said. "This is no way to legislate." The $1.27 trillion catchall bill wraps together 12 bills - blending $1.1 trillion for the operating budgets of every federal agency with an infusion of funding to carry the war in Afghanistan into its 10th year into yet another single foot-tall, roughly 2,000 page, piece of legislation that, once again, absolutely no one has read. But then according to that pathetic and pompous gas bag, John Kerry Heinz, who I believe once spent a couple of weeks in Vietnam, why should anyone responsible for voting on the bill, actually spend time reading it. "Dingy" and his fellow Democrat cadre of crooks, of which Kerry is so obviously one, had hoped to pass it with only a couple of days' worth of so-called "debate."

If you listen to "Dingy" and his merry band of thieves, as well as anyone in the state controlled media, this monumental piece of crap was designed to bankroll the day-to-day operations of the government for the budget year that started October 1, funding the almost one-third of the federal budget that Congress has to pass each year. That's nothing more than a cockamamie myth cooked up the Democrats. In reality it is nothing more than another attempt by Barry "Almighty" to shove through yet one more bogus stimulus plan/slush fund. Look, with all seriousness aside here, under normal circumstances, which is something that we have now moved well beyond by the way, the House and Senate typically spend months on the 12 annual spending bills, but not this time around. Our stealthy bunch of Democrats, with "Dingy" leading the way, didn't bring a single spending bill to the Senate floor for the entire year, representing an unprecedented collapse of the appropriations process. The House only passed two of the 12 bills and didn't make any of the other 10 public. Their game entire plan was to wait until after the election and then force things through during the lame duck session. Why? Because they were fairly sure of the outcome that turned out to be the realization of their worst fears. To use Barry's term, a shellacking.

On the plus side, the sinking of the bill is said to be seen as a setback for our "Beloved Leader," Barry "Almighty", who had chose to support the bill despite provisions to block the Pentagon from transferring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to the United States and fund a program to develop a second engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which the administration says is a waste of money. All of which goes to show the complete and utter shallowness possessed by this clown. Barry came under fire from Republicans for supporting the bill after promising, on any number of occasions, after the election to take a firmer stance against earmarks. But release of the bill on Tuesday sparked an outcry among the GOP's conservative political base. Senate Republicans held two combative closed-door meetings in which the rank-and-file turned up the heat on those few Republicans who were considering voting for the bill. Those ever problematic RINOs no doubt. Many Republicans were also irate that the measure contained money to begin implementation of Barry's controversial health care law and a financial overhaul measure that all but a handful of Republicans opposed. Actually, most of the rest of the bill had bipartisan support. It stuck to a spending cap sought by Republicans while boosting spending for Head Start, veterans programs and Pell Grants for disadvantaged college students. But that message didn't get out amid the firestorm over the 6700 earmarks it contained and the measure's incredible size and again the fact that once again a bill was getting passed that no one had bothered to read.

I don't know about anyone else, but I truly cannot wait until 2012, I am literally counting the days. Although, I must confess I am more than a little apprehensive about what the mindset of the electorate will be at that time. If the Republican fail to move forward on the promises made then there is little doubt that we could once again be facing the same ugly scenario we were confronted with for the last 2 years, with "Dingy" running the Senate and "Botox" once again in charge of the House. And I know that at the present time there does seem to be a consensus of sorts that Barry does not deserve to be re-elected and that he may even be faced with a primary challenge. But it remains far too early to count on either of those scenarios becoming a reality. This team of Barry, "Dingy" and "Botox" has had a very damaging effect on our country, hopefully what has been done is not irreparable. So between now and then I'll keep shoving money under my mattress, hunkering down until hopefully the storm clouds pass and the sun once more comes out and shine down brightly on America.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


