

Monday, September 18, 2023


So what happens when you have a Democrat politician, especially one known to be a liar, appears on a network ‘news’ program that has a decades long history of spewing nothing more than leftwing propaganda? Perhaps a better question would be to ask what it is that the participants think will happen. Now since those interested only in the truth rarely if ever tune in to such programs, the only thing likely to happen is that both the lying politician and dishonest network likely end up doing little more than preaching to the choir. And so at the end of the day, it’s in the big scheme of things that it’s virtually nothing of any consequence that ends up happening.

Frankly, the last thing I need is some slimy Democrat, especially one like Hakeem Jeffries, trying to tell me how it’s Republicans who would rather play politics than to address those issues that are most important to the American people. Which was just such the case this past Sunday. It was during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” that Jeffries argued how House Republicans were in the middle of a “civil war.” Host Jonathan Karl asked, “You have Kevin McCarthy launching this impeachment inquiry, and he did it just days after saying he wouldn’t launch an impeachment inquiry without a full vote of the House. He did it anyway. What is going on here?"

Jeffries said, “Let’s be clear: House Republicans are in middle of a civil war. A civil war has the following attributes: chaos, dysfunction and extremism. The House Republican civil war is hurting hard-working American taxpayers and limiting our ability to be able to solve problems on their behalf. It’s unfortunate, but as House Democrats, we’ll continue to try and find common ground with the other side of the aisle, to work with Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans and President Biden.” So he claims House Democrats will continue to work to find common ground to help solve problems for the American people, and actually does it with a straight face.

Jeffries added, “Hopefully, the House Republicans will come along so that we can work to make sure we’re funding the government that we have a government that can provide for the health, safety, the economic well-being of the American people and we can end the partisan, political gamesmanship that has captured House Republicans.” But it’s his side of the aisle that calls Republicans every ist and ism in the book and still he has the audacity to talk about working to find common ground? I think we can all agree that the last thing Democrats are interested in is finding common ground with those who they disagree with both politically and philosophically.

Democrats are such hypocrites. They still feel they were somehow justified in starting their impeachment process, the day after President Trump was elected. Do they really think that the American people are that stupid? And what is it that we know about ABC? Disney is a flaming dumpster fire of depravity, ESPN fired thousands of staff over the course of the last three years, and now, this ABC anchor seems totally clueless regarding what it is that’s happening with the ‘Biden Family Crime Syndicate.’ So, the clueless anchor asks the Democrat for details, and for what, exactly? Perhaps to provide this anchor with an opportunity to play his part in advancing the madness.

All that most Republicans want are good schools, law and order, a border wall with Mexico, a strong national defense, cheap gasoline, and a pro-family government! What they don’t want is the shit show that Democrats like Jeffries are constantly trying to shove down their throats. But the sad fact is that this country is doomed and will remain doomed as long as village idiots like Jeffries remain in those positions that allow them to have any say in where this country goes from here. Or might it be said that this country will remain doomed until such time as the American people care to do enough about the problems being created by the enemies right here at home?

And so what is it that Jeffries is really trying to tell us here, that this supposed ‘Republican civil war’ of which he speaks is what’s causing gas prices to skyrocket, has caused food prices to spike dramatically over the last two and a half years, or is causing interest rates to explode, and the crime rate skyrocket? And is it this “civil war” that has made it possible for millions of illegal immigrants to stream into the country causing homelessness to grow exponentially? Is that right Hakeem? It’s all of the problems now effecting the lives of hardworking Americans that have been brought about by Democrats, and not some mythical Republican civil war.

And it’s on the subject of impeachment that Jeffries seems to be totally justified in supporting the two impeachments that were conducted against President Trump, impeachments that were conducted totally without any actual evidence to support the false charges made against President Trump. Supposed evidence that was concocted out of whole cloth. So why do the Republicans not now deserve an opportunity to bring their evidence, of which there is a considerable amount, to a legal hearing where it can then be either disproved or accepted as true. Clearly Democrats, like Jeffries, are terrified because they know the charges are true.

And it’s according to Jeffries that the Republicans’ partisan, political gamesmanship is to blame for Congress now being unable to make sure the government remains funded in order to then be able to provide for the health, safety, the economic well-being of the American people. By all means, we need to make sure that we’re funding the government so that it can then provide those things which are not actually a function of the federal government. It’s only exercised as a means of being better able to control the recipients. Democrats are the largest contributor to the ‘non-economic’ wellbeing by their constant manipulation, meddling and market destroying distortions.

And you can take to the bank the fact that whenever a Democrats says, “Let's be clear,” you’re about to be told a real whopper. Yet, there is a bit of truth to what Jeffries says. The “civil war” of which he speaks is between the RINOs, the ones who historically have kowtowed to the Democrats, and the few true conservative Republicans who tend to side with President Trump. You know, the “truth, justice and American way” sort of folks. And while it may create a bit of short-term dysfunction, that is no different than the “civil war” between the parties and how that stifles moving forward on idiotic legislation, the kind usually dreamt up by the Democrats.

But look, this is how the Founding Fathers designed it, to make it difficult and not easy to get along when disagreements arise. As for accusations of ‘extremism,’ of course Republican ideas and positions are going to be considered as extreme when compared to those positions and policies that are favored by Democrats. That would only be because Democrats, for decades, have been promoting all manner of bizarre ideas that run completely counter to our Judeo-Christian founding. Thus, it is considered ‘extreme’ to deviate from them are return to any mode of common sense, workable ideas or plans, good economics, sound foreign policy, and so on.

And so Jeffries proves once again just how ‘extreme’ Democrats are from any historical norm of good, honest American patriots. Clearly the Democrat Party of today is not the Democrat Party of your grandfather, or even your father. And what most Americans now see in Joey is a dementia riddled old man, someone who works less than half the time and can barely walk or talk. He was installed as *president for one reason and one reason only. Joey has made it possible for the Democrats to make great strides in their effort to burn this country to the ground with their reckless spending and preferential treatment of perverts, criminals, and illegal insurgents.

And so it I that once again we have another loudmouth Democrat being provided a platform from which he is free to spew his lies, comfortable in the knowledge that he will allowed to say whatever it is that he wants to say and will not be put in the position of actually having to justify or back up any of his claims with bona fide facts. Because, you see, that is the state of ‘journalism’ here in 2023. Those on the left are never asked to justify any of their accusations, and it only those on the right who must be challenged and who must proof that what they claim is true. Imagine, if you can, just how different this country would be if we had a truly unbiased ‘news’ media.

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