

Thursday, September 7, 2023


I know, I know, enough already with that fat tub of RINO, Chris Christie. Can I just say that I cannot stand this guy? If he truly is running for president, he seems determined to lose what little support he has thus far managed to garner for himself and doesn’t appear to really give a shit about trying to convince supporters of President Trump to come over to his side. And it was in so doing that it was that Christie recently allowed his inner Democrat to come shining through. I mean, we’ve always known that it was in there, but it would seem that his ‘feelings’ regarding President Trump have somehow made it increasingly more difficult for him to keep it better hidden.

And so it was that Christie the saboteur continued to make the rounds, and it was on Wednesday that Christie was once again provided with an opportunity to perform his little schtick, this time stopping by ‘Newsmax.’ And it was during this particular appearance that Christie claimed to be “really concerned” about President Trump’s “mental health.” Host Eric Bolling said, “Donald Trump was on with Hugh Hewitt, a radio host and took some shots at you. We have a little quote box up there. I think he called you a crazy lunatic.” Frankly I’m far more concerned about Christie’s mental health. He seems to have a rather unhealthy preoccupation with President Trump.

Christie said, “Well, look. I feel bad for Donald. I really do. You know, he’s on there saying that I’m not very smart, that I’m very deranged. Look, he didn’t think that, Eric, in 2018 when he offered me White House chief of staff. He didn’t think that in 2016 when he offered– when he made me chairman of his transition. He didn’t think that in 2017 when he made me chairman of his opioid commission. He didn’t think of that when he offered me Secretary of Homeland Security twice and Secretary of Labor.” So President Trump offered these positions to him? And he said no to all of them? Seriously? This guy is a pathological liar. We don’t want nor do we need him!

He continued, “So, look. I disagree with the things that Donald Trump did in the 2020 election. I disagree with the way he’s conducted himself after the fact. I think it’s bad for the country. I think it’s beneath the office he held. But when he says stuff like that about somebody who you know, supported him in 2016, prepared him for the debates with Hillary Clinton, supported him in 2020, and prepared him for the debates with Joe Biden, if I was so useless and dumb and deranged, how did all that stuff happen?” Christie added, “It’s sad. He’s under a lot of stress and a lot of pressure, and saying these things makes me really concerned for his mental health."

Can we just all agree that there appears to be nothing this fat tub of RINO will not say in what has become his continuing effort to do political damage to President Trump? And since when is it that Christie has ever been concerned about anyone other than himself? All of this drivel coming from a supposed presidential candidate whose entire campaign is about bashing President Trump and his supporters. So who’s really the deranged one with mental health issues? And I’m still waiting for Christie to talk about his plan for the country but, instead, all he continues to do is to trash President Trump. That might explain his standing in a recent likeability poll, that being dead last.

Christie is obviously suffering from Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and it is now showing in a spectacular way. Before long, he will likely be drooling and babbling like the true Democrat that he is. He’s getting pretty close to the edge. Hating President Trump is all he has. He sucked as a governor, and he’s sucked at everything he has done since. He knows this is his last hurrah. Christie will say anything in his ongoing effort to disparage President Trump. Clearly Christie is just another player on ‘Team Never Trump.’ He will say and do anything to add to the "pile-on". If he had credibility, then he lost it with his attacks on President Trump.

At this point, he’s sounding like nothing more than a broken record, stuck on a constant play-loop focused on one subject, one personality when this nation of ours is in mortal danger of losing its Constitution as well as its very soul. After the smoldering wreckage of his failed ‘campaign’ is collected and tossed into the political dumpster, Christie as a viable political candidate for anything, is over and out. This guy couldn't win even if he ran for dog catcher, and yet he thinks of himself as a legitimate presidential candidate. He has allowed himself to be consumed by this vendetta that he has against President Trump. And he continues to be so transparent about it!

I’m convinced that this slob doesn’t care about those who are suffering because of  the failed by design policies of the Democrats. And he seems quite content to let us continue to suffer because he’s more concerned with maintaining the status quo than with the American people. I’ve said before that I don’t think Christie is a serious candidate, that he is not in it, to win it. Nobody wants to hear the garbage he’s peddling. Christie doesn't have a chance of winning, but then winning was never his purpose for running. He's being funded to dog Trump and do as much damage as he can. I’m sure he fancies himself as a hired gun, but he’s nothing but a hired stooge.

And so if I have this right, Christie is more concerned about President Trump’s mental health than he is about Joey’s??? That right there says it all about Christie and why he is in this race. He’s only there to sabotage President Trump. Clearly he would rather have a demented, mentally challenged Joey as *president than his political nemesis, President Trump. Christie is nothing short of pathetic!! Christie is powered by hate, rage, envy, gluttony and jealousy. He doesn't give a damn about any of us. Loathsome, self-aggrandizing hack. Hell, Joey can’t even form complete sentences, and doesn’t know where he is half the time, and yet Christie chooses to attack President Trump.

Finally, I think it all boils down to the fact that Christie wishes he had everything President Trump has, and that he had done everything President Trump has done. But he’s nothing more than an also ran with an axe to grind. If you took his comments from a year ago you could just as easily rerun them today. They never change, so there’s really no need to interview him again and again. The ravages of TDS is something very much in need of special attention by those in our mental health community. It has reduced once productive members of American society into raving, foam-at-the-mouth idiots who should be shunned, those like Christie.

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