

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


As I have said numerous times before, I am in no way an expert on the topic of politics and, frankly, I find that many of those who claim to be experts on the subject tend to be anything but. Because most, if not all, seem to view Joey’s rather dismal polling numbers as being somewhat of a mystery. But it’s really no mystery at all. I mean, ask yourself, what is it that Joey has done over the course of the last 30+ month as *president that has genuinely benefited working-class Americans. Well, that would of course be absolutely nothing, and for the very simple reason that he’s been far too busy working to advance the Democrat Party’s radical leftwing agenda.

And he has done so by, primarily, throwing open our southern border, despite clams to the contrary, and advancing the radical left’s theory of man-made ‘climate change.’ There’s more, but that’s good for starters. And it has been the advancing of that agenda that has been, and continues to be, Joey’s number one priority. And so it should be no mystery that, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll published this past Sunday, Joey has an approval rating of 40 percent while 60 percent of Americans not happy with his performance as *president, including almost 70 percent of Independents. It’s kinda sad that 40 percent of Americans still approve of this guy.

This recent survey would put Joey’s approval rating pretty much on par with an Economist/YouGov poll that was released last week, which showed that 38 percent of Americans gave Joey positive marks regarding his performance versus 55 percent who disapproved. It was in that poll that six percent were undecided, while no such population is included in the latest YouGov survey. And just how stupid must one be to still be undecided? Anyway, it’s upon looking deeper into this most recent poll that one finds that 79 percent of Democrats surveyed approve of the job Joey is doing, while 92 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of Independents disapprove.

And it was exactly half of Independents that said they “strongly disapprove” of the *president, while 19 percent “somewhat disapprove.” And it was only 31 percent that said they approve of his performance to varying degrees. In other words, Joey has an abysmal net -38 approval rating among Independents. And Joey’s approval rating is underwater across the board on key issues with U.S. adults, ranging from the economy and inflation to immigration and abortion. Only 35 percent approve of Joey’s handling of the economy, and just 29 percent approve of how he has addressed inflation, even though his campaign and administration continue to tout his “Bidenomics."

And it’s among independents that only 26 percent are happy with Joey’s economic showing and just 20 percent satisfied with his handling of inflation. And when it comes to the issue of immigration it’s only 34 percent of all respondents who say they approve of how Joey has chosen to address the issue, while 66 percent disapprove. What’s more, 55 percent of Americans say the White House should be “tougher” on illegal immigrants at the border, while only 19 percent believe the administration should be “easier” on them. It’s poll after poll that tells the same story, and yet nothing ever seems to change regarding what we see coming from this White House.

And Joey’s rating comes in with a net -16 points on “jobs and unemployment issues,” as well as his approach to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. He is 18 points and 20 points underwater on “foreign policy” and “the issue of abortion,” respectively. Notably, 50 percent of respondents say that Joey has weakened the United States’s posture on the world stage, while just 24 percent somehow think that he has strengthened it. Over one in four think Joey is not influencing the strength of the U.S. in one way or another. One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that Joey has made this country into a laughingstock all across the globe.

Most Americans realize that the 2020 election was clearly rigged, and the end result was Joey being illegally installed precisely to start war with Russia, create inflation, leave the borders wide open and implement the agenda of the globalists. And it says much about those who profess themselves to be Democrats that nearly 80 percent of them are still able to say that they support this fraud. More evidence that those on the left are mentally disabled. These people live in some alternate reality from the rest of the world. Democrats should be alarmed by the results of their own policies. However, that would require humility, self-awareness, and respect for others.

And I think by anyone’s terms those who choose to identify as ‘Independent’ more often than not do so because they choose not to register with either political party, NOT because of what they believe on any policy issues or their political philosophy. I think therein lays the mistake that far too many so-called political experts make. I think the only correct meaning of ‘Independent’ is that one is not registered with any Party. I would argue that no one should leap to any conclusions about one’s positions or political philosophy based solely on just the fact that one is, or wants to call oneself, an ‘Independent’ or is not registered with any political party.

And you would think that it would be difficult to lie to those able to remember the cost of living under President Trump, or the cheap gas and a wall that was almost finished. Also, it’s hard to lie to people who see that Joey doesn’t really care about the American people. There’s really no mystery as to why more Americans disapprove of Joey, than approve. After all, what has he done but to make the lives of the American people more difficult, and far more expensive? Add to that the suppression of free speech, the never-ending attacks on our Constitution, the out-of-control spending and so much more. I mean there are just so many things to pick from.

And what worries me is that most people only blame Joey for America’s decline, when it’s the entire Democrat Party, and more than a few RINOs, that are “all—in” on destroying America. Every one of them must be voted out if we are to be able to turn things around. It’s sad that we’ve managed to elect so many RINOs whose only interest seems to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. And as I have said before it’s these RINOs who pose a far greater threat to this country and it’s ability to survive long enough for our grandchildren to enjoy. And until we stop electing these people not much is going to change, because RINOs always side with the Democrats.

And perhaps someone should do a deep dive on those who are still able to approve of the job that Joey is doing. After all, only brain-dead morons living in some sort of weird denial or with a terminal case of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome would support a someone like Joey, with the growing mountain of evidence of his crimes to grift by selling out his own country! The man cannot even speak or hold a cogent thought! He stumbles, mumbles, shouts and whispers like a deranged imbecile! His policies suck and he has wrecked our nation! I just hope he lives long enough for President Trump to shackle him and escort him into a jail cell where he should have been long ago!

But at the end of the day I’m really not all that sure how much the bad polling numbers really bother most Democrats. It certainly hasn’t prompted any sort of change regarding the direction in which they want to take this country, or the speed with which they want to get that accomplished. Much of Joey’s problems can be explained by his ongoing mental deficiency. I cannot say the same for congressional Democrats. For the most part their conduct can only be explained by the level of pure hatred that they feel toward our American republic. ‘America last’ is not a message that is going to inspire Americans, that said it is what Joey seems to believe!

Finally, the Democrats know that those in the ‘fake news’ media will provide to them whatever cover it is that they may need. But most Americans see the truth every time they go to the grocery store or the gas station. A big reason Joey’s ‘messaging’ resonates positively with only 30 percent of those polled is because the rest of us are suffering grass-roots level inflation, dying small businesses and excessive government intrusion on every level. The fanatical 30 percent is likely made up those who have allowed themselves to be bought off by the Democrats courtesy of those in the other 70 percent who see government taking more and more of their hard-earned money.

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