

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Those who reside in Hollywood are most certainly a bizarre bunch.  Literally addicted to the spotlight, they will say or do just about anything to keep the spotlight shining on them for as long as possible.  And nothing ever seems to be considered as crossing the line of civility.  And it seems that the older they get and further removed from memory they become, the more desperate they become to rekindle their glory days.  And thus the more apt they are to try to shock people into remembering them. 

One of those who can be considered as being a perfect example of one desperate for attention is none other Bette Midler. It was her effort to gain for herself a little PR that she recently chose to shoot off her rather sizable mouth proving that she is not known for her brain-power.  But then none of these Hollywood types are known for possessing much intelligence, and yet, for some idiotic reason they always feel that they are worthy of being someone that the rest of us should pay attention to.   

Anyway, recently the esteemed Ms. Midler lamented her belief that we have reached a point in time where we must show allegiance to the NRA or “shut the f**k up.”  Midler did this via a tweet, in which she wrote: “Gee, I guess the USA is really governed by the NRA. The rest of us just have to live the way they let us and shut the f**k up.”  Ah yes, Ms. Midler seems to be quite the classy lady.  Not!  What she is, is just another no talent has-been looking for applause from absolutely anyone.

Her juvenile little tweet was clearly made in reference to gun control’s failure to gain traction in the wake of the attack that took place in gun free facilities at Umpqua Community College on October 1.  Since that attack, the push to expand background checks to more gun sales has been taken up in earnest, this  despite the fact that the gunman, Chris Harper Mercer, proved the impotency of this simplistic approach by passing the necessary background checks to acquire his weapons.

Old Bette reacted in a similar fashion when expanded background checks failed to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary attack.  It was back on April 17, 2013 that she joined Jason Alexander, actress Rashida Jones, comedian Richard Lewis, and other washed up Hollywood types by lambasting the Senate’s failure to act and suggested that those who had voted against gun control would be voted out of office in coming elections.

This refugee from a mental ward said, “Today, US SENATE VOTED AGAINST 91% OF THE COUNTRY THAT WANTS BACKGROUND CHECKS. WE ARE TAKING NAMES, MOTHERF**KERS!!” Conversely, pro-gun Republicans enjoyed landslide victories in the House and Senate, as well as in gubernatorial races and state legislatures, during the 2014 mid-term elections. Democrat Senators from red states who supported the background check push were largely voted out of office.

Those who are part of Ms. Midler sophomoric little clique seem not to have noticed that those to favored what she and her Hollywood hypocrite friends supported got voted from office.  Such leftist as Senators Mark Udall (D-CO), Kay Hagan (D-NC), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) were sent home by the voters. And those denied higher office included anti-Second Amendment Democrats vying for open seats–candidates like Michelle Nunn (D-GA) and Bruce Braley (D-Iowa).

Frankly I simply don’t understand these narcissistic Hollywood types.  They spend the vast majority of their time ridiculing those of us who, at the same time, they continue to expect to pay rapidly escalating ticket prices in order to see their movies or to hear them in concert.  And frankly, I’ve stopped doing both.  These day I refuse to go to movies and I can’t remember the last time I went to a concert the star of which wasn’t some country star.  I’m through subsidizing their outrageous and insidious behavior!  

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