May wonders never cease. While there was another fairly recent poll that supposedly had a majority or Americans lamenting the inability of the two parties to work together amicably in they're going about the solving of the country's problems, here comes yet another poll saying that Congress is doing a pretty crappy job. DUH! The American people are going to need to come to some sort of realization regarding the fact that they are going to be unable to have it both ways. Now whether that going to call for them to have some sort of epiphany I really don't know. But I do know that they are going to be required to get their heads out of their butts long enough to see what is truly going on here before there can ever be any hope of ensuring those in government become responsive to the will of the people. That what we have here is a two party system with one party being unashamedly socialist and the other being, while claiming to be conservative, one could still argue is guilty of the same charge, albeit to a lesser degree. If people truly want Congress to end up doing a better job, then they're going to have to be willing to start siding with the guys who are honestly trying to do just that, a little more often. Which ain't gonna be the Democrats, and never will be! When someone finally demonstrates the courage to stand up and say no to all of the outrageousness that has been accelerated by the Democrats they should not be chastised and threatened with being run out of town on a rail. If that's the case, then where's the incentive for anyone to ever try to put a stop to any of the never-ending insanity. When the Republicans come in and take over the House next month, and hopefully start saying no more often, the American people or going to have to ask themselves a question. Do they, the American people, really want things to get better? It's pretty simple really, with it being a yes or no question.

Now I know that we really don't need all of these stupid polls, which more often than not can be notoriously inaccurate, to tell us something that most of us are already very much aware of, and have been for quite some time. The fact is that many Americans possess a relatively low regard when it come to where it is that they presently hold members of Congress. Let's face it, that's pretty much of a no brainer. After what happened this past November it should be painfully obvious that the American people were clamoring for a change. A chief indicator there, of course was the fact that this time around the Republicans were handed a pretty massive victory in the congressional mid-term elections. That alone provided a pretty good idea of the public’s low esteem for the present batch in Congress and the hope that new people would create a new environment much more conducive to abiding by the will of the people. So this new Gallup poll really does nothing more than to confirm something which we already knew. It shows that a record low 13 percent of the American public approve of the way that those in Congress are doing their job, while 83 percent disapprove. And yet, at the same time it's very likely these it's these same individual who are buying into all of the nonsensical rhetoric about how the Republican Party is the "Party of No." I swear, the evidence has become overwhelming that a significant portion of our population are nothing but pure unadulterated imbeciles.

What this latest poll on congressional performance represents is the lowest approval rating since the approval rating reflected in a previous Gallup survey that was taken back in July 2008. That poll reflected a 14 percent approval for Congress. Uh, wasn't that during the second year of "Botox" Nancy's tenure as Speaker? Now if I remember correctly, that was an election year and yet I don't remember any significant, or specific, changes taking place with the American people essentially making a conscious decision in choosing to send pretty much the same cadre of corrupt individuals responsible for the mess right back to Congress that very same year. What the hell did they expect to take place? Look, even among Democrats, only 16 percent currently approve of Congress, and that's down from 29 percent in November. Republicans are even less enthusiastic, which is understandable, with a mere 7 percent approving of the job Congress is doing. Gallup surveyed 1,019 adults Dec. 10-12. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points. The results of the 2010 midterms would seem to indicate that the American are in fact ready for some real change. But are they really? How soon after the Republicans start tightening government's belt, presuming they do in fact do that, can we expect that the American people will begin with their incessant whining?

Also a Washington Post/ABC News telephone poll, always a rather dubious team when taking about polls, which was conducted Dec. 9-12 with results published on Tuesday, suggests that Americans are unsure of the ability of the incoming Republican majority in the House of Representatives to tackle the country's biggest problems. Isn't that a bit like saying that you are unsure as to whether the new car you just bought is capable of making it home? Don't you need to drive it first? All any of us can do at the present time is to take at face value what we are being told by those freshly elected, that they will do what they are being sent to Washington to do. No more, no less. That there will be a new sheriff in town and that things will in fact be different, very different. In the poll, thirty-eight percent said they thought Republicans could do the best job handling the issues of the next few years, while 43 percent said that Barry "Almighty" could do the better job. Which has to make you wonder, where is it that that 43 percent have been living over the course of roughly the last 24 months. Under a freakin rock? How can anyone who has been witness to the unbridled arrogance that has been running amuck since January 20, 2009 make the idiotic claim that Barry is better able to handle anything?

