

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Let’s face it, if there is one thing we know for certain about scumbag Democrats it’s that they never let a good tragedy go ignored if there is any way possible to successfully exploit it to advance the party’s agenda.  So, it should come as no surprise to find Hitlery Clinton doing her best to use the recent Oregon shooting at a community college.  It is this incident that has now seemed to have reignited gun control as an issue in the Democrat presidential race.  The shooting has, at least potentially, handed ‘front-runner’ Hitlery Clinton an issue which she will try to use as part of her effort to sway progressives away from challenger Bernie Sanders.

And perhaps sensing an opportunity to be taken advantage of, Hitlery was quick to speak out forcefully in favor of new, and much more strict, gun control measures immediately after Thursday's shooting by a lone gunman on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.  A shooting in nine people were killed and another nine were wounded.  But she, like Barry “Almighty, didn’t bother to point out, more than likely very much on purpose, that the shooter involved was looking to kill himself some Christians.  Because to mention that little fact might serve to damage the message she was working to hard to convey.

Sanders has been dogged by criticism from various gun-control groups for choosing to speak in much more measured terms when it comes to just what kind of gun control is needed.  Meanwhile, it was at a campaign event in Davie, Florida, on Friday, Hitlery talked about building a "national movement" the purpose of which would be to counter the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group.  She screeched, "What's wrong with us that we can't stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby?"  As she launched into a full scale tirade, blasting Republicans for being in the gun lobby's pocket.

It was to a crowd of supporters at Broward College that Hitlery declared, “It is sickening to me.”  And then she went on to say, “People should not have to be afraid to go to college like this one, or to a movie theater, or to Bible study. What is wrong with us that we can’t stand up to the N.R.A.?”  One could just as easily ask why is it that Democrats can’t seem to bring themselves to stand up to Planned Parenthood, a group that is actually responsible for the death of millions of innocents?  Let’s put body count up of that organization up against the body count of the NRA and determine which group is responsible for more deaths.

Hitlery also took it upon herself to tout the assault weapons ban, long since expired, that was enacted during the presidency of her husband, the accused rapist, ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton. "We're going to take (the gun lobby) on," she said, echoing the remarks she made immediately after the Oregon shooting. "We took them on in the '90s. We're going to take them on again."  Of course, and once again, she very conveniently neglected to mention that it was allowed to expire because it proved to be nothing more than window dressing.  But hey, as is usually the case with Democrats, facts don’t matter, just the rhetoric!

Of course the many anti-Constitution, leftwing kook fringe nutjobs, who comprise any number of gun-control groups praised her new, aggressive stance.  It was on this past Thursday that some fella by name of Ladd Everitt, spokesmoron for something called the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told Reuters, "Having Hillary say that stuff, it's incredible.”  Incredible?  At the same time, Everitt's group has been blasting Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, for his support for a 2005 federal law that shields gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from civil liability for mass shootings.  (A senator at the time, Hitlery voted against the bill.) 

Everitt said Sanders' position clashes with his image as a progressive populist.  He said, "It's unsettling. It's not in concert with his anti-corporate approach.  We're at a moment where we kind of need to be fearless."  Along with supporting the law providing legal immunity to gun makers, Sanders, as a member of the House of Representatives, voted against the so-called Brady Bill in 1993, which imposed mandatory background checks and waiting periods for gun purchases.  Sanders defended his record on Thursday while on MSNBC. He said, "I don't know that anybody knows what the magic solution is."

But it would appear the Mr. Everett was less than impressed with the esteemed Mr. Sanders.  Because Mr. Everett said, "You can sit there and say I think we should do this and do that, but you've got a whole lot of states in this country where people want virtually no gun control at all. And if we are going to have some success we are going to have to start talking to each other."  Everett then went on to say, "He has the body language of a man who doesn't like talking about this," he said.  The level naiveté, or perhaps gullibility, of those who comprise the anti-gun crowd is really quite extraordinary.  Strict gun laws no matter where they are tried, fail!    

And it was in stark contrast to Sanders that Hitlery spent much of her summer, in the wake of mass shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, Roanoke, Virginia, and elsewhere, advocating new measures the purpose of which, or so it has been claimed, would be to quell gun violence. And, of course, she has been very aggressively advocating for the need to curb the power of the NRA, which repeatedly has worked to defeat new gun-control initiatives in Congress.  Hitlery taken this more leftward tack as a way of trying to counter Sanders who, as a self-described Socialist, has managed to siphon away support from progressives within the party.

But her supporters say that with new attention given the spate of gun violence in America, Hitlery may have found a way to blunt Sanders' edge. "In light of Senator Sanders' record when it comes to guns, I think it's a legitimate issue, a difference that Senator Clinton can and should raise," said Jim Manley, a Democrat ‘strategist’.  Sanders' campaign said critics are not appreciating the candidate's full record on gun control. "The senator supports sensible gun-control legislation," said campaign spokesman Michael Briggs.  Sanders supported Senate efforts after the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook elementary school to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

And Sanders, like Hitlery, also backs eliminating the "gun show loophole" that exempts purchasers in private gun sales from background checks.  But unlike Mr. Sanders, Hitlery has not explicitly called for a new ban on assault weapons, an incendiary issue among gun owners, even as she has praised the one passed during the 1990s.  And for some reason, her campaign has repeatedly declined to clarify her position.  So we can only assume that while Mr. Sanders MUST be held accountable for his position on gun control, the same cannot be said of Hitlery.  After all, she is the front runner, and as such cannot be asked to justify her positions on any issue.   

So look, I have some advice for those who seem to have complete faith in, or think blind obedience to, the government is a good thing.  And let me make this as easy to understand as I possibly can, hopefully so that even the likes of Mr. Ladd might be able understand it.  Democrats view those lost due to gun violence as being nothing more than the necessary casualties in their ongoing war on guns.  And while they are always quick to call for more gun control after a tragedy like the recent one in Oregon, you hear absolutely nothing from them when it comes to violence in places like Chicago.  A place that has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

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