

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


So, riddle me this, just what might be the job description of someone who goes by the rather vague moniker of ‘White House Aide,’ and just what might be the qualifications of said ‘aide’ when it comes to making accusations against President Trump regarding how it is that he is somehow to be viewed as being the most grave threat to American ‘democracy’ in our lifetime. And where else but on that rating juggernaut that is CNN could one likely expect to see a person of such insignificance making such a wild and baseless accusation? And all in the presence of a supposed ‘journalist’ as he nods his empty head in agreement and not so much as batting an eye.

Which brings me to former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson. You see, it was she who during an appearance on CNN’s “The Lead,” this past Tuesday, claimed that President Trump was the “most grave threat” to American democracy in our lifetime. Now I’m sure you may recall her as the discredited attention seeker who claimed that President Trump attacked his secret service detail from the back seat of the Presidential limo in an attempt to hijack the car. Now the Secret Service agents had a slightly different version, stating that this bimbo wasn’t even there. Clearly, she is just another ‘Deep State’ ventriloquist's dummy doing the bidding of her masters.

And it was the host of “The Lead,” Jake Tapper, also a well-known hater of President Trump, who said, “Donald Trump is leading in the polls when it comes to the Republican primaries. Even in some polls when it comes to a head-to-head match-up with President Biden. The other day, Trump suggested that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the outgoing Chairman Mark Milley, committed treason. He suggested that capital punishment would be on the table or should be on the table.” And it was Tapper who went on to ask, “When you see a message like that, how seriously do you take it?” Hutchinson said, “Yeah, I do believe that he means it.

And it was from there that Hutchinson then went on to say, “Now, what I would like to say to this is I think for years we have not held Donald Trump accountable for the things that he says, and when he says those things and when he strikes — when he strokes those vitriolic comments to people who have had profound careers defending our democracy like General Milley, we need to take him seriously.” She continued, “People have been holding him accountable for the past years, but obviously not accountable enough because we are in a position right now where it’s looking more likely than not that he could be the Republican nominee."

She said, “And he has also been indicted four times. To me, it is sad that we’re in this place as a country where we are looking at somebody who has executed this horrible assault on our democracy, and we are continuing to give this person a platform.” Hutchinson added, “That’s not what we should stand for as Americans. I think that Donald Trump is the most grave threat that we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in American history.” What a drama queen. The leftists have gone full blown wackadoodle over the possibility President Trump may get re-elected. Most Americans know that the Democrats are the greatest threat to democracy.

Someone needs to tell these smear agents that we don’t need to guess what a Trump administration would look like. We’ve already had a Trump presidency, and it was one of the greatest periods of peace and prosperity in modern history. President Trump was well on his way to an easy re-election until a man-made gain of function ‘accidental release’ caused a worldwide plandemic that allowed Joey to do most of his campaigning from his basement and yet still somehow win with fifteen million more ‘votes’ than ‘BO’ got, including millions more ‘votes’ in the black community. And we’re simply supposed to accept that without being able to question the results.

And so it’s in Ms. Hutchinson that we have someone who is nothing more than another self-aggrandizing idiot who discovered that slamming President Trump gets her on TV and in the news. And if I’m not mistaken, she also made a recent appearance with the hogs of ‘The View’ and also on MSDNC with ‘Morning Schmo.’ So she really seems to be making the rounds. And if we’re to believe that President Trump is bad, are we also then supposed to believe that Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fetterman, Schumer, Schiff, Blumenthal, Whitmer, Blinken, Yellen, Garland, Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Newcom and the rest of the kooky, leftwing Democrat bunch are all to be considered as being good?

And I can only assume that she must view anybody who is opposed to never ending Democrat rule as a grave danger to our ‘democracy.’ Democrats want lifelong jobs and millions of dollars to do with what they want to remain in power. There no doubt that CNN and MSDNC are among the gravest dangers to our republic and the freedom of the individual citizen to live without fear of the government. Liars are gonna lie. President Trump is indeed a threat to the Deep State establishment parasites, but not to our constitutional republic. CNN is desperate. No one knows who this person is or cares what she may think except the low IQ individuals who watch CNN.

And perhaps if President Trump didn’t have a record to run on, this leftwing loon might have something to stand on. But while he was in the White House we had affordable gas and food, stature on the world stage, lower crime, a much lower number of illegals coming into our country, a much stronger military, lower unemployment, and the list goes on. Yes, he’s a danger, but he’s only a danger to those trying to advance the radical leftist agenda. A return to a Trump presidency is not a bad thing at all when you compare it to what we have now, it would be a good thing for our republic. It would be bad for the Democrat Party, but who cares.

President Trump has cheerfully endured more abuse than anyone else in politics in my lifetime! He’s a threat to no one. He does threaten the mindset of people who have screwed up everything they touch. I mean honestly: crime, drug addiction, suicide rates, inflation, job creation, interest rates, income inequality, home affordability, homelessness, drug overdose deaths, illegal immigration, border security, NATO, Afghanistan, Ukraine, North Korea, it’s impossible to find an area of policy where President Trump’s critics have done better than President Trump. And yet those on the left are constantly trying to come up with new ways to portray him as being the enemy.

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