And from that highly esteemed member of the state controlled media, Reuters, comes a report stating that it appears now that the Senate may be headed for a last-minute showdown over spending, as Republicans vowed on Wednesday to block a bill laden with numerous pet projects, a bill the specific purpose of which is to fund the entire U.S. government. Ok, now we already know from the Gallup poll that the approval numbers for Congress are in the toilet. Here we have the Republicans trying to put a stop to at least some of the insanity. How will our population of very limited intelligence perceive this attempt? Will they be willing to allow a reasonable amount of time to those who wish to work on fixing that which has been forced upon us with by the corrupt Democrats? It would seem that the jury may still be out regarding that fact, since a majority seems to have already made up their minds with them showing very little confidence in the Republicans being able to attain any level of success. They apparently have some difficulty in detecting any level of seriousness in promises be made by Republicans regarding any potential attempts to stop any of the madness. So I ask again will the people give the Republicans a chance or will they immediately buy into the typical Democrat drivel, propagated through the state run media, that we know is definitely coming, that the Republicans are just being mean. We can't have it both ways, people. Unfortunately what we are finding ourselves forced to contend with is a substantial portion of our population whose IQ very rarely exceeds their shoe size.

Look to bottom line of what we're talking about here is yet another Trillion Dollar, last minute spending boondoggle, pork laden with 6700 earmarks, which lawmakers are planning to vote on come this Saturday. In taking it right down to the wire just hours before funding expires for everything from nuclear submarines to national parks, "Dingy" Harry is up to his usual tricks. To pressure the opposition to support something that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Someone is going to have to be the adult in the room and just say, "NO!" Senate Republicans have continued to blast the bill as being nothing more than one more crude Democratic attempt to push through funding for pet projects known as earmarks before the new year, when Republicans will wield greater clout in Washington as greater control of the budget. This whole spending bill should be seen exactly for what it is, just one more scam being imposed upon the American people! Republicans are objecting to the $8.3 billion worth of pet spending projects tucked into the bill, even though they personally requested many of the earmarks in it. Many voters view earmarks as a prime example of wasteful government spending, and Republicans vowed to renounce them after winning big in the November 2 congressional elections. "We will reject any earmarks requested by us or anyone else because that's what the American people have said they want," said Republican Senator John Cornyn. But me thinks the good Senator Cornyn does maybe protest just a little too much.

It would seem that old buddy John is being more that just a bit disingenuous here, as well as a little dishonest, because you see, it would appear that he has personally sponsored 51 earmarks that are tucked neatly into the bill worth a total of $93.5 million. This according to the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. Ya know, Guys like Cornyn really tick me off. Because it's guys like him, Graham and McCAin who give Republicans a bad name and who do much more harm than good to the reputation of the Republican Party. And that is a very big reason why the party is not taken as seriously as maybe it should be when it comes to claims made of being fiscally responsible. Too many people simply don't see that big of a difference between the two parties. These guys are just some of the more prominent on a very long list of many Republicans in the Senate who still do not seem to get it, either by choice or for some other pathetic reason, and are choosing instead to risk everything on such idiotic and rather juvenile behavior. Guys like these continue to put themselves above the country. Meanwhile, Republican Senator Jim DeMint, one of the chamber's most uncompromising conservatives, has threatened to require clerks to read the entire 1,924-page bill out loud, a process which could take days.

It is unclear whether Cornyn will be able to muster enough votes to block the bill. Republican Senator Bob "I'm a Loser" Bennett told Reuters he will back the measure, and four others, our beloved RINOs no doubt, said they remain undecided. But you have to ask yourself the question, just how hard is a guy with $93.5 million in pork riding on this thing, going to work in trying to garner enough votes to stop it. The House of Representatives has already passed a substantially different funding bill last week. So now the two measures would have to be reconciled before current spending expires on Saturday at midnight EST. A Senate Democratic aide said he was "cautiously optimistic" that they will have the support they need to pass the bill. Anyone one who states that they are optimistic, cautiously or otherwise about seeing such a piece of wasteful legislation actually passed by a patently dishonest Congress should be ashamed of themselves as well as embarrassed. It's no wonder our country is in the shape that it is. God help us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


