

Thursday, September 28, 2023


It has been, especially over the course of the last 15 years or so, that I have become increasingly dumfounded regarding how it is that anyone, with even the most miniscule if IQs, can listen to any Democrat you care to mention for more than about five seconds before simply walking, laughing hysterically. And it has been more recently, say over the course of the last eight years, that Democrats have appeared to have completely unglued, which just so happens to coincide with the arrival of Donald Trump onto the political scene. It has been since that time that Democrats appear to have lost any appearance of sanity, and yet they persist despite how they’re viewed.

And just why is it that they don’t seem to care? Well, that would only be because they somehow feel justified in making their comments, no matter how insane they may sound, because those comments were directed at Donald Trump. And it’s those comments that have, especially over the course of the last 30+ months, become increasingly ludicrous. And yet Democrats, along with their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media, show absolutely no sign of letting up. Not only that, but with the 2024 presidential election essentially just around the corner, and President Trump being the favorite to be the Republican nominee, the insanity is likely to only intensify.

And on that note, enter one Claire McCaskill, Democrat, and former U.S. Senator from Missouri and current MSDNC contributor. And apparently it was Ms. McCaskill who recent felt the need to add to all of the insanity by adding a bit of her own. You see, it was during an appearance, just this past Wednesday, on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that McCaskill chose to make the argument that President Trump’s “new weird” Republican Party bought into the “scam” that he’s a successful businessman. Now it would seem that that would be something difficult to dispute. So I guess I would question how it is that McCaskill defines success, especially since it’s not something she has ever experienced herself.

McCaskill said, “I don’t think it is the normal Republican Party.” She continued, “This is what I call the new weird Trump Republican Party where up is down and down is up. And we don’t have free trade anymore and we don’t care about protecting democracy or freedom around the world. I really do think the interesting thing, when I would go around Missouri and I’d go to very, very pro-trump areas and do town halls, i would invariably have a private conversation with some of the people there that didn’t support me but were wildly supportive of Donald Trump. I would ask them questions.” You can always tell when McCaskill is lying, her lips are moving.

She added, “Invariably they would say to me, ‘He’s such a successful businessman. We need a successful businessman in the White House.’ And, you know, they bought it. The reason they did was because of “The Apprentice.” They all watched that show. You’re fired. It was just a show. It was all made-up BS, but people bought that he was a wonderful businessman.” McCaskill concluded, “Essentially his entire adult life has been a scam. His entire adult life. His business model was don’t pay taxes, don’t pay people who work for you, lie.” The only scam I see taking place here is Ms. McCaskill pretending like she actually knows what she’s talking about.

So McCaskill claims that Republicans have mistakenly bought into claims that President Trump is somehow a wonderful businessman, meanwhile, it would seem that leftist Democrats, including Ms. McCaskill herself, have bought, hook, line and sinker, into the charade that Joey is not the corrupt, plagiarist, liar, hair-sniffing, daughter-showering, crackhead son producing, senile, stumbling clown of a president that an increasing amount of evidence would most certainly seem to indicate that he is. So who are the bigger fools here? I think that most would agree that it’s the Democrats, hands down. Joey is clearly the most corrupt man ever selected as *president.

President Trump has forgotten more about running a business than McCaskill will ever know. As a career politician, the next time she has a job in a private sector business, it will be the first time that she will have had a job that requires her to produce something of value. Being a political talking head on some third-rate cable ‘news’ network doesn’t exactly qualify as a real job. And yes this is a new Republican Party where those of us who vote have raised our expectations and want Representatives interested in finding solutions, not mere actors who make promises and act as if they care, meeting behind closed doors with Democrats to figure out how best to keep the chaos going.

Clearly President Trump has been a successful businessman his entire life, and everyone knows it. Hacks like McCaskill can’t help but clown themselves, it’s sad and pathetic. President Trump has employed thousands, paid millions in taxes, and made millions, and just what is it that McCaskill has done? Can anyone name one accomplishment of hers that improved our country? There isn’t one, because she hates this country!!! Why does anyone listen to this fraud? Each and every time McCaskill opens her mouth she demonstrates, punctuates, and illustrates exactly why it was that the people of Missouri wisely voted her out of office back in 2018.

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