

Friday, September 8, 2023


We all detest liars. Also, I think we can all agree that some liars are worse than others, especially when the lies they tell are meant to intentionally mislead, when they are told as part of an effort to somehow convince us that what we’re witnessing take place right before our eyes is not, in fact, reality. And there is something sinister about those who can so casually tell those lies in what is so very clearly an effort to treat us like children. For some time now those in the Democrat Party, as well as some in our own party, have been very hard at work, desperate in their attempt to convince us that President Trump is undeserving of public office for reasons only they believe.

At the same time, it has been nearly every member of the Democrat Party that has been working overtime to convince us the *president Joey is actually not the most corrupt *president in recent memory and that any evidence to the contrary is nothing more than a work of fiction created by the opposition. You know, much like the evidence that has thus far been used against President Trump, but I digress. And it has been these very same Democrats who also been hard at work trying to create at least the perception that *president Joey is nothing less than an economic genius. Which anyone on the receiving end of his policies knows is truly a work of political fiction.

And the most recent attempt by the Democrats to do so came as recently as this past Thursday during the broadcast of “CNN News Central.” It was then Sen. Chris Van Hollen, of the People’s Republic of Maryland, was asked about a recent CNN poll showing that most voters believe *president Joey’s policies have made the economy worse, his idiotic response was to claim that while the economy is improving, “people are still facing the lingering impact of rising prices and inflation.” The good senator attempted to convince us that we are much better off than we think we are and that we should be much more appreciative of what he, and his party, are doing.

Van Hollen predicted that, “as time goes on, the people across this country, again, will want to stick with something that will be working and increasingly working to their advantage rather than doing a U-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the Trump administration.” And Van Hollen said that while he hasn’t seen the details of the poll, “with the passage of these bills, the economy is clearly turning around now, but people are still facing the lingering impact of rising prices and inflation. But, we also know that, recently, inflation is coming down dramatically. We’re at about 3%, and actually going down, compared to where it was."

He continued saying, “So, I do think, John, that, as the months progress and unemployment remains low, jobs continue to be generated, wages are going up. And they’re going up in real terms, not just nominal terms. In other words, people are getting more in their paycheck than they were before in terms of spending capacity. So, I do think, as time goes on, the people across this country, again, will want to stick with something that will be working and increasingly working to their advantage rather than doing a U-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the Trump administration.” Well, if there is one thing a Democrat knows about, it’s chaos.

The only thing that seems to be working, is Joey’s effort to destroy the middle class. Four years of chaos under President Trump? Does this guy really expect us to believe such drivel? Just how stupid does he think we are? When every trip to the grocery store is more expensive than the last, when I’m paying twice as much for a gallon of gas than I was less than 36 months, ago just how is it that this lying piece of shit can say, and with a straight face, that people will want to stick with something that will be working to their advantage “rather than doing a U-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the Trump administration.” None of what he says makes any sense!

All this guy does is lie. If I remember correctly the economy was in great shape under President Trump, even with the Covid problems. It was the insane policies put forth by Joey & Co. that proceeded to crush it, and in pretty short order. Coupled with Joey’s open border madness it may take decades to recover, if we’re ever to recover at all. What Joey has done, and is continuing to do, goes against every law of economics, human nature, and common sense. Joey has us squarely on the path to poverty. And if Van Hollen means to say that Bidenomics is increasingly working to destroy America, then I would most certainly agree. But then I think that’s been the plan all along.

You see, the plan here is to wipe out the middle class, create economic chaos, social unrest and general despair in the country. Bidenomics is one of the final steps in instituting Socialism in America. Van Hollen looked right into the camera and knowingly lied. And even worse, if he wasn’t lying, and he actually believes what he’s saying, then, clearly, he is far too ignorant to ever hold any position of authority. These people, these Democrats, are truly dangerous, and to continue to believe even a single word that they say places this country in very grave danger for generations present and future. Their sole interest is to burn this country to the ground!

Finally, what we’re hearing from this clown, Van Hollen, reminds me a lot of that old adage, “Same shit, different day.” Joey, and his Democrat Party, have wrecked our economy and now they seem to want kudos because they claim to have brought it back from the dead. Sorry, I’ll believe that when I see it. Bidenomics, working? All it has succeeded in do is do destroy America faster than any foreign power could have ever hoped to. Democrat policies are drafted with but one specific purpose in mind, to make it more difficult to become less reliant on government and easier to become more dependent on it, for everything. You see, that makes the populace much easier to control.

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