There seems to now be a growing chorus of conservative criticism that may now be prompting some House members, at least, to rethink the $850 billion package of tax cuts and extended jobless benefits that Barry negotiated with top Republicans in Congress. However even with that growing volume of criticism, it remains highly unlikely that the attacks will succeed in derailing the costly measure, as reflected by the vote today in the Senate which chose to pass the legislation 81-19. What follows now will be what many perceive as being a more than likely very contentious debate followed by vote in the House I guess sometime tomorrow. While most see it as successfully navigating its way through the House, I still think it worth the effort to underscore the potential difficulty in building centrist coalitions after an election in which tea party conservatives ousted many Democrats and some veteran Republicans who were seen as being far too willing to compromise with the uncompromising Democrats. If Republicans are seen as simply rolling over or as maybe being just a little too eager to play ball with Barry, it may end up coming back to bite them in the butt. But we'll see.

I must say though, that I find myself in complete agreement with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, GOP Mitt Romney and the many Tea Party Patriots who have come out and denounced the tax plan as it currently exists. A tax plan which previously was criticized mainly by any number of liberals who see it only as nothing more than a giveaway to the wealthy. This new reproach coming from a growing number of conservatives stems from the fact that the package would swell the federal debt while failing to make permanent the tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 by then-President Bush. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote a widely discussed article last week saying Barry's plan would be a political coup for his 2012 re-election hopes, because the expensive package would stimulate the economy enough to bring down unemployment. The group Tea Party Patriots also urges the rejection of the tax package's in its entirety. The legislation was crafted in secret, the group's petition says, and it fails to kill the death tax, a goal of many hard-right groups. So have Republicans who favor this thing once again been duped?

With all that being said, congressional insiders remain confident in predicting that the tax plan will pass in some form or another and with it now having passed in the Senate, I would venture to say that that's a pretty safe bet. However, House passage this week does seem to be a bit less certain than before, by how much we'll have to wait and see, as Barry's supporters will now be anxiously watching to see just how many opponents on the right may join with those on the left in what could be described as being a true act of bipartisanship in the effort to bring this whole package down. "The longer we wait, the harder it's going to be," said Rep. Jack Kingston, a Georgia Republican who is leaning against the package. He said House leaders probably are close to assembling enough support to pass it, but many GOP lawmakers are hearing from constituents who follow commentators such as Limbaugh. The radio talk show host says the package should cut taxes, not simply leave them at the Bush-era levels.

But there are those tea party groups, including Freedomworks, who have actively come out in support of the tax compromise. Freedomworks, headed by former House Republican Dick Armey, says conservatives should be pleased to see the Bush tax cuts extended for another two years at a time when Democrats still control Congress and the White House. But I remain convinced that it is that opinion that badly misses the point. I just feel that to take this action that virtually guarantees that this issue reemerge during the next election year does nothing but to allow Barry to make the claim that he was willing to try tax cuts and when they don't work as advertised he will have a ready made excuse to raise them as high as he sees fit. Everyone must be made to realize that there are no tax cuts being proposed in this package. Which is one reason that there are several conservative groups opposing the whole deal. The list of such groups includes, the Club for Growth. Other influential critics include Republican Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, a tea party favorite; Jeff Flake of Arizona, a prominent critic of pork barrel spending; and John Campbell of California, a certified public accountant.

The tax cut debate continues to split Republicans at several levels. As mentioned earlier Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has criticized the plan, making his point in a recent column for USA Today. "Given the unambiguous message that the American people sent to Washington in November," Romney wrote, "it is difficult to understand how our political leaders could have reached such a disappointing agreement." It will add nearly $1 trillion to the national debt, he said, "when we are already drowning in red ink." On the other end of the spectrum we find another possible presidential contender, Senator John Thune, R-S.D., who has come out and defended the tax measure in a Senate speech Tuesday and I assume voted for it today. To oppose it, he said, "is to advocate for a tax increase," because a congressional impasse would allow all the Bush-era tax cuts to expire as scheduled on January 1. I find this as being but one more reason to not be to eager to jump on the Thune bandwagon and support him in his presidential quest. Not yet anyway. I'm just not sure yet if he is more of a McCain type of conservative. I just don't see this guy as being someone I can trust. He didn't vote for a tax cut, he voted for the status quo. That's different.

