

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


I have to tell ya that it’s whenever I hear some supposed unbiased, objective ‘journalist’ decrying all of the criticism of *president Joey and claiming how it is that he has somehow brought honor back to the White House after four years of Donald Trump, all I want to do is, puke. And it’s in so doing that those in the business of ‘journalism’ accomplish nothing more than remove any and all doubt that they are anything other than propagandists and smear merchants acting at the behest of those in the Democrat Party. And yet they persist in spewing that which is nothing more than an endless stream of blatant lies, innuendo and exaggerations.

And one of those guilty of gross journalistic malpractice is none other than former Clinton hack, George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos. And it was just this past Sunday, during ABC’s “This Week,” that Stephy again demonstrated his rather unique perspective claiming that he found it all rather “shocking” that a Wall Street Journal poll showed President Trump tied with Joey, 46-46 percent in a 2024 rematch. Apparently these idiots think it’s 2020 when they gaslit the country. Joey has proven himself to be the worst president in U.S. history and in near record time. And while regular people are forced to live paycheck to paycheck, these multimillionaires couldn’t care less.

Stephy said, “It is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now.” Translation: “We really cooked this thing. We’re shocked that it’s not working!” I would argue that President Trump’s primary baggage is the crooked Democrat Party and the RINOs he carries. Someone might want to explain to Stephy that what’s truly shocking is the fact that President Trump is not leading Joey by 70 percent to 30 percent. I can only assume that far too many voters must not be paying sufficient attention to the serious problems facing the economy, and the world, that only President Trump can fix.

Democrat ‘strategist’ Donna Brazile then piped up and said, “When I looked at that recent poll, the Wall Street Journal, I said, ‘this could keep me up at night.” Stephy said, “With every passing month, with every new indictment, Donald Trump seems to be consolidating his control over the Republican Party.” He added, “Republicans almost unanimously on that stage several days ago would vote for a convicted felon. Did you ever think you’d see the day?” And it was ‘conservative’ panelist Reihan Salam who said, “The truth is that we are in a very polarized moment. And when you’re looking at the Republican Party, it is strikingly unified.” Strikingly indeed!!!

Watching Stephy have a meltdown, whine and cry like a little baby brings much joy to my heart. This delusional view is pretty typical when it comes to pretenders like Stephy, whose residence there in their ivory tower prevents them from actually getting out now and then. I’m sure he’d say that nobody he knows supports Trump, as if that means anything. Does anyone remember when the TV networks honestly reported real news without the wild leftist bias? Me neither. Leave it to a worthless, honor less, unethical Clintonite scumbag like Stephy to be amazed that we see thru the desperate attempts to destroy Trump because they can’t beat him legitimately.

Perhaps an even better question would be to ask, “How is it that Joey remains tied with President Trump, given Joey’s baggage resulting from failure after failure, and corrupt act after corrupt act, not to mention just plain senility.” Joey has botched everything from the economy to the securing of our southern border. Then there is his ongoing war on fossil fuels, his botched Afghanistan withdrawal and so much more. And let’s not forget the cash from Russian Oligarchs and Chinese communists. Yet Joey remains tied? All he has is racial division, reparations, and illegal attempts to forgive student loans. Oh, and then there’s the $750 for people on Maui who lost everything.

The total lack of integrity regarding those in the ‘fake news’ media, no longer comes as much of a surprise. They refuse to cover the corruption that Joey is clearly guilty of while at the same time portraying the bullshit indictments made against President Trump as being legitimate. If those like Stephy were actually doing their job and telling the truth about the Bidens, we would not now have nearly 50 percent of Americans who still think that Joey is morally, cognitively, and physically fit for the highest office in the world. That’s all just so pathetic. Then again this is out of the mouth of George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos. He’s a total sellout, just like Joey.

The poster boy for the incompetence of Joey & Co. would be Pete the buttboy, Joey’s Transportation Secretary, whose main qualifications seems to be that he is gay, in a gay marriage, and has a child they adopted. His other qualifications are that he is gay, in a gay marriage and has an adopted child. Did I mention his other qualifications, that he is gay, etc. etc. Hell, the guy went on paternity leave for over a month and the airline system melted down and no one noticed that he wasn’t doing his job. Where can I sign up for a job like that. Hell, I could ride a helicopter to some disaster zone, yell at some FEMA guys, and hand out water bottles with the best of them.

The reason President Trump retains his popularity is because his followers feel that he’s being mistreated. They see how the many crimes committed by Joey go unreported while the crimes that have been concocted against President Trump continue to be front page news. And they see that as a blatant attempt by the Democrats to determine who it is that they will be allowed to vote for as their president. And what I find more than a little shocking is the fact that we seem to have the most disgraceful, incompetent, and ‘on the take’ *president in American history, now tied with the best President since Ronald Reagan? Which makes no sense at all!!!

And it’s also shocking that so many of those in the ‘fake news’ media are all so very confident that if they keep telling us the same old lies often enough and loudly enough that the American people, or at least enough of them, will eventually come to believe those lies as being the truth. With all of the baggage and corruption that Joey has; there is simply no reason these two men should be tied. Because of Joey the country is now circling the drain and Joey’s performance has been far worse than even that of Jimmy Carter. And still those in the ‘fake news’ media would have us believe that our country is so much better off than it was under President Trump.

I’ve said this before, as have others smarter than me, that this coming election will be the most important in recent history. Anyone who, after the last three years, can still consider voting for Joey is either on the take or a moron. I have never been so concerned about the future of this nation when our leadership seems to be hellbent on the destruction of America as we know it. Those pulling the strings of this clown who now fraudulently occupies the White House should be exposed and dealt with immediately. Conservatives in Washington need to grow a spine and expose the actual rulers hiding behind the curtain before America becomes a mere footnote in history.

President Trump continues to maintain the level support he has because of the deep state, the establishment politicians, a corrupt media, a politicized Department of Justice, a corrupted executive branch and a Congress whose members are more concerned with being re-elected than they are about having integrity. And it’s even with all his flaws President Trump is the one man who is willing to fight back and is willing to clean things up in Washington. Like Tucker Carlson said, if these indictments don’t have enough sway to change voters’ disdain for today’s Washington elites and President Trump wins, these elites may feel that have only one option left.

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