

Friday, October 16, 2015


These days it seems that no matter where one chooses to look across the world, there is at least some level of turmoil underway no matter where you look, with some areas being far worse off than others.  And even in those areas where things have been relatively quiet for decades, trouble now seems to be erupting.  And yet John Kerry-Heinz feels quite content to walk around with his chest out and his head held high for no other reason than because he has allowed himself to be made a fool by the Red Chinese on the issue of bogus ‘climate change’.

You see, it was this past Thursday that our in-way-over-his-head Secretary of State, the esteemed John Kerry-Heinz, stated that when he took up his current post, all previous attempts to cooperate with Red China on the issue of ‘climate change’ had been “nonstarters.”  This idiotic attempt to blow his own horn took place just two days after his less than stellar predecessor, Hitlery Clinton, siting what I can only guess was one of her many significant ‘accomplishments’, said her tenure had seen an important climate breakthrough with the Red Chinese.

It was during a speech that he gave at Indiana University John Kerry-Heinz tried his best to blow his own horn saying, “To be honest, when I became secretary of state, I was told that climate change was not likely to be a promising area for diplomacy.”  This imbecilic dolt went on to say, “And China was a big part of the reason, because we had been completely opposed to each other at the last global meeting on climate in Copenhagen [in 2009].”  Somehow I’m just not seeing this as being an accomplishment of actual significance.  Is it me?

Kerry-Heinz did his best to advance the argument that the U.S. and Red China together account for almost 50 percent of the world’s emissions of greenhouse gases which those on the left continue to blame for our next great apocalypse, ‘climate change’.  Kerry-Heinz said that “earlier efforts at [bilateral climate] cooperation were nonstarters, so shortly after I was sworn in [on February 1, 2013] … I think I went to China in late March, early April.”  He took great pleasure in slapping himself on the back for having engineered such a farce.

Kerry-Heinz said he proposed to the Chinese the start of regular, formal discussions on climate. Later (in October 2014), he invited State Councilor Yang Jiechi to his Boston home for talks “about what more our nations could do together in order to tackle the problem.”  He said, “And then in January [sic – it was actually November 2014], after we’d laid the groundwork, President Obama went to Beijing for further talks.”  That visit led to a joint announcement by Barry and Red Chinese President Xi Jinping of an agreement that saw China for the first time ‘agree’ to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Kerry-Heinz, who has been very busy sounding the ‘climate change/global warming’ alarm bells for decades, described the Beijing announcement as “a dramatic moment of transformation” and a “symbolic breakthrough.”  During the Democrat presidential debate this past Tuesday night, those watching heard Hitlery say that working with other countries on combating ‘climate change’ is “exactly what I’ve been doing,” and then shared an anecdote about the same 2009 U.N. climate conference that Kerry-Heinz referenced in his speech in Indiana.

Hitlery said, “When we met in Copenhagen in 2009 and, literally, President Obama and I were hunting for the Chinese, going throughout this huge convention center, because we knew we had to get them to agree to something.  Because there will be no effective efforts against climate change unless China and India join with the rest of the world. They told us they’d left for the airport; we found out they were having a secret meeting. We marched up, we broke in, we said, ‘We’ve been looking all over for you. Let’s sit down and talk about what we need to do.’”  She added, “And we did come up with the first international agreement that China has signed.”

But the fact is global warming alarmists everywhere actually view Copenhagen – and the agreement Hitlery cited – as being pretty much of a failure.  Barry himself, after initially hailing the accord, said just a few days later that “people are justified in being disappointed about the outcome in Copenhagen.”  This agreement that was so proudly touted by Hitlery, was not legally binding.  And despite what Hitlery claimed it was not actually “signed” by Red China. It was not even endorsed by the participating nations, but was instead “taken note of,” in U.N. parlance.

And it was the U.N.’s top climate alarmist, some moron by the name of Yvo De Boer, who explained at the time that “taking note of” a document was “a way of recognizing that something is there, but not going so far as to directly associate yourself with it.”  What a bunch of U.N. drivel.  While I will admit that there may be some form of ‘climate change’ underway, unlike Kerry-Heinz, I refuse to take any amount of responsibility for it, simply because I see it as something which occurs naturally, and will continue to occur through no fault of man.

Putin, as you may have heard, recently described the team of incompetent boobs that we now have in charge of our foreign policy as having brains made of mush.  Now I must admit it’s not all very often that I find myself agreeing with old Vlad, but in this particular instance, I gotta tell ya, it’s rather difficult not to.  In fact his assessment of these morons might even have been a bit of an understatement.  I mean, really, how can you look at the job being done by Barry, Kerry-Heinz, or even Hitlery for that matter, and not see someone possessing a brain full of mush?

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