Some say a new, more Republican Congress would most likely restore the tax cut next year retroactive to January 1, but workers might still see smaller paychecks for weeks or months because of higher withholdings reflecting the higher pre-Bush tax rates and smaller credits and deductions for children, college tuition and other expenses. The Barry "Almighty"-backed plan would extend all those tax cuts, for rich and poor alike, for two years. It would also trim Social Security payroll taxes and extend unemployment benefits for a year as well as continue a number of tax breaks for business investments. But the plan also restores the death tax, albeit at a lower level, 35 percent and exempting the first $5 million, than many Democrats still want. House Democratic leaders are weighing efforts to increase the rate to 45 percent and exempt only the first $3.5 million when the measure reaches their chamber. However, Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who negotiated the tax package with the White House, warned Tuesday that it is "not subject to being reopened." House staffers in both parties say no firm count of likely votes for the tax measure has been taken. One top Democratic aide guessed that perhaps 100 Democrats would support the measure. That would require Republicans to provide more than half the votes to reach the 218 needed for passage.

Prominent conservative supporters of the tax package include House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Americans for Tax Reform. It has been said that Boehner, who will become House speaker when the new Congress convenes next month, would suffer a big setback if the tax package fails. I'm not so sure about the reasoning behind that opinion. But the criticism from the right does clearly make him and his allies a little nervous. Boehner told CBS' "60 Minutes" that he refuses to say he compromised with the White House, preferring to say they found "common ground." On tax and spending questions, House Republicans "are on a pretty short leash," Boehner said. "If we don't deliver what the American people are demanding, they'll throw us out of here in a heartbeat." Boehner can call it anything he likes, be it compromise of the find of common ground. If that's what he truly thinks, then why be so quick to compromise with someone who demonstrated absolutely no willingness to compromise with Republicans on any number of occasions. It makes no sense. And if he thinks he can rationalize his effort to find "common ground" to an ever suspicious public, his tenure as Speaker could be very short in duration.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ya know, the more I think about it, the more I think that the GOP members should very happily join in with their Democrat colleagues in the House in what would truly be a stellar example of bipartisanship, and kill this so-called pork laden tax compromise recently passed in the Senate. A Senate I think, whose Republican members have already forgotten this November's election was about and the statement overwhelmingly made by the American people. And if sufficient GOP House members truly do get it and suddenly find the requisite backbone to demonstrate that it was they who "won" in November, then the Republicans should kill this thing and begin to make the necessary plans to come back in January and work on what would be some true tax cuts. Those who support this deal argue that it is too great of a gamble to assume that a better deal could be achieved next January when the number of Republicans in Congress will increase and when the Republicans will have a substantial majority over in the House. They go on to say that the deal is reasonable and we can hope for no better on the death tax increase. But that argument defies any and all logic. For some reason, I think that they are afraid to fight for something that would be truly substantive and are doing nothing more than choosing to settle for what they claim is the best they could ever hope for in the present political environment. I think that they fail to recognize the fact that now is the time for some bold action, action that will set the agenda for the next two years at least. It is not a time for the faint of heart. Republicans have two very short years to prove themselves worthy of their being permitted to maintain, or to expand, their numbers in Congress. They need to take advantage of every opportunity they are handed. For example, Rep. Darrell Issa, the future chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, said that the tax bill that passed a key procedural hurdle Monday is "an incomplete effort that fails to create a permanent tax structure giving businesses the kind of long-term predictability needed to support investment, economic growth and job creation." Then I would like to ask Rep. Issa, a Republican, why is it worth being supported by any Republican?

