

Friday, October 2, 2015


Sounding increasing like the proverbial broken record that we have come to know regarding this particular issue, Barry “Almighty” was quick to seize on yet another opportunity to exploit a tragedy in his effort to finally succeed at forever removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens.  He wasted little time is using the Oregon community college shooting as yet another example of what he claims is the need for much stricter gun laws.  And without offering any specifics, a grim Barry, on Thursday, insisted that Americans can "actually do something" to prevent the kind of mass shooting that took place at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon.

In what has become his standard arrogant tone, Barry threatened, "And each time this happens I'm going to bring this up."  And of course he went on to say, "Each time this happens I am going to say that we can actually do something about it, but we're going to have to change our laws. And this is not something I can do by myself. I've got to have a Congress and I've got to have state legislatures and governors who are willing to work with me on this."  But I am curious about something, since when has Barry ever sought to work ‘with’ anybody, usually the only thing he wants to have happen is for people to simply shut up and do exactly what he tells them to do.

Regarding this latest incident we had was a 26-year-old man who, besides hoping for a little notoriety also apparently hated Christians, went out and shot several people, killing nine and wounding seven others, some critically, before the police finally shot and killed him on the rural campus of Umpqua Community College.  But let’s face it, if this nut hadn’t had a gun, he would have had something else.  But one interesting aspect here is how neither Barry, nor any of his stellar team of misfits, crooks and liars, has made any mention of the fact that this shooter seemed to take particular interest in Christians.  After all, those were the ones he chose to shoot.

Barry said, "Our thoughts and prayers" for the victims are not enough.  And he went on to say, "This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.”  He said, "When Americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to make mines safer. When Americans are killed in floods and hurricanes, we make communities safer. When roads are unsafe, we fix them to reduce auto fatalities. We have seatbelt laws because we know it saves lives.”  But as usually the Barry ignores completely the role played by our Constitution.

And on Barry droned, going on to say, "So the notion that gun violence is somehow different, that our freedom and our Constitution prohibits any modest regulation of how we use a deadly weapon, when there are law-abiding gun owners all across the country who could hunt and protect their families and do everything they do under such regulations doesn't make sense."  Now of course Barry didn’t bother explaining what he means by "modest regulation."  But it should be noted that as of this past August, Oregon now has a law requiring universal background checks, something Barry is known to support.  So what sort of “modest regulation” does Barry have in mind?

And Barry, also on Thursday, asked the American people "to think about how they can get our government to change these laws, and to save lives, and to let young people grow up. And that will require a change of politics on this issue. And it will require that the American people, individually, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican or an independent, when you decide to vote for somebody, are making a determination as to whether this cause of continuing death for innocent people should be a relevant factor in your decision. If you think this is a problem, then you should expect your elected officials to reflect your views."

And of course, as is usually the case with this guy, Barry also blasted "those who oppose any kind of common-sense gun legislation."  He said, "Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out: We need more guns, they'll argue. Fewer gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that?" he asked, insisting that polls indicate "the majority of Americans understand we should be changing these laws -- including the majority of responsible, law-abiding gun owners."  And, of course, Barry also took his typical pot shots at the National Rifle Association (NRA), which advocates lawful, responsible gun ownership, as guaranteed by our Second Amendment.

In making his typical reference to the NRA, Barry said, "And I would particularly ask America's gun owners -- who are using those guns properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, for protecting their families -- to think about whether your views are properly being represented by the organization that suggests it's speaking for you."  Such is the caliber of drivel that we have come to expect from a guy who views those killed in such tragedies as being nothing more than a means to his end, while he does his best to portray the NRA as holding some sort of spell over us.  But were it not for the NRA, politicians like Barry would have long ago gutted the Second Amendment. 

And ya know, if all these anti-gun politicians like Barry were really so interested in solving problems instead of using such tragedies to push their own leftist political agenda, they would have to work to address the underlying problem.  Barry, as most folks already know, has a history of politicizing high-profile mass shootings such as the one in Oregon while ignoring the carnage taking place in Chicago, in Barry's home state.  And you're not going to change the Second Amendment. I have a right to protect myself because there are crazed animals like this guy in Oregon. There are people like that who will come after innocent people for no reason.

And who does Barry think he is to deny me the ability to protect myself and my family if I live out in a rural area, like Douglas County, Oregon, where the nearest cop is 40 miles away? I can't have a gun in my house to protect my family?  My family that isn’t protected 24/7 by gun carrying Secret Service agents!  So FUCK him!  And ya know, I’m a little surprised that most of these pathetic Democrats don’t consider the victims of such shootings as simply being the equivalent to really late term abortions, but then I guess that would conflict with their desire for stricter gun control.  After all, stricter gun laws have worked so well in places like Chicago and Baltimore. 

And you can call me a conspiracy nut if you chose to, but as far as I’m concerned these ‘gun-free’ zones that are mandated by ‘safety conscious’ liberals for a very simple reason.  They are put into place in the specific hope that just such tragedies will occur because it gives them even more ammunition (no pun intended) for going after the Second Amendment.  And the sad truth of all this is that, like immigration laws, if the gun laws that we already have on the books were aggressively enforced, the likelihood of such incidents might actually be reduced.  But nope, we can’t enforce laws already on the books, we need to come up with more restrictive laws.

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