

Thursday, October 8, 2015


It would seem the more desperate that Hiltery becomes, the harder she works to deflect attention away from her many personal transgressions.  And in what seems to be yet another attempt to divert attention away from those ‘innocent’ missteps, she has once again taken aim at the National Rifle Association (NRA), this time in Iowa on Wednesday, hitting the group for what she claims is its “absolutist” stance on gun rights and going so far as to actually compare the organization to “the Iranians and Communists.”  And yet she has no problem whatsoever with the “absolutist” stance of another organization when it comes to the murder, and dismemberment, of human babies.

And in doing her best to defend her idiotic analogy, Hitlery worked very hard to make a connection between the gun rights group and those she identified as being murderous tyrants.  Which, at least to me, would seem to be a rather odd analogy coming from a very liberal Democrat like herself, especially if one were to actually take the time to look back over the course of world history.  Because if history tells us anything it’s that the very first thing that murderous tyrants always do, no matter what tyrant you may be talking about, it’s to completely disarm the general populace so that it’s only those on the side of government who possess all of the weapons.

The Democrat front-runner reiterated a plan that she first laid out earlier this week in which she stated that if elected president, God forbid, she would take executive action to increase background checks on private sellers of guns if Congress fails to do so.  Hitlery has claimed that the action would close what gun control advocates call the “gun show loophole” by requiring background checks for all guns bought at sold at gun shows and on the internet. Gun rights supporters claim, and rightfully so, that opponents exaggerate the number of guns obtained through those means and that the change would do little to cut gun crime.

But beyond changes to federal law, Hitlery went on to assert in her remarks that achieving true gun control requires replacing the NRA, the largest gun rights group in the U.S.  She said, “The real answer to this, is for gun owners to form a different organization that supports the Second Amendment, supports their rights to own guns, use guns, go hunting, goes target shooting, but stands against the absolutism of the NRA.” She added, “You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the Communists.”  You have to wonder why it is that those like Hitlery are so determined to take our guns?  Is it really all about saving lives?  No, I think not. 

Hitlery also laid out her theory of how the “cynical” NRA maintains its massive base of support.  She said, “The NRA tries to keep gun owners — the ones who are members — really upset all the time so they can keep collecting their money, because they tell them they’re the only thing that’s going to stop the black helicopters from landing on the front yard and people’s guns being seized.”  And she went on to say, “That’s the argument they make. And it works with some people, and it has turned a lot of people into absolutists themselves.”  So what she attempts to do here is to simply ridicule those of us who don’t trust her and the many others who wish to disarm us.

And of course Hitlery also criticized Republican presidential candidates who argued after the shooting in Oregon that relaxed gun laws could have either prevented the attack or saved lives. Hitlery totally discounted such a notion saying, “The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive.”  Though Hitlery is calling for unilateral executive action to create new gun laws now, it was as a presidential candidate back in 2008 that then-New York U.S. Senator actually spoke out against setting such “blanket rules” governing guns at the federal level.

You see, it was during an April 2008 debate with then-Illinois U.S. Sen. Barry “Almighty” that Hitlery said, “You know, we have a set of rules in New York City and we have a totally different set of rules in the rest of the state. What might work in New York City is certainly not going to work in Montana.”  And she went on to add, “So, for the federal government to be having any kind of, you know, blanket rules that they’re going to try to impose, I think doesn’t make sense.”  So am I to understand then that that which did not make sense to her in 2008 has now come to make complete sense to her in 2015?

So, am I the only one who sees it as being at least a little hypocritical that while Hitlery enthusiastically assails an organization that defends the right of all Americans to protect and defend themselves, it is just as enthusiastically, if not more so, that she chooses to defend an organization which has actually participated first in the murder and then dismemberment of hundreds of thousands of babies every single year for the last 40 years.  And an organization that also chooses to harvest body parts from these murdered babies that are then sold for a profit.  Now I ask you, which organization do you think more closely resembles a group of terrorists or Communists?

And I guess I continue to fail to understand just how it is that Democrats like Hitlery are able to see themselves as being morally justified in calling for the end of the NRA, an organization that is responsible for zero deaths, while at the same time rushing to the defense of Planned Parenthood, an organization that has physically taken part not only in the death of millions of innocent babies but also in the selling off of their body parts as well.  It simply makes no sense.  And yet, that is the path upon which they have chosen to embark and feel completely justified in doing so.  And they remain oblivious to their hypocrisy.

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