Supporters of this wonderful little tax deal/compromise, at least as it presently exists, claim that increasing the death tax from zero to 35% is in reality actually a tax cut because otherwise the death tax will automatically go up to 55%. That's nothing more than simplistic drivel meant to convince the masses that it's a good deal while making absolutely no sense whatsoever. Because at the same time they are arguing that keeping income tax rates frozen is somehow a tax cut because otherwise those rates will go up next year. Let's be very, very clear here, there are NO real tax cuts even being discussed here, by anyone. What this whole scenario is all about is nothing more than the "maintaining" of tax rates as they currently exist, and have existed since they were first enacted. What is so hard for even many of those on our side of the political aisle to grasp about that fact? In effect, what we are arguing about here is the keeping of income tax rates the same in 2011 as they are right now. And let’s also be crystal clear about one other thing, that being the fact that Congress can retroactively fix this mess if the present deal/compromise fails, as it should, if members of Congress were to be so inclined. I have become one of those now willing to take the gamble that any deal we can get next year would be far better than any deal we get now. There was something said recently that struck as being more than just a little funny. It was when I recently heard some liberal talking head who was describing any potnetial tax increases as being the Bush tax hikes. His rationale for doing so, he said, was because it was Bush who was the one who agreed to allow the tax cuts to expire January 1, 2011. It had to be re-explained to this dolt that his socialist Democrat compadres had no intention of signing on without there being and definite end date to the tax cuts. Liberal revisionist history, don't you just love it? These were the same tax cuts, by the way, that were instrumental in bringing about 52 consecutive months of job growth. Go figure.

No matter how hard I try, I just cannot bring myself to trust any of these Democrats, and even some Republicans, any further than I can throw them. It seems to me that the Democrats, including Barry, along with a goodly number of Republicans, are trying way too hard in their attempt to get this deal/compromise shoved through by claiming the need for great urgency in doing so. It's eerily reminiscent of the whole corrupt exercise used to literally shove healthcare "reform" through Congress. It makes me very uneasy when I see these guys so eager to pass anything that is even remotely responsible for keeping taxes from increasing. It's just not what they're about. And I'm also not too crazy about the fact they we'll be faced with discussing this very same issue again in two very short years during a very crucial election year. I would feel somewhat better about the whole deal if it was going to be for 3 years so that there would be less of a chance of it becoming nothing more than just one more idiotic campaign issue. Why not take the time to plan ahead just a little if we can save ourselves what we know is going to be a reoccurring issue? Its commonsense. Instead we even have the No. 2 Senate Democrat now saying that he believes because of the overwhelming margin by which the Senate advanced legislation maintaining Bush era tax cuts, the legislation will finally clear Congress, likely by Christmas. So it is that Assistant Democratic Leader Little "Dickie" Durbin, "Moron of Illinois" told CBS' "The Early Show" that the 83-15 tally by which the measure cleared a major procedural vote will help facilitate its passage in the House as well, where Democratic opposition is a bit more intense. Just between you an me I think all of the supposed uproar coming from the House Democrats is nothing more than a ruse. But hey, I could be wrong about that.

Little "Dickie" said "I think the House takes notice" of a lopsided Senate vote and predicted the bill would be "done by Christmas." Durbin also said he understands opposition to the bill from liberal Democrats, like himself, who continue to be outraged over substantial relief given to the wealthy in death tax provisions. He said, "In the spirit of the season, it does say 'God Bless Tiny Tim and Donald Trump.'" In the spirit of the season? What kind of cockamamie BS is that? Come on Little "Dickie," give me a break, you're gonna have to do better than that. I can't help but sense that there is something somewhat sinister going on here that's lingering just below the surface. Something that I just can't quite put my finger on. So I would just feel much better about things if this so-called deal/compromise were to now simply die on the vine. Barry has been busy pleading with Congress to clear the legislation after he worked out a compromise with Republicans, saying its badly needed to give a boost to middle class taxpayers and the economy. What’s that old saying? A leopard doesn't ever change it's spots? Something like that. The Democrats have delayed taking any kind of action on this for the last 4 years, never seeing it being all that important until now. I think that they always assumed that they could just simply let the tax cuts expire with little if any fanfare. No big deal. Now suddenly, they don't? I just think I smell a rat. Make that a bunch of rats.